Lord Highlander

Chapter 1094

The temporary residence of the Marquis Luther is located at No. 79, Central North Street, in the aristocratic district of Ruyt City. It was originally the luxurious mansion of Lord MacDonnell, and the whole house is more like a castle in the city.

Ruyt City was built on a hillside.

The terrain on the south side of Mount Ruyt is extremely flat, while the east and west sides are relatively steep, while the north side is simply a cliff more than 200 meters high.

Only the south side of this city has a city wall that is nearly 30 meters high. The east and west sides only need to rely on the mountains to extend the city walls to the north and connect them with the mountains to form the defense system of Ruyt City.

It is precisely because of this that this city is so easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At the beginning, Marquis Luthor led the Allied Forces of Benar to encircle Lord McDonnell's army. MacDonnell stayed in Ruyt City for half a year, and it took a huge price to capture the city.

Some traces of war can still be found on the buildings in the city.

The residential areas of the people in this city are very distinctive. The residential areas of all classes are clearly separated. Each area is separated by high walls. When entering the city, the most people pass through are the door openings under the walls. These walls in the city are not only It is the wall, and it is the outermost perimeter of the townhouses. This kind of townhouse makes the city appear more compact, enclosing each area separately.

Each area has a separate living system, with completely independent markets, wells, shops, and residential buildings.

Few citizens will buy daily necessities across regions. The higher you go, the more expensive the prices in the market, and the quality of the goods will improve accordingly.

In this city, the higher the terrain of the residence, the higher the status of the occupants. In fact, many buildings in the Green Empire follow this principle.

The castle in the city is designed with three parts: the gate, the castle, and the back garden. On both sides of the carved gate are high courtyard walls. There is a sentry tower.

Entering the vestibule, the center of the square is a large area of ​​green plants and exquisite gardening trimmed with shrubs. The steps of the castle come down from a high place to connect this circular corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are three-meter-high figure sculptures, which continue to the bottom of the steps of the castle.

The castle was built on the highest point of Mount Ruyt. Behind the castle is a back garden the size of a football field. This back garden is built with countless boulders. From a distance, it looks like it is suspended on a high cliff, with The huge arches and stone pillars outside the corridor completely wrap the back garden in it.

This castle in the city is even more luxurious than the Christie family castle in Hailansa City.

Holding a glass of ale, Suldak stood on the terrace on the third floor of the castle, watching Earl Clay Cushing slowly leave along the central street in a carriage.

Marquis Luther was sitting on the exquisite leather sofa, holding tequila in his hand, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

The two Constructed Swordsman regiments of the Luthor Legion have already entered the castle, and these Constructed Swordsmen will return to the city of Bena with the Marquis Luther.

Although Luther's army didn't gain much this time, Suldak occupied half of the Ganbu plane, which was much better than Marquis Luther expected.

Although the Ganbu plane is now smashed by the demon army, as long as everything is on the right track, the huge benefits that can be obtained are far from comparable to a city.

When Marquis Luther was in Wojmara City, the reason why Suldak entered his eyes was not because he possessed the power of the Holy Light, but because he could save the city with his maximum physical strength after possessing the Holy Light Art. In his eyes, the city guards are no different from legionary cavalry and guard battalion knights. He has the most rare mercy and justice in chivalry.

Suldak has always been very humble. He never even said that he actually has a red dragon as his combat partner.

Marquis Luther took a sip of his wine and said:

"Speaking of it, it's because you formed such an elite heavy armored infantry regiment on the Ganbu plane that the military department regained some face."

Suldak turned his head in confusion.

Marquis Luther continued: "After this heavy armored infantry corps arrives in Bena City in a magic airship, it will be reorganized in Bena City, join with 5,000 cavalry, and fly to Evelson with a batch of supplies. City, and then enter the Warsaw plane through the portal there."

"The battle situation in the Warsaw plane has been stalemate. A large number of soldiers in the Bena Legion have already expired and have to be rotated. The protests of the infantry soldiers stationed there can hardly be suppressed."

"If it weren't for the huge investment made by the military department, there would be almost no troops to send in this Warsaw plane garrison rotation. Now no lord is willing to jump into the big pit of the Warsaw plane."

"I heard that you also returned from the Warsaw plane?"

Marquis Luther asked curiously.

Suldak picked a nut from the plate, and said casually: "Well, I served in the fifty-seven heavy armored infantry at that time. After the failure in the Battle of Moyunling, I just officially retired from the army when my service period expired. Already!"

Marquis Luther must have thought of this matter, and instead of continuing the conversation, he just took a sip of his wine sullenly.

Suldak said to Marquis Luther:

"I recruited these armored infantry soldiers from the Resistance Army. The heavy armor on them was basically captured from Lord McDonnell's army. In addition to these, I also harvested 3,000 horses and a One hundred sets of magic pattern structures, if you need anything, please ask."

Marquis Luther laughed when he heard Suldak say this, and said:

"This time, your harvest in the Ganbu plane is not bad. If you want to hold this plane, you need to organize a few cavalry regiments. These horses can be sent to the Sai Ruoman Plateau Ranch. Pay attention to Gubolai horses and green horses. Scaled horses must be raised separately, and if you have the opportunity, you can go to Salta Province to buy a few high-quality stallions.”

Then Marquis Luther sat up straight, put down the wine glass in his hand, and continued to Suldak:

"But what you need to do now is to arrange things in Mukuso City."

"Don't think that you still have much time to deal with the affairs of the Ganbu plane. Don't be late for the award ceremony in Bena City at the end of this month."

"I will arrange a magic airship to be parked at the airport pier in Ruyt City, and you can set sail to Bena City at any time."

"Also...don't forget to prepare your wedding speech. The day after the award ceremony will be your wedding with Hathaway. Although the whole wedding ceremony will be very procedural, there will be several speeches throughout the process, especially The wedding vows and the ball that night will be the best chance for the Bena nobles to get to know you."

Marquis Luther then gave Suldak a look that everything was ready.

Suldak immediately stood up and said gratefully, "I will make good preparations."

"I plan to settle in Ruyt City after you get married. This city is my wedding gift to you and Hathaway. I will let Earl Clay Cushing stay in Ruyt City to help you For a period of time, during this time you have to prepare for entering the big battlefield, since you have such a powerful combat partner, as long as you go there, you should be careful, and you will not have any problems." Marquis Luther said.

Suldak thought that he still had a large undeveloped territory in the Bailin plane.

According to Marquis Luther's plan, the territory of the Bailin plane was carefully prepared for him.

The Ganbu plane just happened to meet such an opportunity, and then was perfectly grasped by Suldak, so it has such a large territory.

"Okay, but on the Bailin plane..."

Marquis Luther waved his hand and said: "After the beast tide, the Bailin plane will have a period of peace for nearly ten years. You are doing well in Dodan Town. As long as you pay attention to handling the relationship with the local aboriginal tribes in the territory, you can Cultivate some cronies and develop slowly."

With that said, he stood up from the sofa, walked to the edge of the terrace with a wine glass in his hand, turned around and looked up at the entire castle, and said with a smile:

"This castle was originally the residence of Lord MacDonnell, but now it belongs to you and Hathaway. During the time you lived in Ruyt City, you should live here. Now everything in the castle is as it was originally. , you can look around, if there are any unsatisfactory places, find someone to replace them."

Because of Rita's wedding, Surdak sent Nila Knight a villa, a set of magic patterns and a box of magic crystals.

Unexpectedly, for his wedding, Marquis Luther would actually give a castle and half a plane...


From the castle to the central square of Ruyt City, it only takes a quarter of an hour by horse-drawn carriage.

On the central square, 20,000 heavy armored infantrymen lined up in a long line, came out of the portal one after another, and lined up neatly on the square.

Quartermaster Louis Fitch was in the army, and he had already seen a row of magical airships moored at the airport pier on the west side of the city. Until now, he breathed out slowly, although the big stone hanging in his heart had not yet fallen. The ground, but it is not like it was a few days ago, he was overwhelmed.

The remaining 30,000 magic crystals in the account will make a beautiful addition to his resume in the military logistics department of Bena City.

Speaking of which, Commander Suldak was the most orderly commander he had ever met. He took away everything that belonged to him without hesitation, but he didn't take any of the wealth of the entire corps. down.

At least let this heavy armored infantry regiment go to the city of Bena in a decent way. The army took out 100,000 magic spar this time, not only gathered 20,000 elite infantry fully armed, but also brought 30,000 magic spar Going back, I have to say that the military's plan to conquer the Ganbu plane was very successful.

Suldak and Count Clay Cushing, the consul of Ruyt City, stood behind Marquis Luther, watching as 20,000 heavy armored infantry boarded the magic airship on the airport pier in the west of the city. The staff on the airport pier raised their hands The flag guides the infantry soldiers to board the ship, and the scene is very spectacular from a distance.

This time Marquis Luther brought a total of 20 large magic airships, and 20,000 heavy armored infantry will fly to Bena City on these magic airships.

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