Lord Highlander

Chapter 1203 1190. Strange Travel

"His companion said that he escaped from the Dark Insect Valley with injuries all over his body. When he was unconscious, he kept calling for the Ghost Ant Queen. I guess he may have seen the queen in the Dark Insect Valley."

Andrew reached out and cut a large piece of roast meat on the yellow sheep's ribs, and said to Suldak.


The next morning, Andrew saw Suldak walking out of the barracks, and reported to him that Bob Cobden had woken up.

Suldak walked into the tent with Andrew, just in time to see his companion was feeding him oatmeal, his face was still very weak.

Seeing Suldak walk in, the companion immediately stood up and saluted Suldak.

Bob Cobden was lying on the bed. Although he was very weak, he looked at Suldak with gratitude, and wanted to say something to Suldak urgently, but his throat could only make a gurgling sound.

Suldak checked his throat for him, and found that it was just the inflammation in the throat that made him temporarily unable to speak.

"Rest well, your voice will recover soon." Suldak said to Bob Cobden.

Bob Cobden looked at Suldak gratefully, but he couldn't make any moves.

When Suldak left, the companion who had been taking care of Bob Cobden took the initiative to send Suldak and his party outside the tent.


When Suldak came back to check on Bob Cobden's injuries at night, he found that under the powerful blessing of God, the injuries on his body had basically formed a film of oil, and many places healed very quickly.

Bob Cobden leaned against a box as his companion gave him some water.

This time he was able to talk, but he couldn't talk for too long, and had to drink frequently to continue talking.

Bob Cobden first expressed his gratitude to Suldak, and soon talked about the Dark Worm Valley. He knew exactly what Suldak wanted.

So he lay in this tent and began to talk about some of the things he encountered when he sneaked into the Dark Worm Valley alone.

"I just wanted to take a walk outside that day. I didn't expect to see a maned beast in the jungle at the edge of the poisonous mist swamp after leaving the camp. This kind of monster is very rare in the area south of the Rift Valley, so I am going to kill this maned beast and return to the bridgehead camp with the spoils."

"Before I touched it, I saw a huge roc bird falling from the sky above my head, killing the maned beast."

"I lay in the corner and didn't dare to move. I thought that if the maned beast of Pengniao was taken away, I could take the opportunity to get away."

"It's just that I didn't expect to successfully escape from the giant mouth of the Pengniao, but became the prey in the mouth of a group of ghost-striped red ants. Seeing that I couldn't escape, I could only play dead in desperation..."

"Maybe I look like a grain of food in their mouths, pinched on the waist by a ghost-striped worker ant's giant pincers, and just like that, the ghost-striped worker ant took me into the burrow, crossed the poisonous fog in the swamp, and crossed the stone bridge all the way , and finally entered a huge crypt.”

"That stone bridge spans the entire lake, and the entrance to the stone bridge crypt is actually not too far away from the stone bridge."

"The crypt was not dug vertically, but it was dug down seven or eight meters deep, and then extended downward at an angle. Because the inside of the cave was uneven, I couldn't feel going down when I was in a state of suspended animation."

"After passing through an underground tunnel about three or four kilometers long, you will enter the interior of the Dark Worm Valley."

"I found that this place is more like a small basin. Standing in the wide open field, I can look up at the starry sky above my head."

"The crypt is very spacious, far from the deep hole we thought."

"Then I stepped on the surroundings of this huge basin and found a row of ring-shaped entrances. At that time, I just thought again, this is probably the real cave entrance of the ghost-striped red ant."

"And that huge basin feels very strange to me."

"It looks like a huge tree hole, the whole tree root is completely hollowed out, very similar, but I can be sure that those mountain walls are very hard rocks, not rotten tree roots."

"I was lifted up high by a ghost-striped worker ant's giant pincers. At that time, my waist was almost cut off by the worker ant, and then I entered the underground ant nest."

"These ant nests are criss-crossing underground, with winding passages, and countless red ants walk through them. There is a huge cave not far from each of these passages, and some of them are places where a lot of non-perishable food is stored."

"Going further inside, you will see the hatching room full of different eggs hanging on the roof of the cave. There are many such rooms, and some ghost pattern soldiers will guard in this kind of stone room."

"I have been taken to the depths of the cave. During this period, I tried to find a chance to escape, but unfortunately I failed."

"It looked like a castle until I saw that huge thing at the bottom of the cave."

"To be precise, half of the body should be connected to a huge castle. Those one-meter-high white giant eggs were squeezed out of the twelve castle gates, and ghost-patterned soldiers were waiting beside each gate. Ants, they will move the hatched eggs to the hatching room."

"The idea of ​​fleeing came to me when I came here..."

"I am an assassin, I have learned to fake death, and I have also learned to hide. I can cover up the smell on my body and hide in any dark corner where no one will notice."

"It's a pity that when I was running away, the queen ant found me. Although it couldn't move, it seemed that the entire anthole was full of its eyes. No matter where I hid, they could easily find me."

"It commanded a group of ghost-striped soldier ants to capture me in the cave, and I hid in a hatching room first. Unfortunately, every time I went to a hatching room, I was always quickly found by these ghost-striped red ants."

"In the end, I couldn't hide, so I broke open a fraternal egg, and then got in."

When Bob Cobden talked about this, his pupils constricted, as if recalling the last scene he didn't want to see.

"At the beginning, there was clear egg liquid in the fraternal egg, and it didn't feel anything special except that it was sticky all over."

"It's a pity that I couldn't escape at that time, so I kept hiding in that fraternal egg."

"Until that fraternal egg slowly deteriorated, the egg liquid turned into sour liquid little by little under such circumstances, and I soaked it in it..."

"The group of ghost-striped red ants found this broken egg, and a ghost-striped worker ant threw the egg out of the cave, and I was able to escape, but the acid rot had already corroded my whole body, and I It should be passed out in the fraternal egg, I don't know who saved me!"

The companion who had been taking care of him said at this moment:

"It was our colleagues who rescued you. At that time, they thought you were an oviparous human being. You crawled out of the egg with your whole body wet, which shocked them. They rescued you. They planned to sell you to magic. The union later found out that you were a member of the adventure group, and brought you back to the bridgehead camp. At that time, we saw that your skin was corroded, and we all bought the coffin for you..."

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