Lord Highlander

Chapter 1068

At this time, the legs of the demon servant have been combined with the body of the three-headed hellhound king, and the black armor sheet also covers the demon servant's legs. The demon servant does not even need the strength of the waist and hips. Picking up the long-handled black war blade in your hand and chopping down, you can strike like a thunderbolt.

The heads of the three Hellhounds, which were a circle larger than the head of the Earth Violent Bear, had grown black crusts, and their bloody mouths were covered with sharp teeth, the sharpest of which was half a foot long.

The black war blade slashed fiercely on Goethe's shield.

A layer of holy shield emerged from Goethe's shield, and the black warblade slammed down unstoppably. The shield hit Suldak again. Suldak felt a huge shock in his chest, and the warblade pierced his shoulder. On the stone wall behind...

The three heads of the Hellhound bit Suldak's arms almost at the same time. If the raised Goethe shield just blocked Suldak's face, the head in the middle of the Hellhound might have bitten Suldak. Duck's head.

Suldak still clearly remembered that the great swordsman Quintus said to him not long ago: "Dark, although you have successfully broken through the second rank and possessed the strong physique of a second rank knight, you have never been able to Having truly comprehended the power of the powerhouse at the second rank, what do you think is the biggest difference between us and the first rank?"

Suldak was a little puzzled at the time, but he just replied: "I can mobilize the sacred power in my body, and I can release these powers more freely in battle!"

Unexpectedly, the great swordsman Quintus just shook his head slightly at that time, and said to Suldak: "The most powerful thing about second-rank warriors is that we can use our bodies as bridges to accept powerful forces from the outside world..."

Suldak has been trying to understand the words of Quintus the Great Swordsman recently.

In fact, in the northern gorge of Mount Myra, I saw the battle of the magicians. When Archmage Harper cast the fourth-level group magic 'Meteor Fire Rain', what he said to Quintas Great Swordsman went deeper. She has a deep comprehension, but the veil that covers her eyes still hasn't been really lifted.

Now, in the basement of the guard camp in Sangpu Town, facing the hellhound king in front of him, Suldak suddenly felt a glimmer of opportunity, which might be called a glimmer of inspiration in the sea of ​​spirits.


A phantom of an archangel appeared behind Suldak in an instant. It clasped its hands together in front of its chest in a prayer-like gesture. At this moment, a pair of pure white wings actually wrapped Suldak's body that was almost shaken apart. Angels are radiating divine light.

Suldak injected the perception power in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness into the phantom of the archangel. He seemed to push open a sacred door. Behind the door was a vast golden sea. He was taking the first step into the door. Feeling the vast and surging power of holy light crazily injected into the body.

His spiritual perception simply couldn't last a second in this vast sea, and the next moment, he was pushed out of the door by the surging power of the holy light.

But even so, Suldak's whole body was dyed golden at this moment, and the phantom of the archangel began to materialize, shrinking and attached to Suldak's body...

His body seemed to be covered with a layer of golden battle armor. Under the surging power of the holy light, the black war blade inserted on his shoulder quickly vaporized.

And the heads of the two hellhounds that bit Suldak's arms were also quickly eroded in the holy light...

The broad sword in Suldak's hand exuded a sacred aura, and his body was filled with an unprecedented power.

He raised his foot and kicked the hellhound's breastbone, severed the head in the middle with the broad sword in his hand, then Suldak broke free from the wall, slashed at the demon servant's body with his sword, and smashed the demon's servant The servant cut it in half with a sword.

The bodies of the three hellhounds fell backwards, crashing down under the horrified eyes of the black mage.

And Samira's arrow has been pointed at the black mage hiding behind the test bed.

The thick smoke in the basement was almost suffocating, and the original crying voice in the inner prison had also become very weak.

At this time, there was a violent impact sound from the entrance of the basement, and the stone wall at the entrance collapsed. Countless gravels pressed the wall of fire underneath, and the two huge heads of the ogre squeezed in amidst the billowing smoke. Litham yelled at the basement entrance, "Dark, how are you doing in there?"

"It will be fine soon..."

Suldak endured the dull pain in his chest, and quickly replied.

"I surrender, don't kill..." The black mage also raised his hands at this time, planning to get out from behind the test bench.

An arrow flew past with a 'whoosh' sound, the first arrow pierced the magic shield, and the second arrow was hidden behind the first arrow, and stuck into the black mage's throat with a 'poof' sound.

The black mage fell on his back with an expression of disbelief, his hands covering his pierced throat, and he couldn't even utter a word.

Suldak rushed to carry the three hellhound corpses on his shoulders. Because the hellhounds were too big, most of them were dragging on the ground. He walked quickly to the collapsed entrance and grabbed Gu Li Tem stretched out his hand and got out of the basement first.

Samira followed closely behind, dragging the magician's corpse to the first floor of the guard camp.

Suldak then carried the goat-headed demon's body up against the billowing smoke in the basement.

The soldiers of the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment had already rushed to the second floor. During the battle with the hell dogs, everyone began to give priority to killing those demon servants. As long as they killed the demon servants, many hell dogs would turn into a handful of ashes...

The two-headed ogre was also taken aback when he saw Suldak dragging out the corpse of a three-headed hellhound from the basement.

Afterwards, Gulitum was finally able to withdraw and rush to the second floor, sweeping the building with a group of heavy armored infantry soldiers.

Samira stood by the pool of blood in the hall on the first floor, looked at the pile of corpses piled up in the corner of the hall, and said to Suldak with a tired face:

"This is the transformation field where the demon servants and the hell dogs sign a symbiotic contract. Those who fail to transform will become the rations of these hell dogs. After they are successfully transformed into demon servants, the first thing they need to do is get the hell evil The recognition of the dog is probably to eat people over there..."

Samira pointed to the pile of corpses in the corner, beside which lay the bones of many demon servants, but they seemed to be affected by the power of the contract, and quickly turned into ashes that could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Suldak sat down on the blood-stained steps. The holy light on his body had faded away. Seeing several gaps in the Goethe shield in his hand, his heart ached.

After all, this is a second-turn magic pattern structure, and I didn't expect it to be damaged so badly.

"It may also be the Demon Lab. After all, there are thousands of demon servants gathered in Sangpu Town. I think that with the transformation speed here, it may not be possible to form such a large army of demon servants."

"It's not good news that they have successfully leapfrogged to create the King of Hell Dogs!"

Suldak said with a wry smile.

Then he stood up from the steps, and when he heard the fighting upstairs getting quieter, he said to Samira:

"They should have almost cleaned up. Let me see if there are any good things on these magic skins. There should be a high-level Gog hidden in Samp Town. We have to speed up, we can't let them escape!"

The two were chatting when they heard the sound of broken glass from upstairs, and Samira rushed into the yard with a stride.

She saw a black magician rushing out of the guard camp building on a magic scorpion in the heavy rain. Samira hurriedly stepped on the marble statue in front of the gate of the guard camp. The bow shoots an arrow.

Some misses in the rain, the arrow failed to hit the black mage, but shot through the propulsion device of the magic scorpion handle.

I saw the magic handle suddenly turned off in mid-air, and the black mage fell from the air, but he was still chanting spells quickly in mid-air, and turned into a black mist after a few seconds.

At this time Suldak also chased out from the hall, just in time to see the fallen black mage turning into a black mist like blue smoke in the rain, he quickly picked up a hatchet from the ground, and poured a trace of it into his hand. With the power of the holy light, Suldak swung his arm and threw it towards the blue smoke.

The throwing ax exuding a faint holy light pierced through the black mist...

In the holy light, the black mist melted into a pool of blood and merged with the rain falling from the sky. The reddish rain fell on the yard, and it was washed away in a short time.

A shattered magic scorpion was lying in the muddy water, and Suldak didn't even bother to take another look.

Soon the cleaning work at the guard camp was coming to an end, the fire in the basement had already been extinguished, and the smoke had almost cleared away at this time, the infantry soldiers who were in charge of entering the basement to do the cleaning work moved out a hell evil Dog corpses, as well as hundreds of corpses of small town residents.

These small town residents are the captives in this prison. Unfortunately, the black magician set a fire in the prison. Although the fire did not ignite, the billowing smoke has already choked the tortured captives. died.

So many people didn't survive, and many people almost buried their faces in the mud before they suffocated, but unfortunately they all died in the end.

The bodies at the guard camp will be handled by the people behind, and Suldak, Gulitum, and Samira will go to the next place to clean up the scene.

The bearded Edgar led people to guard the pier on the north shore, intercepting those demons who were trying to escape from Bellanoma Lake, but he had been waiting for a long time, but he did not wait for a low-level demon, until a group of heavy armored infantry The soldiers boarded the pier, and Edgar the beard led a group of men to paddle a fishing boat and landed from the pier...

A remnant of the low-level demon army passed through the east gate of Samp Town, and fled into the Sai Ruoman Plateau in a hurry. They fled northward along the east bank of the Norma River. The heavy cavalry of the Luthor Army chased them all the way, leaving behind a After the corpse of the caveman, those hell dogs escaped successfully.

In just two days, Suldak successfully occupied Sangpu Town...

Let’s make two changes today, the third chapter couldn’t be rushed out

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