Lord Highlander

Chapter 1065 1051. Waiting for a Rain

Quartermaster Louis Fitch has had a very good life recently.

Successive victories have led to a continuous rise in property on the books, giving him a little new expectation for this war.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the merit exchange system set by Suldak, he felt that not only Suldak would be able to bring back the wealth accumulated in the barracks when he returned to Bena City after the victory of the Gambu Plane War. An elite heavy armored infantry regiment of 20,000 people, and the 100,000 magic crystals that I brought back from the Military Supply Department can also be brought back intact, and my small office may be replaced by a larger one. .

Starting from the city of Mukuso, the Heavy Armored Infantry Corps has been making continuous profits.

Although the previous wars in the southern part of the Ganbu plane continued to make profits, those war profits were all transferred to his name by Suldak in the name of self-raised war preparation materials and self-raised weapons and equipment, including more than one hundred A set of magic patterns and 3,000 high-quality war horses, but there were no loopholes in the accounts, leaving Louis Fitch speechless.

However, after the connection of the portal in Mukuso City, the military department resumed the supply of supplies to the legion, so the wealth obtained from the war has been accumulated in the books of the legion.

Every time you fight, you can get a lot of magic spar...

However, this kind of good thing seems to have lasted until the end of Samp Town, because in order to avoid heavy casualties of the heavy armored infantry regiment, Suldak ordered the heavy armored infantry soldiers to stand firm in front of twenty catapults, forming three shield walls for protection. This position.

Quartermaster Louis Fitch held the parchment account book every day, and began to have a headache for the huge daily expenses.

The high pension and merit reward system, in this stalemate stage of the war, will quickly reduce the newly accumulated wealth in the legion...

Moreover, Suldak did not know where he bought a large amount of flint and gunpowder barrels. The catapults have never been withdrawn since they were pushed to the battlefield. Thump throws flint,

In just five days, twenty catapults have thrown more than 50,000 flints into Sangpu Town, all of which are money.

This is simply holding a box of silver coins and smashing the demon servants and flame Gogs in the city to death.

The soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment formed a shield wall, guarding around the twenty catapults, and would not take the initiative to attack at all.

Commander Suldak's fighting style can be regarded as reinterpreting the maximum value that the heavy armored infantry regiment, which has always been regarded as cannon fodder, can play in siege warfare.

Louis Fitch didn't know where he got these flints, but since there were mages in the legion, he was not allowed to make any doubts. If a certain mage was involved, then he would offend the whole Circle of magicians.

Louis Fitch needed to pay seven silver coins for each flint, which made him very distressed.

In fact, Louis Fitch, who is a senior quartermaster, knew clearly that even if he went to war on the mainland of Bena Province, it would be very difficult for seven silver coins to buy a flint wrapped with kerosene rope. .

For merchants, this is a business with no profit at all.

Because this kind of strategic material is expensive, not its own value, but the high transportation cost.

All in all, Louis Fitch needs to pay 500 magic spar for these five days...


In fact, the city wall of Samp Town had already been smashed into ruins by twenty catapults during these five days, and there were round flints all over the city wall of Samp Town.

Those demon servants and Flaming Gogs didn't know where they were hiding to be considered safe. As the city walls continued to crumble and collapse, the barrier in Sangpu Town was completely lifted.

Even so, Suldak still did not launch a general attack on Samp Town.

The soldiers injured during the siege on the first day had all healed under the treatment of the Holy Light, but Suldak was still waiting.

He even rode on a blue-scaled horse, took Samira and Sia, and ran northward along the Noma River for a whole day. The fighters are more willing to believe that he is taking the opportunity to go on a date with the beautiful half-elf Miss Samira and Miss Sia.

In this legion where the strong are respected, Samira is regarded as a goddess by all infantry soldiers with her extraordinary archery skills.

Of course, there are many fighters who follow Xi Ya. After all, Xi Ya's hydrotherapy has treated many injured soldiers, and those fighters are her supporters.

In fact, Suldak had been delaying the date of the siege because he was waiting for the best opportunity to siege the city.

In addition, waiting for one more day would mean earning one hundred more magic crystals for him, which is definitely a lot of money for Wall Village.


Having to carry the flint for several days in a row, Aphrodite was simply annoyed.

But on the sixth day, these efforts finally paid off, and Suldak took Aphrodite, Samira, and Siya on horseback and galloped across the vast grassland.

They headed north all the way, upstream along the beautiful Norma River.

After running all the way to the bottom of the Pamela Waterfall, everyone ate a lunch carefully prepared by Surdak by the clear pool, and Siya even went to the bottom of the waterfall to catch a few delicious redback perch.

After Suldak grilled it carefully with charcoal fire, everyone happily had a delicious meal, and then accompanied Suldak to watch the white clouds piled up like cotton candy on the snow mountain in the north for a while...

"Dak, when are you going to attack Samp Town?" Samira's slightly hoarse voice always reminded Suldak of a movie star he liked a lot in his previous life. Although they looked different, but They looked at the clouds in the sky, but they had the same look in their eyes.

"Yeah, a lot of people have been asking me recently." Xi Ya also leaned out her upper body from the clear pool water and asked curiously.

Her clear voice could not be masked even by the sound of a rumbling waterfall.

"Soon, it could be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but I'm actually waiting for that cloud..."

Suldak pointed to the north casually and said.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he brought the green-lined horse grazing by the river and prepared to return to the camp.

Aphrodite didn't want to ride a horse anymore, and a six-pointed star-shaped magic circle appeared under her feet, and disappeared after entering the gate of the void.

Xi Ya pointed to the clear Noma River, insisting on swimming back...

Suldak had no choice but to return to the military camp by Lake Bellanoma with Samira.


On the sixth night of the catapult siege, Bellanoma Lake ushered in a heavy rain, and the rain continued until the next morning.

Archmage Harper, who was in the camp tent, breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time in his life to forecast the weather. Although it was a day later than expected, the rain finally came.


The heavy armored infantry originally thought that in this ghostly weather, everyone wore rainproof cloaks and stood next to the catapult to form a shield wall, and rainy days should not be too hard.

Unexpectedly, Suldak officially issued an order for the general attack after breakfast.

In addition to 1,500 heavy cavalry staying at the barracks, 25,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers and 1,000 archers will all have to brave the rain to participate in this siege battle, even if they are wearing rainproof cloaks, Wearing a helmet, standing in the rain can still feel how cold the rain is.

Under the heavy rain, the infantry soldiers marched towards Sangpu Town in formation, and they could hardly see too far away.

There are rain curtains everywhere in the world, wearing long leather boots on the feet, and wearing heavy full-coverage armor on the body. After being drenched by the rain, it is necessary to maintain the leather boots and armor. The leather boots are soaked in the rain. It will become hard after a long time, and the armor will rust after being soaked in rain for a long time...

The phalanx of the heavy armored infantry rushed all the way to the ruins of the city wall of Samp Town, only to encounter some hellhounds who were stubbornly resisting.

A group of burrowmen soaked in the puddles. Their legs are very thin and their bodies are very heavy. Their feet are stuck in the mud and they can't be pulled out. The cryptmen in the rain are like a group of worms, and they don't even need a shield. The warrior stood in front, and the spearmen with Paglio's spears stabbed one, and then another, and soon the city wall was filled with the blood of demons diluted by the rain.

The blood was lavender.

The flaming Gogs that emerged from the ruins of the city wall were soaked by the rain like drowned rats, their fine downy hair clinging tightly to their bodies, staring at their huge eyes, barely able to stand upright due to the heavy rain. They shoot small fireballs from their hands.

'Puff puff'

The heavy rain fell, and countless fireballs were extinguished.

The heavy armored infantry soldiers holding up the tower shields and fighting the hellhounds shouted from the bottom of their hearts, and the excitement gushing from the bottom of their hearts turned into uncontrollable courage, and strode towards the ruins of the city wall.

The cowardly and cowardly Gogs started yelling and fled into the town one after another.

The only forces on the battlefield in the ruins of the city wall are these greedy and cunning hell dogs. They can't stop the footsteps of the heavy armored infantry soldiers. A group of demon servants are also behind the ruins of the city wall, turning around with these hell dogs Flee into Samp Town.

Under the heavy rain on their heads, the heavy armored infantry soldiers strode through the ruins of the city wall and rushed into Samp Town.

In the block on the edge of the town, a group of heavy armored infantry soldiers suddenly fell silently in a pool of blood.

Some transparent silhouettes of human figures appeared in the rain. Every time they killed them, they hid in the corner of the house. Behind them, the infantry squadron leader quickly blew his whistle.

Wearing black leather armor, Samira leaped several times and arrived in front of him.

In the rain, she didn't wear a rain cloak or a hood that covered her face, and the black veil was almost stuck to her face.

The Sky Strike Bow continuously sent out the power of thunder and lightning, and drilled into the ground along the rain.

A series of arrows with whirlwinds were shot out by Samira, and she shot and killed six of those Shadow Demons that had only transparent outlines in the rain.

She hunted shadow fiends everywhere on the battlefield, because Suldak was very interested in these shadow fiends.

A group of shadow demons couldn't hide in the rain, and they couldn't stop the footsteps of the heavy armored infantry regiment. It took only half a day for the heavy armored infantry soldiers to occupy most of Sangpu Town.

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