Lord Highlander

Chapter 1231: 1218. Manor

This night attack plan failed.

Not to mention that he failed to sneak into the research institute of the Black Magic Priory, Hunter Krek was still alive when he left, but when everyone returned to the camp, he had already become a skeleton archer, standing wretchedly on Nao Behind Mi, the frail soul fire looked as if it might be extinguished at any moment.

Siya's eyes widened, staring at the skeleton archer who barely had a trace of flesh on his body, and the white bones were even covered with some black rune marks.

"Why did he suddenly become a skeleton?" Xi Ya asked.

She had a good impression of the worried hunter when he set off, but she didn't expect that he would turn into a skeleton archer in a blink of an eye.

After Suldak explained to Xi Ya, the mermaid girl sighed softly.

Like Aphrodite, she did not expect that Hunter Krek was actually an outside line of the Black Magic Priory Research Institute, providing them with outside information, and his wife and son were taken away by the Black Magic Priory. The Black Magic Priory is conducting a series of recent operations, and this method of taking family members as hostages can better guarantee the loyalty of these outsiders.

However, it was precisely because of Suldak's investigation that Crake failed to pass on the information in time, but was discovered by the investigators of the Black Magic Priory, and they intercepted and killed Crake on the way.

After dawn, Suldak led the heavy armored infantry regiment and continued to march deep into the mountains.

This time, since there was no Creek to lead the way, although the mountain road became less easy to walk, it went directly towards the Institute of the Black Magic Priory.

There are two magicians in the team—Sia and Aphrodite. Although one is a Naga and the other is a Succubus, both of them have magic handles and can fly in the air on them. .

In fact, Suldak has always wanted to ask Siya what it's like to fly in the sky!

After all, she is a naga, and flying in the sky has always been something that only birds can do, and now she can also ride a magic handle for a short flight.

Compared with the wider sky, what is the difference between the sea she lived in before.

The team had magicians who could scout in the sky, and the heavy armored infantry regiment entered the mountains, so Suldak didn't have too many worries, and the army went straight to the depths of the mountains.

This time the bearded Edgar came from Mukuso with one of the most elite heavy armored infantry regiments. In the sulfur mine camp, all kinds of supplies are well-prepared, and they are completely sufficient for temporary emergencies now.

The heavy armored infantry regiment walked in the mountains for more than half a day. From a distance, they saw a blue wall built on the top of the opposite mountain, and watchtowers were built around the wall.

In order to confirm whether this building complex is the research institute of the Black Magic Priory, Sia and Aphrodite flew over to investigate at the same time.

The two of them drilled around the castle built on the blue rock, but found no sign of magician activity, but found a large number of archers on the watchtower of the castle.

Moreover, in this castle with no high-rise buildings, there are still a large number of infantry soldiers. It seems that it should be a lord's private domain.

Sure enough, at the foot of this mountain, the scout team of the Heavy Armored Infantry found a neat row of boundary markers in the woodland, almost every 500 meters there was a piece marked "Earl Petunia's private territory". , It is also engraved on the boundary tablet that this territory has existed for more than 300 years.

Moreover, a team of cavalry was waiting beside the boundary marker, watching Suerdak approach with a regiment of heavy armored infantry, an officer on a horse lifted the mask on his helmet and looked at Su Erdak. Erdak and his party shouted from a distance:

"You can't go any further, the front is Earl Petunia's territory."

Suldak turned back and asked Sia: "Why haven't I heard the name of this Earl in Ruyt City?"

"This Earl Petunia should not be a noble from Ruyt City!" Sia frowned, and said to Suldak after thinking for a while.

"You mean we have come to the border of Ruyt City?" Surdak said, turning his head to look at the boundary marker in the woodland.

"It seems like that."

Siya jumped off the handle of the magic horn and said to Suldak.

Suldak rode to the front, he casually said to the officer: "My people have found traces of the Black Magic Priory near here, so we have been following the clues to track down, we did not If you find any residences nearby, and see a complex of buildings here, you want to come and check it out..."

"We don't know anything about the Black Magic Priory, but if your army wants to enter our place, you must get the permission of Lady Petunia, otherwise we will think that you are invading us, and we will have a counterattack the power of..."

The officer didn't want to talk to Surdak too much at all, and directly handed out a string of official languages.

Suldak nodded and waved to the army behind him.

The bearded Edgar immediately asked the infantry soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment to camp in this woodland, and did not take another step forward.

"Do you know what kind of punishment the lord of the Tarapakan area will face for having an affair with the Black Magic Priory? Once the verification is correct, he will be charged with rebellion!" Suldak pointed at the The lord officer standing next to the boundary marker said.

The officer said fearlessly, "We have not received any notification from the military department."

While speaking, another group of swordsmen came from the opposite castle in the woods. The army on the opposite side increased to 700, the number of cavalry and swordsmen reached 500, and there were more than 200 archers. Confronted nearby, and did not want to retreat.

Suldak did not forcefully rush into Earl Petunia's territory, but led everyone back to the camp to rest.


Back in the camp tent, someone has already boiled a pot of boiling water outside.

At this time, someone actually made a pot of black tea for Suldak. Holding a cup of hot tea, Suldak asked Sia and Aphrodite:

"How about it, did you find anything unusual about that castle in the sky?"

Aphrodite shook her head and said:

"No, the castle looks normal from the outside. Nearly a thousand troops are stationed in the castle. At present, most of the troops in the castle are sent to the border monument. There are also some civilians. There is a large valley on the other side of the mountain. Wheat field, there are a lot of farmers in this castle, at least a few hundred."

Suldak glanced at Sia, and she also agreed with Aphrodite's statement.

But Suldak soon discovered a problem.

"You mean that there are nearly a thousand troops stationed here?" Suldak asked Aphrodite.

Sia and Aphrodite nodded at the same time.

Suldak turned to the bearded man and asked, "Edgar, what do you think is a reasonable number of troops stationed in a manor with hundreds of farmers?"

The bearded Edgar was a high-level officer of the rebel army on the Ganbu plane. He once managed five camps of the rebel army. Regarding the problem of Suldak, he could immediately find the problem.

"There will be no more than two hundred people, so that this manor can afford..."

Edgar replied without thinking.

Suldak nodded and made a conclusion:

"They seem to have no problem, but they block us here and prevent us from investigating, which is the biggest problem."

He glanced at Aphrodite and said:

"The officer who came forward from the other party is just a one-turn swordsman. In order to confirm my guess, I plan to go to the castle with Aphrodite to investigate again tonight."

Siya, who was sitting by the side, immediately said:

"Dark, take me this time."

Xi Ya's eyes were wide open, as if I was useful.

Suldak thought for a while and agreed:

"You can go if you want...but you must stay with me all the time, and you can't act without authorization."

Hearing what Suldak said, Siya hurriedly agreed: "Okay, my promise is..."


Suldak had to wait until dark to act.

Before that, while there was still some time, in order to avoid worrying about his safety in Ruyt City, he asked Aphrodite to revoke the summoning spell.

In a lavender glow, Suldak passed through the void gate and returned to the castle of Ruyt City.

Returning to the castle dining room, the whole room looked empty. The long indigo wood dining table was decorated with exquisite tablecloths and flowers, but it seemed that no one was eating here.

When Suldak came out from the Void Gate, he happened to see four maids carrying plates and talking in low voices along the way. They walked out of the kitchen, passed the main dining room, and went upstairs along the corridor outside. , it seems that they want to send it to the bedroom.

Hathaway and Beatrice usually eat in the living room outside the bedroom, where the coffee table is very suitable for two or three people to eat together.

Suldak chased after him, took the silver plate from a maid, and asked them a few words in a low voice. Sure enough, as he guessed, these delicacies were going to be delivered to Hathaway and Bea. Inside Tris's room.

So Suldak followed the four maids, just like a waiter, and walked into the bedroom with the dinner plate upright.

Hathaway and Beatrice were in the living room outside the bedroom. The former was sitting on the sofa looking at a stack of documents, while the latter was reading a biography of a ranger.

The two were even chatting without a word.

Hathaway asked the maid to put the dinner on the coffee table without raising her head. When Suldak came over, Hathaway realized that something was wrong. The feeling of oppression was not something a maid could have. She raised her head abruptly. , only to find that Suerdak was quietly putting the dinner plate on the coffee table.

"Dark, you're back!"

Hathaway stared at Suldak with surprise and said.

Suldak quickly stood up straight, and opened his arms to give Hathaway a big hug. Beatrice also cheered, jumped up from the sofa with bare feet, and threw herself into Suldak's arms.

"I just took the time to come back to report safety, lest you worry, I will return to the abandoned mine area later, we found a hiding place of the Black Magic Priory there, but it has not been confirmed yet, there must be The stronghold of the Black Arts Priory..."

Suldak told Hathaway what happened in the mining area.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa, chatting about the situation in the abandoned mining area while having dinner.

Suldak originally planned to recruit a group of knights from the guard camp in Ruyt City to support the scene, but after a dinner, it was too late to go to the guard camp to mobilize the knights.

He could only write a few notes with his own hands, stamped his seal on them, and asked the housekeeper to send someone to the City Hall of Ruyt City.

After all, the consul of Ruyt City disappeared for a day inexplicably, and it is estimated that the city hall should be in a mess.

Suldak ate a dinner carefully prepared by Hathaway in the castle, and then returned to the camp before it was completely dark.


Under the darkness of night, Suldak led Sia and Aphrodite through the dense forest, bypassing Earl Petunia's army guarding the boundary marker, and sneaked into the woodland here.

As for why Sia was brought along, Suldak actually thought very simply.

Once encountering an irresistible danger, Sia and Aphrodite can easily escape from the danger by riding on the magic handle under the cover of night. This is the reason why he is willing to bring Sia out.

As far as he is concerned, as long as Aphrodite can leave safely, and then revoke the call to him immediately, he will return to Ruyt City through the gate of the void.

The biggest advantage of this kind of battlefield call is that once you are in danger, you can quickly evacuate from the battlefield.

It is actually not too difficult for the second-rank powerhouse and the succubus to pass through this woodland. Xi Ya followed behind Suldak. Sometimes when encountering difficult mountain roads, Suldak would carry the Sia walks a distance.

Because the three of them had very clear goals, they didn't stop and rest much along the way.

After Suerdak successfully climbed a rock, he saw the blue wall of the manor, perhaps because there were no tall buildings on the top of the mountain.

This time, Aphrodite relied on her wings to fly quietly to the top of the watchtower.

On the watchtower, there were originally four night watchmen, these four people were on the top platform of the tower, discussing the monotonous dinner tonight...

Aphrodite flew up without a sound, and a huge eyeball floated above her head. That eyeball looked at the night-duty soldiers one by one. The soldiers hardly made any struggle, and fell to the ground on the watchtower. .

Suldak climbed up the watchtower along the outer wall, carrying Siya on his back.

The three squatted on the watchtower, observing the manor in the night.

Both Suldak and Siya were blessed with insight, and Aphrodite could see at night, day or night, which had little effect on them.

Sure enough, more than half of the space in the manor was occupied by legions, and in the neatly built dormitories, there were still some soldiers coming in and out...

On the opposite side of the military camp is the residential area of ​​the farmers, and their houses are much simpler, but these are also built with bluestone.

At night, the entire manor looked tense.

When everyone walks, their steps are very fast...

At this time, Aphrodite had already selected one of the four night warriors, and after awakening him from the hypnosis, he charmed him, and then on this watchtower, she began to question the people inside one by one. Condition.

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