Lord Highlander

Chapter 1399: 1386. The Cliff

The bursting column of white flames broke through the cover of the jungle and rushed straight into the sky.

The aftermath of the flame explosion even overturned several heavy armored infantry soldiers who were chasing up from behind. The magician Basil fell from the air riding a magic scorpion handle, took out the magic scroll of 'Spa Treatment' from his arms, and opened the scroll , A wave of water elemental power turned into a silver light and landed on Gulitum.

The ogre's own strong resilience is also constantly forcing the belly of the abdomen to wriggle and close the wound.

Although the two-headed ogre was a little embarrassed, the situation was not that bad.

"How are you?"

Wolf Knight Tiger came over with his war blade in hand, and asked the two-headed ogre.

Gullitum looked down at the slowly recovering wound, and the young druid Irani used a hemostatic bandage to make a temporary bandage for him. Gullitum grinned and cursed: "This guy didn't even return his hand, he just blew himself up!" , so fucking ruthless..."

The wolf knight glanced back at the devil's flag that had exploded into countless ashes, his eyes showed a trace of clear thinking that he would only have during battle, and said to the two-headed ogre: "He should be calling for reinforcements, let's start here Get out and talk."

Druilani stood up, turned around and passed through the gap between the jungles, pointing to the direction of the river valley and said to everyone:

"Look at the other side of the valley..."

The magician Basil followed the druid's gaze, only then did he see some ghost warriors appearing on the rocky beach on the other side of the valley, and ghost warriors were constantly emerging from the jungle on the other side of the valley.

The magician Basil shouted in surprise: "How come there are so many evil spirits..."

In the previous investigation, he knew that there were some ghost fighters on the opposite side, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

The ghost warriors were able to throw short flying spears into the sky, so Basil didn't dare to fly at low altitude in the forest area where the ghost warriors were infested. This was also the main reason why he couldn't notice the ghost army.

Originally, I thought there might only be dozens of hunting ghosts here, but now there are more than one hundred ghosts appearing on the other side of the valley, and there are still ghosts coming out of the forest at this moment.

"The ghost hunting group we encountered was actually a piece of fat..." the injured two-headed ogre couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw the ghost warrior in the valley.

"What should I do?" Tiger asked Gulitum.

Without even thinking about it, Gulitum said, "Since we can't deal with it, let's withdraw!"

He turned his head to look at the annoyed magician, and said, "Master Basil, hurry back and send a message to Duck and the others, and ask the boss to pick us up."

The magician Basil flew up on a magic scorpion handle, and flew around the tree trunk twice in the forest before asking Gulitum:

"Without me leading the way in the sky, can you find the way you came?"

Wolf Knight Tiger replied positively: "No problem, with Bonita here, we can definitely go back the same way."

The magician glanced at the silver frost wolf, hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Then be careful."

After speaking, he flew in the forest on a magic yoke. He was afraid of attracting the evil spirits in the valley, so he didn't dare to fly out of the woods, so he rode a magic yoke back and forth in the woods until he flew in parallel. After a kilometer away, he suddenly raised the tiller, drilled out from the gap in the treetops above his head, and rushed into the sky in an instant.

The evil spirits in the valley were searching in the direction where the evil spirit Xiaoqichang detonated, and suddenly found a human mage flying out of the forest in the north, and a group of people immediately chased after him.

The two-headed ogre Gullitum didn't dare to stay any longer, he just bandaged the wound hastily, and Gullitum urged the wolf knight to lead the way quickly.

Tiger rode the Frostwolf Bonita and ran at the front. Druilani commanded ten ghost-striped ants and carried nine heavy armored infantry soldiers to follow the wolf knight closely. The big stick came last.

The marching speed of the soldier ants is very fast, and the more rugged and complex the terrain, the more their speed advantage will be highlighted.

In this way, the two-headed ogre's reconnaissance team rode the ghost pattern soldiers quickly over the mountains on the west side of the Samostuo River, and quickly retreated towards the way they came...


Just as they had just climbed over the mountains on the west side, the forward fighter of the evil ghost army had already groped to the battlefield in the forest.

Although several ghost warriors had already been eaten by ghost-patterned soldier ants, the wreckage left at the scene could still be seen by the ghosts at a glance, and some companions died in the battle.

When the evil ghost general arrived here, he saw the wreckage after the explosion, and the ground was in a mess.

Many trees and broken vines were covered with blood, fragments of broken bone armor were everywhere,

The Evil General let out an uncontrollable roar of anger, and smashed his fist on an oak tree, and his entire arm sank into the trunk.

"Follow the scent they left behind, continue to chase me, gather the hunters scattered in the nearby mountains, and find them for me!"

With a wave of his hand, General Evil Ghost terminated the ongoing hunting mission of the legion, and prepared to hunt down Gulitum's scouting team with all his strength.

The evil spirits hadn't encountered this kind of provocation from Chiguoguo for a long time. They passed this message to each other and spread out in the jungle screaming.

A large group of ghost warriors crossed the Samostuo River and began to search for Gulitum's scouting team all over the mountains and plains.

The two-headed ogre was wounded in the abdomen, and ran violently during the retreat, causing the wound in his abdomen to rupture again, so the reconnaissance team could only slow down the pace of retreat a little.

Fortunately, the two-headed ogre has the most powerful resilience, and its physique is also very good. Covering the wound on its abdomen with one hand, it can still walk like flying in the jungle.

With his excellent sense of smell, Bonita has been rushing to the forefront.

After turning over the second mountain ridge, the Frostwolf finally stopped on the ridge. It jumped lightly onto a sudden rock, and its eyes fell on the hillside ahead.

The wolf knight, who was connected with it, immediately saw a group of evil spirits coming up from the bottom of the hillside.

This evil spirit team actually blocked the only way they had to retreat, and was moving quickly towards their position. The group never expected that there would be an evil spirit team behind them, and they would completely block their retreat. stop.

Looking back, the group of evil spirits behind had surrounded him from the bottom of the hillside.

On the way back, evil ghost soldiers intercepted them. Gulitum didn't want to fight at this time. He discussed with the wolf knight Tago, but had no choice but to give up the original retreat and quickly retreat in another direction on the west side of the hill. .

Along the way, the aboriginal Druilani kept manipulating some vines to block where they passed.

It's a pity that these ghost warriors tracked up by scent, so the camouflage made along the way was useless.

In this overgrown mountain forest, once the magician Basil is lost to lead the way in the air, he can only climb to the ridge to observe the terrain. There is a direction deviation in the forest.

At the same time, we must avoid those evil spirits who intercept us halfway, and we must continue to retreat westward over mountains and mountains even at night.

Because the scouting team strayed too far from the original path and couldn't see the surrounding scenery at night, Gulitham followed the scouting team all night, and it wasn't until dawn that he stood on the mountainside that he realized that the team had climbed a lone peak.

The evil ghost warriors chasing up from behind had already reached the foot of the mountain, and it was impossible to retreat.

The only way now is to climb over this lonely peak. After all, the ghost pattern soldiers of the scouting team can easily climb these rock walls.

It was only when everyone climbed to the top of the peak that Gulitum stepped on a huge rock and looked at the other side of the mountain, only to find that there was no way to go on the other side of the mountain, and the other side was a cliff hundreds of meters high .

At this time, it was impossible for the reconnaissance team to leave along the side of the mountain.

The evil spirits at the foot of the mountain are like a giant hand, completely surrounding the mountain.

After running all night, even if the energetic ghost-striped soldiers slowed down, the heavy armored infantry soldiers standing on top of the ghost-striped soldiers staggered, and the wolf knight stood beside Gulitum. , Looking at the cliffs and valleys hundreds of meters high in front of him, he immediately shouted a series of curses in orc language.

Even Bonita the Frostwolf let out a whimper.

"There is no road ahead, everyone rests where they are."

Gulitum sat down on the boulder, and then couldn't help but glanced down the cliff.

Several heavy-armored infantry soldiers jumped off the ghost-patterned soldiers' ant heads, and seeing the deep stream behind them, there was a hint of despair in their eyes.

The few of them are veterans of the Suldak lord's army. They often fight on the battlefield. Naturally, they take life and death a little lightly. They sat by the rock and didn't complain. They just silently He took out the marching rations he carried with him, tore open the gap in the kraft paper, and poured them into his mouth.

Then he sat by the boulder with his eyes closed, chewing silently, drinking a sip of water when his mouth felt dry, and continued to rest.

These veterans have experienced many battles, and they know what to do at this time is in their best interest.

The wolf knight Tiger leaned against Gullitem and said to him, "Should we just rush back later? As long as we break through their blockade at the foot of the mountain, there may still be some chances!"

"No chance, there are too many evil spirits down there." Gulitham shook his head and said in a low voice.

"Come on, look here..."

Druilani stood beside the cliff, leaned forward and looked down the deep stream, and then shouted at Gullitum and Tiger.

Gulitum leaned to the side of the cliff with a puzzled expression, imitating Druilani's appearance, looking down the deep stream.

I saw a crack in the rock wall tens of meters below the deep stream.

"These ghost-striped soldier ants can climb freely on the cliff, so we can hide in the crevices over there." Druilani patted a ghost-striped soldier ant's thick and hard thigh, and said to Gu Litham said.

Hearing Druilani say this, Gulitum's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea."

"I'll go and have a look first..."

Druilani jumped on the back of a ghost pattern soldier ant, urged it to climb the rock wall, and walked towards the crevice.

Sure enough, the Ghost Pattern Soldier Ant could easily climb the cliff with its six outriggers.

Drui Lani reached the edge of the crevice and was about to explore inside when a large group of red-eyed bats rushed out of the crevice, scaring Lanni back quickly.

After a while, all the red-eyed bats flew out from the crevice of the stone, and Lenny mustered up the courage to explore inside again.

It didn't take long for Druilani to emerge from the crack in the rock, lay down on the soldier ant's back, and return to the top of the cliff again.

"How?" Gulitum asked impatiently:

"The entrance is narrow, but there is a lot of space inside. It should be a nest of red-eyed bats, we can hide in it!" Druilani said happily.

"It's not too late, let the soldier ants send them there first, and we'll be the last to leave!" Gulitum said decisively.

Several heavy armored infantry soldiers saluted Gulitum before they even had time to swallow the last mouthful of dry food, and then climbed up the ant's back one after another, along the road they had just explored, to the In the crevices below the cliff.

Gullitum and wolf knight Tiger were the last to evacuate from the top of the mountain. The wolf knight needed to hold the frost wolf Bonita, and Gullitum himself was a little overweight. At the same time, some gravel continued to fall into the deep stream, and the last echo could not be heard until a few seconds later.

It wasn't until Gulitum got into the red-eyed bat nest that he found that the cracks in the stone were almost covered with bat droppings. Fortunately, everyone was wearing standard boots, so they stepped on the droppings and walked inside. .

The internal space of the stone crevice is very large, only the entrance is a little narrow.

"It's not bad here!" The two-headed ogre walked into the crack of the rock wall and couldn't help but praise: "We just need to block the group of evil spirits later, as long as the boss comes with a large army, we will You can cooperate with the inside and the outside to fight back..."

In fact, when the evil spirits climbed to the top of the mountain and found that the top of the mountain that was supposed to be a battlefield was empty, they began to search around.

They even sent a few evil spirit detection teams to search at the bottom of the deep ravine below the cliff, but unfortunately they couldn't find Gulitum and his party.

If the red-eyed bats hadn't returned to their nests in the evening and attacked the intruders like Gulitum, the evil spirits would never have thought that these people would hide in the rock cracks halfway up the cliff.

But even if they found the whereabouts of Gulitum and others, the evil ghost warriors could only return to the jungle to collect bundles of vines. They weaved the vines into strong ropes and hung them from the top of the cliff before dispatching the evil The ghost warrior slipped into the crevice of the stone along the vine.

Gullitum and wolf knight Tago who were waiting below waited for work, beheading several ghost warriors one after another in the crack of the stone.

Gulitum's investigation team stood guard in the crevice of the rock for a day and a night.

Facing the attacks of the evil ghost warriors in turn, all the ten ghost-patterned soldiers and ants brought over were killed in battle, two heavy armored infantrymen also died in the chaos, three heavy armored soldiers were injured, and the wolf knight Tiger suffered a little. minor injury.

At noon on the third day, Gulitum saw a group of magicians riding on magic handles suddenly appearing in the sky on the other side of the cliff.

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