Lord Highlander

Chapter 1125 1111. Wedding

When I wake up in the morning, I can always hear the chaotic footsteps of the maids going up and down the stairs in the castle.

Getting up from the bed, she opened the window just in time to see that all the windows of the room on the top of the tower where Hathaway lived were open, and it seemed that she had already gotten up.

Suldak found the third dress from the wooden box next to the bed.

Before putting on the dress, Suldak took a shower in the bathroom, stood in front of the bronze mirror and fastened his shirt and bow tie, when there was a knock on the door, Suldak put on his leather shoes, walked to the door and opened the door .

A row of maids stood at the door with a series of toiletries. When they saw Suldak, they immediately bowed and filed into Suldak's room. He tidied up the dress he was wearing, and a servant knelt on the ground to carefully polish his leather shoes.

In the end, a servant took out a razor to tidy up Suldak's not too much beard.

After everything was taken care of, the servants brought up two silver trays with silver semicircular covers on them. After opening the two trays, Suldak discovered that there was a sumptuous breakfast inside.

So Suldak enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast in the bedroom. He had just finished the last mouthful of porridge in the bowl when the butler Kenneth walked in with two identical bouquets of roses.

"Earl Suldak, the wedding ceremony can begin!" Kenneth the butler said to Suldak, and handed a bouquet of flowers to Suldak.

At this time, Xi Ya, who was wearing a simple white gauze dress, looked over from the door, her big blue eyes aimed at Suldak: "Boss, are you alright?"

Suldak picked up a bouquet of roses, hurried out of the guest room, and said, "Is this the beginning?"

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, can't you be more nimble?" Xi Ya complained, pulling Sulda out of the room.

Lance was waiting outside wearing a black magic robe, and said to Suldak with some joy, "Dark, I just saw the gift you prepared for me this morning, oh, this magic pattern is really great... "

"As long as you like it!" Suerdak walked outside holding flowers.

Lance and Sia followed closely behind Suldak, and they acted as Suldak's best man and bridesmaid.

If Carl is not married, he should be the most suitable best man.

"Rita, Cavalier Daniela, Carl, and Byrd went directly to the temple." Lance followed behind and continued.

Following the guidance of butler Kenneth, Suldak walked around from the side door to the entrance of the main building of the manor, and stepped on the newly laid red carpet to the lobby on the first floor.

The Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne were sitting on the sofa in the hall on the first floor. They were also dressed in formal clothes today. Suldak strode in front of them and saluted Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne.

"Go upstairs to pick up Hathaway!" Mrs. Marian said to Suldak with a smile.

"Yes! Hurry up! Someone can't wait!"

Mrs. Mabel, who was standing upstairs, had a slightly sour taste in her words.

Her three daughters were wearing light-colored dresses, standing side by side behind Mrs. Mabel, looking at Suldak with envy and jealousy.

It seems that Suldak hasn't seen them for a long time. Suldak is a little puzzled. They are obviously daughters. Why does the Marquis Luther prefer Hathaway so much that Mrs. Mabel's three The first daughter is like the three Cinderellas.

Suldak glanced at them, then walked up the stairs to Hathaway's bedroom, followed by Sia and Lance silently.

Hathaway has been living in a room on the top floor of the tower since she was grounded last time.

The door was ajar, and Suldak wanted to knock on the door, but unexpectedly it opened with a light push, and there was a row of maids standing inside. Hathaway was wearing a white wedding dress, sitting quietly in front of the dressing table, beautiful. It looks like a flower fairy in an oil painting.

Suldak walked over, stood behind Hathaway, handed a bouquet of roses to Hathaway's arms, supported her smooth white shoulders with both hands, and lowered his head to kiss her cheek, Hathaway was a little shy Lowering her head, she hid slightly to the left, and whispered to Suldak:

"Dark, it's time for us to go..."

Suldak stood up straight, and Lance gave him a thumbs up.

Hathaway stood up from the stool with both hands pulling the long skirt, and then put one hand on Suldak's arm.

The two maids followed behind Hathaway, wearing long skirts for her, and they walked down the long winding staircase together.

Suldak and Hathaway held hands before reaching the steps of the Marquis's mansion. A magic caravan inlaid with gold patterns was parked at the bottom of the steps. The two boarded the magic caravan one after the other. Get into the car, and then Lance and Siya also get into the car.

Suldak found that this magic caravan was bigger than the usual magic caravans, and at least ten people could be seated in the car. A master of ceremonies sat in the car early and said to Suldak: "We want this Pick up Miss Beatrice from Earl's Mansion, you must be quick, otherwise the entire celebration process will be affected."

"Okay, I'll try my best!" Suldak sat in the carriage and tugged at the tight tie with his hands.

Hathaway seemed very nervous along the way, didn't say much, but held Suldak's hand tightly.

The magic caravan drove fast and steadily on the road. Suldak couldn't see how this magic caravan was different from other vehicles, but when passing the intersection, other vehicles would give way one after another.

The magic caravan drove smoothly all the way to the steps of Earl Gophero's manor. Only Suldak took Siya and Lance out of the carriage, and then Suldak took the lead to climb the steps.

Under the leadership of the butler, two rows of servants stood in two rows at the door.

In the hall on the first floor, Suldak saluted the somewhat melancholy Earl Gophero.

Earl Gophero's face was a little pale, and his thin cheeks seemed to have been smeared with some powder. His complexion looked like he hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time, and there was no smile on his face, but his eyes were a little lonely, and he just waved it casually. He waved his hand and pointed to the stairs to Suldak.

Harvey stood obediently behind Earl Gophero, nodded slightly to Suldak, indicating that Suldak could go up.

He is in a good mood recently, because Suldak visited his leather workshop the day before yesterday, and that simple workshop was approved by Suldak.

A maid at the top of the stairs led the way until Suldak was brought into Beatrice's boudoir.

There seemed to be a faint musty smell in the room, and it seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time. The round-faced Beatrice's voluptuous body was wrapped in a white wedding dress. She and Hathaway seemed to have discussed it. Symmetrical and complementary beauty of a wedding dress.

"You guys are finally here..."

Beatrice didn't wait for Suldak to walk over with flowers, she stood up from the stool of the dressing table, walked towards Suldak, took the bouquet, and walked towards Suldak with her arm Walking outside, the maid leading the way quickly trotted to help Hathaway pull the skirt.

"Siya, why did you take so long to come here?" Beatrice didn't complain to Suldak, but asked Siya in a low voice.

"Isn't the boss waking up a bit late..." Xi Ya muttered in a low voice.

"No one told me what time to get up, I thought I got up early enough." Suldak explained.

Beatrice took Suldak on her arm, walked out of Gophero Manor, quickly got into the carriage, hugged Hathaway, sat in the carriage and pointed to the lush and towering trees in the manor, facing the sea. Servi complained: "You don't even know how depressing this manor is"

"I always live in this manor full of trees, my heart is full of gloom, I feel that my whole life is gloomy, every time I walk out of the house, it seems that another ray of light shines into my world through the clouds inside."

As soon as the round-faced Beatrice sat in the carriage, the tense atmosphere in the carriage immediately disappeared, and the atmosphere in the entire carriage immediately became lively.

"When you arrive in Ruyt City, don't forget to arrange your bedroom higher, so that you can see the rising sun early every day." Hathaway said with a smile to Beatrice.

Beatrice also nodded again and again, and said, "It's like the bedroom in the tower you live in. By the way, Duck, does the castle in Ruyt City have a tower..."

"Shouldn't you turn the tower of the castle into a bedroom? It's definitely hot in summer and very cold in winter." Suldak said speechlessly to the two noble ladies who had no common sense of life.

"It's okay, we have a solution." Hathaway said confidently.

Drive all the way to the Temple of Liberty in the city of Bena. Now this temple has been renamed as the Temple of Libera. The nobles in the city need a spacious and bright place to hold their wedding. Not every noble likes to put The wedding was held in a manor outside the city.

Suldak arrived at the entrance of the temple in a magic caravan, only to find that the square at the entrance was already full of gorgeous carriages.

The red carpet stretched from the hall of the temple to the gate of the temple, and Surdak's carriage stopped at the end of the red carpet.

The gate of the temple was covered with lush vines, and Suldakla led Hathaway and Beatrice into the gate, walked through the long corridor filled with flower baskets on both sides, and walked into the front courtyard of the temple.

The guests were already waiting in the courtyard of the Libera Temple. Most of these nobles in gorgeous dresses, Suldak couldn't call out their names.

Rita, Cavalier Daniela, Carl, and tax collector Byrd have all rushed to the courtyard. They are relatives and friends of Suldak, and they seem a bit out of place with the nobles in the courtyard.

The front yard of this temple is very large, surrounded by tall stone pillars and arches, and those vines have even climbed onto the stone pillars.

It is these tall buildings that support the shade, the yard is covered with soft hair-like grass, and there are rows of chairs for resting on the grass.

A group of nobles surrounded Marquis Luther and were chatting in the courtyard.

In comparison, the nobles around Earl Gophero looked a bit shabby.

But this embarrassment only lasted until the three of Suldak, Hathaway and Beatrice walked into the courtyard together, and the guests automatically stood on both sides of the red carpet and burst into applause.

Rita saw Surdak walking on the red carpet and waved to him vigorously.

At this time, Hathaway and Beatrice had to go to their respective families, and Suldak led Sia and Lance into the hall of the temple.

Climb up the steps covered with red carpets and come to the hall of the temple. The place where the Statue of Liberty was originally enshrined has now been covered with white curtains.

The high platform where priests blessed and baptized originally had a Holy Grail on the platform. Originally, the Holy Grail would be filled with holy water. If people in the city got sick, they would come to the temple to pray and then they would get some holy water.

At the earliest time, these holy waters were very effective, but later on they gradually became less effective.

However, everyone has already developed a habit. When someone is sick, they will come to the temple to pray and ask the priest to bestow holy water.

If you are seriously ill, you have to invite the priests in the temple to your home. This requires donating money to the temple. After all, you need to let the goddess show the piety in the hearts of believers.

Now the priests of the temple left without a sound, and the Statue of Liberty behind the curtain was covered with linen and even covered with dust.

On the curtain covering the Statue of Liberty, hang the flags of the Grimm Empire and the Province of Bena.

The flag pattern of the Green Empire is composed of royal griffin shields and long swords, while the flag of the Bena province is a swordsman's helmet and two crossed long swords.

In fact, some people suggested that the statue of the first emperor of the Grimm Empire be erected in the hall, but the proposal has not been approved by the Angibald royal family. On the contrary, Emperor Charles allowed the imperial flag to be hung on the curtain.

When Suldak walked in, he felt that the hall of this temple was much bigger than a basketball court.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bena City, Marquis Fred Dunstan, stood in front of the high platform in a formal dress, looking at Suldak with a smile.

He was the officiant of Suldak's wedding, and the master of ceremonies stood obediently by the side.

Suldak walked to Speaker Fred Dunstan and saluted the Speaker.

"It can be seen that Luthor's vision has always been very good. You are a promising young man, and I am also very optimistic about you..." Speaker Fred Dunstan said with a smile, and reached out to pat Sulda gram shoulders.

As Suldak walked into the hall of the temple, the guests behind him also entered the hall one after another, and sat down on the long chairs in the hall.

With bursts of melodious music sounding, the hall became quiet.

The master of ceremonies immediately handed a speech to Speaker Fred Dunstan.

Apparently, the sigil of life that Suldak helped Chairman Fred Dunstan colonize was very effective. He held up the speech and began to recite in rhythmic rhythms.

Standing in the hall, Suldak was a little flustered. He didn't even hear what Speaker Fred Dunstan said.

Feeling the dazzling light from the gate of the temple behind him, he really wanted to see the scenery at the gate clearly.

With the sound of cheerful music, Suldak regained his senses.

Amidst the melodious sound of the harp, Marquis Luther held Hathaway's hand, and Earl Gophero held Beatrice's hand, and walked in from outside the temple.

One after another, they walked along the red carpet to the high platform of the temple.

Marquis Luther took Hathaway's hand and stood in front of Suldak.

He stretched out his hand and patted Suldak's shoulder, with a touch of melancholy in his eyes, he looked at his daughter lovingly, and reluctantly handed Hathaway's hand in white lace gloves to Suldak, and said:

"I watched her be born..."

"Watching her babbling..."

"Watching her learn to walk..."

"Hope you know how hard it was for me and Marianne to get her ready."

"Now I will hand her over to you. We hope that she can go on happily together with you in the future. Love her and take care of her."

Hathaway hugged Marquis Luther tightly with one hand, but secretly took Suldak's hand with the other.

At this moment, Suldak puffed up his chest and said:

"I will, I swear to protect our love for the rest of my life."

After tidying up her emotions, Hathaway obediently stood beside Suldak.

Marquis Luther turned around and walked to the front row of the auditorium amidst applause.

Then Count Gophero took Beatrice's hand and came to Suldak. Count Gophero had a slightly stern face, but with aristocratic indifference and pride, he glanced around with a sleepy expression. With a soft snort, he said:

"I handed Beatrice to you, remember not to let her run back crying, or I won't spare you!"

All right! There is only one sentence.

"do not worry……"

Before Suldak could say the following oath, Earl Gophero walked into the auditorium with a cold face.

Beatrice was not as sad as Hathaway, she couldn't wait to pounce on her, and embraced Suldak fiercely.

She is like an explorer hanging from a cliff, clinging to the rope...

Earl Gophero walked back to his seat in embarrassment.

The wedding goes on.

Speaker Fred Dunstan blessed the newcomers and read the oath.

Everyone stood up.

Finally, after the wedding vows were read out, Speaker Fred Dunstan said loudly on the high platform: "Next, I will read out a letter of appointment just issued by the Imperial Diet on the spot, appointing Earl Suldak as the head of Ruyt City. The supreme consul is also responsible for managing the Ganbu plane, and also serves as the consul of Mukuso City and the speaker of the House of Representatives of Mukuso City."

The nobles in the hall of the temple were in an uproar...

The nobles who came to the wedding only knew a little about the groom Suldak. They knew that this young man was the one that Marquis Luther liked, but they didn't expect to become a great lord at such a young age. Hold the real power of the place firmly.

The wedding ceremony on the side of the temple has come to an end here.

Next, the Marquis Mansion also prepared a sumptuous luncheon and held a dance in the evening.

On the side of Suldak's relatives and friends, Rita and Daniela stood in the crowd, looking at Suldak in disbelief on the stage, even Carl and the Bird tax officer were shocked look.

Bird tax officer whispered to Karl: "Dak will be the Lord Consul of Suldak in the future?"


There will be another chapter later, hehe, coincidentally, the four of them will also write about the wedding

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