Lord Highlander

Chapter 1210 1197. Speech

In the conference hall of the city hall, a group of ministerial-level bigwigs from Ruyt City sat together. Some smoked cigars and greeted everyone with a smile, some curled up on chairs and closed their eyes and fell asleep, some went around to listen to everyone's opinions, and some People talked about the new consul again.

Financial Officer Kurt Latie, Minister of Logistics Alan Benton, Chief of the Guard Battalion Nathaniel Marley, Commander of the City Security Brigade Mickey Mende and other department ministers have all arrived, the City Hall Several female clerks brought some refreshments from the outside, and everyone talked more enthusiastically.

The bearded Nathaniel even joked to Commander Mende with a smile: "Mende, I heard that you hooked up with a chick from the assistant office on the second floor. How is it? Have you tasted the taste of peaches?"

"Fuck off, I, Mende, am not that kind of person... Where did you hear the rumor?" Commander Mickey Mende immediately countered.

The two hold military power in Ruyt City. Chief Nathaniel is in charge of the police and security in the city, and Commander Mickey is in charge of the city defense of Ruyt City. It spread among the aristocratic circles in the village. Although no one could do anything to the other, there were constant conflicts in private.

"Mickey, your vision is far from our new consul..." the chief of the guard battalion taunted Commander Mikey.

Mickey Mende didn't want to continue to expand on this topic, so he just snorted and kept silent.

Someone next to him couldn't help asking: "Nathaniel, you mean the new consul...it seems like a clerk from the assistant office has started so soon?"

There were two 'ding ding' sounds from the entrance of the council hall to prepare for a meeting. Everyone knew that the consul, Earl Lake Cushing, was coming, and they immediately sat upright, and the conference hall immediately became quiet.

Count Lake Cushing brought Suldak into the conference hall, and he smelled the choking smoke in the room, and signaled his assistant to turn on the exhaust fan by the window.

Only then did he sit down at the main seat in the conference hall, and let Suldak sit beside him.

As for Siya, she also followed Count Cushing's assistant, Mrs. Tanya, and looked curiously at the room full of nobles.

Earl Cushing paused, and said with a relaxed expression:

"Two years ago, the Marquis of Luther captured the city of Ruyt, and Lord MacDonnell withdrew to the Gambo plane. After the Lord Marquis restored the order of the city of Ruyt, he led the Luther Army to withdraw from the city of Ruyt. And then handed over the city to me."

Speaking of this, Earl Cushing looked melancholy, with some regret on his old face, and continued:

"It's a pity that my personal ability is not enough, and I failed to bring any changes to Ruyte during my tenure."

There was a touch of bitterness in his smile:

"Now I announce to everyone that I will no longer serve as the consul of Ruyt City from now on. According to the letter of appointment issued by the House of Representatives of the Province of Bena, the consul of Ruyt City will be awarded to the Earl of Suldak. .”


"I hope that in the days to come, everyone can actively cooperate with the work of the Suldak Consul and jointly build our beautiful home - Ruyt City."

Earl Cushing said a lot, but the ministers present listened attentively.

After Earl Luxin finished speaking, applause broke out in the conference hall.

Earl Lake Cushing smiled and nodded to Suldak, motioning for him to also give a few words of office speech.

Suldak slowly stood up from his seat, smiled modestly at the ministers present, and then said:

"Being able to become the consul of Ruyt City, first of all, I would like to thank Marquis Luther for his strong recommendation, and I would also like to thank Earl Lake Cushing for his constant help and support."

Just this one sentence shocked the minds of the ministers in the conference hall.

Everyone present knew that Suldak's background was Marquis Luther, but this relationship should have been tacit, but Suldak did not expect to say it directly.

Suldak continued:

"At this time last year, I was ordered to raid Lord McDonnell's manor on the Ganbu plane. I followed the second-turn powerhouses of the three major lord legions in the Bena Province to enter the Ganbu plane to arrest Lord MacDonnell. The arrest operation was very successful, and we successfully captured Lord MacDonnell who was hiding in the Ganbu plane and returned to Bena City."

"During the capture process, we discovered that it is possible to regain the dry cloth plane."

"So, with the support of the military department, a new army was formed on the Ganbu plane and successfully occupied Mukuso City."

"According to the Territorial Exploitation Law of the Grimm Empire, with a quarter of the fertile land on the Ganbu plane and the ruined city of Mucuso, there are still nearly five million people on the Ganbu plane. They need to be rebuilt. home."

"This is the gateway to the Ganbu plane. All materials produced from the Ganbu plane need to flow from Ruyt City to the entire Bena province...and even the entire Green Empire."

"I think it is for this reason that while I became the consul of Mukuso City, I was also appointed as the consul of Ruyt City."

"Finally, let me tell you about my hope..."

"I hope that Ruyt City will become the trading hub of the entire Ganbu plane, and become the gate of the Ganbu plane to the outside world, and this place will become more prosperous because of the Ganbu plane."

"I hope to transform this place into a city of trade, and I hope to share with you..."

There was a round of applause in the conference hall, much more enthusiastic than the applause after Earl Cushing finished speaking.


The nobles of Ruyt City are not fools either. Everyone has heard about the incident on the Ganbu plane, and they also know that Suldak is the direct descendant of Marquis Luthor.

Everyone knows that Earl Lake Cushing was able to persist in the position of consul for more than half a year. Apart from the support of Marquis Luther, he was also waiting for the arrival of Earl Suldak.

Now that he's here, the message is very clear.

It is to take advantage of the geographical advantages of Ruyt City to restore the prosperity of the Ganbu plane, and at the same time drive the economy of Ruyt City...

The question now is whether the aristocratic lords who control Ruyt City are willing to cooperate with Suldak to build the prosperity of Ruyt City. Sometimes the prosperity of the city will sacrifice the interests of some lords... …

For the ministers of various departments in the city hall, when Earl Cushing was the city consul, he adopted decentralized management. Now that Suldak takes over as the consul, will he ask everyone to hand over the power in their hands? go up...

The aristocrats in power also had some expectations in their hearts, hoping that a spoiler would jump out at this time. Everyone wanted to know what means Suldak could use to restrain all forces in Ruyt City.

It's just that none of the ministers in the city hall wanted to be the first to stand up. Everyone hoped to wait and see the development of the situation, and throw chips into the prize pool when they saw the right time.

But everyone was worried at the same time, and they didn't know whose head Suldak would burn first.

I just vaguely feel that this matter will not be so simple. In the amicable conference hall, the ministers are all watching each other...

Suldak didn't stay in the conference hall. After speaking, he didn't even bother to get acquainted with the ministers of the Ruyter city hall, and left in a hurry.

"This is really an arrogant and straightforward Construct Knight..." Sitting in the corner of the conference hall, the minister in charge of urban sanitation muttered in a low voice.

"Let's see, I don't know who will be the first to be unlucky." The minister of the Bureau of Land Management said sitting next to him.

The public land in Ruyt City has almost been occupied, so the bureau of land management now looks more like a decoration in Ruyt City.

The Minister of Health laughed. It is also a marginalized department, and his department is even worse than the Bureau of Land Management.

"It can't be you and me!"

The Minister of Health said with a smile.


At noon, Surdak didn't go out for lunch.

He and Earl Lake Cushing made a high-profile appearance in the staff cafeteria of the city hall. In fact, Earl Lake Cushing often came here for lunch, after all, it was a simple work meal.

As long as you are at the level of deputy minister or above, you can order food in the small cafeteria in the staff cafeteria of the city hall.

Suldak proposed to have lunch in the staff canteen of the city hall, and Earl Lake Cushing also readily agreed, and introduced to Suldak that the fried steak in the canteen tastes quite good.

The two walked side by side into the lobby of the staff restaurant on the first floor, talking and laughing. Mrs. Tanya was the assistant of Earl Cushing. At this time, she took the lead to go to the small cafeteria and greeted the chef in charge.

There are many more public servants in the City Hall of Ruyt City than in the Mukuso City Hall. During lunch time, the hall is almost full of people.

Those ministers who were reluctant to go out for lunch almost all hurried into the small dining room, and the dining room was almost filled with a cubicle, where everyone got together to have lunch in twos and threes.

The news that a new consul has arrived in the city hall has already spread. Those low-level clerks and clerks saw Count Cushing walking into the dining room with a constructed knight, and their eyes fell on Sulda. Ke's body.

Afterwards, many people saw Sia following behind Suldak, her big sea blue eyes were almost as clear as a lake, everyone who saw her couldn't look away, her pure face, quiet and melancholy ...

Almost during the lunch hour, the news that the new consul had a pure and beautiful assistant by his side almost spread throughout the city hall.

The fried steak and seafood soup for lunch were really good, and Suerdak felt that the dishes in the high-end restaurants in Ruyt City were probably the same, and the last dessert was the finishing touch.

No wonder Earl Cushing recommended the small restaurant in the city hall to Suldak before lunch, suggesting that he could often come here for lunch in the future.

After lunch, Count Lake Cushing gave up the office on the side of the city hall and asked Suldak to rest in this office, while Count Cushing also had a speaker's office on the side of the House of Representatives.

In the afternoon, a parliament will be held in the House of Representatives. The main content is that Earl Lake Cushing will resign as speaker, and then a new speaker of the House of Representatives will be elected.

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