Lord Highlander

Chapter 1089 1075. Epic Weapon

Territory division is a very boring job, but it requires full dedication.

Without a tiny bit of territory like a matchhead on the map, it might be a vast expanse of grassland in reality.

Suldak came out of the city hall in a daze. For the first time, he deeply felt that there should be more helpers around him.

Perhaps the step from the noble lord to the plane lord is too big, and the available talents around him are not enough, so he has been very busy for a while.

Samira, a half-elf archer wearing a black tight-fitting leather armor, and Siya, who is wearing a yellow pearl dress, followed behind Surdak. Samira folded her hands on her chest and wore a mask on her head to cover her face. The hood looks very cold. Xi Ya was like a good girl, holding a stack of magic parchment materials in her arms, walking down the steps, her fluffy golden curly hair swaying with her body.

When the city hall staff and guards on the steps outside the city hall saw Surdak, they all stopped and saluted him.

A group of citizens who came to see Suldak gathered on the opposite side of the street. Many people wanted to see the demeanor of this quasi-dragon knight who could drive the demon army out of the Ganbu plane.

Forming a battle partner with a dragon does not mean that Suldak will definitely become a dragon knight, but it is the only way to become a dragon knight.

Since Dragon Kingdom cut off all ties with Roland Continent, the number of dragon knights in Roland Continent has been decreasing.

Until today, the so-called dragon knights currently possessed by the human kingdom basically have subspecies of dragon partners, and cannot be regarded as real dragons.

Even these sub-dragons are not products of Roland Continent.

The main reason is that there are too many dragon slaying warriors on the Roland Continent. Except for the Didi Dragon and the Sea Dragon whose blood is closer to the lizard, other dragons have long been slaughtered by the warriors. The main reason for turning against each other.

I heard that Her Royal Highness, a half-elven princess of the Angibald royal family, is a dragon knight.

In fact, many people are very curious about how Suldak knew this red dragon.

But everyone also knew that this might involve some vows, and Suldak would definitely not say it if asked.

As for the use of coercion and lure, it was even more impossible, because standing behind Suldak was Marquis Luther and a red dragon, and the scariest thing was that this was a red dragon that could be summoned anytime and anywhere.

A magic caravan was parked by the steps outside the gate of the city hall. Suldak walked down the steps, lifted his legs into the car, and waved to the cheering citizens across the street.

Samira got into the carriage, touched an apple from the fruit plate, and gnawed on it.

Siya leaned her head against the car window, stared at her big blue eyes and asked Surdak in a low voice, "Isn't it great to be under the spotlight?"

"Well, it's not good, but it's not bad either!" Suldak withdrew his hand and said.

The magic caravan slowly drove away from the city hall. The mansion he lived in was only a few hundred meters away from the city hall, and it was actually easier to walk.

But because there are so many onlookers, sitting in the magic caravan can be much cleaner.

Xi Ya was still looking out of the window, and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to stay in Mukuso on the Ganbu plane?"

Suldak shook his head slightly and said: "When things here are on the right track, we still have to return to the Bailin plane. It's the battlefield."


Suldak walked out of the void gate and saw Aphrodite squatting by the lava pool.

She was staring at a salamander that had sunk its entire body into the lava pool. The salamander carefully exposed its eyes, aiming at Aphrodite by the pool, seeing Aphrodite's gaze on it Body, 'gulu' quickly sank into the pool.

Aphrodite opened up a stone room in the lava mine. There are bookshelves on both sides of the cave wall. Beds, tables and chairs are arranged in the stone room, which looks very warm.

When she walked to Aphrodi's side, she didn't turn her head, and asked, "When will the official appointment from the province of Bena come to Mukuso?"

"There is no news yet." Suldak sat down on the wicker chair beside him and said casually.

Aphrodite came back from the lava pool, sat on the rattan chair side by side with Suldak, with a strange smile on her face, and said to Suldak: "Killing so many low-level demons, your The title should be able to move?"

"Well, you should be able to rise to the earl!" Suldak said.

"So sure?" Aphrodite turned to look at Suldak with a teasing smile on her face.

"Well, when I was honored in Bena City, I would marry Hathaway and Triss by the way." Speaking of this, Suldak showed a faint smile on his face.

"Arranged?" Aphrodite's sexy lips opened into an O shape.

Suldak smiled, and then said: "Forget it, if there is no war on the Ganbu plane, maybe the wedding will be postponed until the completion of the garrison mission on the Bailin plane, or until I return safely from the big battlefield... "

"The reality is really cruel enough." Aphrodite joked to Suldak. "You're so busy, it's impossible to come here to chat with me, tell me, what can I do for you?"

Standing in front of Aphrodite, Suldak said solemnly to her, "You may have to stay away, but you must pay attention, I won't last long."

Hearing what Suldak said, Aphrodite walked towards the depths of the lava mine, and stopped after walking a hundred meters away.

Seeing that the distance was about the same, Suldak released his 'momentum', and then a phantom of an archangel appeared behind him.

Afterwards, Suldak and the archangel kept pace with each other, with their hands clasped together in front of their chests, as if praying.

A holy light fell on Suldak.


Suldak's body glowed with dazzling holy light, and his body was like a bridge, constantly receiving the holy light rushing into his body from the outside world.

In the next second, the set of sacred armor suspended above the door at the center of his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness actually appeared on Suldak's body. The brilliance of the holy silver was extremely dazzling, and he was like a silver armor that fell from the sky. warrior.

However, that set of sacred armor only appeared on Suldak's body for more than ten seconds before it turned into countless holy lights and dissipated around Suldak's body.

Afterwards, Suldak returned to its original form.

At this time, Aphrodite dared to expose her body from behind the stone pillar. Seeing that the overflowing holy light had completely dissipated, she walked back to Suldak's side again.

"See it! After purifying the Demon King's demon body and limbs, this set of sacred armor becomes more complete." Suldak sat back on the wicker chair again, shrugging his shoulders to Aphrodite and said : "I want to know its specific origin..."

Aphrodite sat down next to Suldak, she opened her mouth and blew away a particle of holy light floating in the air, and then said: "You really asked the right person, I know a little about this... I Didn't I tell you before that this is a set of sacred armor that only angels have?"

"Then I will introduce this sacred armor..."

"The angels who established the angel meeting in the high-level heaven are actually not flesh and blood. They are the holy essence of light and sound, so they will never age. Like the devil, they are immortals. They belong to those who do not need the power of faith Gods, so the battle armor on them is not a real thing, but a sacred armor formed by spiritual power."

"Of course, our succubus family's understanding of angels is also very limited."

"But according to my guess, the demon king you killed may have participated in the Eternal Battle, and also beheaded an angel who was not good enough to get this set of holy armor."

"After you kill this demon king and purify him completely, this set of unowned sacred armor will naturally fall into your sea of ​​spiritual consciousness."

Suldak asked: "So what exists in my sea of ​​spiritual consciousness is the holy armor that should belong to the angel?"

"That's about it." Aphrodite nodded and admitted.

The last time the two discussed this set of sacred armor, Suldak actually wanted to know if there was a way to control it. Now this set of sacred armor consumes too much of Suldak's holy light, but it seems that Afu Rudy probably didn't know much about it either.

Suldak took out the blood-red whip from the demon king's hand again. This whip is made of unknown material, it is very flexible, and there are sharp and inverted pieces at intervals on the top of the whip. Thorn, the handle of the whip is less than a foot long, like a round wooden stick wrapped in a layer of leather, exuding a strong demonic aura.

Seeing Suldak take out the whip, Aphrodite reached out and snatched it. She flicked it skillfully, and the whip was neatly wrapped around her arm as if it had come to life.

Then he winked at Suldak and said coquettishly: "This is mine. I have been with you for so long. Except for a mask, you don't seem to have given me any gifts. Obviously... you I like Samira a little more."

"Okay, I really don't know what you like!"

Suldak touched his nose with his hand, but did not deny Aphrodite's words.

"You know this whip?"

Aphrodite was seriously appreciating the whip in her hand, while introducing: "This whip is called Umi, and it comes with the cursed magic 'fear', and it should also increase the casting speed of black magic a little bit. It is a relatively precious one. Epic weapons, like Samira's Sky Strike Bow, do you want to try it?"

"What?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

Aphrodite smiled triumphantly and said, "Taste the taste of fear, you have the power of the Holy Light, so fear won't last long."

"Forget it!" Suldak quickly waved his hand to refuse, and then asked: "Where is this war blade?"

"This is actually a giant battle scythe, known as the Grim Ripper. It is a cursed weapon and is not suitable for you. The biggest feature of this weapon is that it has a beheading effect." Aphrodite introduced.

Suldak didn't expect to get two epic weapons at once, and he was a little dazed for a while, and asked: "That means I have two epic weapons at once, although it's not suitable for me..."

Aphrodite nodded, and said seriously: "That's it. In fact, your biggest gain is the sacred armor in your spiritual consciousness, but with your current spiritual strength, it seems that you can't use it normally at present, but at present This set of armor still lacks a helmet, do you have any idea to get the helmet in the mage tower? Speaking of which, the demon king's head must be purified, otherwise it will be more troublesome to let him escape!"

"Tomorrow, I will go to Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper to talk about this matter." Suldak clenched his fists and said firmly.

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