Lord Highlander

Chapter 1240 1227. Meeting 2

Commander Mickey Mende stood up and said to Suldak neither humble nor humble:

"In previous years, the appropriation for this area was 5,000 gold coins, but this year some parts of the city wall were damaged more seriously, so our city prevention and security brigade applied for a little more money for repairs..."

Count Kurt Latie, the financial officer of the city hall sitting opposite him, immediately responded:

"Mende, is that too much for you? You have doubled the amount for maintenance and repairs! The appropriation application you submitted to the Finance Department this year says 10,000 gold coins!" "I think with this money Money, you don’t need time-consuming and laborious repairs at all. You can tear down a section of the city wall and build a new one. In this way, you only need to spend another five years to completely destroy the city wall of Ruyt City before the end of your tenure. The renovation is complete."

"Does the city wall of Ruyt City need to be repaired every year?" Suldak asked the surrounding officials.

Logistics Minister Alan Benton immediately replied:

"That's true. The city hall allocates funding every year. This year's application for the Security Brigade is a bit higher than in previous years."

The financial officer, Earl Kurt Latie, smiled at the Minister of Logistics, Allen Benton, and immediately said:

"But everyone knows that after so many years, the city walls of Ruyt City look old, and now they only repair where there is damage..."

The officials also chattered about Ruyt's city wall. Suldak didn't express his opinion at first, but just sat aside and listened to everyone's discussion quietly. When he finally understood what was going on, The general situation inside.

"Well, I don't care where you used the funds for repairing the city wall in the past. I can forget about the past..."

Suldak stood up from his seat, stared at Mickey Mende and said:

"Starting from this year, the repair of the city wall will be open for bidding. The specific form is that the urban security brigade lists the parts of the city wall that need to be repaired to the logistics department. To maintain these sections of the city wall, the Ministry of Finance will allocate funds after everything has passed the inspection and acceptance.”

After Suldak finished speaking, he set his eyes on the faces of the financial officer Kurt and the city security brigade commander Mickey Mende.

Mickey Mende looked at Suldak in surprise, with an unnatural expression on his face, and he couldn't express the pain in his heart.

Originally, the repair fund went around the account of the city security brigade, and some of it could flow into his palm. This time he applied for double the repair fund, hoping that Suldak would not randomly check the appropriation ...

And the most important thing is that there is money in the treasury of the Ministry of Finance.

In the view of Commander Micky Mende, as long as he can convince the young financial officer in front of him, he can get a large amount of financial funding.

Moreover, the city wall of Ruyt City is indeed very dilapidated and needs to be repaired. Unfortunately, he submitted the application at the wrong time. Suldak happened to be away these few days, so the application first came to the financial officer Kurt Latie. , That's why there is this scene in front of you.

No one expected that Suldak would make a decision directly in the conference hall, changing the operation process of applying for funding for repairs.

Now this appropriation will not be handed over to the City Defense Brigade at all, and even the original money will not be allocated.

Mickey Mende felt a little regretful. If he had known about such things, he would not have said these words anyway. According to the practice in previous years, even if there were only five thousand gold coins allocated, he could still get at least one-tenth of them. But now I guess not even a single hair can be caught.

When Suldak looked over at him, Mickey Mende still forced a smile, expressing his support for Suldak's decision.

His slightly stiff face was wrinkled when he smiled.

However, the matter had been decided in this way, and he gave Kurt Latie a disgusted look. The conflict between him and the financial officer was more than that.

Suldak knocked on the table again, and said to the few officials behind the conference hall who had begun to whisper:

"Now the slum area is undergoing reconstruction. I hope that the environment in Ruyt City will always be kept clean and tidy. Who is in charge of the Health Bureau, please stand up and let me know!"

A nobleman sitting at the back of the conference hall hurriedly stood up.

Suldak quickly motioned for him to sit down.

Then Suldak continued:

"As a large number of caravans pass through Ruyt City and enter the Ganbu plane, the passenger flow in Ruyt City will also increase day by day, so out of consideration for the safety of these business groups, I hope that the security problems in the city can be improved. , All potential dangers must be eliminated quickly, including those young nobles who cannot kill people in the city, once I find out, I will definitely punish them severely."

Although Suldak's speech was not fast, the officials in the conference hall found that no one dared to make any rebuttals.

Suldak wants to attract foreign caravans to settle in Ruyt City and Mukuso City. Now Mukuso City has no advantage of tax exemption, so whether these merchants will open their shops in Mukuso or Ruit City? It's up to merchants to make their own choices, Hitter.

"In the past, some foreign merchants came here to do business, but now, some young nobles in Ruyt City want to do business. I hope that foreign businessmen can compete on an equal footing in Ruyt City..."

In doing so, Suldak has changed the trade pattern of Ruyt City.

He also knew that this would affect the interests of some noble lords, but if the city wanted to change and develop, it had to take this step.

Suldak was not an ordinary consul. His previous identity was the commander of the heavy armored infantry regiment. In Mukuso City, he held a large number of troops in his hands.

So any noble lord who dared to resist and oppose him, the final solution would be to submit under force.

Now, the entire Ganbu plane is in the hands of Suldak.

Moreover, there was Marquis Luther standing behind him, and it is estimated that even the chief executive of Tarapaghan would not dare to provoke him easily.

After the meeting ended, Suerdak walked out first.

Then other officials who participated in the meeting got together in twos and threes, apparently discussing what was said at the meeting.

Now that Ruyt City is on the right track, Suldak needs to make it more prosperous...

Immediately afterwards, a huge caravan arrived in Ruyt City, and the Thunder Rhino caravan of businessman Malakom finally arrived in Ruyt City again.

This time, Malakom planned to move the remaining half of the dismantled furnaces of the steel workshop to the town of Dodan.

Following Malakom to Ruyt City, there is also a business group from Dodan Town...

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