Lord Highlander

Chapter 1325: 1312. After the War

The strong soldier ant carrying the ghost ant queen groaned and walked to the front of the belly, where the several hundred meters long belly was still laying out the eggs in an orderly manner.

Suldak found that there were more than a dozen male ants on the left and right sides of the queen's abdomen, and they almost all lay down on the ground listlessly, leaning their tails tightly against the side wall of the queen's abdomen, and from time to time And let out a low whine.

The different eggs in the worm's belly are constantly moving backwards under the weak wriggling, and this seems to be the process of the growth of the different eggs in the worm's belly. After moving, when these fraternal eggs completely possessed a hard shell, they also wriggled to the tail of the insect's belly, and then spit out from a constantly opening and closing fleshy wall, one after another, almost every fraternal egg was contaminated. With some slime.

The entire hatching room is full of mucus and sour smell. The worker ants want to place the eggs excreted from the abdomen in the ant nest, and then the worker ants will further clean up the eggs, and wait until these things are done. After finishing, these fraternal eggs will be moved out of this huge delivery room and moved into the surrounding incubation room.

When they saw the queen, all the worker ants stopped what they were doing. Some worker ants carefully put the eggs aside and leaned down towards their queen. doing the same action.

This is welcoming, but it seems to be silently mourning for their king.

This is the first time that the queen ant supported her body with her upper arms after being seriously injured, and then looked at the people around the cave.

Suldak had suspected before that although the ant queen had only half of her body left, with no outriggers, and the hard armor had become shattered, in fact, the ant queen was not injured as badly as imagined. Worse, now it seems that the queen ant is really playing dead on the back of the ghost pattern soldier ant, and it still has the ability to move.

It's just that after it made a simple movement, some blood oozes out from the broken part of its body again.

It can be seen that it is full of desire to return to the belly of the insect. This sixth-order monster now does not have the domineering power of a higher-level monster.

The soldier ants carried the dying ant queen to the front of the insect belly. At this time, Suldak and his party also approached. It was not until they approached that Suldak could feel the huge insect belly nearly hundreds of meters long. What a sense of oppression it brings, the seven or eight meter high insect belly is higher than a three-story building, and the insect belly is completely thick and soft, and the inside is bulging and stuffed.

This side is not the end of the worm's belly, so there is a circular wound in the worm's belly here, and bunches of fresh shredded meat are extending outward, looking like a sea anemone.

The queen was erected by two soldier ants, and under the worship of all the ants, the chest and abdomen were docked with the huge insect abdomen again.

Just after the connection became one, the fleshy strands in the worm's belly quickly burrowed into the queen ant's body, and Suldak seemed to feel that countless nutrients and vitality were poured into the body of the ghost-print queen ant. Some viscous black liquid oozes from the cracks in the hard armor. The liquid seems to solidify quickly when it encounters air, quickly repairing the broken hard armor on its body.

Afterwards, some kind of fusion might be going on, the ghost-striped ant queen let out a hysterical scream, and it erupted with a powerful aura, and that sharp whistling sound made Suldak dizzy.

The wound at the junction of the queen's waist is constantly growing new carapaces, and then its body is tightly connected with the insect's abdomen...

Not only is the cracked hard carapace on the queen's body healing rapidly, but also a thick dura mater formed on the six broken legs. Even Suldak saw a bulging bulge in the transparent dura mater. , that should be the outrigger that the queen ant is about to regenerate.

Amidst the screams, the Queen Ant's body erupted with majestic vitality.

The huge insect abdomen was not as quiet as before. The entire insect abdomen began to wriggle continuously. Hundreds of white-striped windows were arranged around the insect abdomen. Through these fluorescent white windows, Suldak could even clearly see The fraternal eggs are neatly arranged in the belly of the insect.

"I can feel that its soul has at least doubled in size. This section of the worm's abdomen not only retains a strong vitality and resilience, but also retains a part of the soul that was divided by the queen..." the elder Bai Jide looked Standing calmly beside Suldak, looking up at the huge body of the ghost-striped ant queen, he said to Suldak.

Suldak didn't expect Elder Bai Jide to say this, and he didn't understand it for a while, so he asked casually:

"That is to say, when its body was divided into two, did its soul also be torn apart?"

Elder Baijide took a step forward, stretched out his hand to gently stroke the rough and mottled skin of the worm's belly, and said affirmatively:

"At least part of it remained, but after the soul that dominated the body was severely injured, the part of the soul that remained in the belly of the insect became relatively stronger. It is precisely this part of the soul that did not sign a contract with us. This is what I am most worried about. thing."

Suldak's heart trembled slightly, and he asked the Great Elder Bai Jide in a deep voice, "Then what shall we do?"

Great Elder Bai Jide has now become the spokesperson of this world tree, and Suldak is also happy to communicate in this way.

Elder Bai Jide quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't worry too much, I'm going to arrange some seals here, and then lock them with shackles, and finally come to check the seals every once in a while."

Suldak said: "I can prepare some iron chains, and lock its body here firmly..."

Immediately afterwards, Elder Bai Jide took several druid elders to set up a sealing circle in the cave. The druids had already prepared and carried some magic materials and magic crystals used for the sealing circle with them. The magic materials are very primitive, that is, some magic patterns are engraved on several huge stones around the cave, and then magic crystals are embedded in them.

At most, this kind of magic circle is to suppress some of the power of the ghost-print queen ant, and confine the ghost-print queen in this cave. Once the queen leaves the cave, the sealing magic circle will launch an early warning.

The most important thing to restrain this ghost-print ant queen is to rely on the soul contract signed the day before yesterday.

This time, Suldak and Elder Bai Jide mainly wanted to understand the situation inside the cave of the ghost-striped red ants. Now it seems that the entire red ant group has not weakened in this war.

Then, next, it means that the aborigines of the tribe and the Suldak lord army will further reduce the number of ghost-striped red ants.

The red ants that will bear the brunt of the reduction will be those personal guards who follow the queen ants, because these soldier ants and male ants are all monsters above level two or three, not only have magic cores bred in their heads, but also can The magic materials decomposed also have high economic value.

Seeing that the queen returned to the cave and became a machine for producing ghost-striped red ants again, Suldak and his team had completed their trip to investigate the ant nest.

By the time Suldak returned to the ground, a large number of tribal aboriginal fighters had rushed to the center of the Dark Worm Valley.

Suldak's lord army was ordered to garrison in the cave, and did not wantonly enter the Dark Worm Valley. Only the Constructed Knights entered the central area of ​​the Worm Valley and set up camp on the vacant grass around the World Tree.

The tribal aboriginal warriors who came to the Dark Insect Valley live in this grassland. Some dexterous aborigines even weave some straw mats with some withered grass, but there are very few trees in the Dark Insect Valley. There are huge mushroom forests everywhere here, and many giant mushrooms have been lignified. These aborigines found some giant mushrooms close to the world tree, and used the chopping knife and sharp ax in their hands to chop a bunch of giant mushrooms on these giant mushrooms. Door after door.

What Suldak didn't expect was that the inside of these giant mushroom umbrella columns was actually empty, except for a musty smell, after a little cleaning, people could actually live inside.

Suldak immediately began to count the number of injured people in this battle with the commanders of various lord armies. Thousands of people died, and the Lord's Army also suffered heavy casualties. The number of soldiers of the Lord's Army killed by the Queen Ant alone exceeded a thousand.

Fortunately, the aborigines of the tribe left some druid elders, and they treated many wounded soldiers in the battle.

Now the commanders of the lord army follow the Constructed Knights into the valley, and there are large groups of ghost-striped soldier ants on standby everywhere. If it weren't for Suldak and World Tree to jointly capture the ghost-striped queen, would the lord army have obtained This battle was won in the end, and the ending is really unknown...

The reason is that the number of red ants here is much larger than the commander of the lord army expected.

Although it looks like spring inside the Dark Worm Valley, it is still a severe winter season outside the valley. The first thing Suldak needs to arrange this time is to order a large number of iron chains from the military merchant group.

When building the iron chain bridge between the cave and the stone arch bridge, Suldak asked the military merchant group to prepare a lot of chains, and the iron chains used in the cave and the stone arch bridge were not too many, and the military merchant group still had some in stock. , but these chains alone are not enough to lock the ghost ant queen with a body size of three or four hundred meters. The chains in the military commercial aviation inventory are far from enough, so the merchants can only send the news back to Bena City and continue to customize a large number of iron chains.

After the ghost-striped queen reunited, according to Suldak's vision, at least hundreds of shackles were needed to imprison the ghost-striped queen in the center of the ant nest.

The second thing for Suldak is to treat the wounded soldiers of the Lord Army on a large scale. Taking this opportunity, the Lord Army should also take a large-scale rest, and take this opportunity to let the soldiers of the Lord Army rely on their personal achievements. Exchange prizes on the merit list and magic spar, gold coins and more.

This is a large-scale battle reward event, and it is also a rare opportunity to make money for the military merchant group, because in order to fulfill his promise, Suldak almost put all the good things brought by the military merchant group on display. , Whichever one the Lord Army soldiers choose can be exchanged with merit points, and then the Lord Army Logistics Department will negotiate with the merchants to pay the bill.

So this time the reward materials are extremely rich, even if these prizes are not needed, they can be exchanged for magic crystals or gold coins...

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