Lord Highlander

Chapter 1112 1098. An Unpleasant Encounter

When Suldak and Sia rushed back to the Marquis Luther's mansion, Hathaway and Beatrice had already completed the resignation procedures from the Foreign Affairs Bureau, and returned to the Marquis Mansion with a few boxes of their personal belongings.

Two magic caravans just happened to drive into the Marquis's mansion one after the other.

Hathaway walked out of the magic caravan with a long fluffy dress, saw Suldak get out of the compartment of the magic caravan behind, and hurriedly pulled Beatrice over.

Several maids removed their personal belongings from the compartment of the magic caravan and carried them to Hathaway's room.

Suldak looked at Hathaway whose footsteps seemed to be much lighter, and asked with a smile:

"How does it feel to quit your first job in your life?"

Hathaway leaned forward, letting Suldak hug her slender waist, and kiss her face intimately.

"It feels very relaxed, but also seems to be a little lost, just a feeling of emptiness with nothing to do." Hathaway said, her face was full of entanglements in her heart.

Suldak held Hathaway's slender waist with one hand, turned to Beatrice on the other side and asked, "How about you... how do you feel?"

"Fortunately, compared to the job at the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Bena Province, I am looking forward to finding a relaxing, fun and meaningful job in Ruyt City!"

Suldak pinched Beatrice's round chin, pecked her sexy lips, and said narrowly, "If you don't have any demands on salary, this matter is very simple."

"No, not at all, tell me what I can do?" Beatrice asked expectantly.

Suldak held Beatrice's slender waist and said, "The volunteers in the Children's Welfare Institute can do whatever they want, and no one will care about you if you don't want to. The job is to take the group of children to play in the yard. Son, it is relaxed and interesting, and the most important thing is that it is very meaningful, it will make people feel that you are very caring and have a sense of social responsibility..."

"Ah... I think it's easier to work in the Foreign Affairs Bureau." Beatrice blinked and said.

Hathaway blinked her big blue eyes, and said with a weird smile to the Suldak elves: "How about... we won't have dinner at home, we'll go out and eat something casually, and then we'll take you there Do you want to take a stroll around the city?"

Of course, Suldak had no objection, and then agreed:


Hathaway hastily pushed Suldak and Sia into the carriage, and then got into the carriage herself, signaling Beatrice to get in the carriage quickly.

Beatrice looked at the fluffy long skirt that was not very convenient to go out, and asked, "Hathaway, don't we want to change the skirt?"

Hathaway said to Beatrice with a surprised face: "Change to the spare one in the car, get in the car quickly, if mom finds out, our plan to go out for dinner will definitely come to naught!"

Hathaway then closed the car door, opened the window again, and said cordially to the butler waiting at the door: "Butler Kenneth, please tell Mrs. Marianne that Viscount Suldak invited us out have supper……"

The butler stood on the steps to salute and replied, "Yes, miss!"

"Uh..." Suldak was a little speechless, and could only sit obediently on the sofa opposite Hathaway and Beatrice.

Suldak followed Hathaway into the magic caravan, and the carriage circled the vestibule circular aisle. Suldak even saw Mrs. Marian appearing on the steps of the door from the rear window of the carriage.

Under Hathaway's constant urging, the magic caravan quickly left the Marquis Luthor's mansion.

The guard guarding the gate thought there was something urgent, so he rushed out of the gatehouse at a trot and quickly opened the gate. The magic carriage barely slowed down, and rushed out of the yard.

When Marquis Luther returned to the mansion in the magic caravan, he found that there were no figures of Hathaway and Suldak on the steps at the door. He turned to look at Mrs. Marianne with a questioning look in his eyes.

Mrs. Marianne, who stood at the front to welcome the Marquis Luther back home, could only say helplessly:

"Your baby girl took Surdak out to dinner!"

Marquis Luther nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Before the wedding, they should be given some space to be alone."

After speaking, he held Mrs. Marian's hand and climbed up the steps, and walked into the house surrounded by a group of people.


The ladies of the noble families all have very complicated waist ties behind their petticoats, which can make the figure more straight, make the waist appear thinner, and set off the chest more straight, even in this hot summer, This kind of skirt also needs to wear three layers, petticoat, long skirt and outer skirt, as well as long white stockings and pierced leather shoes.

Although the long skirt cut out of this magicweave cloth is expensive, its comfort is unmatched by ordinary silk.

Two pairs of snow-white long legs were wearing silk stockings in front of her eyes. Suldak looked at them very seriously. Only Xiya shrank aside and silently kicked the two snow-white calves. She didn't need such silky white stockings. It's a bit inconvenient when you become a mermaid...

There are very few street vehicles in the aristocratic district, and there are basically no pedestrians on the roadside.

When the carriage was about to turn into the downtown commercial street, the skirts of the two of them were changed into long skirts for shopping, and then they let the carriage drive along the street.

Every street in Bena City is very neat, and the commercial street is full of shops. Hathaway pulled Beatrice and looked out the window, discussing what to eat for dinner.

The mermaid Xiya was also attracted by the bustling street market, especially the shops on both sides were lit up, and the lights at dusk stretched into the distance, with no end in sight.

A strong aroma of seafood and chili sauce came in from the car window. Xi Ya couldn't help swallowing, protesting to her constantly, took out a wet handkerchief to cover her face, and made up for herself. a little water.

The carriage was parked next to a three-story building opposite the Opera House. When Suldak stepped out of the magic caravan, he saw all kinds of gorgeous noble carriages parked at the door. In front of many carriages were green-scaled horses or black-scaled horses. It should have appeared on the battlefield, but now it has been reduced to a tool for pulling carts.

The entrance of the restaurant is lined with trees, and there is a large courtyard inside. The waiters at the entrance are dressed in exquisite costumes and receive the guests who enter the restaurant very seriously.

Occasionally, if a guest is stopped, a lobby manager with a noble medal on his chest will appear just right, and then persuade the guest to leave.

It seems that this is a high-end restaurant that requires reservations and can only dine here if you have aristocratic status.

Hathaway and Beatrice held Suldak's arm from left to right, and walked to the door of the restaurant. A waiter stepped forward and asked respectfully, "Do any of you have reservations? "

Hathaway put the family crest in her palm, showed it to the waiter, and said, "I'm Hathaway Luthor, my father should have a table with you."

The waiter hurriedly found the lobby manager who had aristocratic status, and the neatly combed lobby manager glanced at Hathaway and her family badge again, and asked respectfully: "Miss Hathaway, May I ask how many people are you dining with?"

"There are only four of us." Hathaway pursed her lips and said.

The lobby manager told an attendant beside him, "Lead these guests to No. 5 on the second floor to reserve a table."

The attendant quickly bowed and said, "Okay, manager, please come with me..."

This is the first time that Suldak has seen that the family crests of aristocratic and wealthy families can be used to find a table in a high-end restaurant.

Hathaway seemed a little proud. She rarely pinned the family crest on her chest, and Suldak rarely saw Beatrice wearing the Gophero family crest, but she could take it out and use it at this time, Su Erdak also found it really convenient.

Walking into the restaurant, almost all the seats on the first floor of the restaurant are full of customers, and the waiters carrying silver plates are almost lined up from the kitchen to the outside.

The restaurant is decorated with many green plants, which almost perfectly isolate each dining area and form a semi-private space.

The waiter climbed up the steps on the second floor along the main building of the restaurant, and at the top of the stairs on the second floor, a group of young nobles came down one by one.

The faces of the young people walking in front were a little red, obviously they had drunk some wine, they walked to the stairs talking and laughing, and the two young people walking in front saw Hathaway and Beatrice , they stopped, especially the young man at the front actually raised his hand, signaling for all the people behind to stop, and then walked up to Hathaway alone.

He smelled heavily of alcohol, and the gold noble badge on his chest was a bit conspicuous.

"Hathaway, let me tell you why every time we invite you to dinner, you always refuse with various reasons. It turns out that you have invited someone else." There was a hint of hostility in the young nobleman's eyes, and he didn't even look at Su Erdak glanced.

Hathaway frowned slightly, trying to pull Suldak upstairs from the side.

But was stopped by the young noble with his body, the young man turned his head and said to the crowd:

"Cole Norton, I heard that Hathaway is getting married, and she is the consul of Tarapagan Ruyt City. Don't you have anything to say in your heart?"

At this time, Suldak realized that Cole Norton was actually in the crowd, but his expression was a little embarrassed.

Without waiting for Cole Norton to say anything, the young nobleman continued to say flamboyantly:

"Speaking of which, Hathaway, your vision of people is really getting worse and worse. I heard that the consul of Ruyt City is an old man who is about to retire."

Suldak didn't understand this sentence at all. It is true that Earl Clay Cushing is about to retire, but what does it have to do with Hathaway's vision?

When the young nobleman was speaking, the attendants accompanying both sides leaned against the wall and trembled with fear.

The noble young man sneered and said, "What? Before the wedding, come here to say goodbye with your lover?"

He glanced at Surdak again from the corner of his eye.

Hathaway was almost going mad with anger, and said angrily, "Edie, what does it matter to you who I come here for dinner with?"

The light-blond long-haired companion next to the young noble stepped down quickly, took a deep look at Suldak, and said to the young noble:

"Edie, stop talking, you're drunk."

After speaking, he said to Hathaway apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Hathaway, just ignore him. Edie is like this. He will talk nonsense when he is drunk. When he wakes up, I will ask him to go to the Marquis Luther's mansion to apologize to you face to face."

The young noble named Edie struggled and said:

"Let go, you don't dare to offend the Marquis Luther, why should I dare, the person who supports the Luther family is my brother Eustace, not I, Edie."

He broke free from the light-blond long-haired man, and stared at Hathaway with a half-smile:

"Sorry for being so blunt."

The young man with light yellow hair shouted to the crowd behind:

"Why are you still in a daze, why don't you help me pull Idi away! Cole..."

He winked at Cole again.

A group of young nobles hurriedly dragged Idi down the stairs. Cole Norton deliberately stayed behind, and he looked at Suldak with hostility.

The two attendants heaved a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and then carefully approached the guests in charge.

Cole Norton was still blocking Hathaway's way. He glanced to both sides and felt that Hathaway would not give him a chance to talk alone, so he bit the bullet and whispered to Hathaway: "Hathaway , In fact, I can also become the lord of a city, as long as you give me some more time, there is no need for you to wrong yourself."

"Cole, how long has it been since we met?" Hathaway hugged Suldak's arm tightly, as if she was swearing sovereignty, or seeking comfort, but her voice was very cold when she spoke.

"It should be more than a year." Cole Norton said with some uncertainty.

"It's been so long! But why haven't you matured?" Hathaway whispered to him, "Okay, don't get in the way here! Let's say goodbye officially, I'll be there next month I'm going to move to Ruyt City, I hope there won't be such an embarrassing meeting in the future!"

Cole didn't get angry because of this, he didn't even look at Suldak, he just ran downstairs in great disappointment.

The last look she looked at Hathaway was clearly, "Watching you fall into the fire pit and I can't save you..."

Hathaway rolled her eyes speechlessly. She wanted to come here to eat more freely, but unexpectedly, she met the person she least wanted to meet.

Beatrice took Suldak's arm from the other side and winked at him, signaling that he should comfort Hathaway at this time.

Suldak also felt quite embarrassed, and originally wanted to stand in front of Hathaway, but before he stood up, this short period of friction ended unexpectedly.

Holding Hathaway's hand tightly, he followed the waiter to the second floor.

The waiter arranged for Suldak, Hathaway and his party to be on the second floor of the restaurant by the window. This place was separated by a row of green plants, so it was very quiet.

Hathaway, who sat on the chair, took a big sip of ice water and said, "It's really exciting to finally leave this circle that is about to make people breathless."

Beatrice and Sia sat side by side, and explained to Suldak: "The full name of Edie just now is Edie Newman, probably because the Marquis Luther has always supported his younger brother Eustace. , I have some grievances against the Luther family, so I will speak rudely to Hathaway."

"Duke Newman's son?" Suldak asked curiously.

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