Lord Highlander

Chapter 1058 1044. Those Things in the Barracks

In the big tent of the military camp, a group of commanders discussed the next battle plan beside Suldak. After entering the Sai Ruoman Plateau, the problem of the shortage of logistics supplies was solved, and the coalition forces could finally continue to advance eastward.

There are almost no mountains on the Sai Ruoman Plateau, and there are vast grasslands everywhere, and the coalition forces are not constrained by the water source problem, which gives the coalition forces countless possibilities for the route they can choose.

Suldak originally wanted the army to go all the way to the east, and push it all the way wherever it went. This is the most conservative battle plan, and it can steadily fight all the way to the easternmost town of Ake.

It was originally set like this.

However, the battle in the small town of Rees gave the commanders of the various lord armies many other ideas.

The battle was too simple. After the heavy cavalry rushed into the town and strangled a group of hellhounds who resisted in groups, the low-level demons in the town became useless. What followed was more like a hunt .

The fight was simply too easy, so the commanders' ideas began to become unrestrained.

Since a lord army can solve the land loss problem, why share the spoils with others?

Especially after this heavy cavalry entered the town of Rees, they found that although all the people in the town were dead, this place...is simply a gold mine.

Although the people living in this town are still struggling with food and clothing, the wealth accumulated by the nobles in the town is unimaginable.

Because everyone has overlooked one thing before, that is, the entire Sai Ruoman Plateau is a prairie with an area of ​​about 5,000 square kilometers.

The pasture here is suitable for raising scaled horses. It is such a unique advantage that the MacDonnell family lord army has nearly 10,000 heavy cavalry and 20,000 light cavalry. In terms of the number of cavalry, it is twice the total number of cavalry of the Luthor Legion.

But having such a prairie is not just a matter of having a large number of cavalry.

Plane wars have occurred frequently in recent years. In order to ensure that their planes will not fall into the hands of the dark abyss forces, the lords continue to expand their private armies.

Young warriors can be recruited in the territory, but most of the lords have to buy high-quality horses from outside.

But there must be some problems left over from history, involving the grievances of many wealthy and noble families, and there are also issues of high-level standing in line.

For example, Duke Newman has always been a staunch ally of the Busman family, but Duke Ryan has made enemies everywhere in recent decades, and has completely fallen out with the grand dukes in the western provinces. Now the Benar Legion is still stationed in the Warsaw plane , which led to the province of Bena wanting to buy war horses, which was firmly resisted by the Western Union.

This ban on sales has seriously affected the formation of cavalry by the noble lords in the province of Bena.

The price of high-quality war horses in the horse market in Bena Province has always remained high. Even Gu Bolai's horses have reached 20 gold a horse, and scale horses are even scarcer even if money can't buy them.

It was in such a situation that the nobles living on the Sai Ruoman Plateau were actually very rich.

Although some nobles fled the town with a lot of wealth before the town was broken by the demons of hell, there are always some things that cannot be taken away or taken away in time.

In the small town of Rees, a heavy cavalry who captured the town found in the noble manor that even the handrails of the stairs were covered with gold patterns, and many of the decorations were gold and silver artifacts...

There was almost a bloody conflict with the infantry regiment that then rushed into the manor.

Everyone doesn't want their own piece of cake to be shared by others. Of course, there is also a trade-off for their own strength.

Then the battle plan that Suldak and the commanders made before seems to be less in line with everyone's interests.

"The mage group has already searched the eastern area of ​​the Sai Ruoman Plateau, and basically no large-scale demon army was found, and some scattered small groups of cavemen and hellhounds are also extremely scattered, and it is not worth rushing to clean them up , sending a cavalry squadron along the way can easily solve it.”

Commander of the Collins Corps said.

On the plateau, the advantage of the cavalry in the legion was suddenly magnified several times.

In contrast, the role of the heavy armored infantry regiment is much smaller.

The small towns that the Collins Corps mainly attacked were at the bottom, so the commander of the Collins Corps, the Earl of Kent, hoped to win the task of clearing up these small groups of hell dogs scattered all over the grassland.

The Crypt Man doesn't have any valuable materials on him, and he is good at hiding in the ground. No one wants to do such a laborious and unprofitable thing. However, if you want to wipe out the hellhounds, you must clean up the Crypt Man in this area at the same time. , which is unavoidable.

A commander with a thin face but almost as tall as Suldak stood up and proposed to Suldak:

"Commander Suldak, I have a suggestion. Since these small towns are not as dangerous as imagined, and there are no large groups of demon troops along the way, why not divide our troops to attack these small towns."

After finishing speaking, he leaned over and pointed to the small towns circled in red on the map, and continued:

"Everyone, please see that our current position is here. If we divide our troops into ten groups, it will be like two big hands covering the western part of the plateau, and we can almost wipe out all the hell demons scattered on the grassland along the way."

The other commanders nodded and said after listening:

"Yes, this will not only be more efficient, but also clean up the scattered demons on the grassland."

"I also agree with Commander Mesca's proposal."

"Me too!"

The noble titles of these lord army commanders are all higher than Suldak's. In this kind of military meeting, there was no need to propose such a tactful battle plan.

But Suldak is the commander appointed by the military department, especially led the infantry regiment to capture Mukuso, and has 25,000 heavy armored infantry in his hands. Miss Hathaway's fiancé.

Therefore, the commanders of the various lord armies, even if they were all earls, were more polite to Suldak, and usually did not rely on their titles to suppress others.

Suldak looked up at the commanders around him, and asked, "Do you all want to divide your troops to attack various small towns?"

"We have also discussed this matter in private, and it is more in the interests of our legions." The tall and thin Mesca commander admitted.

Suldak nodded and said, "Since everyone thinks it's better to do this, then... I agree, what do I need to coordinate?"

Commander Meska said to Suldak again: "Commander Suldak, I wonder if each legion can arrange two mages to assist us?"

Indeed, with the assistance of the mages, these lord legions will become more flexible and mobile on the plateau.

"Okay, I'll discuss this with Archmage Harper." Suldak nodded in agreement.

The commanders didn't expect Suldak to agree to the new combat plan so readily, almost all of them showed joy at the same time.

After all, no one wants to spend too long on this plateau...

Suldak raised a hand and said to the group of commanders gathered in front of the map: "But I still hope that everyone can maintain a certain combat power so that they can deal with any emergencies."

He stretched out his hand and drew four arrows on the map, then said:

"The thirteen lord armies are divided into four groups and march eastward at the same time... After all, even if you are divided into ten groups, the paths taken by some legions may overlap!"

"The Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment may move slower, so we will arrange it in the middle and lead the army merchant group eastward."

Considering that some hell demons might suddenly appear on the plateau, Suldak proposed to divide the thirteen lord armies into four groups.

Since the lord army pairs had already established their priorities before, seeing that it should be possible to go separately like this, the commanders of each legion nodded in agreement.

After the battle plan was reset, the commanders breathed a sigh of relief.

Then everyone talked about the Constructed Swordsman Corps that entered the Sai Ruoman Plateau ahead of schedule.

"Is there any news from the Great Swordsman Quintus and the Great Swordsman Chester?" Commander Kent asked Suldak.

"The news from the mage group only said that after destroying the demon gate in Ake town, the constructed swordsman group is chasing and killing the demons and black mages who escaped from Ake town in the wilderness." Su Erdak responded.

When the commanders heard the news, the crowd was excited, and some commanders even said loudly: "The construction swordsman group not only destroyed the demon gate over there? They also hunted down those black magicians on the plateau?"

"Did Master Harper say how we need to cooperate?" Commander Owen asked Suldak curiously.

"There are no special requirements over there." Suldak shook his head and said, then remembered something, and hurriedly said: "There is news from the mage group that two-headed hellhounds were found in the mountains north of the town. , is the commander interested in sending someone to deal with it?"


None of the commanders of the legions answered.

Cleaning up this kind of hellhound hidden in the mountains, unless it is an experienced scout team, is a hard job for every legion.

Now that the march plan has been finalized, the commanders naturally don't want to send the elite squad to this kind of mission.

Suldak had no choice but to turn his head, and Samira, who was whispering to Siya in the corner of the marching tent, said, "Samila, take a light cavalry squad to check it out."

Samira raised her head and said lightly, "Oh, I got it!"

Walking out of the big tent, he called out to the two-headed ogre who was packing his luggage: "Gulitum, come with me for a walk in the mountains over there..."

The two-headed ogre looked north toward the forested mountains and asked curiously, "What are we going to do?"

Samira walked towards the north gate of the camp without looking back, and said casually, "Hunting... I heard that the grouse over there tastes pretty good!"

The two-headed ogre quickly put down a large bag of dry food, and strode to catch up.

Holding the slender waist of the half-elf archer with both hands, let her sit on his broad shoulders, and happily said loudly: "How could such a thing be missed!"

After speaking, he strode across the camp and headed towards the mountains in the north.

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