Lord Highlander

Chapter 1339 1326. The Flying Flag

Suldak's fingertips touched the magic pattern structure separated by a layer of oil paper, and there were circles of magical halos in the cold touch.

"Magicweave construction?" Suldak asked obviously a little surprised.

This kind of primary magic pattern structure is very popular in the magic market of the Grimm Empire. Many noble lords need to purchase this kind of magic pattern structure in large quantities to form a knight order. Since the magic pattern structure has always been handmade by the inscription masters Therefore, the output of the magic pattern structure of the Green Empire is not high, which is also the root cause of the high price of the primary magic pattern structure.

"Yes, these are brand-new standard magicweave structures." The Malakom trader stood aside and replied respectfully, with some expectations faintly revealed in his eyes.

"These are - the standard magic pattern structure?" Suldak said the word "standard" very emphatically.

The Malakom trader nodded and explained: "Well, the attributes of all the magic pattern structures are the same. These are the magic pattern structures that increase the primary strength."

Suldak pointed to the hundreds of magic sealing boxes piled up in the underground warehouse and asked:

"You mean these are all magic pattern constructions?"

Malakom spread his hands and showed Suldak:

"That's right, I brought you six hundred sets of magic pattern structures from the imperial capital this time, and now all the magic pattern structures are placed here."

Although Suldak had expected it, he still took a breath when he heard the Malakom businessman say this, but he also immediately raised his doubts: "Six hundred sets of magic pattern structures... that is to say You spent almost 100,000 magic crystals to purchase these magic pattern structures, then...how much magic crystals did you spend for the other five magic airships, sky shooting crossbows and 100,000 magic crossbows?"

The reason why Suldak asked this was because when the Malakom businessman went to the imperial capital to purchase military supplies, he only took away 100,000 magic spar.

If he spent all the money on these magic pattern structures, where did the money for buying two hundred sky shooting crossbows and one hundred thousand magic crossbows come from? Also, Malacolm ordered five magical airships in the airport town of the imperial capital...

Suldak knew that the Malakom businessman had spent almost all of his wealth on it because of the expansion of the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group, so he didn't have the ability to raise funds.

Moreover, if the funds are advanced, this does not meet the professionalism of a professional buyer, because he only has the authority to purchase 100,000 magic spar, and any over-valued transaction must at least be discussed with Suldak .

The Malakom businessman looked very proud, and said to Suldak: "These six hundred sets of magic patterns cost you a total of 50,000 magic spar, and the five magic airships cost you 15,000 magic spar." , 200 sky-shooting crossbows cost 30,000 magic spar, and 100,000 magical giant crossbow arrows cost 7,000 magic spar, these four kinds of goods add up to a total of 102,000 magic spar."

Suldak asked even more surprised: "How can it be possible that six hundred sets of magic patterns are only worth 50,000 magic crystals?"

The Malakom businessman continued: "These magic pattern structures and magic crossbow bolts are all purchased from a place called a magic factory. It is said that the owner of this factory is the son-in-law of Prince James, and he is a very remarkable magician. Noble, it is said that this master magician has a huge team of junior inscribers, and a large number of magic pattern structures are sold almost every month."

"Now the entire imperial inscription union is boycotting the magic pattern construction of the magician. The lords in the imperial capital are worried about angering the local inscription union, so no one dares to buy these high-quality and cheap primary Magic pattern construction, so these magic pattern constructions are now mainly bought by business groups from other provinces."

"Luckily, when I rushed over to buy 100,000 magic crossbow bolts last month, the person in charge of the magic workshop over there happened to have 600 sets of magic pattern constructs in his hands, which were supposed to be sent to the auction house, but were When I saw it, I bought it directly with magic spar."

Having said that, he opened several magic-sealing boxes one after another. The magic-weave structure and even the packing method of the oil paper inside were exactly the same.

"50,000 magic crystals bought 600 sets of magic pattern structures... This is really a big surprise." Suldak looked back at Carrie Decker and Samira and murmured.

For Suldak, this was simply adding a Constructed Knights out of thin air.

After the battles in the Three Rivers Plain and the Dark Worm Valley, many qualified first-rank knights emerged from the Suldak Lord Army. As long as there are enough magic pattern constructions, a new construction knight order can be formed.

And now, the Malakom merchant has brought back so many magic pattern structures from the imperial capital...

Seeing such magic pattern structures casually placed in the underground warehouse, Suldak made a decision on the spot, let Carrie Decker and Samira guard the warehouse door, and he alone put the magic pattern structures Pack, and use the Storage Belt to transport it to the Lava Mine in Bump Mountain.

Just moving these magic pattern structures kept Suldak busy for almost half the night.

After everything was done, Suldak returned to the ball with the Malakom merchant again, and the ball in the front garden was coming to an end.

There are only yellow sheep skeletons left on many barbecue racks, and the waiters' trays and cups have been replaced with rum.

Some exquisite pastries and fruits were placed on the tables covered with white tablecloths, and many drunk people were helped away from the ball by the attendants.

Perhaps it was the effect of the alcohol, some men and women on the dance floor began to hug each other, and it was only a matter of Malakom merchants announcing the end of the dance, and these merchants were about to take the women home in a magic caravan to talk.

The remaining sober merchants finally waited until Suldak and Malakom merchants appeared at the ball side by side.

Lord Suldak seems to have changed into a red leather armor suit again, and his face is also slightly tired. The two young wives of Malakom are still obediently following behind the group, which inevitably makes everyone present The merchants had some associations, and some even speculated how many wives the Malakom merchant used to entertain the lord, which made a second-rank powerhouse so exhausted...

At the end of the ball, Suldak walked onto the dance floor holding hands with the youngest wife of the Malakom merchant.

After the last dance, he rode his horse and left the Malakom merchant's house with a group of guards.

It can be seen that Lord Suldak is quite satisfied with this trip, and the merchant of Malakom sent Lord Suldak to the gate with a red face.

This made the merchants in Wilkes City more confident, and the strong cooperative relationship between Suldak and Malakom merchants.

In the next period of time, as long as they can catch up with Malakom's business group, they can catch up with the footsteps of Lord Suldak, and everyone will definitely be able to obtain huge profits on the battlefield of the plane.

Seeing Earl Suldak disappear into the dark night surrounded by a group of constructed knights, the Malakom merchant hurriedly began to see off the other merchants attending the ball...

At this time, a sentence before parting can often determine the future cooperative relationship between the two parties.


Suldak originally wanted to stay in a hotel in Wilkes City for one night, and then leave the city and return to the barracks tomorrow morning.

But before returning to the hotel where he stayed, Lorenzo, the adjutant next to Chester Great Swordsman, found Suldak. Suldak and Lorenzo's adjutant had exchanged several times and knew that he was Chester Great Swordsman. The cronies around the soldier took the reins of the horse and stopped.

"Lord Suldak, if you are not drunk, Lord Chester would like to have a few more drinks with you..."

Lorenzo said respectfully to Suldak.

He has been with the Great Swordsman of Chester for almost five years. In the past three years, he has personally seen Suldak develop from a cavalryman with only 500 insignificant cavalry to a man who now leads an army of 100,000 lords. The great lord of the plane.

Even though there is the full support of Marquis Luther, it is also inseparable from Suldak's strength and luck.

"Lorenzo, you lead the way!" Suldak said briskly.

He knew that the Great Swordsman Chester was not a drinker, so he must have something to discuss in private when he was invited to drink at this time.

Lorenzo rode in front, and even led Suldak through most of Wilkes City, and hurried to a tavern in the magic district.

In the dark night, the tower of the magic union not far away still exudes the twilight of magic. There are also many magic shops in the block here, but except for the tavern, most of the shops are closed at this moment.

In the clean tavern, there were only a few magicians sitting in the corner talking in a low voice. They didn't have too many wine glasses on the table, just like a place where friends needed to chat.

Suldak took Carrie Decker and Samira into the tavern, and saw the great swordsman Chester sitting in front of the bar, chatting with a female magician who was bartending, and the two of them could be seen It should be very familiar, and the demeanor is very casual when chatting.

When the female magician saw a guest coming in, she just wanted to speak, but when she saw Lorenzo's figure, she immediately closed her mouth, picked up the goblet hanging above her head, wiped it vigorously with a rag, and divided the guests according to the number of guests. The glasses are on the bar counter.

The great swordsman Chester saw the expression of the female magician, and turned around to realize that Suldak had already approached.

After the two hugged, Suldak joked to Chester Great Swordsman: "I didn't even know that you were in Wilkes City, and there was such a recreational place!"

The Great Swordsman Chester is also a free and easy person, and immediately explained to Suldak the female magician Hester in front of him.

Suldak could tell that the two had a delicate friendship between lovers.

The great swordsman Chester drank golden cider. When Suldak ordered a glass of ale, the female magician Hester was obviously slightly taken aback, but turned around and went inside to pour out a glass of ale.

On the contrary, Carrie Decker likes to drink stronger rum, and when drinking, he likes to ignite the wine. The flame burns in the wine glass, and a straw is inserted into the bottom of the glass to suck the wine under the flame in one breath. Into the stomach, then close your eyes and enjoy.

Samira doesn't usually drink alcoholic beverages, so she ordered a glass of papaya juice.

After everyone sat down, with a glass of wine in front of everyone, Swordsman Chester asked Suldak:

"How long will you stay in Ruyt City this time, and when will you be able to return to Bai Lin?"

"At least next year!" Suldak looked at the orange-yellow liquid in the glass, and the white foam exuded a faint aroma of wheat.

"After coming back, are you going to start a war against the Pengniao in the north?" Chester Great Swordsman asked.

This question is probably also a question that all Wilkes people are concerned about, but others are afraid to ask it.

"I remember that the garrison period of the Luthor Legion will also end next year?" Suldak didn't answer directly, but asked Chester Great Swordsman a question.

Great Swordsman Chester smiled, and said casually, "Yes, I may be transferred from the Wilkes Army. Are you interested in taking the vacant seat here?"

"Me?" Suldak was slightly taken aback.

Chester Great Swordsman nodded, and said: "Your lord army can completely garrison the small towns in the northern occupied area, so that even if you want to launch a war against the northern rocs, the rear will be completely under your control. "

Suldak took a sip of his wine, and then said: "Of course I wish for it, but... I don't think those lords in Wilkes City will be willing to give up the next garrison mission..."

"We didn't intend to discuss it with them." The great swordsman Chester laughed and said with great momentum.

Then he asked Suldak again: "The other two planes, Ganbu and Bailin, are traveling back and forth, will it be a little harder?"

"Young people always have to pursue something, don't they?"

Suldak raised his wine glass and said to Chester Great Swordsman.

"You are really hardworking..."

Great Swordsman Chester raised his wine glass and said with a smile.


Suldak's 100,000 lord army has been resting in Wilkes City for nearly a week. The portal pass for Wilkes City has not been approved for a long time. Of course, the military side is unimpeded. It's the approval process on the side of the House of Representatives.

The lords in Wilkes City are all waiting and watching, everyone wants to know how Suldak will solve this matter.

Many lords speculated that Suldak would seek support from Bena City, but what everyone did not expect was that Lord Suldak seemed not in a hurry. Ke actually started to reorganize the lord's army, and a group of outstanding one-turn knights were replaced with magic pattern structures outside Wilkes City.

Sulda re-established two Constructed Knights outside Wilkes City. Five hundred green-scaled horses and five hundred magic-weave warhorses are the biggest difference between the two Constructed Knights. In addition, the new Constructed Knights They are all wearing the same magic-pattern outfit. The black armor and the magic red copper decoration make the whole knight squad look murderous. The two knight squads brought great benefits to the lords of Wilkes City. pressure……

These war horses are covered with this ghost-pattern hard armor.

Construct knights' standard knight spears, knight swords and light shields...

On the sand hills outside the city, the flag of Lord Suldak's army was flying.

In the end, the lords in the city couldn't hold back, and finally sent the portal pass to Lord Suldak.

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