Lord Highlander

109 Chapter 108. Sacrifice

A minor nobleman in a collateral branch of the Goss family.

Although Laurent Goss has no abilities himself, he has made friends with many cronies around Earl Mond Goss during his military career on the Warsaw plane for more than a year. 1. The captains of the second brigade have a close relationship, and occasionally they can be seen drinking together.

For the knight assessment, if you go to the ring alone, you can't cheat on your own strength. Laurent Goss knows that he doesn't have many opportunities in the selection of reserve knights, but he didn't expect Sidney The baron actually proposed to hunt down evil spirits before going into battle, and he could also lead a small team, which gave Laurent Goss some hope in his heart.

Laurent Goss's idea is very simple, because he is so familiar with these high-level people in the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, everyone privately transferred the elite fighters from the infantry squad, and he relied on these elite fighters It will probably pass smoothly.

As a baron nobleman of the Goss family, he should have some face.

Laurent Goss thought so and did so, and the effect was surprisingly good. The captains were very generous and promised to send the strongest fighters under them to help Laurent Goss complete this task. The team only has 12 places, and Laurent Goss even wants to mix up a hunting team of 20 people, which may give him greater confidence.

After making an appointment for the departure time tomorrow morning, Laurent Goss returned to his tent to make some necessary preparations for this three-day wild hunting operation.


Unlike Laurent Goss, who was making preparations in an orderly manner, after Carey Abbe walked out of the tent, he returned directly to the tent where the thirteenth team was camping. The veterans of the Death Squad will not miss this rare opportunity to rest. They usually sneak out of camp to have some fun.

There were only a few recruits with little money in their pockets inside the tent, and they were cleaning the long swords on the weapon racks together. These chores of maintaining weapons were usually the work of recruits in the Reaper Squad.

Seeing the captain come in briskly from outside the tent, the seven recruits hurriedly stood up nervously, waiting for Abe's instructions.

However, Abe was not in the mood to teach these dumb recruits a lesson at the moment. He found a chair and sat down. He was silent there for a while before asking in a deep voice, "Where did they all go?"

Without waiting for the recruits to answer, Abe waved his hands a little irritably, and said in a deep voice, "Go and get them back, hurry up, before sunset!"

"Yes! Captain."

The recruits didn't dare to ask why, they ran out of the camp and searched aimlessly in the temporary commercial street.

Carey Abbe thought in his heart that there were only five veterans in the Reaper Squad including himself, and it was impossible to bring these new recruits with him in this kind of evil spirit hunting operation. If he wanted to hunt evil spirits, five people would definitely Is it not enough? Thinking about the veterans in the military camp who have some friendship with him, there are really not many veterans who have a feud with him.

After thinking about it for a while, Abe stepped out of the tent and decided to ask the veterans he was familiar with. If they were willing to help, this time hunting the evil spirits, he didn't need his part, and if he divided it equally, it would be considered as a help. paid.

When it was almost night, Abe returned to the tent from outside with a gloomy face.

This time he found only three veterans who were willing to help. Few of the veterans who usually greeted each other very enthusiastically were willing to help. It's just that money is a little tight recently. If I really hunted down a ghost, I could get at least one gold coin. If I saved some money, it would be enough to drink ale for two months.

There were a lot of people waiting in the tent of the Reaper Squad, and the recruits were not so unreliable, so they found the four veterans who had gone out to have fun.

Seeing Abe walking in from outside the tent, the slightly oppressive atmosphere inside the tent eased a little.

A veteran put on his military boots and asked Captain Kelly Abbe, "Abe, why are you looking for us in such a hurry?"

Abe sat opposite the veteran in a muffled voice, and said, "I'm going to take people out to hunt evil spirits, you guys go with me!"

The veteran was slightly taken aback, and asked with a puzzled expression: "The money in my hand was spent so quickly? How long has it been? It's not half a month..."

Abei was a little impatient with the veteran's question, he gave the veteran a hard look, and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, this time is Lao Tzu's reserve knight assessment, it is an order from the military department, and the evil spirits hunted , the part that belongs to Lao Tzu is shared equally by everyone.”

Hearing what Abei said, the old soldier had a strange expression on his face, and after a while he laughed twice and said:

"Who is so ruthless that such a thing is used as an assessment topic... Tsk tsk!"

Another veteran hiding in the corner of the tent asked coldly, "When shall we leave?"

Abbe looked outside.

As dusk approached, the light in the camp gradually dimmed, so he said:

"Before it gets dark, hurry up and prepare, there will be a few more players joining in later."


Just after eating stew and burritos in the camp, He Boqiang pulled Suerdak out of the camp.

Suldak didn't want to go out at this time. He held a map of Moyunling in his hand, and planned to go back to the tent to study it carefully and make an action plan for tomorrow.

But he was dragged out of the expeditionary army camp by He Boqiang, and Suldak just wanted to ask, "What's the matter with dragging me out in such a hurry!" 'I saw Carey Abbe hurriedly leaving the barracks with a group of infantry soldiers wearing full armor. The armor on these infantry soldiers looked a bit worn out, but the blades of their weapons were polished brightly. It's a group of veterans who have experienced many battles.

There were people who knew Carey Abbe at the gate of the camp. Just as he was about to say hello, Carey Abbe hurried out of the gate of the barracks and left the camp of the expeditionary army.

"They really can't wait. It's so late, and it looks like they want to walk at night. It seems that there are no signs of evil spirits near the camp recently!" Suldak stretched his neck and looked at Kelly Abbe's team. In the past, it was really different to take a group of experienced veterans on missions!

I didn't expect that the Reaper Squad would act in advance.

He Boqiang didn't care about this, the sky gradually darkened, and the stall owners outside the camp were about to close their stalls.

He led Suldak through a row of stalls filled with wooden boards for buying herbs, and finally found a leather stall at the edge of this temporary market. It was here that Augustus and Kagel sold the magic antelope skin yesterday. Sold, the price is not bad.

It seems that there is no business for the time being. The stall owner is soaking bundles of rawhide in a large wooden barrel and pouring various powders into it. The apprentice is stirring the water in the wooden barrel vigorously with a big wooden stick in his hand. Work hard.

Suldak looked at He Boqiang suspiciously, his eyes seemed to ask, why did he bring him here, since everyone didn't have any leather to sell, could it be that they wanted to buy leather armor?

He Boqiang didn't explain either. He pulled Suerdak across the stall in front of him and approached the cobbler's tent. The wooden racks here were full of sheets of ripe leather, and the rows looked like they were drying clothes. Same.

Just when He Boqiang and Suldak walked in front of the leather merchant, Suldak finally saw the row of wooden shelves full of devil antelope heads. Each sheep has two sharp horns pointing up to the sky...

Only then did Suldak understand the purpose of He Boqiang bringing him here, and it was clearly for these sheep heads that could just be used as sacrifices...

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