Lord Highlander

Chapter 1416: 1403. The Hunter


Under the sky

The gurgling river sparkled under the reflection of the bonfire.

Countless herds of cattle gathered here, and several young herdsmen and girls squatted by the river to fetch water, laughing and cursing from time to time.

Sitting beside Suldak, Aphrodite seemed to enjoy such a wonderful night.

Gullitum's snoring came from the grass not far away...


In the early morning, some herdsmen started to drive their cattle away by themselves, and they continued to chase the lush aquatic plants northward.

From the news exchanged last night, these herdsmen judged that the army of evil spirits would not easily cross the Ganda Er Mountain into the large meadow, so the cattle can continue to graze the grass there.

The herdsmen looked at the lonely marching tent on the other side of the river, only to realize that Suldak had already gone away on his horse.

A round of red sun slowly rises from the horizon.

Under the morning breeze, on the rolling grass at that time, the two-headed ogre trotted away all the way carrying a big stick.

The herdsmen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the ogre was not as scary as the rumors said, and thought that he was going to harm a few cows, but they never thought that he would just leave without making a sound.

This is the first time that Surdak has some new understanding of the Great Meadow.

In the past, he had a bad impression of this large meadow. He felt that it was like an endless green sea, and it was still the kind of sea full of death.

But now this place is much more vivid, his eyes began to chase the clouds in the distance, maybe the few flowers in the sky were the flock of sheep that could not be seen at a glance, and he suddenly had a new definition of abundance.

There is no doubt that Warsaw is a rich plane.

It is said that there are rich resources hidden in the Shiwanda Mountains north of the Ganda Er Mountains, and the Busman family was not able to expand a step in its heyday. In the eyes of the Busman family, Alpine County is a simple pasture, surrounded by mountains, bordering Epsom County in the south, and most of the fresh meat and dairy products in Evelson Province are supplied here.

Going further north, Suldak also saw a team of adventurers. There were only seven of them, but they brought thirteen Gubolai horses, and the remaining six horses carried large and small luggage. I don't know if there are more monster materials in those goods, or gold and silver property, or both...

The leader of the adventure group rode a horse and waved to Surdak from a distance.

Suldak didn't intend to communicate with them, he just glanced at them casually, and then continued towards the direction of the forest farm camp.

It wasn't until he saw the majestic Ganda Er Mountain in the distance that Suerdak realized that this large meadow was about to come to an end, but he couldn't figure out the specific direction of the forest camp, so Suerdak took Gu Li Tem found a higher slope and looked into the distance.

But there was green grass in front of the sky, but there was not a single caravan in sight.

"It may be that our route is a bit off. It would be great if we could meet a caravan at this time..." Suldak sighed at the two-headed ogre.

As the commander of the West Route Army, he couldn't find the location of the forest farm and camp in the big meadow. If it got out, it would probably make the nobles of Bena province laugh for a year.

Looking at the parchment map in his hand, Suldak decided to go further north.

In fact, it was because he didn't see a caravan along the way that Suldak realized something was wrong. After all, there was a free market opposite the forest camp, and many infantry soldiers in the West Route Army had black devil skins in their hands. Well, even if they don’t have the Black Devil’s skin, they are not short of money. After nearly two months of trekking, seeing the free market opposite the camp, there must be a wave of retaliatory consumption.

Then it means that there will definitely be caravans traveling between the forest farm camp and the city of Handanal.

But along the way in Suldak, he didn't even see the tail of the caravan, and he didn't even see half of the ruts.

The two-headed ogre stood beside Suldak. He didn't care where the forest farm camp was located. He would always find it if he walked along the foot of the mountain. It was nothing more than a longer walk.

He stood on a mound with a wide view, and almost all the places he could see were hollows with puddles, or an occasional solitary tree growing on the meadow.

This is not to say that Gulitham wants to find water in puddles, or to enjoy the shade under a lone tree. His eyes are looking for prey nearby.

Unfortunately, the further north you go, the fewer animals you see along the way.

Two days ago, some small groups of antelopes could be seen hiding in the grass, but now it seems that even a rabbit cannot be found.

Gulitum touched the scones in his satchel and licked his lips. He wanted to tell Suldak that he should have a barbecue tonight.

This is considered to be a large grassland close to Ganda Er Mountain, and there is a touch of black on the tip of the mountain in the distance.

The grass under his feet grew almost as high as his chest, but here he couldn't even see wild rabbits.

Just as Suldak was looking at the puddle two miles away, the ogre's eyes also fell on that place.

The two looked at each other very tacitly, and there was a kind of excitement in the eyes of the hunter who found the prey.

Suldak didn't ride a horse, and Gulitum also bent down. The two of them lay in the chest-high grass and touched towards the puddle.

"Did you see it?" The good brother Naohua'er asked Suldak in front of him suspiciously.

Suldak said frankly: "No, I just feel that there is something hidden in the grass in the puddle."

Brain Flower was brewing a magic spell, and whispered: "Then go and see..."


A green-faced, fang-toothed ghost lay in the grass. His bone armor was dark in color, and half of his body was hidden in the wet muddy water, surrounded by tall reeds.

He had been hiding near this puddle for nearly a day and a night, just to catch some prey that came to drink water.

Now the prey on the grass is becoming more and more difficult to catch, in fact, he also wants to go inside again.

It's just that once he walked into this vast grassland, he would become the most eye-catching target.

He didn't know how many human adventure groups were hidden in the big meadow to the south, but he knew that many hunters went in and never came out again.

Of course, some evil spirits come out with their prey on their backs, but in the depths of the grass, there are no trees, so they can’t cook bacon. Once the prey dies for a few days and cannot be processed in time, the meat will become smelly. Do not like to eat spoiled food.

He hoped that the upper echelons of the legion would agree to send a ghost hunting group into this large grassland, so that they would be able to defeat those adventure groups with a numerical advantage and transport the prey out of the meadow in time, but once the hunting group's target was too big, They will be hunted down by the heavy cavalry stationed in the forest camp.

In this large meadow, as long as the heavy cavalry of the empire line up in a charge formation, they will become unstoppable...

He lay his body in the wet mud, and even his face was covered with some rotten mud, so as to cover up the smell of his body, otherwise the prey would not dare to approach the puddle.

A few black beetles crawled between his arms and got into the gaps in the skeleton. He moved quickly and crushed those little beetles into a pulp.

His patience became less and less. After waiting for more than a day, he didn't even see a shadow, and he didn't know what to gain from hunting his companions nearby.

Suddenly, the grass on the other side of the puddle showed signs of moving, which was definitely not caused by the wind.

On the opposite side of the puddle, a head appeared, followed by another head, the two heads were almost touching, the two heads were very large, and their faces were even painted with black totem patterns, only ten feet away from the blue-faced evil spirit. meters away.

This distance is only two steps away from a three-meter-high blue-faced evil spirit...

Seeing a strong body poking out from the grass, those copper bell-like eyes kept scanning around, and the upper body was actually wearing black heavy armor.

The blue-faced evil spirit who was about to jump out suddenly choked. At this moment, he hesitated, just because the target opposite him was actually stronger than him.

It's just that his arm moved the reeds and grass on the side, and the prey on the other side of the puddle had obviously noticed him. When the eyes fell on him, the green-faced evil spirit's whole body was tense, and the fist sword in his hand came out of the muddy water. The tip of the sword flitted across the grass, cutting off a clump of grass immediately.

And like a cheetah, he sprang out from the grass and jumped over the puddle.


Even if Gulitum bent his back, it would be difficult for him to completely hide in the grass.

He was too tall, and his belly was more like a round rock.

He and Suldak touched the side of the water puddle together. The moment he pushed the grass away, he saw the grass on the other side of the water puddle shaking violently. The long horns on both sides are almost half a foot long, and that terrifying grimace shoots out devouring gazes.

Then, before Gulitum could react, he saw a dazzling light reflected from the sword that the green-faced evil spirit pulled out of the muddy water.

The good brother Naohua'er put the 'Petrified Skin' buff magic on himself almost in the next second, and he can recite the magic spell more fluently than he can speak the Imperial language.

Then there is the 'Ice Armor Technique'...

Gulitum felt the "enthusiasm halo" appearing under his feet, a force poured into his body along his legs, and at the same time a strong fighting spirit erupted in his body.

At this time, the evil spirit on the opposite side had already rushed forward.


The green-faced evil spirit stepped across the muddy puddle in front of him, and stabbed the ogre with all his strength with the sword in his hand.

It's just that he didn't expect that the big man in front of him didn't have any intention of dodging. The ogre actually stood up straight from the grass, covered with a layer of ice armor. Smash it down.

Facing the fist and sword stabbed by the evil ghost, the ogre was not prepared to dodge.

The green-faced evil spirit felt ruthless in his heart, and resolutely refused to dodge the big stick that fell from the top of his head, and stabbed his fist and sword towards the ogre's chest.

At this time, whoever counsels is doomed to be beaten passively.

He knew that if he flinched, he might be smashed into the muddy puddle by the big guy on the opposite side.

At the moment when the blue-faced evil spirit's fist and sword were completely thrust out, and his body rose into the air.

A shield propped up by holy light appeared in front of his eyes. Although the shield was covered with holy light, the surface of the shield was clearly the face of an evil general.

Because of the frightening face of the green-faced evil spirit, his body trembled uncontrollably, and his fist and sword pierced the evil spirit's shield.

The fist sword that was supposed to pierce through the shield only pierced the tip of the sword a little.

The constructed warrior standing behind the shield firmly resisted his impact. Just below the left side of the shield, a broadsword protruded and plunged into the gap between the knee joint of his right leg, and then purple blood gushed out... …

The evil ghost only felt that several tendons connected to the kneecap had been severed, and that leg was completely useless, and his body fell uncontrollably to the left under the severe pain.

And Gullitemu's powerful stick fell from above, and instantly landed on the shoulder and neck of the green-faced evil spirit.

The exoskeleton protruding from the shoulders and neck can be said to be the thickest part of the blue-faced evil ghost's bone armor.

It's just that the moment the huge force came down, the outer bones of his shoulder blades began to crack, a stream of blood spurted out, and the green-faced evil spirit fell fiercely into the grass next to the puddle.

Suldak took two steps, stepped on the back of the blue-faced evil spirit, held the long horn on his left side with one hand, forcibly lifted the evil spirit's head, and the broad sword in his hand erupted with a layer of thick The holy light cut off the gap between the neck and the bone armor, and the head of the blue-faced evil spirit was cut off, and he held it in Suldak's hand.

On the neck surrounded by countless muscles, a smear of blood gushed out several meters away, making the entire puddle purple.

From the outbreak to the end of the battle here, there are only a few breaths.

Before Suldak had time to throw the head of the blue-faced evil spirit into the magic-sealing box, he saw several evil spirits emerging from the grass one after another not too far from the puddle.

Without even thinking about it, he threw a fireball at the nearest evil spirit. The fireball exploded in the face of that evil spirit warrior, and the big stick in the hands of the two-headed ogre immediately hit it.

The two-headed ogre has suffered from the evil spirits by the Samostor River, so this time he used his full strength.

The evil spirit was forced back half a step by the fireball. He was holding a short spear in his hand. Seeing the two-headed ogre smash down with a stick, he held the black iron short spear in both hands to block the big stick.

Behind Gulitum, a phantom of an ancestor ogre suddenly appeared, and the big stick even had the sound of air bursting through the air.

The slamming down caused the short flying spear to be sunken, and the ghost warrior's feet were also sunken in the mud.

Suldak dragged the shield in his hand, and slammed into the ghost warrior fiercely.

Just as the ghost warrior was dizzy, Suldak cast a strange incantation from his throat, and the words of the runes were slashed down with the broad sword...

'Holy Ray'

A thunderbolt of holy light fell from the top of the head, and countless silver runes appeared from the exoskeleton of the evil ghost soldier, and then he fell into the puddle.

Immediately afterwards, the two ghost warriors were also cut down by the joint efforts of Suldak and Gulitum...

In fact, after the little flag leader of the green-faced evil spirit was beheaded, this evil spirit team was no match for the two second-rank powerhouses at all.

The battle is completely crushing in strength.

Seeing their companions being killed one by one, the remaining two ghost warriors immediately turned around and ran towards Mount Gandahel.

How could Suldak let go of the fat that was brought to his mouth? The whistle sounded, and a magic-striped warhorse waded through the dense grass and galloped towards the back.

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