Lord Highlander

Chapter 1410 1397. Duke Newman

The ant cavalry kept appearing in the mountains around the forest camp, posing a big threat to the ghost warriors patrolling in the forest.

Originally in this mountain forest, a group of Benar swordsmen who could deal with the ghost warriors were a group of Benar swordsmen, but at the beginning of the year, Duke Newman suddenly gave up his battle plan to advance north, and the Benar swordsman group stationed in the forest camp Withdrew from the forest camp.

The garrison in the forest camp is only responsible for restraining the evil spirits of Moyunling, blocking them in the mountains in the north of Handanal County.

In fact, just after the Bena-constructed swordsman group withdrew from the forest camp, the evil ghost army had absolute initiative in small-scale battles in the wild.

During this period of time, the scout team at the forest camp did not even dare to step into the Gandar Er Mountains.

No one expected that a Bena reinforcements would go all the way north along the Samostuo River, not only completely making dumplings for the ghost hunting group along the way, but also transporting all the large amount of food they hoarded to the forest farm camp.

This incident not only overturned the evil ghost army's perception of the Bena army, but the biggest problem was that the evil ghost army on Moyunling had to tighten their belts recently.

The supply of the army has always been the main problem of the evil ghost army in the Warsaw plane. The evil ghost soldiers usually need to eat meat, and after Duke Newman occupied Handanaer County, he concentrated all the people of this county in Handana In the area around Seoul City, in the fringe area of ​​Handanal County, few imperial immigrants can be seen.

The targets of the ghost warriors were the beasts in groups in the mountains, as well as some local aboriginal tribes.

In the past few years when the evil spirits have occupied the Warsaw plane, they will only blindly occupy and destroy it. They have already hunted and killed the larger beasts in the mountains.

Up to now, the evil ghost army needs to continuously invade the territory of the Grimm Empire in order to obtain more sufficient food.

This is also a major incentive for the Evil Ghost Legion to gradually speed up its offensive rhythm and begin to quickly devour the seven counties of Warsaw.

In the eyes of the evil spirits, the Bena army in Handanar County is considered to be a few tough bones. In order to contain the Bena army, the evil ghost army not only deployed heavy troops along the Kampatomos River, but also A gate of evil spirits was set up on Moyunling, a mountain in the north of Handanaer County, and nearly ten thousand evil spirit warriors guarded this mountain.

At the beginning, Duke Newman also thought about sending out an elite army to completely eradicate the evil spirit army on Moyun Ridge when the evil spirit army failed to gain a foothold.

It was precisely this idea that the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment where Suerdak belonged to opened up a forest road in this forest.

It's a pity that the battle between the Bena Legion and the Evil Ghost Legion in Moyun Ridge ended in failure.

In the following years, although the Duke of Newman has always been obsessed with Moyunling, he only sent troops to retake the forest camp and guard the gate of Handanal's backyard, and he has always been unwilling to take another step north.

The evil ghost legion had already gotten used to this way of fighting, but Suldak's lord army didn't play cards according to the routine. The stabbing of the sword happened to cut off the logistics line of the Moyunling evil ghost army.

Due to the insufficient food supply of the Moyunling evil spirit army, a large number of evil spirit hunting teams have to run out to find food.

In the area south of Moyun Ridge, the forest camp is also considered a fixed base. Although the evil ghost fighters did not plan to capture the forest camp, they knew that they would definitely encounter human scouts when wandering around here...

So nearby skirmishes continued every day.

Although the ant cavalry needs to have a three-fold superiority in small-scale team battles to win, but if the ant cavalry becomes invincible in a battle, they can quickly withdraw from the battlefield.

So in the recent period, although the West Route Army suffered casualties every day, it also hunted every day.

It was also for this reason that Suerdak was unable to leave the forest camp for a while. He didn't want the infantry soldiers of the West Route Army to be consumed by such a little bit.

We must do our best to heal if we can...

Recently, Aphrodite has been the busiest one. The number of ant cavalry in the barracks is increasing every day, and the battles in the jungle have begun to show more victories than defeats.

For the infantry soldiers of the Suldak Lord Army, the biggest gain from dealing with the evil ghost fighters outside the forest camp during this period of time is that almost every soldier has learned to peel off the black-patterned demon skin on the evil ghosts. A skinning skill is also an important way for fighters to earn extra money.

The free market on the soil slope outside the forest farm camp finally ushered in a small spring. Every day, the merchants would wait for the infantry soldiers in the camp to bring the black-patterned magic skin to them for trading.

The heavy armored infantry soldiers actually hope that the black-striped magic skin can be exchanged for success, but the logistics quartermaster in the barracks is very picky about the black-striped magic skin. As long as there is a little flaw in the skinning process, the logistics quartermaster will return it and eventually flow to freedom. in the hands of merchants in the market.

It was for this reason that the business groups outside the forest camp became noisy again.

Due to the limited number of ant cavalry, and half of the West Route Army is still on the way from Handanal City to the forest camp, so during this period of time, Suldak is not prepared to start a large-scale battle with the ghost warriors who are active outside the camp. battle.

The name of the commander of the West Route Army, Surdak, was also spread on the free market opposite the forest camp.


The 50,000 heavy armored infantry and 10,000 cavalry of the West Route Army finally arrived at the forest farm camp after a month and a half.

Together with the 60,000 troops arriving at the forest farm camp, there were hundreds of four-wheeled trucks carrying consumable supplies.

Although the situation in Epsom City is extremely tense now, and most of the supplies delivered here from Epsom City every day have to be distributed to other legions, as well as millions of refugees in Epsom City, but this time the Bena Legion The logistics department was still under tremendous pressure and sent the logistics supplies of the 100,000 troops to the forest farm camp.

The only thing that makes Suldak helpless is that there is still no news about the supplies of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

Samira, Carrie Decker, Selena, Signa, Naomi, Nika and the medical team followed the large force to the forest camp, and finally let the stone hanging in Suldak's heart drop Come.

After all, many people in this team have special identities, Selena who believes in the goddess of the night, Naomi who is a necromancer, Nika who can feel the element of light...

Now that everyone has safely arrived at the forest camp, the strength of the West Route Army has suddenly reached 110,000.

The whole barracks immediately became lively. After Carrie Decker and Samira entered the barracks, they saw dozens of stacks of bacon in the material storage area at first sight, so they couldn't help but said, "What is this? A great gift left by the friendly army?"

"Impossible, if there is such a good thing, those guys in the logistics department won't put on a bitter face all the way!" Samira responded in a low voice.

Suldak quickly stepped out from the commander, stretched out his arms and embraced Signa who rushed forward, hugged Selena and Samira again, asked in a low voice about the situation along the way, and then told everyone Please enter the command post.

Carrie Decker couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked Suldak: "Boss, how did you get those stacks of bacon outside? When we arrived in Handanal City, I applied for this part of the material from the logistics department, but I didn't expect it to be ready long ago."

"We picked it up by the Samosto River when we fought all the way in." Suldak lifted Signa up and let her sit on his shoulders, then turned his head and said to Carrie Decker. .

Samira looked at the group of ant cavalrymen who were coming in and out of the camp, watching them walking out of the camp, his eyes were like sharp arrows, passing over their bodies.

"It's really unimaginable that they can command these ghost pattern soldiers so easily..." Samira sighed beside Suldak.

During the march, bathing is probably the most troublesome thing.

Arriving at the forest farm camp this time, the group of women immediately took a shower in the bathroom near the camp command post.

The row of officers' residences with the best conditions in the camp has been occupied by the magician scouting group. Although there are still some idle wooden houses in the corners, considering that some of them have sensitive identities, Suldak let the craftsmen A row of wooden houses was erected next to the command post.

Selena is the person who has been with Suldak the longest. She has heard Suldak talk about this desirable camp more than once.

However, it doesn't look like there are white tents connected together here, but instead there are rows of neat wooden houses.

"How was the journey?"

"not bad."

Selena pulled up her long wet hair and stood behind Signa to help her comb it.

Just after taking a bath, Signa's little face became flushed. Looking at the lively scene outside the window, it seemed that her heart had already flown outside.

"Dark, can you let me try cavalry ants too, I think it should be very interesting." Signa said flatteringly.

"This is impossible, it's too dangerous." Suldak refused without thinking.

"Stingy..." Signa puffed her mouth and muttered softly.

With the West Route Army fully stationed in the forest camp, Suldak handed over all affairs in the camp to Andrew, Samira was in charge of arranging the route for the scout team to go out for patrol missions, and Carrie Decker was going to lead the The cavalry regiment on the side of the forest farm camp is resting, and then they have to conduct daily training...

After making these arrangements, Suldak immediately set off for the Bena Army Command Post in the south of Handanar City,


Suldak and the two-headed ogre rushed all the way, and it took five days to cross this vast meadow. The infantry soldiers of the Luxi Route Army walked for a full seventeen days.

As the commander of the West Route Army, Suldak received the order that after the West Route Army was settled down, he would report to the command of the Bena Army.

This time the Bena Army is preparing for a large-scale counter-offensive operation, and the commanders of several legions will arrive at the Bena Army Command Post to participate in the pre-war meeting.

Suldak dragged his arrival until now, mainly because he hadn't heard the news of Duke Ryan's death. Before Duke Ryan's death, the Benar Legion under Duke Newman would not step half a step across the Moss River.

The command post of the Bena Legion is located in the south of Handanal, where nearly 30,000 guards are stationed, and Duke Newman usually lives in this camp.

Looking into the distance, Suldak could clearly see the outline of Handanar City.

This camp is also surrounded by log fences. Almost all the camps are built with simple wooden houses. A row of phalanxes run back and forth in the military camp playground, and some soldiers are basking in the sun at the gate of the camp. The soldiers in this camp The pace of life is slow after all.

Surdak flashed his identity tag and was led to a wooden house by the guards at the gate of the camp.

Pushing open the door of the cabin, which looks not much bigger than the toilet, there is a table and chairs in addition to a bed.

The space is very small, but it is more than enough for Surdak to rest.

"Commander Suldak, the Duke is still having a meeting in the war room, wait a moment..." the camp gate guard who led the way said earnestly to Suldak.

Suldak nodded slightly, then tied the horse to the door of the wooden house, turned his head and glanced at the two-headed ogre who was sitting next to the wooden house and was about to eat, and walked into the wooden house.


Before the meeting, Suldak finally met Duke Newman.

The most powerful grand duke in the province of Bena was actually sitting at the dining table in the command post. There was only a piece of hard-looking white bread on the plate in front of him. He cut the white bread meticulously and dipped it in There was an unknown thick soup on the plate, and he silently ate the bread into his stomach.

Finally, he drank half a glass of rum in a leisurely manner. Seeing Suldak sitting stiffly across the table, he quickly signaled the servant behind him to bring Suldak a plate.

The chef behind held the silver plate and quickly added food to Suldak's plate.

At this moment, Suldak looked at Duke Newman seriously. Although he was middle-aged, his eyes were piercing, and the beard on his face was a little gray, but it was very neatly trimmed. His handsome face With vicissitudes and majesty of a superior, there is also some fatigue hidden in his eyes.

Standing beside him was a guard, who should be a Rank 3 powerhouse, because Suldak couldn't feel any strong aura, but his intuition clearly told Suldak that this person in front of him was very dangerous.

Especially the two exquisite storm swords around his waist, the cold light on them can almost clearly reflect the face.

"I can always hear your name in the report recently, and you also occupied the treasure of the Bailin Plane, which originally belonged to the Benar Legion, but unfortunately you picked the fruit before it had time to harvest..." Newman The Duke's voice was very thick, with a kind of kindness in it.

He paused, and then said again:

"I guess you must have seen that queen ant, and it seems that you should have reached some agreement with it before it is willing to provide you with soldier ants. Otherwise, even if you kill the queen ant, I'm afraid you won't be able to control those soldiers. ant……"

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