Lord Highlander

Chapter 1205 1192. Constructing the Knight 2

The cavalry battalion dispatched a total of 300 cavalry, 500 heavy armored infantry and 200 archers to station at the bridgehead camp.

This is the northernmost gate of Suldak's territory. Because the bridgehead camp is close to the Poison Mist Swamp and the Dark Worm Valley, the garrison sent by Suldak is also the most elite troops. The cavalry and heavy armor left in Dodan Town The infantry is far inferior to the soldiers here in terms of combat effectiveness.

Almost all of the 300 cavalrymen had the "strength and tenacity" life magic pattern implanted in their bodies, and their war horses also implanted the same life magic pattern. These war horses were even stronger than the black scale horse in terms of explosive power.

Suldak seized a total of nearly 120 sets of magic pattern structures on the dry cloth plane, and helped Suldak restore 100 sets of magic pattern structures in Harper Archmage, and some other magic pattern structures Suldak simply took it to the inscriber in Bena City for repairs, and now all the magic pattern structures have been repaired.

In addition, Suldak brought back 90 sets of magic-weave structures on the battlefield. These magic-weave structures were all exchanged by Suldak in the underground trading market with a large number of unidentified magic spar.

In the six months since he was on the battlefield, almost all his savings have been invested in the primary magic pattern construction.

Originally, Suldak raised a large amount of magic spar, but unfortunately, such a large transaction in the big battlefield still needs unidentified magic spar, and the magic spar accumulated in Suldak's hand can only be auctioned in the auction house For those magic pattern structures that appeared in a single set, although this part of the magic spar was not spent, Suldak now has more than two hundred sets of primary magic pattern structures in his hands.

These magic pattern structures can fully arm three cavalry squadrons.

Andrew did not expect that Suldak would give priority to the cavalry battalion equipped with the Bailin plane. After all, Suldak formed a larger cavalry regiment on the Ganbu plane. Almost all of these cavalry in the bridgehead camp belonged to Andrew. His subordinates, when Suldak opened up the Ganbu plane, Andrew had been stationed in the Bailin plane, and he almost led these cavalry to fight around in the Invercargill forest.

He led this cavalry battalion and even set foot on the Three Rivers Plain in the east and the Anya Swamp in the west.

The magic pattern structure was distributed to the cavalry of the first, second, and third cavalry squadrons, and the entire cavalry battalion was excited. Almost all these cavalry followed Suldak to the Bailin plane from the barren land. When Suldak cleared the sand bandits in the desert on the northwestern border of the barren land, he could hardly even ride a horse. Later, everyone learned how to ride a horse, but they were still unable to fight on horseback, and could only be regarded as horse infantry. .

Later, when they were stationed in the Bailin plane, nineteen aboriginal herdsmen came to the camp. With their help, the cavalrymen's equestrian skills improved significantly.

Now everyone has become a qualified cavalry, but no one expects to become a constructed knight one day...

In the minds of these cavalrymen, those knights who can afford the magic pattern structure are almost a group of noble lords.

In the spacious open space in front of the bridgehead camp, almost all the garrison soldiers in the camp were concentrated here. In the garrison camp that didn't look too big, there were actually a thousand soldiers stationed there.

When everyone gathered together, Surdak realized that there were so many people in the camp.

The first three squadrons of the cavalry battalion stood at the forefront of the team. They were the well-deserved elite of the cavalry battalion, and the entire cavalry battalion was the elite of all the garrisons.

Seeing the rare large-scale gathering of the garrison, the members of the adventure group in the camp thought that something big happened here, and ran to the periphery to watch from a distance.

Suldak, Andrew, Gullitum and Tago stood in front of the army.

Suldak got off his horse, took the boxes out of his magic pouch, and piled them up in front of everyone.

Andrew took Gullitum and Tago to award these box-sealed magic boxes to the cavalry standing in the front row

Looking at the heavy magic-sealing boxes in their arms, the cavalry could not wait to stick their bodies on these boxes, and follow the cracks of the boxes to see what the magic-weave structure inside looked like.

After all these magic-weave structures were distributed, Suldak jumped onto the wooden pier in front of the empty field, holding such a magic-sealing box in his arms, and patted on the box vigorously, the loud sound attracted Gathering everyone's attention, the empty field instantly became quiet.

Suldak then said loudly:

"I know you must have heard of the magic pattern structure, and you have seen the structure knight wearing the magic pattern structure galloping on the battlefield, but I believe that very few of you on the field have actually used it."

"Now, I will select some of the best cavalry among you and let you become Constructed Knights."

When Suldak said this, the scene was almost boiling.

Although it has long been a foregone conclusion who the magic pattern structure will be distributed to, but after all, it is a magic pattern structure that is regarded as a family treasure by the nobles.

Suldak could only pause for a while to silence the voices on the scene.

Then Suldak went on to say: "Everyone should know that activating the power on the magic pattern structure requires some expensive magic spar fragments. After wearing the magic pattern structure on the body, it can improve various attributes of itself, and strengthen Combat power."

Everyone listen attentively...

At this moment, Suldak suddenly asked a question:

"But wearing this set of magic pattern structure, can it be said that you really become a structure knight?"

He did not wait for the answers from the people present, but replied directly:

"In fact, our empire's definition of Constructed Knights is much more than that. Not only do you need to become a first-rank warrior to be eligible to wear them, but you must also know how to use their power to be considered a qualified Constructed Knight .”

"The most powerful part of the magic pattern structure is not to greatly enhance its own strength, but to build this bridge through the magic pattern structure, so that you and your war horses can become one. This is the power of the magic pattern structure .”

"So... how to transform the magic pattern into a bridge, and use the structure to transmit our power to the war horse, is the main direction we will learn next."

"Due to the limited number of magic pattern structures we have prepared, we can only equip them to the first three squadrons of the cavalry battalion. Next, I will equip the magic pattern structures for the cavalry squadrons in the back."

"But here, my expectation for everyone is that everyone who has obtained the magic pattern structure can flaunt themselves as a real knight of the structure..."

After Suldak said these words, the scene boiled again.

He didn't stay at the scene any longer. Next, Andrew will conduct systematic training for these cavalry, but before that, these cavalry have to learn how to wear the magic pattern structure on their bodies correctly.

This is also the first lesson Andrew taught them.

The members of the adventure group who are watching now are a little dumbfounded at the moment. For them, they have witnessed the birth of three squadrons of constructed knights.

For the entire bridgehead camp, the cavalry stationed here have been upgraded to constructed knights, and the soft power of the entire camp has been significantly improved.

But for those adventure groups who were still secretly carrying out the slave trade, seeing such a thing, the haze in their hearts became a bit more, and no one could ignore the existence of the Construct Knight.

In the evening, Andrew walked into the barracks from the outside and saw that Suldak was still writing some plans on the table, so he took the initiative to move over.

Suldak raised his head to see Andrew, and immediately said to him, "It just so happens that I have to send someone to look for you..."

"In the next period of time, I'm afraid you will guard here for me. I'm always worried that those ghost-striped red ants will launch a major counterattack and swallow this temporary camp, so I hope that you will be stationed here for the next period of time. Here, look at the gate here for me!" Suldak said to Andrew.

Andrew sat across from Suldak, poured himself a cup of black tea, and drank it all at once.

"Don't worry, boss, I will help you guard this gate, not only this gate, but also the entire Great Rift Valley..." Andrew readily agreed.

Suldak nodded and said:

"After the beast tide, we all underestimated this group of ghost-striped red ants. In the battle last winter, I even mistakenly thought that their population was greatly shrinking. Now it seems at least not as serious as we thought."

"I will let Samira stay in Dodan Town, at least if there is a situation here, Dodan Town can quickly respond."

Andrew asked: "What about the Ganbu plane?"

"I took Gulitum back to Ruyt City. The new army over there has been established. Next, we need to vigorously develop the economy of Mukuso and Ruyt. There are no threatening monsters in that plane, low-level The demons are basically extinct...it is estimated that there will be no emergencies for the time being." Suldak stopped the pen in his hand and said to Andrew.

"In addition, you have to be careful of the Pengniao family further north. I think they hunt and kill livestock, herdsmen and caravans on the grassland. Maybe it's not because there is not enough food, but because they just want to change their tastes!"

Suldak added another sentence.

"I will ask Tiger and Bonita to stay and help you."

Andrew nodded, and then the two chatted about the training of the Constructed Knights.

Commander Felix left Suldak with the construction knight experience notes. The initial targeted training of the construction knights is recorded in great detail. Suldak only needs to train according to the experience notes to train these cavalry. Trained to be a qualified constructed knight.

After finishing these matters, Suldak left the bridgehead camp with the two-headed ogre the next morning, rushed back to the copper mine, joined Selena who was waiting there, and then returned Dodan town.

It took exactly twelve days for Suldak to walk around the Invercargill Forest.

Seeing that half of this month has passed, Suldak didn't dare to delay in Dodan Town. He didn't even go to Zhanzheng College to take a look, so he hurried back to Wilkes City. Pass the portal on the 25th and return to Bena City.

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