Lord Highlander

Chapter 139. 138. Meeting Again

Thick smoke was billowing from the camp at the foot of the Ganda Er Mountain Forest Farm. From a distance, it looked like the entire camp was engulfed in flames. A group of ghost warriors rushed out from the forest road, chasing and killing some expeditionary soldiers. They waved their sawtooths The big ax knocked these expeditionary soldiers who had completely lost their will to fight to the ground, and the evil spirits with military thorns in their hands would often take a step forward to make up the knife.

With a knife stabbed down, blood spattered out, and the evil spirits licked their sharp tongues cruelly, with hideous faces.

The group of soldiers seemed to be terrified by the evil spirits, and they didn't know how to resist until the moment they died.

There are still some caravans near the camp that failed to evacuate in time. The vehicles of these caravans are parked on the road, and the merchants are caught in the fleeing army of expeditionary soldiers.

The wilderness is full of people fleeing in all directions, and gunpowder smoke billows everywhere. The merchants don't want to leave the discarded supplies to the evil spirits, but any discarded things will be ignited by a fire, and everyone goes to the inland of Handanal County. Fleeing in the direction, Grand Duke Newman's Beina Legion is gathering there, and everyone knows that only there can seek the protection of the imperial army.

On the hill to the west of the forest camp, Suldak was riding a maroon ancient Bolai horse. Looking at the scene of the flames of war in front of him, he did not expect that the forest camp would fall so quickly, and he could not see Solomon Bao The Marquis of En and the Constructed Knights.

In addition to the three Constructed Knights, the Moyunling Expeditionary Army assembled a total of nearly ten thousand heavy cavalry and heavy infantry this time. After these troops were defeated by the evil spirits, there were fleeing soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

Some evil spirits carrying huge axes were scattered in the wilderness at the same time. These evil spirits with a height of more than three meters were the most eye-catching in the wilderness.

The cavalry in the wilderness fled the fastest. Those cut horses gave up their heavy loads and galloped wantonly in the hilly land covered with weeds. Even these tall and strong evil spirits could not catch up.

Little Duck wanted to go to the caravan gathering place to see the situation of the merchant Lakin, but another group of evil spirits ran out from the forest road and surrounded the forest camp and the caravan gathering place. In the thick smoke, he went to collect the supplies left there, and he gave up the idea. Running over at such a time would be death.

Looking at the pocket of soldier nameplates hanging on his waist, Little Duck decided to follow the fleeing army all over the mountains and plains to find the Bena Legion.

Be sure to report the number of deaths in the second squadron of the fourth battalion of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, and then use the nameplate to receive a pension and send it to their families. Maybe this is what I can do for the soldiers of the second squadron One last thing.

With a light pat on the horse's butt, the maroon warhorse jumped down from the high hill and rushed along the gentle slope forest to the vast hilly land ahead.

The figures of evil spirits appeared on the cliff hundreds of meters away. They found the maroon horses running on the high hill, and they could only watch helplessly as they quickly passed through the dense forest.

The hilly land on the west side of the forest farm camp is very vast. Here is a very fertile pasture, the most suitable for grazing, but this area belongs to the edge of the mountainous area of ​​Handanal County. In the past, there were often monsters in this area. Some monsters Coming out of the deep mountain, they would attack the herd of horses on the meadow below the mountain. Over time, even though the water and grass were luxuriant here, no rancher was willing to graze here.

On this grassland, Gu Bolai's horse ran much faster than the evil spirits. If the evil spirits hadn't robbed and killed them halfway, they wouldn't be able to catch up with Gu Bolai's horse.

Passing through a huge hilly land, I saw a magic caravan overturned on the slope from a distance, and four ancient Bolai horses fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth. The horses directly knocked them down to the ground, while the axle of the ten-meter-long caravan was broken, and the two wheels rolled out a long way, lying flat on the grass.

There were a few evil spirits surrounding the magic caravan, and about three evil spirits were fighting several female swordsmen around the magic caravan. Suldak looked familiar to those young female swordsmen, as if they were from the swordsman tour group. Those female swordsmen in front of him, but they didn't expect that they hadn't left yet.

At this moment, the magic caravan was intercepted by the evil spirits. The coachman and several guards had already fallen into a pool of blood, and only some brave female swordsmen were left to fight against the evil spirits. Body skills and the evil spirits dealt with each other, and people kept getting injured and fell to the ground.

One of the evil spirits seems to want to lift the roof of the magic caravan, presumably there should be survivors in the caravan.

The infantry soldiers who saw this scene in the surrounding wilderness lowered their heads subconsciously and did not want to approach the magic caravan. Well, what the infantry soldiers showed was completely different attitudes.

At such a life-threatening moment, of course, one cannot be held accountable for it.

Everyone is a living life, and everyone has their own choices. The warriors who chose to rush forward to help the female swordsmen have fallen in a pool of blood, and the rest are just a group of useless people who want to live on. coward.

Little Duck didn't want to worry about it either. He had thirteen nameplates on his body. He just wanted to send these nameplates to the logistics department of the Bena Legion as soon as possible. Can't even get the last copper plate.

It's just that when Gu Bolai passed by not too far from the magic caravan, little Duck suddenly found a familiar face among the crowd fighting the evil spirits.

The blond girl Beatrice with a round face, her leather armor was dyed red by the snow at this moment, and a slender thigh was cut with a big hole more than a foot long, and she fell down beside the caravan.

The evil spirit standing in front of her didn't forgive her because of her beauty and noble status. It indifferently stabbed the thorn in her hand into her towering chest, and the sharp knife pierced through the chest.

At this moment, she happened to see Little Duck, her eyes lit up, but before she could make a cry for help, those eyes, shining like night stars, also dimmed.

A familiar figure rushed over, and the Western rapier in his hand pierced the back of the evil spirit's heart. When he tried to pull out the rapier, the rapier was stuck in the evil spirit's body and could not be pulled out. Letting out a stern roar, he turned over and wanted to grab the figure with his hands, but the figure quickly dropped the rapier and dodged to avoid it.

Only then did Little Duck see her face clearly. It was clearly Baron Sidney's fiancée, Miss Hathaway. She was forced to dodge left and right by the evil spirit. Seeing Miss Hathaway being forced into the magic caravan and other corners, Duck stretched out his hand and patted Gu Bolai's horse on the neck, causing the horse to turn around and rush towards the magic caravan.

The war horse rushed up to the evil spirit, and stomped fiercely on the evil spirit's back with both hooves. The evil spirit gave up chasing Hathaway and turned around to sweep the two front legs of the war horse with a sharp axe.

Duck jumped up, propped up the dwarven chain shield with one hand, and stopped the sharp axe, a silver rune burst out on the dwarf chain shield, the evil spirit was forced back a step by the 'shield of blessing', thought that the sea Sylvie would take the opportunity to escape, but unexpectedly she threw herself behind the evil spirit, pulled out the sharp sword stuck in the back of her heart, and cut a shallow wound on the back of the evil spirit's neck, her body was Jump away briskly.

The evil ghost didn't pay attention to Hathaway, but let out a low growl at Dak, and slashed at him again with both hands clenched on the giant ax...

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