Lord Highlander

Chapter 1270: 1257. The Well of Souls

There are many problems left in the abandoned mining area outside Ruyt City. Due to the many caves dug out of the ground, the precipitation will quickly seep into the underground river. The large-scale desertification of the abandoned mining area is very serious. Most of the land here is not suitable for farming. Many scrubland areas are gradually becoming wilderness where only thorn grass can grow.

In addition, these mines are criss-crossing underground, like huge ant nests. Every year, dozens of subsidence incidents will occur in the abandoned mine area, and there will be ground faults in some places. Earl Lake Cushing thought two years ago This area is not suitable for living. It is recommended that the residents of the villages and small towns here relocate outside the city of Ruyt.

Unfortunately, due to the huge relocation costs, this matter has been shelved until now.

In the valley full of gravel and gravel, there are thorny grasses that sting everywhere when it sticks to clothes. Even in midsummer, the color here is still yellow on one side and yellow on the other. A piece of emerald green, the wind blowing is hot and humid.

A group of kobold slaves, wearing only linen overalls and carrying picks and pokers, were clearing the roadbed here.

They use wooden planks to form a three-meter by three-meter square grid on the roadbed, and then fill it with truckloads of pozzolan cement. The woven straw mats are covered on it, and water is poured once a day in the morning, noon and evening to allow the road surface to fully maintain its health, so that after half a month, a qualified road surface can be formed.

In fact, when they were in the barren land, they didn't pay so much attention when they built the roads at the beginning. After the first winter, many of the roads built had cracks, and some of the cement became brittle. The old village Uncle Long Brett only started to pay attention to these issues, and now, these kobold slaves already have a very comprehensive set of road construction techniques in their hands.

Five hundred kobold slaves are distributed in an area nearly one kilometer long, but they have to wait for the four-wheeled carriage to transport volcanic ash from the barren land. Although many transport teams have been added recently, the transportation capacity is still insufficient, kobolds The slaves slowed down their work and waited for the four-wheeled carriages to arrive.

Luke and Suldak passed by the construction site, and the kobold slaves knelt down to salute.

Nearly two kilometers of roads have been built on the edge of Ruyt City. This is the south starting point of the road. He said with a smile to Luke:

"I heard that you gave this road a very good name?"

Luke was wearing leather pants, a leather vest, and a sun hat on his head. His exposed skin was tanned by the scorching sun. Hearing Suldak's question, he smiled and said, "The South Gold Road is so big. Fei Zhouzhang brought volcanic ash from the barren land, which made me feel that the gold coins spent could be as long as this road..."

"Haha, almost." Suldak also smiled. He put his hands on Luke's shoulders. The two walked along the construction site for a while. Suldak stopped and said: "With this road, the Tarapagan area can be completely connected, and the supplies of the Ganbu plane will continue to spread throughout the entire Tarapagan area."

Luke, who came out of Wall Village, has seen some of the world, and said disapprovingly of Suldak's words:

"Isn't it the same before? The dry cloth plane delivers sufficient nutrients to the entire Tarapa..."

Suldak shook his head and said: "But the transportation problem has always existed. As long as this road is opened up, at least one-third of the distance from Ruyt City to the cities in the north of the tower can be shortened."

"I heard that the geological conditions here are very special. There are often collapses, ground cracks, and faults." Luke said with some concern.

"That's why I asked you to build this road, because you are professionals, and why do you think I put so much effort into pouring the entire road into volcanic ash cement? I am worried that this road will be affected by the local geological conditions. Influence. And the magicians invited from the magic union this time, they usually live in the magic tower and are not good at communicating with people, so you have to be more active and maximize their value. Their utmost respect." Suldak said to Luke.

Suldak has seconded twelve magicians from the Ruyt City Magic Union. These magicians will jointly use some large-scale earth group magic to change the geological conditions near the road.

"I know, I will have a good relationship with these magician nobles." After Luke finished speaking, he smiled smugly.


Leaving this road construction site, Suldak took the magic caravan and continued to walk forward. The road in the abandoned mine area was rough and difficult to walk. The magic caravan did not arrive at Seria Village until the afternoon. In a small mountain village, there are only two houses emitting faint green smoke from their chimneys.

But just beside a dilapidated wall outside the mountain village, Suldak actually saw a small team of kobold slaves.

It seems that the road construction team should be sent to investigate the area where the road passes. Suldak remembered that the road did pass by the village of Sailia.

Since there are kobold slaves here, and there are outsiders in the village, Naomi will definitely not live in the village.

Suldak also gave up the idea of ​​entering the village. If he went further in, there would be no roads suitable for the magic caravan. It would be more convenient to ride a horse.

This time when he came to Celia Village, Suerdak made full preparations, and the group rode into the mountain outside the small village.

Suldak took Siya to the abandoned mine in the deepest part of the abandoned mine area, and he found a skeleton squatting silently at the entrance of the mine. It looked like a white bone lying at the entrance of the cave, but it The soul fire flickering in the eye sockets proved to Suldak that it was a skeleton.

It's hard to describe this kind of skeleton. The bone frame on its body completely subverts the principle of mechanics. All of them are spliced ​​together without any adhesives, but they can form the shape of a human skeleton and walk around very freely.

They are sensitive to light, but they will not be evaporated immediately in the sun.

I just heard that when these skeletons are in the sun, the consumption of the soul fire will increase exponentially.

Seeing Suldak bring Siya up close, the skeleton came alive and stood at the door of the mine, the light blue soul fire in its eyes kept jumping, and its jaws were constantly opening and closing. It was like talking to Suldak, the clicking sound was a bit creepy.

"Okay, please take us to meet your master, Ms. Naomi." Suldak stepped forward and said to the skeleton, regardless of whether he could hear it or not.

The soul fire in the skull's eyes jumped suddenly, and turned around and walked into the mine.

After walking dozens of steps, it stopped in front and turned back to look at Surdak and Sia.

Suldak was led by this skeleton and stopped and stopped all the way to the depths of the mine. When Suldak saw the light in the cave, he was sure that he had arrived at Naomi's residence. This mine is integrated with the original cave, and the cave has a large space. Suldak still remembers that there is a vertical shaft in the cave, leading to a deeper underground.

With the help of the weak light, Suldak discovered that the cave was actually full of skeletons, but the skulls of these skeletons lacked the fire of the soul, and they were just pure skeletons.

Naomi, who was wearing tattered linen clothes, was sitting by the well. Several skeletons were constantly picking up some intact bones from the mine, and they piled up in a big pile by the well.

"Good afternoon, Lord Consul." Naomi raised her head, revealing her zombie-like face, and said hoarsely.

"Good afternoon, Naomi." Suldak responded, and then he moved to the side of the shaft. There was a smell of decay and corpses in the shaft, and he didn't know how many dead souls were buried in the shaft.

He took two steps back, and then stopped and said, "This time I'm going on a long trip, and it may take a few months, so I'll come and see you before I leave."

Naomi didn't speak, it was as cold as an ice cube.

Suldak continued: "I still remember what I said at the beginning. I know a friend who is also very proficient in undead magic. Now because you are studying undead magic, your body keeps turning into corpses. I told him about this a few days ago. One thing, he is more interested in this, and wants to see your current situation, based on his understanding of undead spells, maybe he can solve your problem."

Naomi looked at Suldak in surprise, and said in a blunt tone after a while, "Thank you for remembering this promise."

Suldak saw the doubt in her eyes, but continued, "If you don't mind, I'll call him over."

"Whatever you want!" Naomi said casually.

Suldak made a gesture to Siya, and Siya came up after her. She spread a prepared tablecloth on the stone platform, and then placed a set of silver teacups and teapots on the tablecloth, and even On the table is a silver candlestick that can hold three candles.

After everything was ready, Suldak blew his phalanx whistle, obviously without making any sound, but the surrounding skeletons with soul fire were trembling constantly, their soul fire seemed to be blown by a gust of wind. Among them, every moment may be blown out by the wind.

Naomi also widened her eyes and covered her ears with a painful expression.

As a bloody door appeared on the stone wall, the door was pushed open by countless bone hands inside. These bone hands scrambled to get out, but it seemed that there was such a bondage in the air that they could only be let out of the door. Stretch out the half bone arm.

The figure of Earl Fornak appeared in the bloody gate again. Suldak and Siya were used to this, but Naomi, who saw the ghost for the first time, subconsciously drew a picture in front of her with her fingers. circle.

Earl Funak glanced at Naomi, raised his broken arm and shot out a black light, which immediately dispersed the magic circle drawn by Naomi...

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