Lord Highlander

Chapter 1412 1399. Handanar

Surdak did not expect to meet such an interesting officer at the pre-war meeting.

His foresight on the Moyun Ridge front line battlefield and his own ideas are actually completely in line with each other.

According to the officer, once the evil ghost army on Moyunling wanted to force their way into the meadow, the West Route Army stationed in the forest camp would not be able to stop them.

The reason why they dare not enter Handanar County now is entirely because they are worried that they will be dumped by the 300,000 Bena Army stationed around Handanal City.

But when the Bena Army attacked Kornberg County on a large scale, the large number of troops stationed in Handanal City overwhelmed the Moss River, and the evil ghost army on Moyun Ridge went straight into the hinterland of Handanal County. It will not be besieged by multi-party legions.

At that time, the garrison in the forest farm camp will not be able to stop it no matter what.

The evil ghost army can choose any peak in the Gandar Er Mountains that stretches for hundreds of miles as a breakthrough point, and point their swords directly at the city of Handanal.

The officer believed that the best way to prevent the Moyunling evil spirit army from entering Handanar County was to suppress them in the mountains of Moyunling. This idea coincided with Suldak's idea...

Suldak walked out of the war room of the camp, and the sky was already full of red clouds outside.

The mountains will be in twilight, and there are large herds of cattle and sheep on the green grass in the distance. They walk on the edge of the distant horizon, forming a slowly moving black line.

There are no towering mountains around the city of Handanal, it is like a bright pearl on a large meadow.

The Pasiyadi River winds its way through this plain like a platinum necklace on this pearl.

There are also large refugee areas outside the city of Handanar, but the refugee tents set up in these places are very neat, and there are very clear street divisions between the tents, and each area has a passage leading to the river. The refugee area is wide. From time to time, a team of guards would pass by on the avenue.

It can be seen that the law and order in this area is not bad.

And what surprised Suldak was that there is actually a workshop area downstream of the river in the refugee area outside the city, such as slaughterhouses, leather workshops, metallurgical workshops, etc. The refugees here live outside the city. Dak passed by this area, just in time to see a large group of civilians leaving the workshop area, gathering on the temporarily formed streets, and walking towards the shanty town outside the city.

As the other counties of the Warsaw plane were successively captured by the demon army, a large number of refugees fled to Epsom County, trying to enter Epsom Province through the portal of Epsom City, and at the same time, a large number of refugees stranded outside Epsom City .

There are also a considerable number of refugees who are unwilling to leave the Warsaw plane, or know that they have no chance to leave, so they simply fled to Handanar County.

Compared with Epsom City, it is easier for refugees here to make a living.

Suldak rode his horse into Handanar City and walked along the central commercial street towards the noble district.

The situation in the city is much better than that of Epsom City. It is more like a large-scale material transfer place. Countless businesses gather in the city. There are four-wheeled trucks transporting a large amount of materials everywhere on the street, and the shops on the street Almost all kinds of goods can be found on the street.

Now the supplies of the Warsaw plane can only be entered through the portal of the city of Evelson. The entire Warsaw plane's Busman family lord army is now disabled, and only the Bena Legion is left stationed in Handanar County. , while the Lord Busman family army was forced to retreat to Epsom County, guarding the last gate.

It has to be said that Duke Newman is also making a big gamble this time.

If you win, you will become the leader who divides the big cake of the Warsaw plane.

If it loses, Bena Province will not be able to expand outwards for at least a few years.

Suldak still has some deep memories of this city. Although the city has changed a lot and many buildings on the street are newly built, the streets here still have the shadow of his memory.

Suldak still remembered the battle in the city with the graduates of Benar Swordsman Academy, the enthusiastic Beatrice, the proud Hathaway who was like a princess, and the decisive and willful Darcy Christie ...

At that time, I was just a reserve knight, and they were a group of noble ladies who had just graduated from the academy.

Now, the city is more lively than at that time, the streets are full of traffic and shops are everywhere.

There are not only a large number of Bena troops gathered here, but also many business groups, adventure groups, and mercenary groups. Countless people have taken risks in search of war violence.

At the same time, a large number of people from other counties poured into Handanar County, hoping to obtain shelter from the Bena Army here.

Although the refugees here have an easier life than the refugees in Epsom City, the shortage of supplies is also the biggest problem here.

In the evening, the gates of the city of Handanal were still not closed. You could see long queues outside the bakeries on the street. There was a lot of smoke from the chimneys outside the bakeries, and the hot food was drying on the wooden racks. Toasted oatmeal, various breads.

Gullitum patted his stomach and refused to continue walking when he smelled the smell of wheat wafting from the street.

So Suldak took advantage of the privileges of the nobility, ignored the long line waiting to buy wheat cakes, and stopped in front of the bakery. The shop assistant in the bakery was also very clever, and took the initiative to ask Suldak: "My lord, would you like some bread?"

Suldak nodded and said with a straight face:

"Bring me ten freshly baked oatmeal."

Seeing him like this, the people around him have long been familiar with it, and even the one at the front is waiting patiently.

Suldak didn't buy much. The store clerk hurriedly counted ten baked wheat cakes and planned to bundle them up and hand them to Suldak, but the two-headed ogre at the side took them.

Suldak glanced at the shop assistant.

"Seventy copper coins..." the shop clerk said cautiously to Suldak.

This price is three and a half times more expensive than the baked wheat cakes in the town of Dodan.

However, Suldak knew that this was already very conscientious for the price of wheat flour on the Warsaw plane.

Surdak touched the money bag, only to find that there was no copper plate in the pocket. Fortunately, he found a shiny silver coin from the gold coin and threw it to the clerk. Continue to stay, take Gulitum through the lively street, and walk towards the aristocratic neighborhood.

When we found the 'Maple Pudding' hotel in the noble neighborhood, it was completely dark.

This hotel has undergone renovation two years ago, and now it is a high-end hotel specially opened for nobles. The decorations in the hotel are covered with gold and silver in many places, and there are almost no other shortcomings except expensive. Suldak wants to find In a quiet room, the hotel waiter arranged Surdak in a luxury suite on the top floor. The room not only has a living room, bedroom and bathroom, but also a large balcony with a view.

Although it was completely dark when Suldak moved in, standing on the balcony on the top floor of the hotel, he could enjoy the most beautiful night view of Handanal City.

Now the gates of this city are not closed day and night, so it is completely a city that never sleeps.

Gulitum was still sleeping under the hibiscus tree in the middle of the garden at the back of the hotel. Suldak called Aphrodite over, and the two snuggled up on the wicker chair on the balcony on the top floor. There were two glasses of ale and a dish of lizard on the round table. Claw fruit, Aphrodite is wearing a long suspender dress. The close-fitting tailoring style makes her devilish figure vividly displayed, and the dazzling white greasy glows like pearls in the night.

Her lips were painted dark purple, and the corners of her lips were slightly upturned, with a lazy smile that looked like a half-smile.

The round arms like suet wrapped around Suldak's neck from behind, and put his pointed chin on Suldak's shoulders. Every time he breathed, the fragrance seemed to flow from Suldak's ears. The edge of the outline is scratched.

Suldak's gaze passed through the dazzling prosperity before him, and landed in the darkness outside the city.

Taking a sip of the ale with ice cubes floating in it, Aphrodite peeled a lizard claw fruit for him and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You said, what if I brought the wheat flour hoarded by Hailansa here?"

Suldak closed his eyes and lay on the wicker chair, and said to Aphrodite.

Aphrodite and Suldak huddled together on a rattan chair, put their heads next to his ear and whispered softly: "Hey, a lord of a plane is actually like a profit-seeking businessman, reselling food across planes, you Where is your pride?"

Opening his eyes, the sky full of stars appeared in his field of vision, Suldak turned his head and said face to face with Aphrodite:

"The most basic living supplies are lacking here, so I think I can give it a try. After all, I have so many magic belts. It shouldn't be difficult to transport the wheat flour hoarded over there!"

"..." Aphrodite looked at Suldak speechlessly.

Abandoning her daughter, she came here to enjoy the world of two people, but he actually said this.

"Do you think there are magicians from the Astrologer's Guild who would do the same?" Suldak asked.

"What do you think?" Aphrodite didn't want to answer directly, so she asked him back.

Suldak kissed her puffed lips, and said with a smile, "You mean those magicians wouldn't be so stupid to travel thousands of miles across planes just to deliver a batch of wheat flour?"

Aphrodite blinked and said nothing.

Suldak propped up his upper body with his left arm, pressed Aphrodite on the rattan chair and whispered, "Then why don't we give it a try... Anyway, this pre-war meeting will last for a few more days, everyone Waiting for the news of Duke Ryan's death, everyone has come, and there is nothing to do."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes, and instead of looking at his somewhat hateful face, she asked in a low voice, "If I promise you, what good will I do?"

"How about this benefit?"

After speaking, Suldak buried his head in Aphrodite's gentle chest.

"Why do I feel like you're taking advantage of me..."



There are many businesses in the neighborhood of Handanar City, and Surdak did not go to the Bena Army Camp to attend the pre-war meeting in the morning.

He got up late, and after breakfast, he rode a horse and wandered in the street.

I went to several trading houses in a row, asked east and west, and found out that almost all supplies in the city were in short supply.

However, the prices here are fairly stable. You can almost buy wheat flour, meat, eggs, dairy products, cotton, and hemp.

Relatively speaking, the price of copper and ironware is still stable, but due to the influx of refugees carrying gold coins into Handanar City, the value of gold and silver utensils has slightly depreciated.

To the north of Handanaer City is a vast meadow, where there are several large pastures with herds of cattle and sheep, beef, mutton and dairy products are in sufficient supply and prices are stable.

It is the meat and milk produced by these pastures that support the entire price of Handanal County from collapsing.

Although the price of wheat flour is more than three times that of Bena City, the people at least have some other options. As long as the poor with no savings can find some work, although they may not be full, they will definitely not starve to death.

Suldak felt that the price of wheat flour in Handanar City was still a bit high. Although meat and dairy products were not too expensive, how could the poor afford them.

Even if the price of wheat flour is high, relatively speaking... wheat cake is still the easiest food to fill your stomach.

After walking through a few trading firms, the owners of those firms told Suldak that as long as Suldak had high-quality wheat flour and the price per ton was not higher than one gold coin and twenty silver coins, then how much would they want? How much, on-site gold coin transactions.

Suldak went to several business houses in a row, and the answers he got were almost the same. Seeing him wandering around in the city, the two-headed ogre brother didn't know what he was looking for.

In addition to commercial stores, he also went to some grocery stores, and occasionally looked at the low-level magic cores on the counters of grocery stores, but he didn't buy them.

In the magic district, Suldak finally found a shop that could repair Goethe's shield...

In fact, there are quite a lot of shops that repair weapons and armor in Handanal City, and there are also many shops that can repair magic patterns in the magic block.

After all, it is a war zone, and there are many people doing this kind of business.

But Suldak's shield is a bit troublesome. Not only does it belong to the second-level magic pattern construction, but it is also a part of the Ethanhard magic pattern construction kit. I don't have this ability.

Suldak also looked for many shops, and finally an inscriber in the shop took his business.

The inscription master also made it very clear that his shield was severely damaged, and it was impossible to completely repair it. Don't think about the suit attributes on the shield, and the repair cost needs 30 magic crystals...

Suldak was speechless, a complete set of primary magic pattern construction was only one hundred and fifty magic spar, he really opened his mouth like a lion.

But there was no other place to repair the shield in Handanar City, and Suldak could only hold his nose and pay a deposit.

After walking out of this shop, Suerdak continued to wander around the city.

He even took Gullitum to a very characteristic local restaurant to taste a very famous dessert, and then asked someone about the businessman who leased the warehouse here, which is not far from the 'Maple Pudding' Hotel. It is too far away to rent a warehouse.

Afterwards, he started wandering around the streets with the two-headed ogre.

Gulitum couldn't understand this all the time, so he asked Surdak, "Dark, what are we looking for in this city?"

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (56/90)

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