Lord Highlander

Chapter 1333 1320. Reward 3

Suldak sat on a small square stool, peeling nuts with a jeweled dagger.

These nuts are a specialty of the Bailin Plane, and each one is as big as a fingernail. It is a bit bitter when eaten in the mouth, but the aftertaste has a special strong fragrance.

"If you want to survive as a defeated one, you have to pay a price, don't you? What's more, they were defeated so thoroughly," Suldak said.

Andrew rolled his eyes, apparently very disdainful of Suldak's statement.

He felt that these ghost-striped red ants could be killed directly on the battlefield, even as prisoners of war, but making them slaves and then rushing to the battlefield was somewhat inconsistent with his understanding of war.

"If we were the ones who failed, where do you think we would be now?" Suldak asked Andrew.

The wolf knight Tiger lying next to him continued, "Maybe it will be eaten directly, or it will be made into honey by the worker ants and hung in the ant colony cave."

"That's it, so there is no need to feel pity for these monster groups, because there is no influence, and they are always human-eating monsters without a contractual relationship." Suldak said to Andrew.

Andrew didn't speak anymore. Perhaps as an aborigine on the Maca plane, he was a little sensitive to this topic.

When implanting the life magic pattern, Suldak found that the wolf knight Tiger was injured much faster than Andrew. His physique is naturally strong, and he also has an extremely terrifying self-healing ability. I am afraid that the two-headed ogre Gu Litham can't compare.

At that time, almost all the vertebrae were broken, and a huge wound was torn on the chest. In just over a month, I sat up from the bed, with my feet resting on the edge of the bed. Although my body was wrapped in countless bandages, I could Chat casually.

The wolf knight Tiger's life magic pattern was pasted by Suldak on the outside of his right thigh. It looked like a totem pattern of an orc, with dark red edges on the outside of the dark magic pattern lines. This place is not bandaged up, and you can clearly see the flow of magic elements in the veins.

He tensed the muscles on the top of his thighs, feeling the new strength.

Suldak implanted the life magic pattern into wolf knight Tago's thigh, which is actually a kind of fusion. After the ceremony is completed, as long as Tiger's body does not reject the life magic pattern, the life magic pattern will be destroyed. It will be a part of Wolf Knight Tiger's body, and the power of the magic pattern itself will also strengthen Wolf Knight himself.

The biggest difference between implanting the life magic pattern and engraving the magic pattern structure is this:

The former is demanding and needs to be part of the body.

As long as the latter has an inscriber and magic ink, they can draw all kinds of magic pattern structures.

Of course, this kind of magic pattern structure engraved on the body needs to be engraved on the body by the warrior who has reached the level of a second-rank powerhouse, because this kind of magic pattern structure requires the warrior to have the ability to perceive magic elements, so that he can control it. The power above the magic pattern structure.

There is no need for this kind of life magic pattern, as long as the bearing capacity is sufficient, even ordinary soldiers can implant this kind of life magic pattern.

Wolf knight Tago removed the bandages wrapped around his limbs without a word. He didn't care what Andrew and Suldak said. The orcs would rather die on the battlefield than become slaves.

Seeing the wolf knight Tiger undo the bandage, Suldak leaned over to check the healing of the wound on his arm. After the scabs were peeled off, most of the scars revealed new pale pink skin.

"The wound healed well," Suldak said.

Tiger didn't say anything, just sat on the wooden bed and smirked foolishly.

Suldak implanted the "strength and tenacity" magic pattern obtained from the ghost pattern soldier ant into the wolf knight Tiger. Obviously, Tiger is very satisfied with it.

"Why didn't you see Gullitum?"

After checking Tiger's wound healing, Suldak asked.

Andrew pointed in the direction of the cafeteria behind him, and said, "The two brothers always like to squat in the cafeteria recently, and make a lot of food every day. It is said that their stomachs are always not full recently."

"Is Gulitum going to break through and advance again recently?" Suldak asked with some doubts.

Andrew shook his head, expressing that he did not understand the situation.


Suldak left the tent of the wounded soldiers and came to the canteen of the camp.

Sure enough, I saw a double-headed ogre in a white apron in front of the stove. There was a huge frying pan in front of him, and he was concentrating on brushing a layer of animal fat on the bottom of the pan with an oil brush. , and then picked up a fraternal egg that was one size larger than the wax gourd, put it flat on the knee, and then used a chisel to dig a small hole in the fraternal egg.

Then the two-headed ogre took out a wooden stick, inserted the wooden stick into the egg along the narrow hole, and stirred vigorously, and finally poured the cloudy egg liquid into the boiling hot pan.

The two-headed ogre's cooking technique is very special. The fried egg is only spread in a thin layer on the bottom of the pan. He deftly folds the fried egg in half four times with a shovel, then puts it on the side of the pan, and then continues to pour it into the frying pan. Pour the egg liquid inside, while the egg liquid is not fully cooked, turn the fried egg again.

This long strip of fried egg slowly snowballs in the frying pan and quickly becomes an arm-long fried egg delicacy.

Gullitum didn't brush sauce on it, but sprinkled a little salt, opened his mouth wide, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

After the two-headed ogre fried the egg liquid in the whole fraternal egg and ate it into its stomach, and finally ended the meal, it raised its head and said to Suldak:

"Dark, this fraternal egg tastes pretty good."

Suldak looked at the empty fraternal eggshell, and said to the ogre: "I heard from Andrew, you often come to the cafeteria to eat recently..."

Gulitum smiled, pointed to the eggshell of the different eggs in front of him, and said to Suldak: "It's this kind of eggs, as long as you eat them often, you can get some power of red ants..."

The two-headed ogre took out a fraternal egg again with ease, and placed it in front of Suldak.

"So are you going to eat these fraternal eggs all the time?"

Suldak tapped the hard shell with the handle of the dagger in his hand, and asked casually.

Gulitum smiled innocently, and his good brother Naohuaer reminded Suldak:

"I just think these fraternal eggs have some commercial value, and there are still so many ghost-striped red ants in their nests. I think you can let the druids in the valley take out some more and sell them to the merchant groups outside. Now I have already tried it. These fraternal eggs are similar to Warcraft meat. They also have the effect of increasing physical fitness and strength, and these fraternal eggs are more convenient to store. That queen produces thousands of fraternal eggs every day. If this is feasible , then this is no more profitable than iron mines..."

Suldak really wanted to start the business of ghost-striped red ants, but according to his plan, he planned to send those ghost-striped soldier ants as cannon fodder to the battlefield in the Three Rivers Plain. It will be wasted, collected directly, and sold at a good price...

Suldak asked Gulitham with a look of surprise: "Have you been thinking about this all the time?"

"No, it's just that when I eat fried eggs occasionally, I think that this thing can actually be sold..."

The two-headed ogre said to Suldak very frankly.


Camp armed Thunder Rhino's shelf atop the log cabin on the platform.

Carrie Decker stood in front of a mirror, twisted his body, and carefully looked at the light blue life sigil behind him.

Seeing that there was only a piece of blue magic pattern on the smooth back, and that the skin on the back hadn't been peeled off by Suldak, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

On the other hand, this magic pattern is quite beautiful. Carrie Decker put his hands on his shoulders, tried his best to reach his back, and rubbed those clear lines.

Then he happily said to Samira who was sitting next to him on the floor: "I thought that the whole skin would have to be pasted up, and I chose one that I can accept more. It doesn't affect the skin. If I had known, I should have done it more Pick a bit..."

Carrie Decker turned around again, very satisfied with her new magic pattern.

"Actually, this one is already very good!" Samira said from the side.

She wasn't trying to comfort Carrie Decker, the magic skin stripped from the ghost snake's body was very suitable for this heavy armored female gunslinger.

"I asked you before, you and Andrew are both rank-two powerhouses, why haven't you engraved the magic pattern structure on your body until now, it turns out that there are such rewards in the military camp." Carrie Decker enviously Said.

Samira looked at Carrie Decker, whose upper body was almost completely naked. There was a palm-sized magic pattern structure on the front of her lower abdomen. Six gray lines extended from the center of the lower abdomen, making Carrie Decker My first constructed magic pattern looked like a spider web.

Samira's eyes fell on it and asked:

"This is your magic pattern structure?"

Carrie Decker nodded immediately, and introduced to Samira:

"The first magic pattern structure will basically be here. It is said that it can more conveniently condense the power of elements. This pair of mine is a primary power-oriented magic pattern structure."

Samira carefully looked at the magic pattern on Carrie Decker's abdomen, and didn't say anything else.

"By the way, I know a good inscriber. Do you want to consider customizing a magic pattern structure?" Carrie Decker said to Samira.

"I don't have that idea for now..." Samira shook her head and said casually.

The two women were chatting casually in the wooden house. Just now, Carrie Decker went out to test the power contained in the magic pattern of life. It was a very magical feeling.

Carrie Decker's excitement is not over yet.


A soldier's voice suddenly came from outside: "Master Carrie Decker, there is a businessman outside the camp who wants to see you."

Carrie Decker hurriedly put on the tight vest, then pushed open the only window in the wooden house, poked his head out and said to the soldier, "Who is it who is looking for me? Did he say What's up?"

The soldier made sufficient preparations, and immediately said to Suldak's question:

"It's Alosenaya, a merchant who sells magic weapons. He said he has a weapon that you are more interested in, so he took the liberty to ask you to see him."

"I'm interested?" She glanced back at Samira, and seeing that she didn't know about it, she said to the soldier, "Let him come up... wait, I'm going down right now..."

Carrie Decker walked out of the cabin briskly, wearing a set of light leather armor.

The Alosennaya businessman was standing right at the feet of Thunder Rhinoceros. The bearded man immediately regained his energy when he saw Carrie Decker jumping off the platform. He held a leather box by his feet. Salute to Carrie Decker.

Carrie Decker turned around and walked into the tent of the military camp on the side, and the red-haired Alosenaya quickly followed in with a leather box.

Carrie Decker walked into the tent, sat in a chair, and waited for Elosenaya to come in.

After the businessman walked into the tent, he placed the exquisite leather wooden box in front of Carrie Decker, and said:

"This is the magic shotgun that Lord Suldak asked us to find for us. Although it is not the epic magic weapon that Suldak requested, this shotgun can be said to be the top shotgun in the excellent quality. It was bought at a high price."

Hearing what Alosenaya said, Carrie Decker just glanced at it casually.

Seeing that Carrie Decker was not acting positively, businessman Elosenaya was a little flustered, and quickly introduced to Carrie Decker:

"Look, the entire gun barrel is forged from a whole piece of magical black iron and then pulled out. Look at the exquisite fine gold decorations on it. The barrel and the trigger device are plated with precious krypton gold. Everything on the trigger device The magic patterns are all engraved by the dwarf master himself, look at the signature engraved by the master himself on the side handle, this is a two-shot magic shotgun, the most outstanding thing is its huge power."

Carrie Decker waved his hand casually and took the shotgun in his hand. He didn't want to listen to the introduction of the businessman Alosenaya, but asked him:

"Is this shotgun going to be sold to me? How much?"

The businessman Elosenaya's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned over and said, "Master Suldak has already paid for the purchase of magic weapons. If you think this shotgun is not bad, then keep it. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, we will continue to search in the large auction houses in the provinces of the Green Empire until we find an epic-level shotgun that you are satisfied with.”

Samira, who came in from the outside, heard the businessman Alosenaya say this, and said: "Carrie Decker, the boss is so kind to you, Andrew and I didn't enjoy this kind of benefits back then... ..."

The businessman Elosenaya immediately said: "We are also looking for Mr. Andrew's weapon..."

"Heh!" Carrie Decker wanted to laugh, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

At this time, Suldak and Gulitum just came back from the cafeteria. When they saw Samira getting into the tent of the barracks, they stopped outside, opened the curtain of the tent and asked inside:

"What are you talking about?"

The businessman Elosenaya immediately stood up restrainedly, saluted Surdak and said:

"Lord Suldak, hello!"

Suldak saw the businessman Elosennaya, and said with some surprise: "It turns out to be Elosennaya. You have returned from the imperial capital this time, have you bought the military supplies I need?"

"Everything is going very well. Malacolm is on his way back to Bailin with two hundred Sky Shooting Crossbows..."

The businessman Elosenaya said respectfully to Surdak.

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