Lord Highlander

Chapter 1217: 1204. Change

It was the first time that Baron Martino came to Ruyt City after he became the director of the Urban Construction Bureau of Mucuso City.

The carriage of this magic caravan bears the emblem of Mucuso City. After the coachman showed the pass to the portal guard, he drove the carriage through the portal in the central square.

Although Ruyt City also experienced the devastation of the Tarapakan Battle, the entire city still retains its original appearance.

Today's Mucuso City has undergone a one-year renovation, and many buildings have been completely renewed, giving people the impression that it is a brand new city. Compared with Mucuso City, the mottled squares and streets here seem to have a little more culture. Connotation.

Caravans and carriages on the square are still lined up in long queues. Today’s Mucuso City is about to end the one-year tax-free period. Merchants almost take advantage of the last and two months to conduct bulk commodity transactions, and some transactions have already been completed. The advance payment for the autumn order is paid in advance, just to avoid tax legally.

Countless commodities are pouring into the Ganbu plane at this time. As the gateway to the Ganbu plane, Ruyt City also gathers a large number of business groups.

This also made Ruyt City more prosperous than ever.

The young assistant next to Baron Martino looked a little excited. He looked at the gorgeous street store outside the window and said to Baron Martino excitedly: "Boss, I have long wanted to visit the city of Ruyt. But speaking of it, there is really nothing to see here, these street shops are so old, Mukuso City is cleaner and tidy..."

Baron Martineau looked out through the car window, and he could see some businessmen casually on the street, and then a three-story semi-circular building appeared in his field of vision. If he could look down from the sky, he would be able to Found out that the building looks like the letter 'D'.

Dozens of marble columns nearly 30 meters high are erected on the periphery of the building, which looks magnificent...

The magic caravan drove into the courtyard of the city hall, and saw Sia in a beautiful dress waiting on the steps. He and Sia hadn't seen each other for at least half a year.

Now Xi Ya seems to have lost the innocence and childishness on her face, and her whole person has become extremely bright, especially when she is dressed as a city hall official, showing such a trace of intellectual beauty.

"Siya, how long has it been since we saw each other!" Baron Martino took a few steps quickly, climbed up the steps and smiled at Sia.

Sia stepped forward, greeted Baron Martino face to face, and responded with a smile: "Baron Martino, welcome to the city of Ruyt! The Earl is waiting for you in the office."

Among the people around Suldak, apart from Signa and Nika, Sia and Baron Martino are the most familiar. Go for a swim in the expanded pool in the back garden.

Although Baron Martino didn't know the existence of Sia at that time, at least for Sia, Baron Martino was one of the few people she was most familiar with.

A group of public officials passing by the entrance of the city hall saw this scene, and they all looked sideways, curious about the identity of this middle-aged man who seemed to have a somewhat melancholy temperament. Miss Sia spoke so kindly.

Baron Martino followed Sia into the city hall, and when the public officials who came towards him saw Sia, they almost avoided it.

Climbing to the third floor of the city hall, Siya led Baron Martino into Suldak's office.

Suldak was standing in front of the sand table, looking intently at the sand model of Ruyt City, and beside it was a flat map of Ruyt City.

In addition, on the small table there are a few sketches sketched by Surdak. Although those pictures are very simple, they are very three-dimensional.

Martino stepped forward, bowed and saluted, "See Lord Suldak!"

"Baron Martino, we haven't seen each other for half a year!" Suldak walked up quickly, took Baron Martino's shoulders, let him sit down in the rest area, and said to him with a smile: "If It’s not that I’m not too satisfied with the works designed by the planners of the Urban Land Management Bureau here, I’m afraid we won’t meet until at least next month!”

"In fact, you should go to Mukuso City to take a look. It has changed a lot now." Baron Martino said to Suldak.

Looking at the golden earl's medal on his chest, Baron Martino was really moved. He remembered that when he heard the name of Suldak for the first time, he was just a baron.

In just two years, Suldak was actually promoted to an earl...

It only took him two years to pass the hurdle that many nobles could not cross in their lifetime.

Suldak sat down opposite Baron Martino, and then said:

"I invite you here this time to help me design the building complex in this area. I plan to design this place as a dining plaza."

Suldak pointed to the area of ​​the steel workshop and continued to explain:

"It's not a restaurant in the traditional sense, and it's not a huge building."

"Strictly speaking, it is more like a market. All the storefronts are neatly arranged. This should be a leisure place full of restaurants of various styles."

Baron Martino first glanced at the sand table model in front of Suldak. The entire steel workshop is located on the edge of the workshop area. From the map, this area covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres.

The market and some leisure places flashed through his mind continuously, but he couldn't combine the two together.

Baron Martino stared at the messy sketches hand-painted by Suldak. The three-dimensional outlines were clearly defined in a corner of this illegally built dining plaza. There were neat plaques, and all the stores had large floor-to-ceiling windows, and the tables and chairs inside were also All are drawn with simple lines.

The picture in my mind suddenly burst out...

"These are some ideas of mine, and I plan to join in the design of the square." Surdak said aside.

In fact, although these sketches were all sketched by Suldak, the elements inside are mixed with Suldak's memories of the previous life, Hathaway and Beatrice's vision for the dining plaza, Xi Ya's descriptions of some classic buildings in the Seventh Sea are now drawn on several pieces of parchment. Although the lines are slightly rough and simple, they are full of creativity.

"Lord Earl, I want to go and have a look at the scene..." Baron Martino sorted out the drawings and put them in his folder.

Suldak immediately ordered Sia:

"Siya, go and make some arrangements."

Sia replied, "Okay."

No matter what Seattle does in the city hall now, it will be unimpeded all the way, and these public officials are extremely efficient in front of Seattle.


After the news of the dining plaza spread, the most restless people were the businessmen in Ruyt City.

Of course, this also includes many restaurant owners in Ruyt City. They are more worried that once a restaurant plaza is formed here, it will have a huge impact on their current business.

However, since entering May, as more caravans have flooded into the Ganbu plane, the restaurant business in Ruyt City has gradually improved.

It’s just that the restaurant owners had just enjoyed a moment of happiness when they heard that the city was going to renovate the restaurant plaza. Some bosses were waiting and watching, while some restaurant owners wondered if they could get a share of the food plaza.

The land of the steel workshop is completely in the hands of the governor of Suldak, and the Bureau of Land Management has made it clear that this land will not be sold.

Many people set their sights on the land around the steel workshop. They said that the land was not entirely correct. It should be a desolate slum building. These buildings are full of poor people, but all the land and houses are is extremely cheap.

Although the news about the eating plaza was announced, the land in the surrounding area doubled overnight, but for businessmen and restaurant owners, the land price here is still extremely low, but usually no one will want it even if they give it away for free. The slums have now become fat in the eyes of everyone.

Many businessmen began to look for various means, and they all wanted to buy a house in this area first.

But what everyone didn't expect was the next series of actions of the city hall. The city hall actually sent some public officials to gather the residents of these slums, and a semi-official residents' committee was established, mainly targeting businessmen. The purchase of a set of houses, but also announced the urban reconstruction plan.

The slums near the steel workshop have been included in the first phase of urban reconstruction planning.

This also means that these old houses will soon be pushed to rebuild. As for the resettlement of slum areas, the city hall also has some answers, that is, the city hall will build a new living quarter to resettle the people in the city. The poor, in addition to providing a new place of residence, will also give some compensation in gold coins.

On the night when these news were released from the officials of the city hall, the low-level of the entire slum area doubled. Even so, no one was willing to sell their houses to those businessmen.

In fact, the people who were most surprised were the lowest-level people in the slums. Everyone couldn't figure it out, but the demolition of the steel workshop had directly affected the lives of people like themselves.

Not only the value of the house he lives in doubles, but it is said that he will be able to live in a new house in the near future, and he can also get a resettlement fee...

The most incomprehensible thing for the poor is, when did the nobles invade the land and become so humane?

In the past, didn't they always post a notice at the entrance of the alley to move out within a time limit, and would not give any reason...

The reason is simple, because the land in the slums does not have any land use certificates. They live here, more like a lease without paying land use fees, and the original owner of the land in this area is Lord McDonnell.

now! Naturally, it is the territory of Earl Suldak, the consul of Ruyt City.

However, the city hall would actually propose a new house. In a few days, the name of Lord Surdak spread throughout the slums of Ruyt City...

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