Lord Highlander

Chapter 1096 1082. Every City Has a Shadow

Many people in the village left Hailansa City for the first time. They set off from Hailansa City, passed through Hagarsburg, Constantinople, and Ruyt City along the way, and finally arrived through the portal in the central square. This strange plane.

Seeing that the starry sky was no longer above their heads, everyone realized that they had completely left their hometown and the city of Hailansa.

A bald uncle with a nervous expression, wiped the pocket of his leather apron with his hand, and asked while sitting in the carriage:

"Charlie, how long do you think we're going to be here before we get back to Highlander?"

Charlie and Luke walked at the front of the convoy, turned around and said:

"We came to Mukusuo to do bricklaying work. We will go back after we finish the work. Don't worry, it was Dak who introduced us. We will definitely not deduct our wages, and it seems to be simply cutting the wall. Isn't that what it is? What we do best!"

The bald uncle still had some troubles on his face, and said:

"Charlie, do you think we can rush back to harvest the wheat this time around the Harvest Festival?"

At this time, another bricklayer in the village beside him laughed, and sarcastically said to the bald uncle:

"On your small piece of wheat field, your two wives can harvest it in half a day. Do you want to collect wheat or pay public grain when you go back? I said Santo, since you married your second wife, the whole People are so lazy, now our life has changed for the better, do you think that every day you lie in Wall Village, copper coins will fall from the sky?"

The bald-headed uncle Santo squeezed out a smirk on his face: "Hey, I just said that casually. I heard that the war here has just finished, and it was still a demon race..."

The convoy has come to the streets of the city, because it is already late at night, and only the shops near the central square are still open. A group of people are standing across the street from the exit of the square. When they see someone coming out of the square, they will gather together like a swarm of flies. Go up and ask in a low voice:

"Hey, friend, do you need a guide?"

Those who are familiar with these guides usually whisper something:


"I know the way..."

Or simply ignore them.

Be optimistic about the direction and go straight forward, walk out along the street, and ask anyone for directions, and you won't spend any more money.

The villagers, Charlie and Luke, who came out of the mountains, looked at the dazzling array of goods in the store, and their eyes were not enough, and their eyes would sparkle with novelty when they saw everything...

In the eyes of these guides, this kind of expression is not simple, nor simple and honest, but a fat sheep shining like gold.

Obviously these villagers have not realized that they have been targeted by a group of guides. The only thing that makes them feel sorry is that this group of people seems to be together, and the guide cannot be charged per person.


Harry is a guide, and he usually wears a brown leather waistcoat, tulle bloomers, and pointed leather boots, which are fashionable in Mucuso.

There is a scar on his forehead, which was bitten by a crypt man. Although the wound has healed now, the hideous wound is coiled on the top of his head like a centipede, which looks very scary, so he always carries a scar when he goes out every day. Worn melon cap.

At this time, he saw these craftsmen in Hailansa City, hundreds of people and twenty carriages. Such a large group of people stood stupidly at the exit of the square. The other guides hesitated and did not go over.

Harry looked at the sky, spat a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, and walked towards the leading young man opposite.

"Where are you going? I am a native of Mukuso. I can take you wherever you want to go." Harry said to the leading young man with a posture that I am familiar with. .

The leading young man was Charlie. He and Luke were discussing how to place more than 300 bricklayers, and they were trying to contact Suldak at dawn.

"No, someone will pick me up."

Charlie often led a group of villagers to build villas for nobles in Hailansa City, and he was not going to take care of this ruffian city guide.

"Are you waiting for someone? Then park your carriage on the side of the street. There are a lot of cars on this street at night, so don't block the way of others." Harry pointed out with some familiarity.

Luke didn't say anything, but he let twenty four-wheeled carriages stop by the side of the road calmly.

"I heard that a plane war just broke out here?" the bald uncle Santo couldn't help asking Harry.

Harry was afraid that no one would pay attention to him at this time, so when he saw someone talking to him, he squinted his eyes and said, "Yeah, it's been almost two months, but the war ended last month, and now the whole of Mucuso is under construction. You are……"

Santo said very casually: "We are bricklayers from Hailansa City, and we came here just to find a job."

Luke on the side wanted to pull Uncle Santo aside to keep his mouth shut.

Unexpectedly, Harry stretched out his hand to stop him. Harry blocked Luke like a loach, and then said to Uncle Santo:

"We are short of skilled bricklayers. Whoever brought you here, I said you might as well follow me. The main sewer line is being repaired on Central Avenue. I know the foreman there. If you want to go, I can introduce you. Commission One out of ten."

Seeing Uncle Santo's eyes flickering, he thought a little proudly: It seems that they should have not received the job beforehand, so he is really sure to eat this big fat sheep.

Without waiting for Uncle Santo to agree, he took the initiative to yell and said, "Okay, it's settled like this, don't rob me, I've already talked with this group of friends from Hailansa City, and none of you Come and make trouble."

In the second half of the sentence, Harry shouted to the other city guides who surrounded him.

When the guides heard what Harry said, they cursed softly and left.

Harry took Uncle Santo's big hairy hand, pointed to a dark alley opposite, and said enthusiastically: "I will take you to find a place to live first, it is definitely the cheapest place to rent in the whole of Mucuso, the house is clean and tidy , instead of sleeping in a bunk, each person has a single bed."

"Thank you very much for your kindness. We don't need a guide. Someone will pick me up." Charlie came over at this moment, pulled Uncle Santo away and said.

"Are you country bumpkins playing tricks on me? Come here!" Harry's originally smiling face became a bit hideous, and he shouted across the street.

Immediately, the city guides who were waiting to solicit business across the street stood up one after another and gathered towards Harry.

This is their way of bluffing people. It is usually like this. You help me, I help you, and give each other a boost. The ones who bully are the timid and timid Caibao.

"Do you think that we Mukuso people can be teased casually?" Harry raised his chest high at this time, pointed at Charlie's chest with one finger, and cursed at him fiercely:

"I kindly pointed out a job to you country bumpkins. Not only did you not give me information fees, you didn't even give me thanks. That's fine. After all, everyone is trying to build Mukuso, but you actually want to play me .Are you looking down on us locals?"

Charlie was pushed back again and again by Harry...

"You said that if a hellhound suddenly emerged from this city, believe it or not, it would eat you up to the bone."

After finishing speaking, Harry tore off the leather vest, exposing his chest covered with chest hair. There was also a necklace made of hellhound teeth hanging on his chest, and threatened Charlie viciously.

Adding a new meow 1 silver lord to the sea (16/90)

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