Lord Highlander

Chapter 1172: 1158. The twenty-eighth seat

By the way, Suldak also brought back two local products from the Death Mountain—Hell Praying Mantis.

Throw it casually to Gullitum waiting at the foot of the mountain, and the two-headed ogre will immediately identify whether this demonic creature can be eaten. This time, a large number of demonic warriors fled along the Death Ridge towards the south.

About an average number of constructed knights were ordered to pursue this group of demon warriors.

The rest of the Constructed Knights, even including the logistics troops, marched into the military fortress on this high platform.

It is said that this military fortress fell into the hands of the demons from hell seven years ago. At that time, the demon army paid a huge price to occupy this fortress. This battlefield has always occupied a geographical advantage.

They can suppress the front line of the entire theater of the Green Empire from here, or they can penetrate into the hinterland of the empire's defense zone through the slits between the front lines of the theater to harass and assassinate.

In the past seven years, the imperial army has been in this passive situation.

This was originally the twenty-eighth fortress of the Grimm Empire, but now Commander Felix sacrificed his life and led the Zakarum Knights to take back this fortress, which can be regarded as inserting the hell demons into the seventh district One of the deepest nails in the Empire's defenses has been pulled out.

For the Green Empire, this battle is of great significance.

Of course, the empire suffered a lot of losses. First of all, a third-rank guardian knight fell in this battle. In addition, Commander Felix borrowed twelve weapons from the Empire Magic Union to prepare for the war. There is a magic cannon, and there are ten demon-killing bed crossbows.

The bed crossbow itself is not of much value, but the most expensive ones are those giant demon-killing arrows. It is said that each of these giant arrows is more expensive than a set of primary magic pattern construction, and this kind of demon-killing arrow The arrow itself is a non-recyclable consumable and cannot be reused.

The only thing that can bring you some comfort is that the fortress was captured and returned, and two demon lords were killed, although one of the demon lords was killed by a red dragon and his body was taken away. But victory in the war means that the imperial army can enjoy the fruits of victory.

Although the price paid was a bit heavy, the post-war rewards were also huge.

Suldak set up a marching tent in the newly occupied demon camp and began to treat the wounded soldiers.

Now the constructed knights of the Zakarum Knights have understood the rules of Suldak, that is, a seriously injured knight needs to bring a head of a demon warrior when he is sent here for medical treatment.

Although it is necessary to bring a demon warrior's head, it does not need the unidentified magic spar inside.

And even if there were unidentified magic spar in the demon's head, Suldak would take out the magic spar and return them to the injured knights.

A warrior who does not bring a demon head cannot enjoy the blessing of God...

Yes...or no, the difference is quite huge, the former can allow the lightly injured construct knight to return to the battlefield, and if not, he can only lie in the medical tent and listen to the cheers of victory outside.

So much so that all the wounded soldiers even took it as their glory to have the head of a demon warrior, and they could walk out of the medical tent with healthy hands and feet. Who would like to lie here and listen to the wailing of other wounded soldiers?

The constructed knights of the Zakarum Knights also gradually began to understand that these blessings of the gods seem to require offering sacrifices to the gods...

So those knights who went to the battlefield for the second time and showed great combat power on the battlefield spontaneously sent the demon heads they harvested to the medical tent after this battle.

Suldak still only accepts demon heads, but he doesn't want those unidentified black magic crystals.


Although a huge part of the military facilities here have been destroyed by the demon warriors, basically there are only some dilapidated walls and foundations left, but after all, there is still a fortress foundation left here. As long as this high platform is still there, everything can be done. Build it up again.

After finally treating the wounded knights well, Suldak dragged his exhausted body out of the treatment tent.

After receiving the wooden cup filled with clear water handed over by Carrie Decker, Suldak drank it all in one gulp, and found that there was actually some ingredients of Concentrating Herb mixed in it. Although there was a slight bitterness when it entered his mouth, the The slightly sleepy spirit was shocked.

"Just walk around! It still looks quite big here." Suldak pointed to the eastern watchtower and said to Carrie Decker.

The only paladin in the barracks who knew the holy light technique walked with a beautiful and tall female knight. Apart from the envious eyes they would look at wherever they went, there were endless greetings.

No matter where it is, there will always be Constructed Knights standing up to pay tribute to Suldak.

Carrie Decker has been doing rescue work with the team. Except for some blood stains on his body, he was basically not injured.

Wearing a heavy armor, it doesn't give people the slightest feeling of bulkiness.

This fortress is located at the foot of Death Ridge, but it is a high platform built at the pass. It is easy to build a military fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Climb to a dilapidated watchtower. The fire on the top of the tower has just been extinguished, and there are even some curling green smoke floating out.

The corpse of a headless demon warrior was placed on the wooden railing of the watchtower. Suldak walked up to the demon warrior and saw that the constructed knight below was gesturing to him, asking him to help remove the demon warrior. The corpse of the clan warrior was pushed down.

Suldak hurried up, hugged the demon warrior's thigh, and threw him down from the high watchtower.

"You don't want to ask me how I know Iser... Oh, it's the red dragon you saw!" Suldak asked her.

Carrie Decker shook his head without hesitation.

He smiled and said to Suldak: "I don't want to know too many secrets, and I don't want to keep any secrets for you... Keeping secrets in my heart can easily drive people crazy. I'm not the kind of person who is good at keeping secrets." people."

Suldak looked at Carrie Decker in surprise, he didn't expect her to say that.

"Will this become a new fortress?" Suldak asked with a sense of loss.

"Of course, it won't take long to build it!" Carrie Decker said calmly with his eyes very calm: "This place was originally called Vichydus Fortress, and it will probably continue to use this name in the future... "


Although Commander Felix died in battle, the battle continued.

The adjutant Isaiah temporarily replaced him to issue orders to the Knights. Fortunately, he was only needed to make some post-war arrangements. As for the statistics of battle achievements and spoils, there were full-time staff from the logistics department to do it.

Isaiah now only needs to stabilize the situation here, which is considered the greatest victory.

When Suldak saw Isaiah, his eyes were red from the boil, and he was sitting at the mouth of the tent drinking a bottle of spiritual power potion.

"Magic potions can delay your fatigue and overdraw your body, but they can't replace sleep. You need to take a good rest now." Suldak walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said.

Isaiah squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said hoarsely:

"I want to rest. I will have plenty of time in the future. Now I will move the barracks of the Zakarum Knights here as soon as possible according to Master Felix's will."

The original barracks of the Zakarum Knights was not a fortress, but a temporary camp.

It’s just that this camp was built a long time ago, so many buildings are already semi-permanent buildings. Commander Felix advocated that the Zakarum Knights move to Vichydus Fortress,

Isaiah was probably worried that the new commander would not agree to this decision, so he wanted to move the Knights to this newly occupied fortress before the new commander of Zakarum arrived.

He not only had to coordinate the post-war reorganization of the entire knight order, but also arranged all the details of the relocation of the camp.

Fortunately, Commander Felix had already discussed with the squadron leaders of the Knights before this, and everyone's opinions were extremely unified, and no one resisted the relocation of the camp.

"Is there anything I can do?" Suldak asked.

Isaiah raised his head and said to Suldak: "You have done enough. If you hadn't let the injured knight repeat the battle in the rear, this victory would not have come so smoothly."

Suldak shook his head and whispered:

"If I know your plan, there may be other ways to solve it, and there is no need to make such a big sacrifice!"

Isaiah held Suldak's shoulders and said to Suldak: "Your performance in this battle has almost allowed you to enter the eyes of the high-level military. If you want to stay in Sakarum Knights, now is the best time."

As he spoke, he took out an appointment letter from his pocket that had not yet been filled in, but the seal and signature of Commander Felix had already been stamped on the bottom of the letter.

In fact, this blank letter of appointment already has the legal effect of the Green Empire.

"If you want to work in the squadron of the Knights, you can fill it in. Of course, you can also go to the patrol squad according to the adult's suggestion..." Isaiah handed the appointment letter to Suldak and said.

"Is this a transfer order?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

Isaiah nodded, and said in a hoarse voice: "It is a gift from the adults. In addition, there is this halo and holy seal experience experience. There is also a letter here. You can think about it carefully, but you must Give me the transfer order before I leave, and I will take it to the Chaos Fortress, I believe those high-level officials will give your lord this face."

Looking at the blank area in the center of the parchment, Suldak bowed his head in silence, and after a while he said to Isaiah:

"I haven't planned to enter Zakarum yet..."

Suldak returned the transfer order without content to Isaiah, but just put Lord Felix's knight experience notes and the letter into his arms, turned around and left the tent of the adjutant Isaiah.

Standing behind Suldak, Isaiah roared, "Do you know how much honor it is to be a Knight of Constructs to enter the Zakarum Knights..."

Suldak didn't turn his head, but shook his hand vigorously.

A gust of wind sent Suldak's words into Isaiah's mouth...

"Even if you enter, you have to use my way."



When I read this letter, I wish I hadn't stood at my farewell ceremony.

I'm sorry, I broke my promise again, and I couldn't tell you the aura and seal that I understood.

It's too late, all this happened so fast, they couldn't wait any longer, so I'm going to pursue my dream, I promised them that I will take back Viscidus in my lifetime, this time is my last chance.

I believe that you will go farther than me in the future, so I also have a heartfelt request. I hope you can help me take care of a little Vichydus as much as you can, and make it the best place in this big battlefield. Dazzling fortress.

Felix. Written on the evening of October 13th. "

Suldak put down the short farewell letter in his hand, and his heart became heavy again.

He didn't even want to read this experience note, he was a little disturbed, so he asked Gulitum to guard the door of the tent, but he ran to Aphrodite through the gate of the void.

This is the Invercargill Forest, Suldak came out of the wooden house, and Aphrodite was lying on the wicker chair on the back platform of the Armed Thunder Rhinoceros, basking in the sun wearing a mithril mask...

The armed thunder rhinos walked very smoothly even on mountain roads, and the shelves on them were almost filled with all kinds of winter storage materials.

Aphrodite turned her head and said to Suldak, "Why are you free to come here at this time?"

Suldak sat down on the floor next to the wicker chair, looking at the bed crossbow covered by the thatch, and the rope that was fast covered by the thatch seemed to have not been untied for a long time.

He didn't speak, he got up and walked to the bed crossbow platform.

There were three bed crossbow operators on the bed crossbow platform. When they saw Suldak's figure, they raised their weapons one after another and shouted, "Who are you? This is the third squadron of the Archer Regiment of the Bailin Plane Garrison." ...Um, Captain, why are you here?"

Suldak waved at them, and pulled out his dagger to cut off the rope tied to the bed crossbow. He lifted off the tarpaulin and saw the bed crossbow moistened with grease inside, and his slightly serious face relaxed a little. some.

"It's well preserved. Don't forget about regular maintenance and test firing. Once the bed crossbow is left idle for too long, it will be a kind of damage to it!" Suldak said casually.

"Yes, Commander!" The three bed crossbow operators replied excitedly, and saluted Suldak neatly.

"Go and rest..."

Suldak waved to them before walking back to Aphrodite, and sat on the ground on the platform beside her.

Aphrodite sat up from the recliner, just behind Suldak, stretched out two thumbs to press on both sides of his forehead, and gently pressed his temples to help him soothe his restless mood.

"This time you killed a demon lord...?"

Aphrodite asked with a soft smile.

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