Lord Highlander

Chapter 1169 1155. Beheading

After the archmages blessed all the magic buffs, they started a new round of chanting.

This sound of incantations, which is as neat as a choir, looks solemn and solemn on the battlefield. Even the clouds in the sky are showing a red color, and a huge magic pattern formation is formed under the feet of the archmages. Control the magical power of this part.

A 20-meter-tall Fire Elemental King suddenly appeared behind the battlefield.

It was surrounded by countless flames, and its spiral body was burning violently, almost igniting the clouds in the sky.

The king of the fire element raised his hands high, opened his mouth wide and looked up at the fire cloud in the sky, his chest swelled up suddenly, and sucked the fire cloud within a radius of 100 meters into his mouth with a big mouthful, his burning lava There was a destructive light in its eyes, and then it slammed its fists on its chest, opened its mouth wide, and sprayed countless fire rains on the position of the hell demons.

When the fire rain fell, those Flame Gogs didn't care too much. They were demons born from the fire themselves, and they were not afraid of the flames at all.

But the demon warriors behind could only be those demon generals who set up huge umbrella-shaped masks in the crowd. These giant masks were connected together and successfully blocked the rain of fire that fell one after another.

The great magicians flying in the sky landed one after another. On a high ground on the left side of the battlefield, when a group of knights pulled away all the thatch that covered it, there should be a row of magic bed crossbows. A giant silver cannon inlaid with this fine gold pattern, those giant cannons are covered with gorgeous magic patterns, the great mages stood behind these giant cannons, and began to adjust the firing angle of the magic guided cannons.


A ten-meter-high demon lord appeared behind the camp of the demon army. This demon lord had complete huge fleshy wings, was covered with a set of red and black battle armor, and held a ten-meter-long sword in his hand. It has a square war blade with a ferocious face, and there are actually two long forked horns on its head.

With his roar, the demon warrior immediately made a passage in the center of the battlefield.

The demon lord ran forward against the rain of fire, and the rain of fire would disappear without a sound when it fell on it.

These magic cannons have also completed their first charging at this time, and the twelve magic cannons light up one by one, and their target is the demon lord.

Just after an archmage gave the order, ten beams of magic light tore through the space and landed on the demon lord at the same time.

The demon lord seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When he was running, a layer of light green magic shield covered his body, but he didn't expect that the twelve magic cannons would focus on firing at him at the same time.

The beam of light fell on the green light shield, which was instantly filled with cracks, and then exploded in front of the demon lord.

Then the twelve weakened beams of light concentrated on the demon lord's chest at the same time. The demon lord looked down at the huge hole in his chest angrily, and swung the war blade in his hand without any scruples.


Even with a huge hole in his body, the demon lord still has no intention of retreating.

On the contrary, after such a roar, those demon warriors running slowly uttered the same roar one after another, regardless of the flame Gog in front of them, they flapped their small fleshy wings, turned into complete wings, flew up from the ground, and headed towards He rushed over to the Constructed Knights on the opposite side.

The frontmost constructed knight horses almost turned into a stream of light under the rapid gallop. When they collided with the demon warrior, the knight spear in his hand immediately knocked the demon warrior floating in the air to the ground.

The fallen demon warriors slashed square warblades at the horses with their last breath, but light shields flashed from the black scaled horses one after another. Leaves light scratches.

The iron hoof of the black-scaled horse stepped on the body of the fallen demon warrior and continued to charge forward...

The constructed knights behind turned into streaks of white light and continued to charge forward.

On the frontal battlefield, these constructed knights almost stepped on the body of Flame Gog, and collided with the demon warriors. Under the waves, the demon warriors suffered heavy casualties.

However, the constructed knights who have lost the advantage of charging are fighting with demon warriors on the battlefield. Suddenly, countless phantoms appear behind the knights. Their bodies are like containers, and countless powers are injected into the constructed knights through the phantoms behind them. In the body, the constructed knights broke out with powerful combat power one after another...

But even so, the Constructed Knights began to suffer a certain degree of casualties.

The black-scale warhorse was beheaded by the demon warriors behind it, and fell hard on the battlefield, and the fallen knight would be besieged by the demon warriors.

The Flaming Gogs who survived in the cracks shot fireballs towards the battlefield ignoring the enemy and us. For a while, the battlefield seemed to erupt into a sea of ​​flames.

Commander Felix was sandwiched between the third row of constructed knights. When his horse turned into a stream of light and rushed up, the whip-shaped light blade in front of the knight's spear in his hand rose almost 40 meters, piercing through more than 20 people in an instant. Mozu warrior.

Flipping the knight spear in his hand, he pushed away the demon warriors in front of him one after another. The horse ran faster and faster, and rushed into the center of the demon army's formation in an instant, piercing the chest of a demon general on the spot, and He swung his long sword and chopped off his head.

An umbrella-shaped shield disappeared on the battlefield, and the rain of fire fell, splashing on countless demon warriors.

At this time, the demon lord who rushed up from behind had already caught up, and the giant blade in his hand slashed at Commander Felix. Countless black devil energy was burning on the square blade, almost killing him. Warblade wrapped.

Commander Felix held the reins of the horse with one hand, and countless magic lines appeared on the horse under his crotch. It jumped more than ten meters away with a light leap, and even avoided the demon lord's cleave.

The magic cannon on the hillside concentrated its firepower again, aiming at the demon lord who was like a giant building on the battlefield.

The demon lord didn't dare to resist the second set fire of the twelve magic cannons. The black fire burning in the pierced chest had already begun to produce hard armor. He opened his wings suddenly, kicked his legs hard on the ground, and his body He jumped into the air, and then rushed towards the king of fire elements.

The king of the fire element was not afraid of the demon lord at all. When he saw him rushing up, he immediately spit out a mouthful of raging flames at him...

The demon lord fought his body with raging fire, and the square war blade raised high fell down, splitting the fire elemental king in an instant. The fire elemental king didn't even make a wail, it turned into countless flying sparks and disappeared completely in the air. Between heaven and earth, only two flame bracelets fell heavily on the ground.

"Cyrus Neroa!"

Commander Felix shouted loudly on the battlefield.

The demon lord was slightly taken aback, and when he turned his head to look at him, the last row of constructed knights on the battlefield suddenly separated to the two sides, and ten magic bed crossbows were hidden at the back of the battlefield. They were all second-rank archers in the Grimm Empire, and the arrow slots of these bed crossbows were not filled with ordinary crossbow bolts, but a crossbow bolt whose value was equivalent to a magic-weave-constructed crossbow bolt.

These crossbow arrows not only have complicated magic patterns on them, but also have arrow tips made of holy silver, and the arrow shafts are engraved with sealing magic circles.

When the demon lord turned his head slightly, ten demon-killing arrows shot out from behind the battlefield almost at the same time. After parrying the two crossbow arrows, he turned his body sideways again, and used the shoulders and thighs as thick armor to hold the six demon-killing crossbow arrows.

Only two crossbow bolts were inserted in his chest and lower abdomen respectively.

The demon lord flapped his huge fleshy wings and wanted to continue to soar into the sky, but was sealed by the demon-killing crossbow, so he couldn't soar into the air.

He immediately waved his war blade among the chaotic army, wanting to run back.

At this time, dozens of second-rank fighters poured out from behind the costume knight. They all waved hammers in their hands and kept throwing them at the demon lord.

Red streamers radiated from the hammer, and they entangled the thick thighs of the demon lord one after another. These fighters did not compete with the demon lord for brute force, but just hung the other end of the chain on the stake.

This series of actions trapped the demon lord Cyrus Neroa on the battlefield on the side of the Empire Construct Knight.

The twelve magic cannons were waiting for such an opportunity. Seeing that the demon lord wanted to break free from dozens of chains, but he couldn't do it in a short time, he watched the twelve magic cannons smash the demon lord The upper body completely collapsed.

A desperate cry erupted on the battlefield...

Then there was overwhelming cheers, and all the knights in costume raised their weapons, and after the archmages put on shields one after another, they launched a second charge towards the Demon Legion.

And the great mages in the sky flew to the back of the demon army, sprinkled a wall of fire behind the demon camp, blocking their way of retreating.

Under the leadership of Commander Felix, 1,200 constructed knights began to kill the demon generals in the army...

After these demon generals fell to the ground one after another, the masks above their heads were shattered. This time, what fell from the sky was not group attack magic, but continuous fireballs, almost shooting at the demon warriors.

As long as they are a little distracted, they will be pierced by the rushed up knights.

If they ignore the fireball falling from the sky, wait until the fireball bursts from their heads.

Under the explosive flames, it was even more unable to withstand the charge of the constructed knights.

The battle lasted until the afternoon, and under the leadership of Commander Felix, the Constructed Knights of the Green Empire completely controlled the situation on the battlefield.

Suldak has been rescuing the wounded knights on the battlefield. Originally, after the battle was won, Commander Felix would stop to rest.

But Suldak never expected that after Commander Felix gained an absolute advantage on the battlefield, he would actually point the knight spear in his hand at the demon camp behind the battlefield, and lead the Constructed Knights to march towards that place. Pian Mozu camp killed the past.

Sure enough, he wanted to take advantage of this battle to completely capture the demon camp and drive the demon army to the south of Death Ridge.

Seeing Commander Felix's decisive behavior, Suldak also gritted his teeth, stood at the door of the treatment tent, pointed at the slightly injured constructed knights, and faced Diens and Musta He ordered: "Help them in again, and I will help them bless them with some holy blessings..."

After speaking, he pulled out a magic sealing box from his backpack, opened the lid, and there was a whole box filled with heads of demon warriors...

Roar! With endless anger, I'm back!

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