Lord Highlander

Chapter 1288: 1275. Visit

Not too far from the camp, a free market was established there with the military business group.

The free market is full of all kinds of goods, but the stall owners here are all doing the same thing, which is to buy magic beast materials.

After these two months of precipitation, the prices of these Warcraft materials in the market gradually became clear.

Standing on the watchtower at the gate of the camp, Suldak looked at the bustling market, and suddenly felt that the taste of leading the lord's army to the Bailin plane had changed a little this time. This lord's army has now become Sanhe The largest hunting gang in the plains has convoys continuously bringing back the trophies all day long, and after a series of sorting, it will flow into the free market not far away.

The 50,000 lord army scattered in this vast plain, hunted the giant swamp crocodiles here, and created a huge amount of wealth at an extremely fast speed.

Suldak divided half of this wealth with the lord who was willing to send troops to the Bailin Plane with him this time, and the retained half was to build a large dam at the exit of the Grand Canyon, according to Suldak's plan , the construction of this large dam will be completed by this time next year, and then the dam can be used to control water resources in the Sanhe Plain.

Although the lord army has not been able to obtain the ownership of this territory, in fact, this application process is only a matter of time.

Some noble lords in the Bailin plane are unwilling to admit that such a large area of ​​the Three Rivers Plain is so easily occupied by Suldak, thinking that he has borrowed the power of hundreds of adventure groups from Wilkes City, and now he is only He controls half of the Three Rivers Plain, so he does not recognize the territorial expansion of the unknown area.

Suldak didn't think it was a big deal. Since the lord army had already left footprints here, his name would definitely be on the boundary marker the moment this land was finally conquered.


The cool wind blew from the watchtower, and Suerdak suddenly saw an army holding a gorgeous banner in the afterglow of the setting sun.

At dusk, the army came slowly along the river.

Some knights carrying banners looked listless, the road was a bit muddy, and a group of knights didn't look energetic.

Suldak ignored the strange army, and turned his gaze to the sparkling river.

A month ago, there were countless newt ghost snakes in this river, but now, it is estimated that it is difficult to find even the shadow of snakes.

Not far in front of the camp, an arched bridge has been built. The seven piers control each span of the bridge to about 15 meters. Even the bridge deck has been repaired very smooth. Stopping by the bridge, a middle-aged man in gorgeous aristocratic attire held a scepter and walked onto the bridge surrounded by a group of guards.

The teams coming and going on both sides of the bridge stopped because of this.


Aphrodite sat quietly beside Suldak wearing a mithril mask.

During the recent period, she can always be seen in the barracks of the Lord's Army, and everyone seems to have gotten used to a mysterious alchemist appearing around Suldak from time to time. .

This watchtower can be seen far away, and Suldak can clearly see that the Qilatush River in front draws an enchanting S-shaped curve on the land, and the land on both sides is so flat.

A caravan was just leaving, and the wagons were laden with goods.

But at this moment, they wanted to wait by the side of the road to let the guard of honor with the gorgeous flag pass first, but the nobleman expressed his feelings on the bridge, and refused to return to the magic caravan after a long delay.

Suldak looked away impatiently.

Aphrodite raised her exquisite Mithril mask and asked him, "When are you going to the Great Rift Valley Bridgehead Camp?"

Suldak sighed slightly, and he also hoped that the territorial certificate here could be issued as soon as possible, and then moved to the north of the Great Rift Valley.

However, the news sent by Chester Great Swordsman from the Wilkes City Military Headquarters did not mention the ownership of the Three Rivers Plain. Obviously, the nobles of Wilkes City are still unwilling to admit that even if the plain in front of them is owned by Suldak opened up.

Suldak could only shake his head and said, "Wait a minute...it's still too late, those lords in Wilkes City still don't admit that this place is occupied by us, we have to leave more traces!"

His eyes fell on the nobleman on the bridge at the moment, it seemed that he should be an official of the Territorial Administration who came from Wilkes City.

Aphrodite didn't say anything more, but changed the subject and asked Suldak:

"Do you want me to go to Ruyt City? Let you go and see them..."

Suldak knew that the 'they' she was referring to were Hathaway and Beatrice. After all, Hathaway was now a pregnant woman like her.


Suldak didn't talk at this time, he obviously didn't know how to deal with this complicated relationship.

What he thought in his heart was... Shouldn't Aphrodite and Hathaway be hostile at this time?

Aphrodite has a symbiotic contract with him, and she has some sense of what he thinks in his heart, so at this time she put her body close to Suldak, and whispered into his ear, "Are you worried about me?"

Suldak hesitated for a while before asking back: "At this time...if I want you to travel such a long distance just to meet them, will you feel uncomfortable?"

There was an inexplicable smile on the face under Aphrodite's mask, and then she said frankly: "Hearing what you said, I suddenly found that I really feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, so...forget it?"


Suldak nodded and agreed.

Aphrodite rested her head on Suldak's shoulder.


Samira stood on the platform of Lei Tingxi, looking at Aphrodite very depressedly, her pointed ears resembling elves were constantly vibrating, it could be seen that she was in a bad mood.

The other crossbowmen on the platform returned to the camp. The cabin behind was the dormitory of Samira and Carrie Decker. It was more convenient for the two to live here.

Carrie Decker took off the heavy armor from her sweaty body, revealing her fit body wearing only a small vest. She shook her long black hair, looked in the direction Samira was looking at, and said:

"Tsk tsk... Our leader really doesn't pick anything, even a succubus can talk... Samira, I think you should try to be more active, and you can't keep doing it like this. "

The half-elf archer was a little restless, jumped onto the bed crossbow in front of him, and sat at the console, refusing to say a word.


Just before dark, a mission from Wilkes City slowly stopped at the gate of the camp

The leader is the noble lord of the Bailin plane, holding a golden cane in his hand, followed by a row of gorgeous guard of honor, there can be more than fifty people, followed by a motorcade.

A follower beside him walked up to the guards and said loudly to the camp guards: "We are from Wilkes City, and we want to see Earl Suldak!"

As he spoke, he took out a visiting letter from his pocket and handed it to the guard at the gate of the camp.

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