Lord Highlander

Chapter 1197 1184. Changes in the Forest

Carrie Decker, of course, would not care about a tax official in a small town. He took the lead into Suldak's office and sat down casually on the sofa in the rest area.

At this moment, Mrs. Luna, like Suldak's assistant, came in from outside with a tray on which were placed four cups of black tea with a faint aroma.

Suldak walked from the desk to the rest area, and asked Carrie Decker and Tago cordially, "How did you rest last night?"

"Very good. I haven't slept so soundly for a long time. Of course, no matter what, I can't compare to you, captain!" Carrie Decker said with a half-smile: "As for whether others can sleep, I don't know. !"

Her eyes were bold and fruitful, making Suldak avoid her gaze directly.

"I came here to ask you to help investigate some robberies in the town. Now there is no manpower in the town, and there have been many robberies at night. It will cause bad influence, so please investigate and arrest those robbers." Suldak said with a straight face.

Carrie Decker and Samira sat up straight after hearing Suldak talk about business.

Carrie Decker heard what Suldak said, looked at Samira and Tago again, and thought: "Captain Suldak asked his second-rank powerhouses to catch the robbers in the town. It's a bit overkill...'

However, Samira acted more directly. She stood up from the sofa and said directly to Suldak:

"You arrange for people to erect a few crosses on the square in front of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses. Before tomorrow morning, I will arrest all those who participated in the robbery and are still hiding in Dodan Town, and hang them on those wooden crosses!"

Carrie Decker stared at Samira with wide-eyed eyes, and said in his heart: 'Even a second-rank powerhouse can't possibly have this ability! '


In fact, Carrie Decker really underestimated Samira's ability, or she ignored the wolf riding Tiger and Bonita's ability.

Samira gathered all the robbed people who went to the public security brigade to report the crime, and in just one night, under the keen sense of smell of Tago and Bonita, Samira brought together the three gangs of dancers lurking in Dodan Town. The criminal gangs who fished and then robbed were all arrested, and there were also some homeless people and burglars who were dug up from all over the town of Dodan.

1. During the night, Samira caught more than 30 people.

These people were tied to wooden crosses at the entrance of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses.

The hands of the criminals are hung on the cross, and the body is suspended in the air. The pulling force of the body's own weight on the arms can be supported by its own strength at first. Pulling completely dislocated, that time is the most painful.

Almost all men and women suffered the same punishment.

And in the morning, it happened to be the day when the residents of Dodan Town came to the Temple of the Twin Goddess for mass. A large number of town residents poured into the Temple of the Twin Goddess, and then they saw the prisoners outside the temple.

Some prisoners were usually habitual criminals who committed crimes. At this time, they were hanged here. The townspeople who had been threatened by them picked up stones and threw them at these people.

Some prisoners are just the opposite. They are honest and responsible people in their usual circle of life, and now they are hung on wooden crosses.

When the relatives and friends saw them being hanged, they all had expressions of disbelief, and some even rushed under the wooden cross, crying loudly towards the tortured relatives.

Samira led a group of members of the security team to write the crimes they had committed on a wooden board, and then found a rope to tie each prisoner's neck.

From sunrise in the morning to sunset at night, the first way for them to mitigate their crimes is to pay back the property of the suffering masters, and the second way is to tell the robbers and thieves who have committed other crimes but have not yet been arrested. Under torture, as long as the accomplices are not close relatives, they will almost always be bitten out by their companions or other criminals...

There were not many prisoners who could afford to pay back their belongings, and these robbers were finally released after being whipped.

Those criminals who couldn't repay their property would be sent to the copper mine to mine ore after being whipped, and they would not be released until they earned back the money with their labor.

As for the criminals whose hands are stained with blood and human life, they are not so lucky. They will always be hung on the wooden cross, or their body will rot, or the wooden cross will rot...

This is the biggest action of Suldak's return to Duodan Town, and he called this arrest operation a "strike hard".

For the next period of time, Samira and Carrie Decker will be jointly responsible for the security issues in Dodan Town, and Samira will also serve as the captain of the archer brigade in the barracks. And Carrie Decker is the captain of the Dodan Town Security Brigade.

As for Andrew and Tago, they were the military officers of the Cavalry Battalion and the Heavy Armored Infantry Battalion. Next, they would go to the Chain Bridge Bridge Head Camp to inspect the situation there.

It is said that last year's beast tide severely damaged the vitality of the ghost-striped red ants in the dark worm valley. Throughout the winter, a large number of adventure groups crossed the poisonous fog swamp and entered the ice lake area, suppressing the ghost-striped red ants in the worm valley. The material was transported back to Dodan Town from the bridgehead camp, which also indirectly proved that the adventure group was extremely oppressive on the Dark Worm Valley.

Although the Poison Mist Swamp has re-blocked the Dark Worm Valley, many adventure groups are still stationed at the bridgehead camp, and their activities have expanded to the swamp in the west and the Three Rivers Plain in the east.

While the residents of Dodan Town were still panicking under the shadow of the crackdown, Suldak had already led Andrew, Tago, and Gulitum through the Dodan Canyon and into the hills and mountains.

This time, Suldak also recruited two fellow blacksmiths from the town of Dodan who knew a little about iron ore. Today, there are almost no traces of monsters in Invercargill Forest. Forced to leave the forest, he never thought that he would never have the opportunity to return to Invercargill Forest in the days to come.

Now the Lei Ting Rhino Merchant Group has opened up a wide dirt road in the forest. Some difficult valleys are filled with rocks and logs. In addition to the main road leading to the copper mine, there are other roads in the forest. There are paths leading to various tribes.

Suldak is the largest lord in the Invercargill Forest, occupying almost one-third of the high-quality land in the forest.

During this year, many other lands in the forest were also bought by people one after another.

Although their land does not have any minerals, at least there is a large forest. The wood is also some valuable things, and there is a road leading into the forest. Even if they want to build a logging camp, they are not afraid that the wood will not be transported out.

Even the aboriginal tribes in the forest have now started the timber business, and they also control more than 90% of the magic herb production areas in this forest, so the living conditions of the aboriginal tribes are getting better day by day.

Even so, the copper mine is still a sacred place for migrant workers in the eyes of all the aborigines of the tribe. If you can enter the mine to dig stones, you can get two sets of clothes and two pairs of shoes every year, and you can earn a salary of one gold coin every month...

Many aborigines who are looking for work in the town can't make so much money every month...

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