Lord Highlander

Chapter 113 112. Rescue Laurent

Laurent Goss ran wildly in the dense forest clutching his injured arm, and the dense branches whipped him in the face like a thorny whip in the court.

He didn't even have time to check the wound on his body, the rapier of the Badger Needle at his waist had been completely broken, and the bed crossbow was nowhere to be found, and a voice deep in his heart kept saying:

You coward...you are a coward...run away...run as hard as you want...the evil spirits are right behind you...they are coming.

After the improvised squad was defeated by the evil spirits, Laurent Goss finally saw why they were called veterans, and scattered like birds and beasts into the woods, but they were nowhere to be seen.

He didn't understand until now, what Uncle Mond Goss said to him at the dinner party when they first met.

'...The Warsaw plane is not a good place to make military achievements! '

'If you don't want to die, why don't you dare to live well in Tarapa. '

"If you want to serve in the military, I can arrange for you to be in the logistics department so that you can easily spend the four years of military service..."

Earl Mond Goss' sharp eyes once made him feel very uncomfortable. He felt that those eyes were like looking at a countryman, but now he finally understood, Earl Mond Goss To wake him up.

It's a pity that he couldn't comprehend the look in Earl Mond Goss's eyes until he left the camp last night.

His arrogance and arrogance are infinitely magnified on this battlefield of life and death.

The knowledge he learned from the Warrior Academy, the sword in his hand, is nothing in front of these evil spirits.

He kept running, getting farther and farther away from the battlefield behind him. He really wanted to run back, but a group of evil spirits were chasing him. Those evil spirits have already captured him, and now he can't turn back no matter what.

Probably because of the luxurious clothes he was wearing, the evil spirits recognized him as a young big shot. Now he regretted why he had to dress so brightly on the battlefield, just like a banner on the battlefield. When he appeared, At least half of the evil spirits rushed towards him.

Now there is only one thought in his mind, and that is to leave here, no matter where he goes, as long as he leaves this dangerous place as soon as possible.

The evil spirit chased after him and knocked down a huge pine tree. The pine tree fell down suddenly and blocked his way.

The scorpion smashed the same pine branch at him, and he saw the huge pine branch from the bushes getting bigger and bigger. At the last moment, he was forced to get out of the bushes, turned around and continued to run fiercely. The ghost immediately found its target and strode after it.

A military thorn stabbed from behind like lightning, Laurent Goss dived forward and rolled forward, jumped into a piece of wild grass, and the evil spirit also jumped out.

But I didn't expect that there was a sloping land behind the wild grass. Laurent Goss jumped into the grass and his mind went blank, because he missed the air. His body was like a soaring earth plane with wings spread, right on the vast grassland. Landing hard, his body slid forward on the grass, and countless fine blades of grass hit his face, causing some pain.

In addition to the whining wind, the scenery in front of my eyes was constantly changing, and my chest and lower abdomen seemed to be on fire. Even though there was a straw blanket underneath, it was scorchingly painful.

Laurent Goss was worried that once he slid to the end of the grassy slope, his body would hit a big tree or rock uncontrollably, and his body would inevitably end up in pieces. He tried to scratch the weeds next to him to stop Sliding down by itself, but it doesn't seem to work at all.

He took out a short blade from his waist, and inserted the dagger into the grass indiscriminately. Suddenly, Laurent Goss felt a huge force pull it off, and his arm seemed to be broken, and he almost couldn't hold the dagger in his hand. The short dagger, and the short dagger pierced into the soil, cutting the grass and splashing the soil, but the speed of the slide slowed down.

While he was slowing down the speed of his descent, he could finally see his surroundings clearly, only to realize that there was actually a valley of broken rocks under the slope. When the slope reached the valley, the slope would slow down a lot, but there were There are countless weird stones, and if you are not careful, you will hit the stones.

There are also many low thorn bushes growing on the grass slope, and the evil spirit chasing up behind him also rolled down with him, but the evil spirit seemed to have adjusted his body while rolling, and turned into a road all the way down the slope. Running, when Laurent Goss looked up, the evil spirit was only ten meters away from him, and the evil spirit could reach him with a single jump.

Seeing the evil spirit approaching slowly, Laurent Goss was so frightened that he couldn't care about anything, and he didn't know where the strength came from. He jumped up from the slope and rushed towards the river below the slope. At that time, the thinking was still very clear, that is, to escape to the edge of the river and jump into the stream.

Unexpectedly, the evil spirit ran faster than him. The evil spirit's red giant hand with huge joints touched behind Laurent Goss, and with just a light grab, it grabbed the exquisite noble leather armor on his body. Broken, Laurent Goss only felt a burning pain in his back, as if his back was scratched by that evil spirit.

He threw the short dagger in his hand towards the evil ghost, but the evil ghost didn't dodge it, but smashed the short dagger open with his fist, and the other giant hand tightly grasped his wrist.

Laurent Goss struggled desperately, but the big hand did not relax at all. He only felt a heavy impact on his abdomen, which hurt his heart, and there was a feeling of overwhelming in his stomach. He opened his mouth and thought When he was about to retch, a big fist hit him on the face again, sending him flying horizontally, and his body hit a boulder by the stream, his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

He felt the huge shadow approaching a little bit, and the evil ghost raised the military thorn in his hand high, ready to pierce his body...

A light feather arrow pierced the evil spirit's forehead with a 'ding' sound. The feather arrow only scratched a little of the evil ghost's scalp, but the tail feathers trembled slightly on the forehead. Pulling it out, turning his eyes to the side, he saw a human infantry soldier standing on a boulder, holding an alloy bow in his hand, with a piece of scone in his mouth, staring at the evil spirit without blinking.

There was a strange cooing sound from the evil ghost's throat, and its body had already turned around, and it rushed towards the human warrior with big strides.

Red Sock Garcia took back the alloy bow in his hand, and just glanced at the evil spirit lightly, before jumping off the boulder.

Before the evil spirit rushed to the boulder, four figures suddenly appeared from the pile of rocks on the left and right sides. They held shields and long swords, and rushed straight towards the evil spirit...

The evil ghost stretched out two big hands, and grabbed the heads of the human soldiers on both sides. The human infantry soldiers looked like a group of children who hadn't grown up in front of the three-meter-high evil ghost. He wanted to crush the human warrior's skull with his hands, but he never thought that the human warrior would actually swing his shield and cast a 'shield blow' at him.

The shield hit the evil ghost's fist with a burst of silver light. It was supposed to be the scene where the fist smashed the iron-covered square shield, but I didn't think that the evil ghost's fist was twisted, and some bone spurs were melted away by the silver light. There was a faint gray smell on the palm, and it felt like being tortured in the City of God's Punishment.

The evil ghost warrior let out a shrill scream, and felt an inexplicable fear in his heart for no reason, and even forgot about the human infantry soldiers around him.

Two sharp long swords were inserted into the evil ghost's ribs from the left and right sides, and the tip of the sword stretched upwards obliquely, passing through the evil ghost's heart.

Under the siege of four infantry soldiers, the burly evil ghost was completely eliminated without any power to fight back.

Laurent Goss lay prone on the grass next to the pile of rocks. Enduring dizziness and pain all over his body, he looked up at the group of young infantry soldiers, and a familiar face appeared in front of him...

With a faint smile, Suldak jumped off the boulder and walked towards him step by step...

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