Lord Highlander

Chapter 1407 1394. The First Ant Cavalry

Looks good!

At least Suldak thinks so.

He randomly slashed the edge of the bone shield a few times with his broadsword. When the blade touched the bone face, it was like inserting the blade into a sticky honey jar. The chaotic breath is like a viscous liquid that surrounds the blade, greatly slowing down the cutting speed of the blade.

The bones of General Evil Ghost are like rubber with great toughness, the broadsword only leaves a trace when it is cut on it, and it cannot cause substantial damage to the bone shield.

The blacksmith Herac saw that Suldak was testing the strength of the shield with a broadsword with magical attributes, and at first he was a little worried that the broadsword would split the bone shield in half. It wasn't until Suldak tried a few times that the bone shield was still intact, and the hanging heart was considered to have fallen.

As a blacksmith accompanying the army, Herac has certainly seen the world.

He knew that the magic pattern engraved on this broadsword was the blessing of some magic buffs, and the magic pattern covering the entire sword body showed that this broadsword was worth a lot.

It's just such a magic broadsword that left only slight marks on the bone shield when it was cut. This is by no means how exquisite his skills are, which improved the strength of the bone shield itself, but that the bone face itself is A piece of advanced magic material.

Such a piece of high-level magic material did not fall into his hands, and the blacksmith Herac secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of this, he finally wanted to take a serious look at what material the bone shield was made of.

It was clearly a bone face peeled off from the body of an evil spirit...

It's not that Herac, the blacksmith, has never seen this thing before, but the bony face looks a bit bigger, and the aura overflowing is also stronger.

Suldak tied it firmly on his right arm, and saw that there was some confusion at the gate of the barracks, so he walked towards the gate of the barracks.

When I got closer, I saw a group of ghost soldier ants carrying a lot of bacon stopped outside the camp by a group of guards. Those guards held spears and pointed at the soldier ants outside the camp vigilantly. Drew, who directed the ghost soldier ants Yi was helpless at the gate of the camp.

Commander Drake hurried over from the barracks with a team of personal guards, and he seemed to circle around these soldier ants, and asked Suldak: "Commander Suldak, they... Is it also the army you brought over?"

Suldak nodded and said, "They are prisoners of war I captured in the Bailin plane."

Commander Drake immediately waved his hand, signaling the guards at the gate of the garrison camp to let him go.

His eyes fell on the bone shield on Suldak's arm, and his eyes suddenly became extraordinarily bright, obviously recognizing the origin of this bone face.

"It's such a waste of money. With this rough production method, it is impossible to preserve the aura of the evil ghost general. When the chaotic aura completely dissipates, this bone shield can only become an ordinary shield."

There was a sigh of 'tsk tsk' from his mouth.

"If it can be brought to Handanar City, the bone face of this evil ghost general can at least be made into a bone shield with magical attributes."

"This kind of high-quality ghost general's bone face is rarely seen even in the city of Handanal."

Commander Drake added one last sentence.

But he didn't know that there were five heads of evil generals in the magic sealing box in Suldak's magic pocket.

Suldak just smiled honestly, patted the bone shield with his broad sword, and said casually: "No way, the shield that is most convenient is damaged, so I can only make this side temporarily, I will throw this shield away Put it into the magic sealing box, so that at least it can delay the spread of the magic aura above it..."

Commander Drake's gaze stayed on General Evil Ghost's two empty eyes, and he didn't speak for a while.

At this time, under the command of the druids, the ghost-patterned soldiers ants staying outside the camp lined up one by one into the garrison camp.

Some supplies were stacked in the most conspicuous place in the middle of the camp, and the druids ordered the soldier ants to also go to the open space there, and the soldier ants piled the bacon roasted from the whole animal on the open space, because they would not Palletizing, and soon the bacon piled up into a hill in the open space.

And these ghost pattern soldier ants piled up the bacon in the camp, and then left the garrison camp.

The ghost pattern soldier ants entered the camp carrying a large amount of bacon, not only the garrison soldiers who were about to leave were a little stunned, even Commander Drake was a little envious.

"Where did these supplies come from?" Commander Drake asked Surdak.

Obviously, he should know the origin of these bacon, but he is not too sure, that's why he asked.

Suldak didn't hide anything, and said casually: "Our West Route Army walked all the way from Epsom City to Handanar County, and after entering Handanar County, walked north along the Samostuo River. We met a hunting group of ghosts in the jungle. We killed some and drove some away. Later, the magician scouting group found their food storage warehouse near the cliff. It just so happened that the rations of these soldier ants were not available at that time. , so I brought back the bacon."

The quartermaster in charge of managing supplies in the camp was counting the bacon with a bitter face, and he also called in a group of infantry soldiers to stack the bacon neatly.

"You just experienced a jungle battle a few days ago, and captured so many spoils?" Commander Drake felt a little unbelievable, but believed in the facts.

"That's about it." Suldak admitted honestly.

Commander Drake looked at the ghost pattern soldiers and said enviously, "This is really a strange soldier!"

Then he thought of something, and immediately reminded Suldak: "In the next few months, the evil ghost army in Moyunling may not be so peaceful. Since their food supplies have been looted by you, they will Find ways to add."

"There are no animals in this jungle for them to hunt. They have accumulated so much food, and it can't be gathered overnight."

"In the past, they didn't hunt enough prey, so they frequently launched wars on forest farms and camps."

"And they have only two ways to solve the food shortage. The first is to get a large number of corpses of imperial soldiers from the battlefield and eat them on the spot. The second is to reduce the number of ghost fighters in the legion to a state that can be maintained by the current supplies. "

"Of course, both of these methods need to launch a war on our side, so in the next period of time, you must be more careful on the side of the forest farm camp. It is best to prepare in advance on the forest farm side."

"Having said that, in the absence of cavalry support, we have never had any advantage in jungle warfare with evil spirits in the past few years... Are you saying that you wiped out a hunting group of evil spirits in the jungle?"

"These...soldier ants are yours?" Commander Drake stood there swallowing his saliva.

"That's right, they are the cannon fodder corps I brought over from the Bailin plane, but now they have fought two jungle encounters, and it seems that the effect is pretty good." Suldak said.

"I really want to have such a cannon fodder army, do they have a docile personality?" Commander Drake asked Suldak, staring at the soldier ants closely.

Suldak could only say vaguely: "It's fine now."

"My legion just lacks troops who are good at jungle warfare. You brought so many soldiers and ants, can you exchange some with me? Horses, weapons and armor, or anything else is negotiable." Commander Drake looked at the ghost-striped soldiers Ant, asked Suldak tentatively.

Suldak looked at the dark figures on the hillside outside the barracks, scratched his head and said:

"It's very easy to obtain ghost-striped soldiers. The biggest difficulty in this matter is the lack of sufficient number of druids. Only these druids can sign slave contracts with them and command them to fight on the battlefield. Others I can't command them at all, I found these druids from the Bailin plane with great difficulty, and I can't distribute them to you."

"Is there no other way to control these soldier ants?" Commander Drake asked unwillingly.

Suldak didn't speak, just shook his head.

In fact, he has been thinking recently that so many ghost-patterned soldiers are under the unified control of more than 30 druids. In a large-scale melee, these ghost-patterned soldiers can only fight according to their instincts and cannot exert their maximum combat power.


Commander Drake gave an order, and the garrison in the forest farm camp withdrew overnight. After a whole night of tossing, they finally vacated the wooden cabins in the camp completely.

As Suldak's 50,000 lord army infantry moved into the camp, Suldak officially took over the forest camp.

The appearance of this forest farm camp has been changed a long time ago. This new camp was rebuilt on the original site, and rows of wooden huts were also built for soldiers to sleep in large bunks.

The camp has long lost its original appearance, and the garrison troops are all new numbers that Suldak has never heard of.

After the ghost ants stored the bacon in the camp supplies warehouse, the ghost soldiers were sent to the forest area behind the camp by the druids. They are more used to living in the crypt. Considering that the aboriginal druid They like to live in the forest, so Suerdak arranged for the soldier ants to dig burrows in that forest.

Commander Drake introduced to Suldak the surrounding environment of the forest farm camp and the situation of the Moyun Ridge in the mountains in detail, and then gradually realized that the army in Suldak's hands has a good combat power .

Especially those ghost-patterned soldier ants, they can even suppress the evil ghost army in the jungle if they are used well.

So on the third day, he led the last batch of cavalry regiments to leave the forest camp, and rushed to the camp of the Bena Army day and night.

The forest farm camp became the barracks of the Lord Suldak's army. The number of wooden houses built in this camp can only accommodate 60,000 soldiers, so Suldak began to dispatch heavy armor on the third day he came here. The soldiers in the infantry regiment went to the forest to cut some pine logs and returned, and continued to expand the wooden house in the forest camp.

For the lord army brought by Suldak, a large part of their fighters are rebels from the Ganbu plane. They lived in the rainforest in the south of the Ganbu plane at the beginning, and they are very useful for building wooden houses. experience.

The other part of the fighters are the aborigines from the Bailin plane. Most of them live in the tribe in the Invercargill Forest, and they have lived in high-rise wooden houses since they were young.

The forest camp lacks everything, except wood.

Therefore, the first thing that Suldak's West Route Army did in the forest camp was to build a large number of wooden houses to accommodate his 110,000 troops.

In addition, these days, Suldak almost let the magician reconnaissance team fly all over the mountains here, just to find out the deployment of the Moyunling evil spirit army.

As Commander Drake expected before leaving, because Suldak walked all the way along the Samostuo River, he completely cleared out the evil spirit hunting group over there, which caused a heavy burden on the logistics supply of the evil spirit army. .

So the forest farm camp, which had been quiet for more than three months, has once again ushered in the harassment of some evil spirit scout teams these days.

But obviously these ghost scout teams didn't realize what kind of army they were facing, let alone the living habits of those ghost pattern soldiers.

These ghost-pattern soldier ants usually like to hide in burrows. When the evil spirit scout team comes from the depths of the mountain, once they enter the hiding area of ​​the soldier ants, they will be ambushed and killed by the soldier ants hiding in the burrow.

Every day, the heads of evil spirits will be sent to the forest farm camp one after another.

In fact, these soldier ants prefer to eat ghost warriors, and some soldier ants even mutated into giant soldier ants after eating ghosts.

Of course, Suldak was not willing to just hide in the forest camp and be beaten passively. He came here to rest for a while, and waited for the other part of the West Route Army led by Samira to arrive at the forest camp. start.

During this period, Suldak began to try some changes in the barracks. Since the heavy armored infantry was not as flexible as the cavalry, many heavy armored infantry regiments composed of recruits were almost cannon fodder regiments on the battlefield...

He didn't want to bury the heavy armored infantry regiment brought from the Ganbu plane all the way here.

Along the way, Suldak also noticed one thing, that is, under the orders of the druids, the heavy armored infantry could ride on top of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

It's just that if they want to stand on the ghost-patterned soldiers and fight the ghost warriors, it's not possible at present, because the infantry soldiers can't stand firmly at all during the battle.

But Suldak also has some experience in dealing with this. At the beginning, his cavalry battalion was plainly infantry, that is, infantry who had mastered certain equestrian skills. They could usually ride on horseback, but the battle was still in line with the heavy armored infantry.

When the ghost soldiers ran in the jungle, they walked like flying, and it was impossible for ordinary infantry soldiers to catch up with those ghosts even if they ran with all their strength.

But as long as they ride soldier ants to chase them, these ghost warriors probably lose their speed advantage.

Recently, this kind of ghost pattern soldiers and ants often go out with patrol teams of infantry soldiers to carry out missions. Although there will be some casualties when encountering evil spirit teams in the jungle, it has actually proved that such a combat team is still reasonable.

As the wounds of the two-headed ogre and the wolf knight Tiger recovered day by day, Suldak planned to send a mixed army into the depths of the mountains to sweep away the evil spirit warriors scattered in the forest...

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