Lord Highlander

Chapter 1309

The huge body of the ghost-striped male ant broke through the hard rock and drilled out of the snow-covered ground. The huge fangs had been forcibly dug into the hard rock, and many sharp teeth had been cracked. The dark hard armor was also full of dents and scratches. They were only half of their bodies protruding from the ground, and from the gap between their bodies and the rock, there was a puff of pungent smoke.

Some ghost-striped male ants even broke out of the ground directly next to the giant mushroom rhizomes. Those giant mushrooms covered with a lot of snow lost the support of these rock formations and began to become precarious. Countless huge ice blocks fell in mid-air. Giant mushrooms are even toppled over.

The ghostly patterned soldier ants following behind staggered out of the ant nest, and some soldier ants even dragged the curled corpses of other worker ants, rushed to the ground, and couldn't wait to climb on the canopy of the giant mushroom .

Hundreds of red ants crawled out of the ant nest.

On a snowy night, thick, scorched smoke billowed from all over the Dark Insect Valley.

A billowing mist appeared in the dark worm valley, and the mist swept across the entire land, even covering the clouds and avoiding the moon, covering some of them.

Even those giant mushrooms seem to want to raise the canopy as high as possible. Only in this way seems to be able to avoid these thick fogs that seem to have life. Soon all perception will be blocked.

Of course, there are some warriors who are just exceptions. A group of constructed knights under Lord Suldak gallops recklessly in this fog, and they can even avoid the horse traps hidden under the snow in advance.

Now this worm valley is full of ghost-striped soldier ants choked by thick smoke, and ghost-striped male ants that are as bulky as chariots. These soldier ants are clustered around the male ants, Quickly gathered a team centered on the ghost-striped male ants.

It's just that they shivered in this darkness that blocked their perception, and lost the mind control of the queen, these soldier ants became at a loss.

And those ghost-striped drones also became extremely irritable in the mist. They dragged their bulky bodies to crawl forward, and they didn't care if there were ghost-striped soldier ants by their legs. , the body burst out some sour and bodily fluids, and then died miserably.

After the number of soldier ants crawling out of the cave gradually decreased, the flying ants who could no longer spread their wings dared to come out of the cave. They were about the size of worker ants, and they became extremely fast because of a pair of insect wings. , now being stuffed in the ant nest and smoked with sulfur smoke for most of the day, the wings of some flying ants are a little curled by the smoke. They barely spread their insect wings and flew up staggeringly, and their dark red claws sneaked into the umbrellas of some giant mushrooms. There was a creaking sound on the pillar, obviously their own perception was also limited to a very small range, so they didn't dare to fly at will.

The sealing circles at the entrances of some anthills were constantly broken through, and more soldier ants and worker ants rushed out from inside.

Apparently, those ghost-striped worker ants were at the bottom of the ant clan. They dragged their crumbling bodies and struggled to climb out in the thick smoke. Most of the worker ants were dying.

As a large amount of pungent smoke filled the entire valley, the lord army who had already been ready to go rushed out of the camp. All soldiers wore masks on their faces, so that they would not inhale excessive smoke and fall to the battlefield superior.

The soldiers of the Alliance Lord Army rushed into the battlefield, looking for ghost-striped red ants all over the world in the dark worm valley.

Suldak's lord's army was divided into three teams. Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger led the cavalry from the Constructed Knights and Cavalry Battalion to the east. This cavalry can be said to be the strongest Suldak's lord's army Strength, the iron cavalry who constructed the knights raised their knight spears one after another, and Andrew and the wolf knight Tago pointed at the direction of their charge.

And Samira and Carrie Decker headed southeast with a second team of 21 armed thunder rhinos, nearly a thousand archers, and two thousand heavy armored infantry fighters. The army with crossbowmen as the main force will be dispersed into 21 fortresses in the form of isolated islands to enter the battlefield, and the forty-two bed crossbows will hunt and kill all ghost pattern soldiers and ants within the field of vision.

Suldak, Selena, and Aphrodite led the 5,000 heavy armored infantry regiment to form the third team. They will head east by north. Although the heavy armored infantry soldiers led by Suldak The normal strength can't resist the ghost pattern soldier ants at all, but now under the extreme weather conditions, and was sealed into the ant nest by the lord army and smoked into a semi-comatose state, the most important thing is that the team has the ability to control the "fog of war" '' Selena and Aphrodite who mastered the 'Sleeping Cloud''.

Wherever this road passed, the fog of night swallowed everything.

Ghost-striped worker ants continued to fall asleep in the thick smoke. The heavy armored infantry soldiers carried heavy tower shields behind their backs, and with heavy swords in their hands, they chopped off the heads of all ghost-striped red ants they encountered on the road, regardless of life or death... …

The main reason is that the heavily armored soldiers couldn't tell whether the ghost-striped soldier ants lying on the ground were completely dead or in a coma, so they simply killed all the ghost-striped red ants they encountered.

This night, the entire Dark Insect Valley was slaughtered one-sidedly.

Suldak prepared a soldier's identity plate for each soldier of the Lord Army. The side of this metal plate is engraved with simple logos of horseshoes, shields, bows and arrows, and there is a row of numbers behind it. Each soldier's number is unique. of.

According to Suldak's request, the warrior who captured the head of the ghost-striped red ant first had to imprint his own seal on the forehead bone in the middle of the compound eyes of the ghost-striped red ant. On the battlefield, when the logistics personnel clean the battlefield, they will also record the merits of the soldiers according to the marks on the seal.

The battle in the Dark Insect Valley this time was like picking up money for ordinary heavy armored infantry soldiers.

Of course, the merits obtained by such an easy beheading are naturally not as much as those obtained by a normal beheading on the battlefield.

But as long as the soldiers are diligent in their legs and feet, they can still have more gains.

And if you are lucky, you can still see those giant ghost pattern soldier ants in the mist. In the past, they were the targets of those strong men. Now ordinary soldiers can also rush up and kill them randomly. Give to the logistics department, and occasionally get more generous rewards.

The battle continued until dawn, and some ant nests were still crawling out one after another.

As the sky gradually brightened, this hunting operation was coming to an end. The lord army in the Dark Insect Valley withdrew to the camp below the cave, and there were still a large number of ghost-striped red ants in the Dark Insect Valley. They were all turned upside down by the ghost-striped male ants, and many giant mushrooms collapsed in this battle.

For these ghost-striped red ants, the biggest enemy in the Dark Insect Valley at this moment is the cold. If they cannot enter a shelter where they can hide in this cold winter, since their bodies do not have fur to keep warm, they will not be considered strong. No matter how tyrannical a monster is, it will freeze to death in this severe cold.

The thick smoke in the wormhole hadn't cleared yet, and some of the ghost-striped red ants had already stiffened their limbs from the severe cold.

The soldiers of the lord army took advantage of this time to rest all morning.

After lunch, there was another scene in the lord's army camp where troops left the camp and entered the Dark Worm Valley to fight.

In addition, personnel from the logistics department and four-wheeled trucks accompanying the military business group entered the Dark Worm Valley through the cave, and then truck after truck of magic materials were transported out of the cave.

During the daytime, Selina couldn't turn on the fog of war, so the ghost-striped red ants in Insect Valley are still connected with their queens, and the red ants in many places have begun to try to hide in the ant nest again.

The Constructed Knights and Cavalry led by Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger have been fighting fiercely since last night, and they have not returned to the camp to rest.

The armed Thunder Rhino led by Samira and Carrie Decker returned early with a full load.

Seeing Samira's distressed appearance, Surdak rode on a horse and waved to her, telling her to take a good rest on the platform wooden house. Carrie Decker didn't show up at all, and went directly to the platform cabin to rest.

Most of the trophies brought back by the two ladies from the battlefield were the heads of giant ghost-striped soldier ants and ghost-striped drone ants. These trophies almost filled all the shelves of the entire armed Thunder Rhinoceros team, and the crossbowman group consumed The number of magic giant crossbow bolts is also quite astonishing. Suldak felt that if they hadn't run out of giant crossbow bolts in their hands, they might not have withdrawn from the battlefield so quickly.

The officials in charge of counting the supplies and loot from the logistics department came over in person to count the supplies on these shelves.

The moment they tore away the sheet covering the supplies, all the staff in the logistics department looked straight. On each shelf were neatly listed the heads of ghost-striped male ants, and there were also a huge number of giant giant ants. The outriggers of ghost-striped soldier ants.

Suldak originally wanted to go out of the camp on horseback for another inspection, but he didn't expect to encounter so many outriggers of giant soldier ants that needed to be identified.

After the death of the monster, the life magic lines on its body would quickly disappear in a short time, so Suldak didn't dare to neglect, and immediately got into the tent to identify whether the life magic lines on the legs could still be preserved.

Just when Suldak was in the tent, using the "Eye of Reality" to check the legs of these giant soldier ants, a whistle sounded outside the camp.

Suldak quickly put down what he was doing, picked up his sword and shield and ran outside the camp.

Hundreds of ghost-striped flying ants were seen dancing in the sky, and teams of archers stood on the platform on the back of Thunder Rhinoceros, shooting arrows at them.

Those ghost pattern flying ants not only did not retreat, but continued to wander in the sky.

Until Suldak climbed to a watchtower, those ghost pattern flying ants locked him in the dark, and almost all flying ants swooped down on him like cannonballs without hesitation.

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