Lord Highlander

Chapter 1380: 1367.

Every night in the shelter seemed to gradually fade away into silence amidst the noise. Each room had seven wooden beds, which were only painted with a few layers of varnish, divided into upper and lower floors, and fourteen children lived there. .

The armrests of many wooden beds are almost covered with starch. The weather is getting colder, and the blankets on the beds have been replaced with cotton quilts.

When those children all fell asleep, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

Samira can receive money sent back every year, so the number of children in the shelter has increased to more than 300.

Suldak sat in the room for a while, then went to the bathroom to wash his face, and suddenly thought that Aphrodite had probably arrived in Hailansa City at this time, and left behind in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness through the symbiotic contract. The brand mark sent Aphrodite a message to go there, and a magic circle appeared on the floor in front of her immediately, and a light blue void gate with dark purple patterns rose in the center of the circle.

As the void gate slowly opened, Suldak raised his leg and stepped in.

The room was very warm, silver acorns were burning in the fireplace, and a faint scent of tree oil wafted in the room.

This is a room on the second floor. There is a large terrace on the south-facing side of the room, and some green plants on the terrace can be seen through the glass windows.

There are lotus-colored curtains on both sides of the window. In addition to a big bed, there is a seating area surrounded by sofas in the room. There is also a simple wine cabinet next to the door.

Aphrodite was sitting next to the wine cabinet, holding a cup of tea in her hand, staring intently at a thick magic book on the table.

She turned her head and saw Suldak walking in, and poured him a cup of hot tea without saying a word.

Suldak glanced at Aphrodite with a searching look in his eyes.

Aphrodite pointed to the next door, Suldak first walked to the door, kissed Aphrodite on the forehead, then opened the door and walked out, tiptoeing towards the next room.

This room was actually a suite, with only a single bed outside. A young maid was lying on the bed and fell asleep soundly, unaware of Suldak's intrusion.

Aphrodite folded her hands on her chest, followed behind Suldak, and complained in a low voice: "In my opinion, this maid is not as conscientious as the dog-headed female slave in the lava mine."

Suldak gently pushed open the door next to him. Inside was a baby room, all corners and corners were covered with leather. There were not only a small wooden bed, a wooden horse, but also a half-baby hanging in the room. There is a cradle like an eggshell, and a little girl with a pink face is lying in the cradle and sleeping soundly.

Suldak held his breath and walked beside the cradle, fearing to wake up his daughter, so he stared at her quietly in the dark room.

"It's really a bit jealous!" Aphrodite stuck behind Suldak, leaned over to blow in his ear and complained softly.

The room was very quiet, and Surdak could even hear his daughter's steady breathing.

"At night, ask the maid to come in and check more often. It's autumn now, be careful not to let her catch a cold!" After a while, Suldak walked out of the room and whispered.

"My daughter, like me, has a succubus physique. No matter whether it is cold or hot, it will not affect her too much." Aphrodite walked back to the bedroom, pressed her back against the door, and blinked her charming big face. eyes, staring at Suldak.

Probably preparing to go to bed, she didn't tie up her long hair, the two corners of her head were exposed, and her bright red lips were like two rose petals.

Suldak leaned forward and hugged her soft waist, and when he wanted to bow his head to kiss her, Aphrodite blocked his lips with the back of his hand.

"The situation in Hailansa City is relatively stable. Mrs. Mariana has the support of the Christie family's lord army. There will be no problem in presiding over the daily work of the city hall. In addition, I will live here this winter, so you don't have to worry too much. "Aphrodite said, and then said: "I came out this time and brought out a lot of red crystals. You can't go to the treasure room to feed the red dragon. Why don't you change the method..."

"What way?" Suldak buried his head in Aphrodite's chest like a pig.

Aphrodite glanced at Suldak, held him tighter with both hands, and whispered into his ear: "If you want to feed the red crystal, you might as well summon that dragon!"

Suldak was stunned, thinking that he would go to the treasure room to meet Iser every time before and bring him some red crystals, but he never thought that there was such a bridge between him and Iser. Summon the magic circle 'Call of War' built with the words of runes to your side.

However, thinking of absorbing all the spiritual power in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness every time it is summoned, that kind of feeling is not something ordinary people can bear.

"When do I need to go to Ruyt City?" Aphrodite asked Suldak.

Suldak shook his head and said, "Not for the time being. The situation in Ruyt City is more stable than here. The environment in Hailansa City is not bad. You can spend the winter here!"

Aphrodite suddenly held Suldak's face in both hands, with a charming smile on his face, and said to him with a smile: "If I keep you tonight, will Samira be with me?" break up..."

Suldak has been ignited by Aphrodite's hot body, no matter what Aphrodite said, hold her shoulders, let her back against the wall, oppress her plumpness, kiss kissing her soft lips.

Aphrodite chuckled, pushed Suldak away, ran to the door, and said to him:

"I made an appointment with Ms. Evra next door. I will sit with her for a while in the evening. She misses her husband in the Warsaw plane very much recently. I want to give her some psychological counseling."

"Are you going like this?" Suldak said, and pointed to the top of her head, indicating that her demon horns were still exposed.

Aphrodite pushed open the door, took a black cloak from the wooden shelf, and casually said to Suldak: "It doesn't matter what she looks like, she needs my hypnotism to let herself sleep well, it's a pity that Selina Not here, otherwise she can meet her husband in her dream."

Seeing Aphrodite leaving the villa and walking outside on the snow in the yard, Suldak had no choice but to return to the room of the shelter through the void door.

There was only one candle lit in the room, and the candle stand was even piled with white wax oil. The candle was burned to the point where only a small stump was left. Samira was lying on the single bed that belonged to Surdak in suspender pajamas , covered with a quilt, only one arm and round shoulders were exposed.

Suldak walked over slowly, closing his eyes and sleeping Samira, with a quiet beauty that only elves had on his face.

He bent down and looked at her long brush-like eyelashes. Her face was thin like an elf, and her chin was pointed, which especially echoed oriental aesthetics.

However, her skin was as white as fat, and when she was sleeping soundly on her side, a large deep dimple was exposed at the collarbone, which glowed like pearls under the candlelight.

Sensing someone beside her, Samira opened her eyes in a daze, just in time to see Suldak's face close at hand. Samira's face was blushing, but she stretched out her arms bravely, Wrapped around Suldak's neck, the pretty upper body was almost hung up.

Suldak supported Samira's waist, and his heart was pounding at this moment.

"Have you figured it out?"

Samira buried her head in Suldak's neck, too ashamed to speak.

Suldak pinched her white pointed chin, let her light red eyes stare at his own, and kissed her lightly...


Early in the morning, Andrew stood by the water tank to take a bath. Gulina, who was only wearing a simple tube top, held a ladle and poured water on his head, and gently wiped his bronzed chest with a loofah.

Andrew reminded her not to touch the magic lines on his body as much as possible. Gulina, who was a new wife, blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Andrew.

Wiping off the water droplets on his body with a linen cloth, Andrew was wearing only a pair of lederhosen, and practiced chopping with a wood ax in the yard. Under the reflection of the early sun, his bronze muscles had a layer of greasy luster.

The seven children in the family, big and small, sat quietly in a row under the eaves, watching their father curiously chopping firewood in the yard.

It is also the same hatchet, but in Andrew's hands, no matter if there is a knot in the middle of the firewood, or it is forked, the firewood will be divided into two cleanly when Andrew hits the axe. The crispness is something that children have never seen experienced.

"Father, how did you do it?" Andrew's eldest son, Peter, asked with admiration.

"It's very simple. As long as you can master enough strength, even if you want to split the iron block from the middle, it is not impossible!" Andrew said, throwing away the wood chopping ax in his hand, putting a piece of tree root on the wooden pier, and holding He raised his palm and slashed down, and the tree root was cut in half.

"This is absolute power..." Andrew said to his eldest son, "Do you want to learn it?"

The eldest son nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking rice.

"I want to send you to Zhanzheng College for four years. If you show good talent during these four years, then I will teach you even better, but your performance is mediocre during these four years." , then you will go to military service honestly." After speaking, Andrew stood beside Biddy and patted him on the shoulder.

The eldest son, Piddy, stood up excitedly, and promised Andrew: "I will study hard, father."

Andrew was in the middle of a group of children, with his thick arms spread out, he was able to hug all seven children. He looked up at the blue sky, and said to several children, "Want to hear stories about the outside world?"

The seven children all nodded with anticipation, and replied at the same time: "I want to..."

There was hope in their ignorant eyes.

Listening to Andrew beheading ghost pattern red ants in the Bailin plane and hunting demons on the big battlefield made these little guys yearn for it.

"If you want to go out from Wojmara City, the first thing you need is to improve your own strength, and at the same time, you must have a brave heart and a tenacious character, so you all have to go to Zhanzheng College for training study."

Andrew said: "Pidi and Bonner are old enough, this time I will send you to the Dodan Town War Academy on the Bailin plane. In two years, when your younger brothers are twelve years old, You have to take them too."

"Yes, Father!"

Andrew’s eldest son and third son agreed happily.


The time to get together is always very short. Suldak and his party couldn't stay too long in Wojmara City. Suldak brought Samira and Gulitum at the teleportation gate.

When I saw Andrew, I saw him walking quickly from the other side of the square with more than 30 older Nanai children.

Andrew smiled foolishly at Suldak and said, "Boss, I want to take a few children with me this time and send them to the War College in Dodan Town."

Suldak looked at the Nanai children with thick calluses on their hands and bare feet, and said to Andrew: "I can write a letter to Mrs. Luna later and ask her to take care of these child!"

Andrew said with a smile on his face, "That's really great."

"Let's go, let's go back to Bena City!" Surdak greeted everyone.

The group of Nanai children looked at Suldak and felt that his figure standing in front of the portal was extraordinarily tall.

Suldak walked in the front with a teleportation pass. Samira, whose mood was as bright as the autumn sun, actually offered to help Andrew arrange these more than 30 Nanai children, the two-headed ogre Gulitum Destined to go last.

Seeing the military seal on the teleportation pass in Suldak's hand, the portal guards didn't even check the number of people, and waved their hands directly to let them pass.

Everyone knows that the military department is organizing reinforcements for the lord's army in the Warsaw plane. At this time, all departments in the province of Bena must provide the military department with a convenient door. Please explain carefully.

After passing through the portal, Andrew narrowed his eyes and looked at Samira, who had changed from a decadent look, and leaned close to her and asked in a low voice, "Boss made your wish come true?"

Samira didn't answer Andrew's remarks at all. Instead, she talked about the resettlement of these Nanai children, which Andrew was most concerned about.

The businessman Malacombe set up a branch of the Thunder Rhinoceros Trading Company in Bena City. Andrew approached the businessman Malacombe directly and asked him to be responsible for sending the children to the War College in Dodan Town.

It just so happened that Malakom was in the city of Bena these few days, and seeing Suldak asked him about the Warsaw Plane joining the military merchant group this time.

In fact, besides Malakom, the merchants who asked Suldak about the military merchant group included the red-haired Jeffrey of the Catcher in the Rye Merchant Group, and Dirk Kyleton, a merchant of the Palme Bay Merchant Group. The regiment has followed Suldak through two plane wars, and has made a lot of money in the past few years. Now Suldak is going to the Warsaw plane. Although the logistics department of the military is responsible for the supply of materials, he still wants to To reap the dividends of victory in the war.

Suldak didn't dissuade him either. He just pondered for a moment before saying to Malakom: "The Warsaw plane is very risky. After all, the teleportation gate is in the hands of the Busman family. It is easy for us reinforcements to enter the plane." , but it will not be too easy to come out of the Warsaw plane, and I am afraid there will be a high threshold..."

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (31/90)

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