Lord Highlander

Chapter 1414: 1401. Gift

The two-headed ogre Gullitum followed behind Suldak, looked at the two guys on the four-wheeled truck in front, and then at Suldak who was following behind on horseback. I understand what Suldak has been doing these days.

"Boss, we've been wandering around the city for the past few days, is it just to find them?" Gulitham asked curiously.

They are neither fighters nor magicians, and they are not even businessmen. They can only be said to be the group of people living at the bottom of Handanal City.

However, they are not poor. They have at least one residence and their own carriage, which can prove that their life is above the food and clothing line.

Surdak didn't expect to meet some familiar faces, he said happily:

"Well, it should be said that I am looking for them. I want to see if I can meet old friends from the past in this city. You probably know a little bit. I served in the Warsaw plane and met here. Many friends originally thought that after the Battle of Moyunling, those people were all dead, but they didn't expect that there would be someone alive!"

The two-headed ogre couldn't understand this emotion, and followed behind with a whimper.

He was a little tired and wanted to eat something good, but it seemed that the two guys in front of him didn't look like rich people anyway, so there was probably no way to treat them to a barbecue or something.

The horse-drawn carriage passed through the densely populated central street and circled to the alleyway on the edge of the city wall. There were relatively few horse-drawn carriages here. Although the street seemed a bit narrow, the carriages ran fast.

Starting from the merchant gathering area, he passed through the commercial street and the free market, and arrived at his home in the civilian area.

The civilian area is a large area in Handanal City. The houses here are quite messy. Many small buildings with single courtyards are rented by several civilian families. In order to rent more residents, the owner is still in the courtyard. Some wooden huts were built, so that although the houses here were initially designed as small buildings with a single family, they were connected by a large number of wooden houses and became a shantytown that could not be seen at a glance.

This area has complex topography and is densely populated at the same time.

The four-wheeled carriage passed by the sewage-filled street, and a group of children happily passed by the carriage, like a group of red-billed larks flying around.

Curly-haired Gabi is very good at driving. He seems to be very familiar with the people on the street, and he will greet people cordially from time to time.

And the strong Ulysses was like a piece of wood, lying in the truck without saying a word.

Gabi drove the carriage into a narrow courtyard, then stood up from the driver's seat, turned to Suldak with a smile and said:

"Little Duck, here we are."

There are some other residents in the yard. There are women washing clothes with their children under the eaves, and some men are carrying some grains to the roof and drying them on the rubble in the sun. One of the men sees the curly-haired Gabi coming back from the outside, He took the initiative to say hello: "Gabi, why did you come back so early today? Is the business on Baifang Street not good?"

"Hey, the work over there has been pretty good recently. My friends came to visit me from other places, and I invited them to sit at home!" Curly-haired Gabby said triumphantly.

When the men heard what Gabi said, they all looked into the yard curiously.

It was only when they saw a constructed knight riding a war horse behind Gabi that they were so frightened that they immediately swallowed those jokes back to their stomachs.

They originally thought they were refugees from other counties, but they didn't expect it to be a Constructed Knight and an alien warrior. Frightened, several men quickly slid down from the roof and ran to the backyard.

The curly-haired Gabi shrugged apologetically at Suldak, and said helplessly: "The people living here are like this. They have little knowledge and are used to being bullied. They have become some cowards, little Dak, you Don't be mad at them!"

Suldak waved his hand, expressing that he didn't mind.

He got off his horse and looked at the small narrow yard. The laundry woman hurriedly took the child and hid in the house, leaving only the big wooden basin in the yard.

The house is very simple. It was originally a small single-family building, but many wooden houses were built in the yard, and these wooden houses were connected with the neighboring wooden houses.

But at least there is still a small courtyard, and Gabi's four-wheeled carriage parked in the courtyard occupies most of the courtyard.

The window on the attic was pushed open, and a sleepy drunk man poked his head out and said to Gabi in the yard, "Gabi, Ulysses, why did you come back so early today?"

In the attic, there was still a woman's coquettish laughter.

Gabby raised his head, squinted his eyes under the glare of the sun and replied:

"A friend I haven't seen for a long time came to see me, did you drink again last night?" Curly-haired Gabi asked.

The drunk man chuckled dryly, but didn't answer. The woman in the attic let out an exclamation and closed the window casually.

Suldak found that although Gabi's neighbors were hiding in the house, they were all secretly observing him.

Gabi opened the door and walked into the small building, smiling and said to Suldak: "Ulyses and I rent a bedroom on the first floor, and share the living room and kitchen on the first floor with another tenant. There are still three tenants on the second floor of the building, and these are the original ones, but refugees keep running over, the houses in the city are getting less and less, the rent has risen and risen, and finally a lot of wooden sheds have been set up in the yard."

"Even if it is a wooden shed outside, it is difficult to rent it now. The city is overcrowded, and blocks of wooden houses have been built outside the city..."

Gabi invited Surdak into the living room and showed him around their bedroom, which couldn't even accommodate two beds.

Curly-haired Gabby and Ulysses lived in bunk beds, and the room was simply furnished with a few wooden boxes.

"The boxes contain some emergency supplies that we have prepared. Once the evil spirits appear in Handanal City, we will take these boxes and leave here immediately!" Gabi smiled like a fox who stole a chicken. .

Although he maintained a pessimistic attitude towards the situation in Handanal County, his mood was not bad.

The frame of this two-story building was not high, so Gulitham could only stay in the yard, staring at the two ancient horses pulling the cart.

The two Gu Bolai horses were so frightened that they kept urinating. If they hadn't had the carriage hanging on them, they might have limp legs and collapsed in the yard.

"Little Duck, have you joined the adventure group? The partner next to you is really scary!" Curly-haired Gabby looked at the two-headed ogre outside the window and said with lingering fear.

"It's not an adventure group, it's a lord army." Suldak said to Gabi while sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Hearing what Suldak said, Gabi felt that Suldak might be a member of a Constructed Knights.

Recently, the Bena Legion has been gathering near the city of Handanar, and many legions are frequently mobilized.

"I thought you had left the Warsaw plane a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to be a nobleman." Gabi took out a copper pot from the kitchen, and there was a sweet smell in it.

Suldak didn't explain much either, he took the black tea Gabi handed over, pondered for a moment before asking:

"Gabi, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Curly-haired Gabby looked at Ulysses who was sitting beside him silently, and said frankly:

"Actually, the original wish of Ulysses and I was to set up a car dealership, but now, the first thing to do is to fill our stomachs, and then make other considerations. After all, the Warsaw plane is so uneven, and we don't know Han How long can Darnar City last."

Ulysses sat sullenly.

"Have you ever thought about opening a trading firm?" Surdak asked tentatively.

Curly-haired Gabi heard what Suldak said, and thought that Suldak wanted to ask him and Ulysses for help or to cooperate with everyone.


Gabby asked with some uncertainty.

Suldak pointed at him, then pointed at Ulysses, and then said: "You and Ulysses, I can provide you with some trivial help."

Feeling the light of Lady Luck falling from the sky, Gabi opened her eyes wide and looked at Suldak and said:

"Is it really possible?"

Suldak smiled and said, "Of course! Do you dare to try?"

"There's no reason to dare, that's great." Gabi replied without the slightest hesitation, "But you have to be mentally prepared, little Duck, Ulysses and I have nothing at the moment..."

Then I heard Suldak say: "I can get a batch of wheat flour, you just need to find a safe and reliable warehouse, and you just need to sell these wheat flour..."

At noon, bright sunlight shines into the living room from the window.

When Gabi looked at Suldak's profile, he felt as if there was a faint light on his face. He blinked hard, and the strange feeling disappeared again.

Gabi looked at Suldak suspiciously, not knowing what his request was, was it because he was worried that he would not be able to sell it?


In a warehouse by the river in Baifang Street.

Suldak moved out the last batch of wheat flour from the magic belt. Although the quantity was limited each time, Aphrodite was there!

As long as Aphrodite's magic power is sufficient, theoretically, the gate of the void can be opened infinitely.

Some time ago, Suldak was worried that the supply of supplies in the Warsaw plane might be insufficient, so he asked Aphrodite to stockpile a large amount of wheat flour in Hailansa City.

This batch of wheat flour has been stored in Hailansa for more than a month.

If the warehouse over there has been occupied, then these wheat flour can only be a batch of emergency reserves.

Only when these flours are circulated can they continue to cooperate with the Bena City Trading Company.

At present, the West Route Army at the forest farm camp is not short of supplies. Although the military department still has not provided food for the ghost pattern soldiers, after Suldak wiped out those evil spirit hunting groups, the food supplies for the ghost pattern soldiers ants It lasts at least a month.

In this way, at least for a long time in the future, the batch of wheat flour hoarded in Hailansa City may not be used.

The contract signed between Aphrodite and the trading house in Hailansa City stated that the wheat flour would be shipped away in the near future, so Suldak decided to transfer the wheat flour to Handanar City recently.

A stack of wheat flour weighs about ten tons. There are a total of 130 stacks of wheat flour in this warehouse by the river, almost filling up the whole warehouse.

In fact, all the wheat flour was sold out, and it was not worth much in exchange for city gold coins.

Probably less than four hundred gold coins.

If it is converted into magic spar, there are only dozens of them. Although half of it is pure profit, there are only more than 30 magic spar. It is far less than Suldak leading the ant cavalry to kill a few more on the battlefield. Ghosts pay off.

Suldak has now become a plane lord, and he doesn't care much about the profit of this transaction.

He handed over the wheat flour business to Gabi, not only intending to give these two old friends a fortune, but also intending to give Handanal County a gift. After all, this is his rebirth place, and those good memories from the beginning here.

The wheat flour entering Handanar County can at least maintain the price of bread in the city.

For Handanar City, the price of any material can be increased, but bread cannot be increased.

After a whole night of busy work, Aphrodite's face was a little pale. She stood silently beside Suldak, watching him lock the warehouse door under the morning mist.

Aphrodite stood next to Suldak and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect you to care about the food price of Handanal City. This kind of thing... shouldn't it be the Duke of Newman and the consul of Handanal City?" Do you need to find a solution?"

Almost all of these fogs come from inland rivers.

Suldak held Aphrodite's soft and round shoulders, and the two walked in the light mist.

"I don't want to store this batch of wheat flour in the warehouse of Hailansa City." Suldak said: "The group of people in the logistics office of the military department can obviously solve the problem of supplying the ghost pattern soldier ants, but after so long It's been dragging, so I don't want to transport them to the warehouse in the forest camp, which is cheaper for the logistics department of the Bena Army."

Aphrodite widened her eyes and said very dissatisfied:

"That's why you didn't hesitate to consume my magic power... to transport this batch of wheat flour to Handanar City?"

Suldak squeezed Aphrodite's soft little hand, and comforted her: "Wouldn't this help Gabi and Ulysses! Even if you are helping me..."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes in a very speechless manner, does it need to be forgotten?

"The pre-war meeting here has nothing to do with me. I plan to return to the forest camp tomorrow. What do you think about those evil spirits on Moyun Ridge?"

Suldak changed the subject.

"What else can you think of, don't you always think about them?" Aphrodite said with a glance at Suldak.

Suldak narrowed his eyes and said:

"The Bena Legion's attack on Kornberg needs to wait for the news of Old Ryan's death, but my capture of Moyun Ridge is no longer within this restriction, so I don't plan to wait any longer. When I go back, I will capture Moyun Ridge. The Duke of Newman hopes that I can stop the evil spirit army on the Moyun Ridge to the north of Mount Gandaell, I think it is better to contain them on the Moyun Ridge, it will be easier..."


The two-headed ogre Gullitum was guarding outside the warehouse. When he saw Gabby and Ulysses driving the carriage to the gate of the warehouse, he threw the warehouse to Gabe the curly hair.

Before the morning mist cleared, he chased along the river in the direction where Surdak left.

In the early morning, some trucks came to transport goods in front of the rows of warehouses here one after another. In the past, Gabi's carriage was also among these trucks.

And now, Gabi used the key to unlock the door lock above the warehouse door...

With Ulysses' strong push, the door opened, revealing a warehouse full of wheat flour.

Gabby and Ulysses fell down in front of the warehouse door, speechless for a long time.

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