Lord Highlander

Chapter 106

The noisy camp finally fell silent after dusk.

The catapults that were originally parked at the entrance of the expeditionary army camp, all entered the battlefield under the drag of hundreds of mules and horses.

Currently there are only a few fighters who have switched defenses in the camp, and these teams will return to the battlefield after a short rest.

Most of the teams who came back from the front line to change defenses had some casualties.

The captains would go to the recruit camp to select new recruits and inject new blood into their team. These recruits can only be honed into experienced veterans after going through dozens or even hundreds of battles.

The recruit battalion in the expeditionary army camp is also divided into infantry battalion and cavalry battalion. In this battle of Moyunling, the heavy cavalry regiment is the regiment with the largest losses so far. They have been fighting the evil spirits head-on these days. Although there are bed crossbows on the high ground Carried out long-range fire suppression, and there were longbow shooters in the rear to help out, but these heavy cavalry did not have the advantage they should have.

For this matter, Marquis Solomon Bowen wrote a letter to the Duke of Benar, hoping to transfer two more Constructed Knights from the main battlefield to join the battle.

The task of the fourth brigade is to guard the bed crossbow position.

In the last few large-scale battles, the position where the bed crossbow regiment was located was not attacked by the large army of evil spirits, and the only two night attacks were easily resolved by the infantry soldiers guarding the position. Therefore, among these teams that switched defenses, the fourth battalion suffered the smallest battle loss among the infantry regiments.

The performance of the second squad of the fourth brigade was even more exaggerated, and the damage in the last few battles has been zero. Therefore, in the 57th Regiment, the second team was dubbed the "Clover Team".

In the fourth brigade, there is also a warrior squad that is exactly the opposite of the second squad. The damage of this squad is notoriously high each time, and those who can survive are basically a few veterans in the squad. The serial number of this squad in the Fourth Brigade is Thirteen, but few people call it Thirteen Squad, and more people like to call this squad the Reaper Squad.

The full name of the captain of this Death Squad is Kelly Abe, and everyone is used to calling him Abe. Although Suldak is not familiar with Abe, everyone knows him.

This Captain Abbe is usually taciturn most of the time, and he always does not forget to exercise his physical fitness when he is resting. After a long time, he has trained himself into a muscular body, and his body is quite burly. In terms of strength, he has already surpassed After passing the bottleneck of a ninth-level fighter, it's just that I haven't been able to realize my own 'power', and I haven't been able to become a first-rank fighter.

Among the many small captains of the Fourth Brigade, Abbe is considered by everyone to be the 'strongest fighter' in one turn.

It’s just that this Captain Abbe likes to measure other soldiers in the team by his own strength. He not only likes to lead the way in battle, but also likes to take risks. As a result, his team has a very high battle loss rate, and it is one of the teams that recruits are most afraid of joining. one.

This time, the candidate for the deputy squadron leader of the sixth squadron of the fourth brigade was selected, and the name of Carey Abbe was impressively written on the list.

It was only then that Suldak realized how powerful his opponent was, and he took part in the reserve knight exam with Abbe, which made Suldak feel a little guilty.

But it seems that Carey Abbe is not from Baron Sidney's family, at least Baron Sidney did not choose him.

In addition to this Abe, another strong competitor of Suldak is Laurent Goss, a small nobleman in a remote town in the Tarapakan area. He is a remote offshoot of the Goss family. A declining third-class noble baron.

Although he is similar to Baron Sidney and is a relative of Earl Mond Goss, this man actually came to the battlefield to be gilded. Before he went to the battlefield, he had never even ridden a horse. As the captain of the fourth brigade, he also wanted to give it a go.

As long as he thinks that his competitor is actually a relative of Earl Mond Goss, Suldak will feel a little discouraged. How can this be compared?

No matter how poor he is, he is still an aristocrat, but he is just a commoner. The huge gap brought about by the class is like a mountain that cannot be climbed in front of Suldak.

At night, Suldak couldn't sleep, so he yelled He Boqiang, and the two of them lay flat on the flatbed truck next to the material pile outside the tent to feed the mosquitoes. The smell of mint grass can't stop the invasion of the mosquito army.

But the 'Shield of Blessing' has some wonderful effects. Every time a mosquito tries to land on Suldak's skin, a layer of faint silver light will light up, like a firefly in the dark night, quickly scaring the mosquito away. Walk.

Suldak stretched out high, let the stars in the sky stay in his fingers, looked at the star map in the night sky, and said to He Boqiang:

"Little Duck, otherwise I'd better give up. In fact, I was going to choose to go home at the beginning!"

He Boqiang actually wanted to say: 'Okay, let's go back to Roland Continent and take a look together'.

To be honest, after coming to this magical continent, he has never had the experience of crossing planes and crossing the gate of time and space. There is no intuitive feeling for the gap between them, so I don't think Suldak must become a knight.

What left He Boqiang speechless was that Suldak had already imagined his answer at this time: (Don't give up, you must hold on)

"...You mean that since you have made a choice, you must stick to it to the end?" Suldak said again.

He Boqiang rolled his eyes, a little powerless to complain, so let him go.

In many cases, the other party just needs a loyal listener and timely encouragement.

Suldak turned over, looked at a tent not far away, pointed to the tent and said to He Boqiang: "Have you seen Abe? It's the muscular man in our brigade. You probably don't know that he is in the camp." There is so much violence on the battlefield, I will definitely not be able to beat him."

He Boqiang waved his hand casually.

"You mean that Baron Sidney will fight for favorable conditions for me?" Suldak's eyes lit up, and he immediately cheered up, and said, "Hey, that's right, we are not even afraid of evil spirits! Hehe!"

From the beginning to the end, Suldak was alone talking to himself, but it could be seen that he was very good at comforting himself, and quickly let his impetuous mood settle down.

"But even if Abe is settled, so what? Lawrence Goss is a distant relative of Earl Mond Goss..." Suldak said, frowning again.

This time, He Boqiang decided to express his opinion. He wrote in charcoal on the flatbed cart, ‘The Earl has many relatives. '

Suldak followed the twilight of the lighthouse of the arrow tower in the camp, barely saw the words written by He Boqiang clearly, and said in agreement:

"That's true. Earl Mond Goss has many relatives. The one who died outside the forest camp a few days ago is also his relative. This time there is another one. Everyone always thinks that the Warsaw plane is a digger. Jinchang, but they don’t know that at our level, there are far more dead than alive.”

Suldak's last sentence did not refer to those relatives of Earl Mond Goss, but to all the people who came to the Warsaw plane.

Especially for the civilians at the bottom, the status quo is like this. Of course, there are a lot of opportunities to make money, and danger and opportunity always coexist.

Some ferocious beasts can be seen everywhere in the mountains and forests. They don't know luxurious medals and glittering gold coins. They prefer to eat fresh meat.

There are also those aborigines who were driven into the mountains by the imperial soldiers, and they have a heartfelt hatred for the imperial people.

The most dangerous, of course, are those evil spirits. At present, the war between the Warsaw plane and the evil spirit army has reached a life-and-death juncture. It is no longer possible to survive by retreating. noodle.

With all kinds of worries about tomorrow's reserve knight exam, Suldak fell into a deep sleep.

But He Boqiang was not sleepy at all for the time being, he looked up at the sky full of stars, and always felt that the many nodes in his body were like the star map in the night sky in front of him.

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