Lord Highlander

Chapter 1433 1420. A Trip to the North

The vines in the woods are full of moss and vines. The moss makes the woodland extremely slippery, but the vines hanging on the branches are the biggest obstacle to the evil spirit fighters. Most of the vines are extremely tough, even for the strong evil spirits. It is also difficult to break free from these vines, so the evil spirits must be careful to avoid these vines.

These indigenous warriors were quite familiar with the jungle, and rushed down the valley of the cliff one after another.

Although the entire battle lasted less than a quarter of an hour, Suldak clearly saw the problems in the battle between the two sides.

The evil ghost fighters can win because they are not afraid of life and death, and they are completely desperate to fight.

At the same time, the ghost warriors were covered with bone armor. Even if they exchanged injuries with the native warriors, most of the injuries suffered by the ghost warriors were not fatal.

The last point is that the weapons in the hands of the evil spirits are much better than those of the native warriors...

The bone spear in the hands of the native warrior only pierced the armor of the ghost warrior, while the ghost warrior used his fist sword to poke a hole in the heart of the native warrior. This is the gap between the two sides.

Although the native fighters wanted to bridge the gap between the two sides with their rich combat experience, the siege happened just as reinforcements from the ghost fighters arrived.

As soon as a wave of fighting broke out between the two sides, the group of native warriors were quickly defeated...

An aboriginal female warrior was only 30 meters away from Suldak's hiding place, and was pierced through the back of the heart by a ghost warrior with a short flying spear. Poured on a mottled rock.

Another companion saw the native female warrior fall, and quickly tried to pull her up and run together, but saw her spit out a mouthful of blood, and was powerless to continue running away.

In desperation, his companion let out a roar, left the native female warrior behind, and quickly fled the area.


Enid nimbly jumped onto a branch of a giant tree. At this time, her breathing rhythm was disrupted, and she couldn't breathe smoothly every time she jumped...

Just when she was about to adjust her breathing rate and the rhythm of each jump, her body just jumped into the air, and a short flying spear pierced the two layers of leather armor from the back with a sharp wind, sharp and cold. As soon as the spear tip touched the skin on her back, Enid's heart went cold.

The cold spear point pierced through her chest with a strong pain, and the spear point protruded from the bottom of her right breast. The instant pain made her unable to breathe at this moment.

With a huge inertia on the short flying spear, it brought Enid's body and slammed into a boulder covered with moss in front of him.

His companion Eric wanted to stretch out his hand to Lainid, but saw her body was pierced by a short black flying spear. He turned his head in panic and glanced at the ghost warrior who rushed up behind him, and shrank like an electric shock. He returned his hand, turned around and rushed into a bush in front of him.

Right at the place where Eric had just landed, three jet-black short flying spears were nailed to the rocks in no particular order, and rock debris exploded in all directions, and the three short flying spears were nailed deeply into the rock.

Seeing her companion fleeing without hesitation, although Enid was full of despair and loss at this moment, she also knew that it was the best choice for her companion to do so.

Even if he stopped, there was no way to save himself from leaving, and his life would probably be at the cost of it...

The ghost hunters behind caught up, and Enid saw with his own eyes that the ghost hunters cut the throat of a companion, and the blood sprayed on the ghost warriors, making them even more ferocious.

She almost saw with her own eyes that the companion's face was as pale as paper after the blood flowed from his body.

She clenched the bone spear tightly in her hand, accumulating the last bit of strength in her body, even if the short flying spear nailed her to the rock, she did not make any unnecessary struggles.

She endured the severe pain caused by every convulsion in her body, the tearing sensation in her lungs every time she took a breath, she endured the salty blood from her mouth and nose, she endured a strong sense of dizziness, and just waited for the evil spirit to be able to stand behind her.

In her blurred vision, she first saw the sole of the foot wrapped in white bones, that foot was stepping on the rock, and the three short flying spears stuck on the rock were pulled out.

Afterwards, she was grabbed by the evil spirits and her head stuck to the rock was forcibly pulled up. An irresistible pain made her groan.

The pointed jaw was raised, revealing the throat between the necks, and the war blade in the hands of the evil spirit rested on her shoulders...


Just gently open the artery in her neck with the war blade, let the blood flow from her body, and you can get a piece of bacon.

The ghost warrior wiped the sticky blood on the female warrior's leather armor casually. He could feel her body convulsing and shaking under the severe pain. He was also guarding against the female warrior's rebellion before she died. hit.

The ghost warrior cautiously placed the blade on the female warrior's throat, and saw the bone spear in the female warrior's hand turn into a white streak, stabbing towards her chest.

The ghost warrior raised the battle blade in his hand, and blocked the bone spear stabbing backhand.

He grabbed the female warrior's hair and pulled it higher, causing the female warrior's body nailed to the rock to bend back into a crescent shape, and the war blade in his hand wiped down the female warrior's neck.


This team of ghost warriors is a hunting team, and Suldak watched as the ghost warriors left behind drained the blood of the native warriors who fell on the battlefield...

He was not prepared to intervene in this battle, he wanted to fully measure the gap between the ghost fighters and the native fighters.

Unexpectedly, Samira next to her held the Sky Strike Bow in her hand. She endured the evil ghost warriors in front of her and chased them out. The sky strike bow in his hand was fully drawn on the horizontal branch of the tree.

The magic spar on the back of the bow exploded instantly...

Samira has always said recently that she can't save magic spar, and Suldak finally discovered the reason.

That money-loving Samira has changed. Watching her take out a magic spar from her pocket and insert it into the groove of the gemstone on her bowed back, the expression on her face is so casual...


An arrow full of electric snakes pierced through all the obstacles in front of him, and pierced fiercely into the back of the ghost warrior's neck. A lightning bolt as thick as a bucket split from the sky instantly, and directly burned the ghost warrior's neck. Suddenly, the head covered in bone armor flew several meters away.

Not far away, another evil ghost warrior cleaning the battlefield was also pierced by three arrows wrapped in wind blades. The huge repelling force brought by the arrows was like a heavy hammer hitting him three times in a row. His body pushed him seven or eight meters away.

Before the ghost warrior could make any counterattacks, an arrow pierced his forehead, nailing him hard to the tree trunk on the edge of the rock wall.

The ghost warrior saw a human knight jumping down from a huge tree. He was holding a broadsword in his hand, and a special shield was hanging on his other arm. The face on the shield made his back tremble. Liang, it was clear that the face of a general had been peeled off and covered with a shield.

That kind of naked humiliation made him want to break free from the shackles of the arrows, and use his last bit of strength to chop down the human knight.

Of course, the human knight did not disappoint him, and walked over directly...

In the end, the ghost warrior only saw the human knight swinging the broadsword in his hand, and then everything in front of him turned into a thick purple.


Suldak chopped off the head of the ghost warrior who was nailed to the tree trunk with a sword, and the corpse of the ghost warrior slumped down along the trunk, but the head was firmly nailed there by the arrow.

He pulled out the arrow and took out the magic core from the ghost warrior's skull.

Turning around, he saw Samira squatting beside the native female warrior, waving at him vigorously.

Suldak walked helplessly, originally he was not prepared to be troublesome, but Samira couldn't help but make a move, so Suldak could only cooperate to kill the two evil ghost fighters who were alone behind .

"What should I do?" Samira asked Suldak, staring at the short flying spear stuck in the back of the native female warrior.

This native female warrior was wrapped in some simple leather armor, and slightly raised muscles could be seen on her bronze arms and thighs.

The wound was still bleeding, and the native female warrior had passed out.

Suldak understood the meaning of Samira's words, she was asking herself how to save her next!

"We have to get out of here..." Suldak looked around and found that no ghost warriors had come out, which meant that the place was still safe for the time being.

After speaking, he pulled out the short flying spear stuck on the back of the native female warrior, and blood spurted out accordingly.

He pressed a hemostatic pack on the wound and quickly wrapped the bandage around it.

Before he could use the holy light technique, the blood from the wound stopped gushing out.

The healing speed of the female warrior's wound made Suldak wonder if she had a bit of orc blood, and Samira also discovered the amazing resilience of the native female warrior's body.

"Her physique is really good..."

The half-elf archer said to Suldak.

Suldak was a little speechless, he didn't really want to bring this burden. Originally, the two of them entered the wild mountains in the north of Moyunling to investigate the actual situation here, not to treat diseases and save lives.

"Actually, I plan to follow a group of native warriors who have the ability to escape back to the tribe, so that I can directly find an indigenous tribe."

Suldak explained to Samira.

Samira carried the native female warrior on her shoulders and said indifferently, "Isn't this better?"


Under the snowy moonlight, the majestic Moyunling in the distance formed a huge shadow in the night.

The temporary habitat of Suldak and Samira is a semi-open cave. The two built this camp against the rock wall, in order to be able to shelter from the wind and rain, and to have a regular rest at night. The place.

However, the view here is very wide, so once a fire is lit at the entrance of the cave, you can see a large area around it.

Suldak took out the copper hot pot he just bought and poured some water into it.

Then a piece of magic spar was installed on the magic rune board, and the flames started to burn in the copper hot pot. The water soon sizzled, and Suldak broke up pieces of scones and threw them into the pot Inside, another piece of fresh black-horned elk meat was taken out of the magic-sealing box.

He sliced ​​the venison very thin with a small skinning knife and threw it into the pot piece by piece, and the aroma soon came out.

Samira was holding an apple and sitting quietly next to Surdak. She actually enjoyed this rare leisure time every day.

But at this moment, the indigenous female warrior lying on a simple stretcher suddenly opened her eyes slowly, and then her breathing became very disordered due to the pain, and she even wanted to struggle to stand up, but the wound on her chest It was very hard for her to breathe every time.

"Are you awake? We saved you..." Suldak told the native female warrior.

There was a hint of hostility in Enid's eyes. She fought back the pain in her chest and tried to keep each breath very steady.

She took a breath, and asked Suldak, "...People from the Empire...?"

Suldak nodded and said, "Yes!"

Enid closed his eyes and stopped looking at Suldak.

After being quiet for a while, Enid found that the two imperial men hadn't spoken, so he opened his eyes again and saw that the knight was cooking meat, while the other female archer was eating an apple. Neither of them paid much attention to her.

Enid gathered his strength for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said to the two: "Imperials are not welcome here, just like evil spirits are not welcome here. You are actually no different from them."


In fact, Samira can't understand the native language of Warsaw, only Suldak can understand it.

Samira didn't care what she was talking about, and she didn't bother to ask.

Instead, Suldak put down the plate in his hand and responded to Enid: "At least we won't eat people, now... these evil spirits are your common enemy!"

Enid didn't want to talk anymore, she felt that her chest would be hot and hot every time she took a breath, and talking to this imperial man would make her even more angry, so she closed her eyes again, perhaps because her body was too weak, Soon she fell asleep.


When Enid woke up again, she could already feel the dazzling sunlight.

"Your wounds are recovering well, this is mainly due to your excellent physique, so if you can leave... you can leave now, we are here to track down those evil spirits, and of course we need to find some target person."

After Suldak finished speaking, he threw a leather water bag and a piece of wheat cake beside Enid.

"Of course, if you are unwilling to accept our help because of your dignity, there is a bone spear on the other side..."

After saying this, Suldak rolled up the tent and put it in the magic pocket.

He didn't want to take Enid to track down those evil spirits, since Enid had already shown hostility, he would give up.

The two left the native female warrior in this cliff cave, and headed directly to the north of the mountain.

Some of the aborigines in the tribe here should have migrated from Ganda Er Mountain. When the Busman family opened up the Warsaw plane, they probably didn't leave a good impression on these aboriginal tribes.

But now...

What Suldak needs to look for are those aborigines who are not too hostile to the imperials...

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