Lord Highlander

Chapter 1147: 1133. Samira

Samira walked into the public area of ​​the Blue Bridge Fortress with a longbow on her back. Her delicate face had some elven blood, and her light red eyes showed a hint of indifference.

Compared with Carrie Decker wearing the heavy armor of the magic pattern, she is more slender and light like an elf, but she is slightly inferior in stature. Carrie Decker's tall figure, even standing Surdak's side will not be much inferior.

All eyes in the public area were on Samira. That exquisite face was finally no longer hidden under the hood. Perhaps it was because of the hood that was used to cover it all day long. It is so bright red, like a poppy flower swaying in the wind.

But more people are paying attention to the fangs of the magic snake on her body. It is said that the magic attributes of this top-level magic pattern structure are only a little worse than the second-level magic pattern structure.

Samira walked slowly into the public area, wearing a pair of exquisite long leather boots with complicated patterns, like a real silver moon elf nobleman.

Carrie Decker squinted his black eyes, and stared aggressively at Sami LS Mira, not to be outdone, approached, staring at Carrie Decker with pale red eyes, and asked: " Are you trying to declare war on us?"


The Constructed Knights of Ababa Province are celebrating at the bar in the public area. There are more than a hundred second-rank powerhouses gathered here. Samira is looking at one of them without showing any weakness under the gaze of everyone. Carrie Decker with long black hair.

When Bart hurried over, he only saw the back of Samira in the crowd.

Whether it is Andrew or the two-headed ogre, they have shown some of their abilities in the Blue Bridge Fortress recently.

Now another half-elf archer rushed over. Obviously, Suldak had a second-rank strong team that was almost formed. It could be seen that Samira was also a very strong woman.

If it was a man who was confronting Carrie Decker in the public area at this time, I am afraid that the Ababa construction knights present would directly surround him and beat him up, but now that Samira is standing Come out, these constructed knights are not easy to do it directly.

"Is she also your follower?" Bart asked enviously.

Suldak nodded and admitted to Bart.

"Why did you meet so many such outstanding fighters?" Bart covered his mouth, leaned into Suldak's ear and whispered, "If you brought the three of them to the Blue Bridge Fortress at the same time, you would have told I am your surname Newman, I am willing to believe it."

Suldak touched his nose and whispered to Bart: "Actually, I don't have a surname yet. Maybe 'Suldak' will become my son's surname in the future, and maybe the name without a surname will continue forever."

Bart asked curiously: "Then do you have a son?"

"There is one, named Peter." When Suldak answered this question, he did not hesitate at all.


"So what?"

Carrie Decker's eyes became sharper, and the relationship between him and Samira was full of gunpowder.

Samira's upright body twisted her waist slightly, clenched her right fist and slammed hard on Carrie Decker's left rib. Carrie Decker was wearing a thick second-level magic pattern structure Pack heavy armor.

Samira's fist landed on the heavy armor on her left rib, Carrie Decker didn't even dodge it, and even had a faint smile on his face.

But after a solid punch, Carrie Decker snorted and took half a step back.

She found that what Samira threw at him in an instant was not a single punch, but two punches that were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

The first punch shook off the layer of protection formed by the magic pattern on her body, and the second punch was only through the abdominal armor, and it hit the left rib firmly.

Like a cold venomous snake trying to bite into its belly, Carrie Decker made an inaudible nasal sound.

she was hurt...

Carrie Decker slashed at Samira without showing any weakness. Although her weapon was a magic double-barreled shotgun, she was a heavily armored knight, but the weapon was a bit special.

Being able to wear heavy armor is enough to show that she is not inferior to any man in terms of strength.

This slash almost brought up a white light, she hit Samira's back shoulder and neck, the knife in her hand was almost touching Samira's neck, she didn't show any sign of dodging.

Carrie Decker felt a little smug, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

But just when she thought that this slash would knock Samira to the ground, Samira's body turned into a phantom, and the whole person came to the side of Carrie Decker, and was caught by the snake. The long legs wrapped by Zhifang firmly kicked on Carrie Decker's side waist.

Samira kicked Carrie Decker four or five meters away.

Carrie Decker bumped into the long table made of indigo wood, with her elbows resting on the table, a cluster of wooden thorns was knocked out of the ten-centimeter-thick table top by her heavy armor, and a crack appeared on the table...

A stream of air immediately surrounded Carrie Decker's whole body. She stood up from the long table with a frighteningly gloomy expression.

Those who are familiar with her know that the anger in her heart has been ignited, but Samira continues to catch up.

Carrie Decker turned and ran, jumped onto the ring opposite the public area, and put on a posture of fighting with both fists.

Samira followed deftly into the ring.

A group of Abeba-constructed knights gathered around the ring one after another. Everyone found that the half-elf's melee combat technique was indescribably light and flexible. With the excellent defensive power of the patterned heavy armor, the sword in his hand opened and closed and slashed at Samira.

Every knife is facing Samira's front, and every slash is very fast.

In the ring, Samira's speed has increased a bit. She is like a nimble black panther, but Carrie Decker is more like a rough-skinned and thick-skinned earth storm bear.

Every time Samira retracted her right fist, Carrie Decker would block it very carefully.

After Carrie Decker was punched several times in a row, the constructed knights onlookers beside the ring realized the true power contained in that punch, and Samira, who let go of her hands and feet on the ring, was so fast. There was an afterimage.

With the advantage of absolute speed, Carrie Decker couldn't touch Samira's clothes at all.

Being hit by Samira several times in the chest, Carrie Decker became furious. He didn't dodge any of Samira's punches, and his hands were no longer slashing with knives, but I want to hold Samira in my arms...

Samira immediately dodges, not to fight with Carrie Decker, but Carrie Decker rushed straight up, trying to use the defensive advantage of the second-level magic pattern structure to get close to Samira fight.

Samira took half a step back, her body instantly turned into a phantom, and the next second her body was so pale that it was hard to see...

The arena was originally built opposite the bar in the public area, and it happened to be night now. Even if a few magic wall lamps were lit around, there would inevitably be some shadows on the arena.

Samira's second life sigil is a life sigil stripped from a spirit bone of the moire ghost leopard. It not only provides Samira with amazing speed, but also has the effect of hiding in the shadows.

Watching Samira disappear, the next second, Samira appeared on the left side of Carrie Decker and kicked her out of the ring again.

"Is this why you don't want to compete with Samira?" Suldak asked Andrew in a low voice behind the crowd.

"Yeah, if you don't fight for your life, fighting with her is simply getting beaten one-sidedly." Andrew admitted with an embarrassed smile.

Carrie Decker's long black hair danced without wind, and her body was filled with powerful fighting spirit. Behind her, a phantom figure of a goddess of war appeared with a sword and shield in her hand. Sammy LS Mira also released the phantom of the great elf Windrunner not to be outdone, standing on the pillar in the corner of the ring, holding out the Sky Strike Bow full of lightning power in his hand, and traces of arcs along the arms of the bow. The powerful destructive aura contained in the bow arm spread continuously outside, and the constructed knights around the ring could feel it very clearly.

"Okay, stop it all..."

The voice of Commander Adolphus came from the side of the public area, and then Commander Adolphus and another commander were seen walking out side by side.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Carrie Decker immediately put away the weapon in his hand, and got out of the ring in a hurry, with crystal beads of sweat hanging on the tip of his straight nose.

At this time, Samira also saw Suldak's eyes, and the black shadow flashed, and jumped lightly to Suldak's side.

Everyone knew that in this battle, Carrie Decker was at a disadvantage from the beginning to the end.

"Look at you, what have you been doing recently? If you have the energy, go out to patrol, don't let the Mozu scout team sneak into the rear of our defense zone..."

Commander Adolphus stood in the public area and said a lot.

In the end, he left the public area with the commander who had been black-faced and silent.

But when he left, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Obviously, although the two commanders suppressed the soldiers under their command, as long as they didn't make too much trouble, the commanders would turn a blind eye to this kind of competition and acquiesce.

The two commanders showed up at the same time, and the assembled knights in Ababa Province left one after another in disappointment.

Samira put on the sky bow again and followed Surdak back to the residence.

Because of Bart's presence, Samira easily got the key to the next room.

Suldak stretched out his hands, hugged Samira, and said, "Sorry, I ran into a little trouble on the way, so please wait!"

"As long as you know……"

Samira put her feet on her feet, put her chin on Suldak's shoulder with great effort, and muttered in a low voice.

Afterwards, he gave Andrew and the ogre Gullitum a high-five, and then turned to tidy up his room.

In just one night, the famous name of 'Samila' spread throughout the Blue Bridge Fortress.

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