Lord Highlander

Chapter 1062: 1048. Shadow Demon

"Dark, do you want to call back the Constructed Swordsmen?" Archmage Harper stood in the barracks and asked Suldak.

This Samp town is obviously more difficult to attack than those towns in the past. Since the most elite constructed swordsman group of the Luthor Legion is on the Sai Ruoman Plateau, there is no reason to abandon it.

Suldak hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Not for now, let the heavy armored infantry regiment try it first!"

He brought twenty catapults this time, which are powerful siege weapons. With black powder kegs and flints, they may not need the support of the Constructed Swordsmen.

Archmage Harper nodded, put away the magic memory crystal in his hand, held a short wand in his hand again, and said, "Okay, if you need my cooperation, just come to me."

Suldak hurriedly saluted Archmage Harper politely, and said:

"Thank you for your support."

Archmage Harper turned and walked out of the barracks...


The Heavy Armored Infantry Corps set up camp on the west bank of Bellanoma Lake, five kilometers away from the town of Samp.

Not only because it is convenient to get water here, but Suldak is also planning to make some sheepskin rafts, so that the soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment can secretly land on the leather rafts from the south bank of Bellanoma Lake. This is also the northern pier of Samp Town. There are also high walls, but no demon servants are seen guarding them.

Those business groups also set up camp on the north side of the military camp.

Due to the deep entry into the enemy's battlefield this time, in order to be able to get the shelter of the heavy armored infantry regiment, the merchant group camp is almost next to the heavy armored infantry battalion.

Before the war, entertainment venues such as mobile taverns and triangular tents where you can eat cookies and drink milk tea were closed, and only stalls selling daggers, leather goods, armor pieces and other supplies were set up.

At this time, no one dared to add trouble to Suldak's heart.

An invisible pressure not only enveloped the military camp, but even the business group felt a little out of breath.

They even regretted it a little. If they had known the situation here was so bad, they should have stayed in the small town of Reese for an extra week before setting off. By then, the outcome would probably be decided.

Now, just looking at the continuous dispatch of scout teams in the barracks, and hearing that the adventure group has been attacked outside the city one after another, one knows that the cleanup of the low-level demons outside the city of Samp Town is not going so smoothly, and the counterattacks made by the demons are also very sharp. of.

This time, those hellhounds seemed to have finally grown their brains, and the adventure group was a little caught off guard after several ambushes.

The scout team of the barracks also encountered some troubles, so Suldak had to double the number of scout teams that went out to patrol, and there were mages watching the sky.

The responsibility of the scouting team is to sort out the deserted meadows outside Samp Town, lest there are any invisible holes leading to the town. If an army of hell demons suddenly burst out during the siege, they will fight against the demons of Samp Town Cooperating inside and outside, making dumplings for the heavy armored infantry regiment... That's the real trouble.

Surdak was standing on the grass by the lake, just in time to see the bases of a row of catapults on the grass by the lake.

The craftsmen responsible for assembling the catapults in the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment have already begun to assemble these unusually heavy catapults. This kind of siege equipment is quite powerful when combined with flint and black powder kegs.

The huge wheel bases of these catapults were pulled all the way by war horses.

Because this kind of catapult is very heavy, the magic parts are worried about being damaged due to road bumps during transportation. Only the huge throwing arm is still installed on the catapult, and the rest of the parts have basically been dismantled and pulled here by a four-wheeled carriage.

In order to transport the twenty catapults to Sangpu Town, Suerdak invested one hundred and twenty ancient Bolai war horses.

Before attacking Sangpu Town, the craftsmen in the catapult battalion quickly assembled the catapult. This is also a big card in Suldak's hand. Isn't there a black powder barrel?

A catapult has been assembled and is being tested over the grass.

Suldak thought of the catapult craftsman John who fled together after the failure of the Battle of Moyunling in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane, and he didn't know how this guy was doing now.

In the afternoon, Suldak summoned seventeen infantry commanders from the heavy armored infantry regiment to hold a battle meeting in Sangpu Town in the barracks tent.

The infantry regiment leaders all had experience in siege in Hatangada Town. This battle meeting was not too serious. There is no forest, and the planks carried in the barracks are very limited.

But the ladder still needs to be built, and it is impossible to break into Sangpu Town with just one gate.

Suldak looked up at the bearded Edgar sitting at the front, and said, "Edgar, you are in charge of making a few sheepskin rafts this time, Ned, you are in charge of modifying the ladder car, and I will provide the wood. Think of ways to."

Ned Mosby quickly replied: "Yes!"

Edgar the Bearded took the initiative to stand up and said to Suldak: "Commander Suldak, we don't need a sheepskin raft this time. I saw some boats moored on the pier north of Samp Town. I took some men up the lake and stole the fishing boats back."

It is about five kilometers away from Samp Town, and the other side of the lake is just a very thin line. I really don't know how the bearded Edgar found out that there are fishing boats there.

However, fishing boats are obviously more reliable than sheepskin rafts, and the soldiers in the heavy armored infantry regiment are basically members of the resistance army. They have lived in the dense forest in the southern part of the Ganbu plane all year round and can operate boats.

After the combat meeting, as soon as Suldak stepped out of the big tent of the barracks, he saw six soldiers from the scouting team rushing over carrying stretchers.

Suldak hastily called Siya, and hurried up to meet her.

Suldak rushed over and found that the injured was actually a swordsman from the adventure group. He was lying on a stretcher, covered in blood, and his throat was cut open. The hemostatic bandage is carried here and no one is dead.

A water magician was running out of breath, tears had wiped out her make-up, she wasn't ugly, but she wasn't a beauty either, so she kept performing hydrotherapy on the swordsman.

Suldak didn't expect that there were water magicians in this adventure group. It seemed that the scale of this adventure group was not small.

"Commander, please save our regiment leader!" The female magician rushed up, tightly grasping Suldak's arm, and begged.

Suldak broke free a little, but didn't.

I thought: Do you want me to save you, or do you not want me to save you?

After the female magician finished speaking, she pulled out a wooden box from her magic pocket and smashed it to the ground with a bang.

It is full of heads of hellhounds, and it looks good. Obviously, someone ordered the treatment to pay for this.

The people carrying the stretcher were soldiers from the scout squad in the barracks. Suldak held up a ball of Holy Light while looking at them, wondering how they brought them to the barracks. If the merchant group and Everyone in the adventure group was injured and came to him for treatment, so he, the commander, might as well switch to a healer.

The captain of the scouting team understood Suldak's meaning at a glance, stepped forward quickly, and explained quickly:

"Commander, we were surrounded by a group of hell dogs and demon servants three kilometers southeast of Sangpu Town. At the beginning, we still had an advantage, so we wanted to chop off the heads of the hell dogs and bring them back. , But later, some demon servants among them may have worn invisibility cloaks and held two daggers, we couldn't see them at all, and stabbed several of us in succession!"

"We fought and retreated with our injured companions. Later, we met their adventure group. The leader of the adventure group led people to rescue us, but his throat was cut by the invisible demon. Please... save him!"

Suldak wiped his nose and said lightly:

"Bring him in..."

At this time, the wounded soldiers of the scouting team limped back from outside the camp...

"Let them come in too." Suldak said standing at the door of the big tent in the barracks.

The treatment process is not that complicated.

The blessing of the Holy Light Technique and the Blessed Body quickly formed a film of oil on the opening of the swordsman's throat, and stopped the bleeding of the broken blood vessels. Although the swordsman's face was a little pale, he was fine. , but it is necessary to cultivate for a week.

After the adventure group left the camp, Suldak called the captain of the scout team into the tent of the barracks, saying:

"Tell me, what happened to you, this is not a wound that can be caused by hellhounds and crypt men."

The scout captain said to Suldak tremblingly: "We don't know, that guy just flashed out at the moment of killing people, and then disappeared with a 'swoosh', and he couldn't find it at all..."

The armor of the heavy armored infantry regiment all had neck guards. No one had their throats cut, but several had blood holes pierced on their bodies.

The head of the swordsman of the adventure group was wearing leather armor. Although the leather breastplate was a magic pattern structure, the armor piece on the neck had his throat cut accidentally...

"Okay, got it!"

Suldak waved to the scout captain and let him go out.

Then he ordered Edgar who was standing aside: "Captain Edgar, please go and inform the rest of the scouting team, and ask them to be careful when they go out on patrol, and don't risk your life because of a few hellhound heads." take them all in"

"Obey, Commander."

The bearded Edgar hurried out of the tent.

Samira also followed the bearded Edgar to the outside of the tent, but she didn't go far, and stood guard at the tent door.

Inside the tent, Suldak opened the curtain of the treatment area, and asked Aphrodite standing inside:

"Aphrodite, do you think that assassin is an advanced demon servant?"

"How could it be a demon servant? Even if the hellhound grows three heads, they can't have invisibility. That should be a shadow demon. Didn't you see it once in the magic tower in Mukuso City?" Aphrodite Sitting on the treatment bed, he said to Suldak with a smile.


Suldak didn't speak.

At that time, he only saw the head of a shadow demon that had not completely died in the storage room of the shattered space, and that head left a deep impression on him.

He didn't expect that what the scouting team would meet in the wild would be a shadow demon proficient in assassination methods.

"Can they run back alive after meeting the Shadow Demon?" Suldak asked a little puzzled.

"Don't think of them as a group of omnipotent assassins. They are just mage killers. As long as you know how to deal with them, they have nothing but good at peeping."

Aphrodite gathered her fluffy long hair and looked up at Suldak.

Those purple eyes are filled with 'Come and praise me, I will tell you the answer to this question...'

Facing the succubus with such an expression, Suldak also looked helpless, as if he had really been away from home for too long.

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