Lord Highlander

Chapter 1199

Under the watchful eyes of a group of mine supervisors, the young aboriginal miner suddenly looked a little flustered, and said a little stammeringly: "Eat once in a few days... Oh, yes... Two days of vegetarian food, one day of meat!"

He remembered that Dad in the tribe had also asked this question, so he added another sentence.

Suldak nodded slightly, let the aborigine miner leave, then walked to the big iron pot, grabbed a copper spoon and handed it to Gullitum.

The two-headed ogre happily became a food taster. He was not afraid of being hot, so he directly stirred it from the bottom of the soup pot with a copper spoon, then scooped up a large spoonful of soup with offal and blew it on his mouth. He took a deep breath, and then drank it into his stomach in a 'nourishing, nourishing, nourishing' manner.

"It's not bad, the offal is very soft..." Gullitum commented.

On the dinner plate beside the soup pot, there were still a lot of stewed offal, which had been sliced ​​into thin slices, and there were onions and mint leaves on one side.

It seems that all kinds of small ingredients are well prepared, Suldak nodded, and said: "As for the food in the cafeteria, I only hope that you can do a little bit, and you must be able to eat it yourself!"

The mine manager who had been following closely behind Suerdak wiped the sweat from his face while making a promise: "My lord, please rest assured that if you set such a high food standard, if you make everyone else I can't swallow the food, then I will definitely ask the whole cook team out of the mine..."

This mine manager was personally selected by Suldak. He was the first group of people in Dodan Town who followed Suldak to open up wasteland in the copper mine. But it has a great advantage, that is, it can unswervingly complete the tasks arranged by Suldak.

The miners who were eating in the cafeteria dared to speak loudly when they saw that the group of big men had left the cafeteria.

The cooks and cooks in the cafeteria also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, today's offal soup is good at meat after all.

At this time, everyone began to discuss:

"Who is that person, let our mine manager personally accompany him, I didn't expect our mine manager to bend his waist like that..."

A miner from the town of Dodan sighed.

The miner who came from Dodan Town with him drank the delicious broth and responded without raising his head: "I don't know, I guess it must be a great big shot."

"Could it be the Lord of Invercargill?" the previous miner guessed.

The miner who was concentrating on drinking the soup finally put down the soup bowl, looked up and looked around, and said in his mouth: "The lord of Suldak..."

The previous miner snorted and said, "Aside from him, who else can make our mine manager follow behind so respectfully?"

"It must be him." The miner who drank the soup said a little excitedly: "My God! Our lord just passed by me, and I didn't even look up at him..."


Walking around the mine, Suerdak was quite satisfied with the current status of the mine.

After that, the atmosphere on the scene became much more relaxed.

In particular, the mine manager took Surdak to see the output of magic red copper in the mine this month. Magic red copper, as an associated mineral deposit of copper mine, is very rare.

This kind of magic metal has a very wide range of applications in the magic field, so it is almost equivalent to gold.

Since last month, the production of magic red copper in the Invercargill Copper Mine has suddenly increased by nearly ten times. A very precious magic red copper.

A wooden box in the room contained a lot of red copper metal pieces, and there was even a record book next to the box, which recorded in detail the time when each piece of magic red copper was discovered.

"What's the reason?" Suldak didn't expect such a thing to happen, and couldn't help turning his head to ask the two blacksmiths from Dodan Town who invited him.

One of the blacksmiths stood up unhurriedly and said:

"Reporting to the lord, it is very likely that this vein is a rare copper-rich vein, and it may also be a magic copper-rich vein. The method to confirm whether this is a copper-rich vein is also very simple. You can follow the The trend of the vein, dig a hole in the middle of the vein to check..."

Hearing what the blacksmith said, Suldak suddenly remembered the alchemist who competed with him for this copper mine. Back then, he killed his student in the cracks in the middle of the mountain range. At that time, it was Earl Funak who helped find the alchemist. The remains of the magic assistant.

"I remember that there seems to be a crack in the ground on the middle mountain range." Suerdak said: "Remember to find someone who can reach there and explore there!"

"Understood, my lord." The mine manager immediately agreed.

An assistant came up from behind and whispered something in the mine manager's ear.

The mine manager immediately said to Surdak:

"My lord, the leaders of those indigenous tribes have almost arrived. When are you going to take them?"

Suldak thought about it for a while, and when he had seen enough, he said:

"We're going there now!"


Suldak sat on the main seat in the center of the conference hall. This was the only building in the mine that seemed to have some interior decoration. The triangular beam frame on the top of the hall still made it look very rough.

Thirty-seven tribal leaders have already rushed to the council hall one after another. Everyone sat casually in various corners. Familiar tribal leaders huddled together to chat, and several lords who were hostile to each other sat far away from each other.

Suldak knocked on the table with his hand, and the room became quiet all of a sudden.

"I invite everyone here this time because I want to discuss with you the future development direction of Invercargill Forest." Suldak said to the tribal leader.

After everyone's eyes turned to him, Suldak paused deliberately, and then said: "I think everyone has already felt that with the influx of caravans and adventure groups into Invercargill, the land here Vitality and new business opportunities."

"Then, next, I want to discuss with you whether we should cater to outside business groups and adventure groups entering Invercargill Forest, or keep them out of our living circle!"

The tribal leaders all looked at each other, and one of them boldly said: "Our tribe still welcomes these outsiders, but only if they obey the rules."

"Actually, many young people in our tribe have become guides for these foreign adventure groups." Another tribal leader admitted frankly: "The young people in our tribe are also willing to accept them, but the older people in the tribe are not so good. Love these adventure groups."

Suldak nodded and said, "I can understand this. After all, some adventurers may have been slave traders who once haunted the Invercargill Forest."

"Then this problem is before us, how to cater to these outsiders who are pouring into Invercargill, and what we need to pay attention to in normal times. This is exactly what I want to discuss with you."

"As for the previous grievances, I hope that everyone can deal with them calmly. You can apply to Dodan Town for legal sanctions, but you must not use private armed forces to launch large-scale fighting, let alone kill people. After all, we all have to accept the civilization of the empire. "

The tribal leaders looked at each other, and the room became quiet.

"Let me talk about the benefits of their coming here first..." Suldak looked up and looked around, and said to the tribal leaders: "Then I will talk about some of the disadvantages they brought to us."

"The advantage is that their arrival will allow young people in the tribe to accept the outside world as soon as possible, and will also bring knowledge and supplies from the outside world."

"But there will also be some disadvantages, that is, when they use generous benefits to attract young people in the tribe, with the loss of talent, the tribe will soon become aging, so I need the leaders of the tribe to make some positive responses to this .”

"For example, to speed up the reform process of the tribe, to make the tribe rich. In addition to hunting and gathering in the past, you also need to rely on rich land resources, develop animal husbandry and forestry, raise livestock, and cut wood. But there is one thing I want to remind Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you will try not to waste the cleared land. If you really don’t plan to cultivate it, then you can transplant some saplings. When your children grow up, you can continue to log on this land..."

When Suldak said these words, the tribal leaders listened quietly.

It wasn't until Suldak finished speaking that a tribal leader stood up and said:

"Lord Suldak, I have a proposal!"

Suldak was slightly moved. He had said so much, and it was rare for a leader to listen to them all and understand them.

"Please speak!" Suldak said.

The tribal leader immediately stood up and took the opportunity to say: "My lord, can you expand the scale of the copper mine and recruit more miners, many young people in our tribe hope to come to the mine..."


Suldak looked at the tribal leaders below speechlessly, and finally felt like talking to a duck.

He then thought about preparing to build the iron mine, and said to the tribal leaders again:

"I'm calling you this time, and I'm going to talk about it in addition."

"The copper mine is restricted by the refining furnace, so the scale of the mine can only be maintained at the current level, and it is temporarily unable to continue to expand the number of miners."

"Next, I will build an iron mine, but the early miners may have to work harder, and the monthly salary will be slightly lower..."

Before Suldak finished speaking, the tribal leaders below exploded like a pot, and someone stood up first and shouted at Suldak:

"When it comes to bearing hardships and standing hard work, who can compare to our Nakan tribe..."

"Our Yejin tribe is not bad either!"

"Shut up, wait for the lord to finish speaking."

All of a sudden, a verbal battle broke out in the tent, and the sound could almost pass through the high roof and fly into the sky...

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