Lord Highlander

Chapter 1405 1392. Camp Handover

A ray of sunlight passed through the dense forest, leaving spots of light on the grass in the forest. The air here was filled with light mist, and many huge trees were covered with green moss.

This woodland used to be a battlefield, but now the traces of those battles are almost covered by the plants growing in the forest.

The air is filled with the bitter taste of a plant.

The forest farm camp is located in a mountain depression on the edge of the forest area in the northern part of the Warsaw plane. It used to be a large forest farm, which specially transported precious wood such as indigo wood, iron wood, and cloud pear wood to the empire. It was completely deserted years ago. Later, the Bena Army entered Handanal County, and it became the garrison camp in the north of Handanal County.

The army camp of the evil spirit army in the north of the mountain is only a hundred kilometers away from here. In recent years, the evil spirit army over there has always wanted to use the forest camp as a breakthrough, and the army entered the northern meadow in a mighty way. Unfortunately, the army in the forest camp is like A nail is wedged here, making those ghost warriors helpless.

The camp is surrounded by a red brick wall. After so many years of operation, the tents in the camp have long since disappeared completely.

Instead, there are wooden houses, which are very neatly built.

There are still some recruits training on the playground in the camp.

The free market on the opposite side of the camp seems to be a bit depressed, but there is no way to do it. Now the portal in Epsom City is crowded with people who are about to leave, and they compete with the logistics force for the limited portal resources. This situation has continued It has been more than a year, so the market here is in a depression.

Karatetia is the commander of the 79th Hussars in the forest camp. Recently, the task of the 79th Hussars in the forest camp is to patrol. The hussars work in small groups within 30 kilometers of the forest camp. Patrol everywhere.

In the morning, he came out of the camp of the Golden Leaf Merchant Group in the free market. According to the usual practice, he would ride a horse to inspect the surroundings of the camp.

Through the gap in the curtain of the tent, not only can one see the snow-white arms inside, but also hear the soft laughter of the woman.

Commander Caratetia rearranged some leather belts, touched the hilt of his waist, and saw that his horse was tied to the entrance of the tent. The horse snorted excitedly when seeing Caratetia come out , pawing the ground with iron hooves, neighing.

Hearing movement from here, several light cavalry gathered from all around, and Calatetia grabbed the saddle and got on the horse easily.

"Come on, let's go out for a round of inspection first, and then go to the barracks for breakfast..." Caratetia held the reins of the horse with one hand, put the helmet on his head with the other, and said to the light cavalry behind him.

Businessmen in the free market have long been accustomed to this kind of patrolling.

Some merchants who got up early greeted the light cavalry commander enthusiastically when they saw Commander Karatetia setting off with a small team.

Commander Calatetia raised a faint pride, holding the knight's sword, and rode in front on horseback.

Behind him was a cavalryman carrying a military flag, and behind him were five light cavalrymen who were good at crossbow arrows. A group of people ran out from the hillside and went straight to investigate in the direction of Moyunling.

Commander Karatetia has been out to inspect the area every day recently.

When Kalatitiya returned from the woodland, he saw a group of monsters gathering indistinctly on a grassy slope in the east mountain from a distance. He was a little nervous, jumped off the horse, and pulled the horse's back. The reins wanted to hide in a safe corner.

It's just that there are no trees, mountains and rocks around here at all, and it is impossible for him to avoid it.

His eyesight is very good. From a distance of seven to eight hundred meters, he can understand those huge red monsters with huge fangs on their heads, walking on the ground, and they seem to be carrying some cargo on their bodies.

It seems that these monsters have black magic lines all over their bodies, and they are as strong as bison.

At this moment, Karatetia had an ominous premonition in his heart. What he was most worried about was that the ghosts from the deep hell on the opposite side would have other units enter the Warsaw plane. Now this group of ghosts has made everyone tired. Once other units are added... such as ghost warriors riding those red giant tooth monsters against cavalry.

Thinking of this Kalatitia immediately mounted the horse again and ran towards the mountain.

There are more and more red monsters on the mountain in front of him, and Commander Caratetia's heart is getting colder and colder. When those red monsters crowded the entire hillside, Caratetia felt his legs and legs softened a little. , his heart was beating violently, and an inexplicable panic surged deep in his heart.

If these red monsters were brought by evil spirits, the forest farm camp might suffer unprecedented damage.

He began to consider whether to sound the siren, and his hand had already touched the brass trumpet at his waist, but at the moment when he was about to sound the trumpet, Calatetia suddenly saw two people appearing in front of these red monsters. A Constructed Knight.

The magic pattern structure on their bodies is so eye-catching and dazzling in the sun.

Calatetia raised his hand and signaled the two light cavalry to stay where they were, and the other cavalry followed him to check the situation on the opposite side. If the team on his side was in danger, the two remaining light cavalry would quickly run back to deliver the letter.

Commander Calatetia ran towards the two constructed knights, while the other light cavalry circled around to see the size of the army.

If an army of evil spirits emerged without a sound, it would be too scary. The key is that the soldiers in the forest camp were not prepared at all.

As Commander Karatetia ran closer and closer, the monster army in his vision became more and more clear, and the two constructed knights also came up from the opposite side, and Karatetia finally recognized them. Those monsters The rations that the evil spirits usually eat are exactly what they carry on their backs.

A few years ago, there were all kinds of wild animals in this mountain forest.

Among them, red-eyed hyenas live in groups in the mountains and forests, and there are many one-horned bison living near the river valleys, etc. Many times, the heavy armored infantry regiment of the Bena Legion will not easily step into the jungle, because once in the mountains Encountering a group of red-eyed hyenas is likely to cause unnecessary casualties.

But in just a few years, apart from some birds chirping, this jungle has basically become dead silent.

All the jungle beasts that could be hunted and killed were probably eaten by evil spirits.

In order to obtain enough food supplies, the evil spirit army sent a large number of evil spirit hunting teams into the depths of the mountains to hunt down the wild beasts in the forest. Commander Calatetia is familiar with the food these evil spirits usually eat, and it is the red monsters carrying of bacon.

When he was more than fifty meters away from the two knights in front, he shouted loudly: "Don't go any further, where did you come from?"

The two constructed knights stopped when they heard Commander Calatetia's shout.

One of the constructed knights raised a hand and urged the horse to move forward step by step. He didn't smile at Commander Karatetia until he came in front of Commander Karatetia.

Calatetia saw the earl's badge on his chest, and immediately saluted as a knight.


Suldak looked at the light cavalry officer in front of him, smiled kindly at him, then took out a call-up order from his bosom, and said to him: "I am Su, the commander of the West Route Army of the Beinar Reinforcement Army. Erdak, leading the forward troops of the West Route Army, was ordered to garrison the forest camp!"

The troops on the hillside seemed to be verifying Suldak's words. A group of heavy armored infantry squeezed up from behind and stood in front of the soldier ants.

Seeing the imperial infantry on the hillside, the light cavalry officer was visibly relieved.

He saluted Suldak again, and then took the recruitment order to check the authenticity. When he saw that the military department's seal was clearly stamped on it, the heart in his throat finally fell back to its original place, and he turned around. He waved his head to the two light cavalry behind him, indicating that everything was normal.

"You are Commander Suldak. We have received news from the headquarters of the Bena Legion that you will arrive at the forest camp in these days." Commander Karatetiya said politely.

He remembered that a month ago, there was news that Bena province had summoned a large number of reinforcements to enter the Warsaw plane.

Didn't expect this to be true...

In fact, every year, the Bena military department will say that, reinforcements will come, and then some soldiers who have expired will be replaced and returned to the Bena province.

But in fact, the forest farm camp has not seen the so-called reinforcement army at all in the past two years. Now a group of soldiers suddenly appeared, and a group of monsters rushed over, saying that they wanted to change defense with the garrison here.

Commander Caratetia had long since lost that excitement, he just nodded in a businesslike manner and said:

"I just didn't expect to have those big guys in your army. We have never seen such mounts here!"

"These are ghost pattern soldiers from the Bailin plane." Suldak saw the vigilance in the officer's eyes and explained, "Can you take me to the forest camp to meet your commander?"

"Of course, please come with me." Kalatitia said something first, and then immediately added, "Your army must stay where it is before receiving other orders..."

Suldak nodded, signaling for Andrew to follow behind him, accompanied by two guard knights.

Walking along the path under his feet towards the military camp in the depression, Suldak inadvertently looked around, and the surroundings of the forest farm camp still looked the same.

His eyes fell on the hillside opposite the camp. The free market over there seemed to be a bit depressed, but there were still people running open-air taverns, grocery stores, leather goods stores, and grocery stores.

The merchants at the free market saw the army of soldiers and ants on the hillside, and many of them ran to high places to look at those monsters from a distance.

Even Suldak, who followed Commander Karatetia, was pointed at.

Suldak thought of the merchant Larkin, and thought that he had lived in that tent for a while, so he couldn't help but want to go to the free market along the road ahead...

However, he finally gave up on this idea and followed Commander Karatetia into the forest camp.

This barracks should have been rebuilt after the Great War. The original forest farm camp was not like this. The former forest farm camp had only a huge wooden fence, and inside were patches of white marching tents. When they were rescued, they were in one of them. for three months in a tent.

When they came to the gate of the barracks, Commander Kalatitia waved to the guard at the gate, and the guard quickly pushed the gate of the barracks open.

Suldak rode a horse into the forest farm camp, which was no longer what it used to be, but at this moment, he didn't have so much sadness.

When they came to the front of the camp command post, a commander came out with a group of officers.

Seeing Suerdak, the officer immediately walked up to him kindly, patted Suerdak's shoulder vigorously, and said loudly to him: "The command post's defense order has been placed here for more than a month. You guys are here!"

The middle-aged commander looked excited, turned around and ordered to the herald behind him:

"The notice goes on. From tonight, the camps will be vacated for the brother troops. All the soldiers stationed there will pack their bags immediately. Before sunset, the 138th, 147th and 149th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment and the 63rd Light Cavalry Regiment are preparing to pass through the large meadow overnight. Return to Handanal County."

Suldak was speechless.

This commander was actually like the commander of the Langdon family that he met in the town of Dodan on the plane of Bailin, he seemed a little impatient to see the troops changing defense.

He didn't even introduce himself.

Commander Karatetia on the side coughed lightly, and then said to the middle-aged commander:

"This is Commander Suldak, the supreme commander of the West Route Army!"

"This is Earl Drake, the supreme commander of the forest camp."

Commander Drake invited Suldak into the camp command post, and asked the adjutant beside him to pour a cup of hot tea for Suldak. He couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. He rubbed his hands vigorously, trying his best to After calming down the excitement in my heart, I turned my head and said to the adjutant:

"The scout team currently patrolling outside does not need an emergency recall!"

The adjutant nodded.

Commander Drake said to Suldak:

"You are not very familiar with the environment here. I will show you around tomorrow and tell you the location of the secret sentry here."

"In addition, those evil spirits from Moyunling will come here every now and then, so you should pay more attention to it at ordinary times."

"They are used to popping up from three areas. Those areas usually need to be patrolled. Another thing worth noting is that the combat power of the evil spirits will not be affected no matter it is day or night, especially the sentries at night. Pay special attention. Son."

Commander Drake walked into the command post and didn't stay idle. He stood next to the sand table in a forest farm camp and talked to Suldak about the precautions in the barracks.

Finally, he repeatedly told Suldak:

"The fighting power of those evil spirits is equivalent to that of a rank-1 knight in costume, so you should not underestimate the enemy no matter what."

"This time, as long as you guard the northern region, wait here for the news of our occupation of Kornberg County..."

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