Lord Highlander

Chapter 1357: 1344. The Stitching Monster

When the monster saw a group of knights rushing into the forest glade, there was an explosion of bone shattering in his body. Bits of pus dripped down from his body, and there was a gurgling sound of swallowing saliva in his throat. It's just that there is a lot of dead energy steaming around his body like smog.

Seeing the dead ghost that Naomi summoned, it almost returned to the undead world by escaping.

Suldak could only think that the ghost was probably frightened by this monster as tall as a small building.

The monster staggered towards Suldak, and when it was more than ten meters away from him, it spewed a strong breath of death at Suldak.

Holding a broadsword and shield in his hand, Suldak didn't rush towards the monster immediately, but looked around vigilantly,

The night couldn't block Suldak's sight.

In the woodland in front of me, the passage emerging from the void is gradually collapsing. Below is a huge stone platform. Six undead warlocks are standing around the stone platform. There is a dim light in the center of the dark purple magic circle. They looked at the intruders in surprise.

Originally, it was because of the intrusion of ghosts that the undead warlocks who were merging were suspended. Facing the sudden arrival of the constructed knights, their immediate instinctive reaction was to flee, and countless horses came out of the dark forest. come out.

The Stitching Monster, who was emitting a lot of lifeless energy, rushed forward to meet the Construct Knight.

It was absorbing the dead energy left behind by the ghost king, and it seemed to have a layer of burning flames on its body.

Suldak took advantage of the dark green flames that pervaded the monster's body to see clearly that it was an undead creature stitched out of hundreds of corpses. Almost every corpse was tightly stitched together with magic-weave silk thread. Corpse fluid was continuously flowing, which was as high as a two-story building. .

The Stitch Monster looked at Suldak's group. It dragged its huge body, like an obese giant, twisting and twisting towards the Constructed Knights.

Suldak was originally going to chase those necromancers, but seeing the two constructed knights around him being caught by the strange hands on the monster and slamming them out, Suldak gave up on chasing the necromancers With no intention, he rushed to the front of the monster's stomach, and slashed fiercely at one of the monster's arms with his broad sword.

The sword light flashed, and an arm on the monster's body fell in response.

It's just that this also successfully attracted the attention of the stitching monster. Looking at the broken arm, the monster didn't respond at all. He was like a numb walking corpse, and three arms suddenly appeared from his body, grabbing at Suldak. Come.

Suldak swung the broadsword in his hand.

'white heat'

Five sword lights in a row cut off all three arms, but in the next second, the monster suddenly stretched out an arm covered in rotting corpse fluid from its belly, and grabbed one of Suldak's arms, and then Just drag him into the body of the sewing monster.

The magic-weave structure on Suldak's body lit up with magic light, feeling another force pouring into his body, and cut a hole in Stitcher's belly with his backhand.

The stitch monster immediately threw Surdak out...

Suldak immediately felt his head spinning and flew out, and the horse under him neighed in fear.

Naomi rode Gu Bolai over the huge seamed monster, and chased after the necromancer on the altar, followed by several constructed knights.


And Earl Alan Benton, who followed from behind, looked at the Stitch Monster with a face of shock. He saw the head of the Stitch Monster at a glance by the green firelight. At that time, it was a ferocious old man with burning eyes. Burning the faint blue soul fire, although his face was terrifying, Earl Allen Benton could still see it at a glance, and heard him shout:


The Stitched Monster who was about to chase after Suldak paused for a moment, and he turned his head to see Earl Allen Benton looking over.

Stitching for a while, the twisted face of the sewing monster finally shouted:


The voice was a little fuzzy, and the breath on the stitched monster's face became extremely ferocious again in an instant, and several arms appeared on his body again, rushing towards Earl Alan Benton, grabbing Alan Benton and the guards counting around him. A guard knight.

The guarding knights of the Benton family immediately drew their swords and slashed at the arms that were blazing with black flames. However, the arms that were easily severed in Suldak became as tough as vines in front of their eyes, and the long swords fell on the ground. Above, only a few centimeters can be cut in.

Some guarding knights were thrown out by the arms, but some were unable to dodge, and were caught by the giant hand of the Stitching Monster, and were continuously dragged into its huge body.

Although Earl Allen Benton was rescued by the guarding knights, he still looked at the top head of the stitch monster with horror...

Suldak's body slammed into a tree with a second-level magic pattern structure, and the force of the impact was almost reduced by half. Suldak adjusted his posture in the air and hit the tree trunk. One second before the landing, he used Goethe's shield to cushion it, and then fell steadily under the tree.

At the first glance, Suldak didn't recognize who the tiny head on the stitch monster's body was.

But when Alan Benton called out the word 'Father', and the Stitch Monster called out 'Alan' again, Suldak suddenly discovered that the head on the top of the Stitch Monster happened to be the old Earl of Benton face.

It seems that his body has merged into the body of the stitch monster, and his head seems to be the brain of the stitch monster.

Not only is it dominant, but there seems to be an occasional tinge of self-awareness.

After the Stitch Monster devoured the four guard knights, its body was filled with power, which formed a more violent black flame on the surface of the monster's body.

Earl Allen Benton brought a large number of guard knights. Seeing that Earl Allen Benton was being protected and receding, they instinctively rushed forward on their horses, trying to surround this huge suture monster, but they had some Misjudging the strength of stitched monsters, or their own strength is not enough.

More and more big hands emerged from the Stitching Monster's body, and the guard knights who rushed up were caught by the big hands one after another, and were pulled off their horses. Numerous cracks appeared on the Stitching Monster's body, and it was devouring the guards bit by bit. knight.

Surdak didn't expect that the stitch monster could evolve continuously on the battlefield.

The head of the old Earl of Benton gave off an aura of madness. It looked like a fortress of war. It could continuously grow itself by devouring the corpses of guarding knights. The strong death energy formed a black color on his body. Yanshan.

Suldak knew that the power of the holy light on his body could just restrain these dead breaths.

The broad sword in his hand emitted a faint sacred aura, emitting a pure white light in the dark night.

Suldak rushed forward again, and the constructed knight guarding him immediately launched a round of attack.

The power of the holy light instantly melted away a large amount of dead energy from the stitched monster's body. Unfortunately, the stitched monster's body was too large and continued to grow.

Dozens of arms have grown around the suture monster's body, and the knights of the construction, with the power of the magic pattern construction, are able to withstand the suture monster's arms.

Only Suldak stepped on the halo of fanaticism and cut off the Stitch Monster's four arms again.

However, dozens of the guarding knights of the Benton family were devoured.

The constructed knights lined up, armed with knight spears, and charged towards the stitch monster...

At this moment, countless rotten arms emerged from the soil in the woodland, and the rotten arms that resembled zombies grabbed the legs of the horses and horses. The knights in costumes fell off their horses during the charge. Rolling embarrassingly on the dirt.


Naomi saw six necromancers releasing undead spells, and some constructed knights fell off their horses in embarrassment.

She stopped, and quickly chanted a spell, a magic circle formed in front of her, and then she stretched out her hand and pulled out a rib without hesitation, as if the rib didn't grow in her body , but stored in his backpack.

The sharp ribs turned into a white bone spear in Naomi's hands, and she threw it towards a necromancer.

Bone Spear not only carried a strong death energy, but also had a large number of magic lines on its surface. It could easily tear apart the space in the air. It suddenly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared in front of a necromancer in the next second.

There was a 'poof'.

The bone spear pierced the necromancer's chest, and the necromancer fell down.

The other five necromancers immediately noticed Naomi. At this time, Naomi had already pulled out her second rib and threw it at a necromancer again.

The five necromancers immediately chanted a spell, summoning a wall of bones in front of them, and some even summoned several zombies.

A bone spur appeared in front of a necromancer's body, pierced through the bone wall in front, and pierced through the necromancer's shoulder fiercely.

A few zombies rushed towards Naomi. Naomi was not walking fast. She saw zombies rushing around, and immediately began to chant spells. Several skeleton warriors suddenly drilled out, and those soul fires got into the eye sockets of the skeleton warriors.

Several zombies were fighting with the skeleton warriors, but Naomi easily passed these zombies and chased after these undead warlocks.

The black shadow arrows fell on Naomi's body all the time. Naomi's body swayed slightly. Although there were corroded wounds on her shoulders, they did not stop her from moving forward.

Seeing that Naomi was so brave and a few spells could not pose a threat to her, the necromancer immediately thought of retreating.

Just as the necromancers turned to run away, a white bony hand grabbed one of the necromancers by the ankle, causing him to fall to the ground.

Naomi caught up and stomped on the Necromancer's back with her zombie-like legs.


The stitch monster stared at Suldak, who was exuding holy light. It stretched out countless arms and tried to tear Suldak apart, but Suldak held a sword and shield, and was extremely flexible in close combat. It didn't reach the corner of Suldak's clothes.

On the battlefield, as the summoning circle set up by the necromancer before fleeing continued to take effect, zombies crawled out of the soil one by one.

The Construct Knight had to deal with these zombies crawling out of the mud, and couldn't besiege the stitch monster for a while.

Alan Benton stood aside stupidly, watching the fierce battle in the forest. Although a group of guard knights gathered around him, at least thirty guard knights were swallowed by the suture monster.

He could clearly see the face of the Stitching Monster. He remembered that his father had been very interested in undead spells in recent years, and he thought it was his father trying to resolve his fear of facing death. Only now did he think about what his father said to him a few times ago. With those words, my father is frantically pursuing the eternal life of the deceased.

Although he succeeded, he also seemed to have failed, because the suture monster in front of him seemed to have completely lost his human nature.


The suture monster threw Suldak out again. Although Suldak had chopped off more than 20 arms of the suture monster in succession, as it continued to devour the guarding knights, its body continued to grow stronger during the battle. .

It is like a melting pot of flesh and blood that can grow, as long as it keeps devouring corpses, it can make itself stronger.

At this moment, the power of the holy light in Suldak's body was running out, even if it was all squeezed out, it would be impossible to defeat this monster.

Another two guard knights were dragged into the body by the big hands of the stitching monster. Together with the fallen horses around them, they became the nourishment for the stitching monster's body.

This stitch monster was only as tall as a two-story building at first, but now it has become as big as a thunderclap...

Seeing the Constructed Knights being backed back again and again in front of the Stitching Monster, and the knight spears in their hands piercing into the Stitching Monster's body, the Stitching Monster didn't seem to be injured at all.

Facing such a powerful undead monster, and in the dark night, Suldak picked up the bone whistle hanging on his chest without hesitation.

A piercing whistle blew...

The bloody gate slowly rises in a magic circle, but this time the gate of the bloody gate does not have those white bone hands in the past.

The entire blood-colored gate looked dilapidated, and even the lintel was still dripping with blood.

Earl Fornac came out of it with a tired face.

Holding a broken scepter in his hand, his body has also become infinitely close to nothingness, and it is broken, and the soul fire on his body is extremely weak.

But when he saw Suldak, who was even more embarrassed than him, climbing up from the muddy water with his sword and shield, his eyes immediately noticed the suture monster in the center of the battlefield, and Earl Funak immediately began to chant the spell, The tree vines transformed by countless death breaths entangled the stitch monster almost savagely.

The stitch monster struggled, and more death vines grew.

The stitch monster seemed to be struggling in the thick grass, but the vines in the grass had bound its body.

Just in time for Naomi to come back, she pulled out the third bone spur and threw it towards the suture tube. The bone spur with countless magic patterns got into the body of the suture monster and exploded immediately.

The stitch monster is like a drunk drunk, teetering under the entanglement of vines.

Suldak took the opportunity to raise the broadsword above his head, he released all the power of the holy light accumulated in his body, and the broadsword in his hand emitted an almost divine radiance.

'Holy Ray'

Several holy light bullets hit the stitching monster at the moment Suldak recited the 'Words of Runes'.

With a few loud bangs of 'Boom Boom Boom', the Stitch Monster slammed down on the forest glade with traces of electric arcs all over his body.

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