Lord Highlander

Chapter 1236

The knight officer's face turned livid in an instant, and he stared at Suldak for a few seconds. When he left, he even forgot to salute Suldak before leaving. The corpses of the black magicians and the valuable magic robes They were all hung on wooden crosses outside the cave, and before the knight officer led his men into the cave, they all looked carefully...

For these magicians, although they have turned into mummies, the people in Yezipias Manor still have some impressions of the faces of these people.

It’s just that everyone didn’t know that they were hiding underground in this manor, and they had lived there for so long. They thought they were a group of outsiders who regularly purchased daily necessities at Yezipias Manor every month.

Suldak didn't continue to talk to the knight officer, but gave Edgar a wink and asked him to drive the knight officer away.

Now that the army of Ruyt City is taking over the research institute of the Black Magic Priory, he will not allow other forces to intervene at this time, or to put it more bluntly, to share the credit.

The heavy armored infantry regiment is dead, and the death pension that Suldak made for the army on the Ganbu plane is not a small amount...

He first rushed to the place where the corpses of the fallen soldiers were parked and took a look. The corpses of these soldiers were all packed into black coffins and neatly parked in the cave. It is cool enough here, and these corpses should not be so fast. It stinks.

It's hard to imagine that the Black Magic Retreat actually reserves so many coffins, probably those magicians prepared them for themselves in advance.

At least Suldak thinks so.

"When will the logistics team arrive?" Suldak asked Commander Edgar behind him.

"It should be here by tomorrow night at the latest!" Commander Edgar replied. He was worried that Suldak would condemn the convoy from the logistics department of the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment for moving too slowly, so he quickly added: "Convoy preparations The supplies have to go through the portal again, and we have to find out our whereabouts in Ruyt City..."

He didn't continue to say the following words, because he wanted Suldak to think for himself.

Suldak nodded slightly and walked out of the cave.

The heavy armored infantry regiment has set up a new camp outside the cave, and the wounded battalion is in a tent close to the foot of the mountain. Siya is treating the wounded soldiers, and saw Surdak walking in with a group of men. , raised his head to greet Surdak and said, "Dak, are you awake?"

Suldak nodded, moved closer to Sia, took her place and asked, "How is the situation?"

Knowing the wounded man in front of Suldak's question, Xi Ya quickly replied: "The injury is not too serious, but the blood is infected with corrupt toxins. Now I can only control the toxin from spreading further, but I can't eradicate it... ..."

"How many such wounded?" Suldak asked while casting the Holy Light spell on the wounded.

A beam of white light fell on the wounded, and the wound with blue bruises immediately turned into a normal color...

"It's all gathered here, just waiting for you to come!" Xi Ya let out a long breath and said relaxedly.

At this time, Suldak couldn't help but raised his head and asked, "What if I can't wake up in time? What should I do with these wounded?"

Xi Ya replied without any hesitation: "I won't dissolve these toxins, but I can concentrate them on an unimportant area of ​​the wounded's body, and then 'click' to cut off that part of the body!"


Suldak had nothing to say, because he really didn't have a better way to refute.


After looking at these wounded warriors, Suldak returned to the cave with the altar to check the tree of desire. This kind of magic tree is a rare plant monster even in the hell world, and its growth rate is very high. .

Once this tree of desire enters the mature stage, it will definitely become a lord.

It possesses the ability to control all life forms within a few hundred radius to become its slave or blood food.

The black magician apparently summoned a seed of the tree of desire from the hell world this time, and successfully germinated it. This tree of desire is no longer in the seedling stage, and the main nourishment for its growth is Fresh blood and soul.

The Tree of Desire needs to absorb enough souls to be promoted successfully, and this Tree of Desire is a plant monster at the peak of the fourth level. If it can break through the last shackles and become a fifth-level monster, it is estimated that Sulda Gram can't beat it so easily.

This tree was cut down by Suldak himself. Now go back to the altar and look at the tree of desire again. With strong meridians, did the tree accept the souls of more than two dozen black magicians at the last moment, and it also completely fused with one black magician, and even a face was born on the trunk.

This already means that the last stage of the tree of desire has already given birth to elementary wisdom...

The canopy of this big tree is covered with hematomas, and now the whole tree has been cut down on the altar. The hematomas on the canopy have coagulated hundreds of blood essence stones, which are a very rare magic material. Not as dense as other trees, capable of making furniture.

The inside of the Tree of Desire is more like some pipes sticking together. Not only is it empty, but there are also some coagulated blood in many pipes.

Because the specific value of this part of the material is unknown, the whole tree has been lying on the altar.

Now, those blood essence stones have been collected by Aphrodite.

Seeing Suldak rushing over, Aphrodite discussed with Suldak how to saw off the tree and take it away. According to Aphrodite's idea, even the roots of the altar should be All poached.

"The tree of desire is the main material for making hallucinogenic potions." Aphrodite made a brief introduction to Suldak.

With just such a sentence, Suldak made up his mind to take away the entire tree of desire, and even dug out all the roots that had penetrated into the soil.

"Aphrodite, are you saying that the whole tree is a magic herb?"

Even though Suldak was already rich, he still couldn't remain calm.

Succubus nodded slightly, and said, "If you understand this way, it's not impossible..."

She proudly pointed her finger at the side wall, where the entire wall was blocked by a black curtain, and then said casually:

"Oh, by the way, apart from this precious tree of desire, the black mages here really collected a lot of good things."

With that said, Aphrodite walked to a cave wall and pulled open the curtain covering the front of the shelf...

Inside were bottles of potions of various colors and plant-based magic materials. These materials filled a whole wall, and there was even a square tray on the shelf, which was full of magic crystals.

Suldak was not dazzled by these gains. He glanced at Naomi and asked Aphrodite:

"Have you found any evidence that they captured the villagers of Seria Village?"

This is also the main reason why Naomi came here, the necromancer wanted to clear himself up.

"Yes, there is a row of prisons over there, and Naomi also found the place where they buried their bones." Aphrodite was still the first to answer.

Suldak looked at Naomi in surprise...

Seemingly understanding Suldak's surprised eyes, the necromancer shrugged his shoulders and explained: "As a necromancer, he has a very keen sense of smell for any bones."

"Take me to see it!" Suldak said.

Aphrodite walked in the front and passed through this cave. The prison is located deeper in the mountainside. Here, some prisons the size of toilets were dug on both sides of the original cave. In addition to a row of iron gates, each prison is only two or three square meters, just enough for a person to lie down in it.

There are some filth left in these prisons, and even some blood stains on the iron gates and cave walls.

"In the prison, there were only sixteen villagers who survived. Among them, we found Crake's wife and son." Aphrodite continued.

Suldak was slightly taken aback, before asking again: "Does Crake's wife know Crake's true identity?"

"I didn't ask this, but seeing her sad expression, she probably didn't know..." Aphrodite replied.

"Then don't tell the story of Crake, just say that he was killed by a black magician when he was leading the army. Those who were charged with the crime are already dead. We can't let the living continue to bear that crime. Let's stop here with Crake!" Suldak said to Aphrodite.

"You have the final say!" Aphrodite did not refute Suldak, nor did she agree.

"The rest of the prisoners are all villagers from Celia Village?" Suldak asked again.

"Ten are villagers from Celia Village, and the other six are from other places." Aphrodite replied.

"Have you figured out what they are secretly trying to catch so many civilians here?" Suldak asked.

Aphrodite walked in front. She stopped and said without thinking, "Of course it is to nourish the tree of desire. That tree not only needs blood, but also needs to absorb soul..."

Suldak patted his forehead, remembering that Aphrodite had already explained it before.

Going further into the cave, there was actually a cliff-like place in front of him. Looking at the deep and dark space below, Suerdak threw down the pine torch in his hand, and with a light that was not too bright, Su Erdak saw that the pit should be more than ten meters deep, and there were indeed a lot of bones piled up in it.

Naomi stood beside Suldak and asked cautiously:

"My lord, do you want me to wake up all these skeletons and let them line up, so that it will be easier to find out the exact number..."

Suldak glanced at Naomi speechlessly, and quickly said, "This is unnecessary."

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