Lord Highlander

Chapter 1282: 1269. North of Dodan Canyon

It's hard to imagine that there are so many believers in the Temple of the Twin Goddesses that they have to queue up outside the gate of the temple. Leave reluctantly.

Or only in this way, when these believers return to the small town where they live, they can boast to their neighbors how beautiful the Temple of the Twin Goddesses in Dodan is.

In any case, this temple has now become a must-see for many tourists who come to Dodan.

Another place where there are a lot of people at night is the grassland on the south bank of the Dodan River. Couples who are in love will almost sit in a row on the grass by the river. Everyone will not shout, and you can even hear the river. The sound of gurgling water means that there are too many people, so many that Selina can't even continue to live in the riverside hut.

It gives people the impression that the river view villas are like animal cages in the zoo. They don’t even dare to light up the lights at night, and all the windows have to be covered with white gauze curtains. People don’t even dare to cool off on the terrace. Unless you are not afraid of being surrounded by people.

So Selina, who became the acting mayor of Dodan Town, moved her family back to a house in the center of the town. The riverside cottage was left unused this summer, and only Signa and Nika occasionally came back to stay for a night.

The only bakery in Dodan Town has now opened a branch in the east, west and south of the town. The taste of the baked wheat cakes is not amazing, but each baked wheat cake will have salt and sesame seeds, and it has just been baked The wheat cakes are also very crispy, and each one is still two copper coins, which is much cheaper than buying wheat flour and making it yourself.

Perhaps the existence of this cheap baked wheat cake is also the reason why Dodan has gathered a large population.

Even some young men from the Warrior Academy would come to town every morning to buy baked oatmeal.

Many people can't understand why the town hall has to bear such a financial subsidy. The believers of the Temple of the Two Goddesses understand this as the last guarantee of the goddess for the believers, ensuring that no matter how poor the people here are, they can live every day. Always have a baked oatmeal...

This is the first small town run by Surdak. Originally, there was only one main street in the town, which could be seen from south to north at a glance, but now, after just two years, the town is much bigger than before. When it was taken over, it would be at least four times larger, and the southern part was almost connected to the Zhanzheng College, and there was no room for expansion in the northern part of the town, unless a house was built outside the northern city wall.

There are not many workshops in the small town, and most of the people's lives here rely on the continuous inflow of materials from the Invercargill Forest to drive the employment of local residents.

"Now some people in the town are starting to discuss whether you will build a city here. Now the population of the town is increasing rapidly every month, and the town already has a north wall. We only need to plan a city in the south of the town. A big outline to define this area as an urban area..."

On the attic terrace, Selena was holding a wine glass, with a blush on her face, and she looked at this bustling town with a blurred gaze.

Suldak shook his head and said:

"This place has reached a bottleneck period of development. It is difficult for the population to increase after reaching a certain upper limit, and the most important thing here is always a garrison camp. I will be stationed here for only four years. When the time comes, where will the army be sent? It is still unknown to be stationed here."

Selena put her pointed chin on Suldak's shoulders, her body in a thin nightgown was pressed against Suldak's back, and her lips with a faint smell of alcohol pressed against his ear and said : "That's why you built the iron ore refining workshop at the north exit of Dodan Town?"

Suldak looked towards the direction of the northern city wall with bright eyes, and cast his eyes into the endless darkness hidden under the night, and replied calmly: "That's right, and in fact, from the hilly land at the north exit all the way to the north, all the rich The land is my territory, and this iron ore refining workshop must be built on my territory."

Selena asked curiously: "Will you develop the copper mine into a small town in the future?"

Suldak thought for a while before saying: "If necessary, I will, but I hope that the trade center in the northern part of the Bailin plane should be a little further north, and it will take at least seven days for the magic airship to reach the place, whether it is Dodan town or the copper mines are too close."

Although Selina knew that Suldak led the army here this time to continue to expand northward, she was still a little surprised when she heard what he said: "We still have to go further north!"

Suldak nodded: "That is inevitable. There are those ghost-striped red ants entrenched in the north. When I close my eyes every day, sometimes in my dreams, the whole valley is full of ghost-striped red ants. In the scene of the red ants, the next time there is an animal swarm, Invercargill Forest will bear the brunt of the impact of the red ants, I never thought that it will be rebuilt in a few years."


Suldak didn't stay in the town of Dodan for too long, and the lord's army continued all the way north through the Dodan Canyon.

At the northern exit of the Duodan Canyon, there is already a part of the boundary marker of Suldak's territory. On a hill in the northern mountain pass, a long steel dragon spreads downward on a gentle slope, like a crouching A steel behemoth on the mountain.

Although these furnaces have not been activated yet, seven huge chimneys are rising into the sky, and Suldak has already seen the embryonic form of the steel workshop in Ruyt City.

He saw Hamlin's at the top of a high arched keel column on the construction site. The technical director of the steel workshop had lost weight again, and even his cheekbones had collapsed, and he was exposed to the sun. His eyes were dark, but his eyes were exceptionally bright, as if full of longing for a new life.

When he saw him, he was pointing at a worker at the top of the column and yelling at him, who was so speechless.

It's hard to imagine that Hamlin's thin body can burst out with so much energy.

Suldak wisely kept silent and did not interfere.

After Hamlin finished handling the matter, he accompanied Surdak around the steel workshop and introduced the construction progress of the workshop to him.

"So, in another three months, I need to transport the selected ore powder to you?" Surdak stood on a high hill, looking at the giant steel beast in front of him, and asked Hamlin .

Wrinkles piled up on Hamlin's forehead, and he thought for a while before saying, "It should be a trial run in two and a half months, and I need high-quality iron ore powder."

Suldak didn't know how his iron mine was built. When he left, he just cleaned up the foundation of the shed. Now he went to see how the ore screening and grinding equipment was installed on site. According to According to the news from the dwarf workshop in Bena City, they should have started the last step of debugging in recent days.

"Okay, I'll hurry up the progress of the project at the iron mine..." Suldak agreed with a nod.

It was at this time that Suldak realized that there were so few people around him.


The 50,000 lord army didn't even stop at the north exit of Dodan Town, and headed eastward along the hills and mountains, bypassing the Thorny Mountains and heading towards the Three Rivers Plain in the east of the Thorny Mountains.

It was on the third morning after entering the hills and mountains that Suldak met the wolf knight Tiger and his partner Bonita who were rushing back from the east.

Maybe it's because of the comfortable life. During the days in Dodan Town, wolf knight Tago's body has become stronger, and that frost wolf is even more exaggerated. The silver hairs stood up even more, shiny and full of luster.

The four paws looked like the paws of a giant bear, and none of the cavalry horses dared approach them. As for the horses of their cavalry squad, they performed a little better.

This orc still doesn't like to wear magic-weave outfits. Usually, this suit is packed in a box and carried behind his back. He wears simple leather armor, and his light-blue body has countless muscle masses. At a glance, he can tell that this body is full of blood. explosive force.

The officers of the Alliance Lord Army didn't know that Suldak's subordinates actually had an orc wolf rider. They were stared at by Tiger's murderous eyes, and most of the officers didn't have the courage to go up to greet the wolf rider.

Tai Ge took out the head of a giant ghost pattern soldier ant from a bag, grinned at Suldak and said, "Boss, this is still very fresh..."

When he smiled, his two canine teeth were exposed, still a little scary.

Suldak leaned forward and asked Tago, "How's the situation in the east?"

The wolf knight said in a deep voice: "There are a lot of monsters over there, and they often cross the boundary marker and enter the territory of Invercargill Forest. The main purpose of our patrols every time is to chase the footprints of those monsters, kill them or drive them away. go out."

Suldak nodded, seeing how strong he and Bonita were eating, he asked: "In my opinion...you probably won't drive them away, as long as the prey you track is hard to escape." Drop it!"

"Hey, Boss, Bonita and I need to improve our food once in a while!" The wolf knight replied honestly with a naive smile.

Hearing what the wolf knight said, the two-headed ogre standing behind immediately widened his eyes. It turned out that there are still such good things in the Bailin plane. He muttered behind Suldak, saying that this time no matter what No matter what, live in the Bailin Plane for a period of time.

Suldak leaned forward, patted the wolf knight's strong shoulder, and said to the two-headed ogre: "Then you follow Tiger for a short time, he is a very good hunter, and he will definitely let you eat some Different prey..."

"That's really great, Tiger, you won't dislike me!" the two-headed ogre said to the wolf knight excitedly.

"Of course not, you just came. Recently, I found a big guy on the Three Rivers Plain. Bonita and I are really not sure how to catch it..."

The wolf knight said briskly.

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