Lord Highlander

Chapter 1449

Kofi stood in front of the stall, silently watching Signa follow a knight to the other side of the market, and under the pleading eyes of the stall owner, he picked up the two silver coins on the stall and put them into his pocket.

The fellow adventurers who were waiting aside asked Kofi curiously:

"You know her?"

In the eyes of the companions, it is incomprehensible for the girl to appear here. Apart from the soldiers in the legion, those who dare to come here are almost adventurers and businessmen who are not afraid of death.

Coffey reached out and touched his completely healed injured leg, shrugged his shoulders to his companion, and replied truthfully:

"I saw her when I was receiving treatment in the military camp. She should live in the West Route Army."

The companion immediately asked: "The people in the medical team?"

Signa disappeared in the bustling crowd. Kofi looked back and put his hands on the shoulders of his companions. Several people left the small booth and said, "Probably not, but at least no one in the medical team let her work."

Their tent was on the edge of the free market, and the hillside was crowded with tents. Their adventure group came early, so they took a good position.

Captain Hayes is a very careful person. He set up a tent as a temporary camp. Even if the adventure group entered Moyun Ridge to hunt evil spirits, they would not dismantle it. This time, they had a good place to stay.

Captain Hayes was still chatting with Captain Gunther at the tavern about the departure the day after tomorrow. If the two adventure groups are combined, then only half of the preparations need to be done.

The members of the adventure group rarely have two days to rest. Every day of hunting evil spirits in the jungle, the members need to be highly stressed and physically exhausted. Several companions plan to find a place to soak with Kofi. a hot bath.


Signa followed Suldak around the market, and was immediately dissatisfied with following Suldak. Seeing Suldak stop again in front of a grocery stall, Signa Na Shan held the hem of the skirt in one hand, tilted her head and stared at Surdak, blinking her big black eyes.

"Dark, I want to stay over there for a while, can you pick me up when you're done?" Signa planned to win for herself.

Suldak glanced around. Soldiers from the West Route Army could be seen everywhere in this free market, so he wasn't too worried about Signa's safety.

"Well, just hang around here, and I'll come to pick you up when I'm done working, and just call someone if you encounter any danger..."

"Understood!" Signa's voice in the first half of the sentence was quite normal, and the second half of the sentence was just a whisper: "Human traffickers and thieves don't dare to come here..."

In fact, Nika also wanted to go out for a stroll, but her medical team was the busiest in the entire West Route Army garrison camp, so Signa had to follow Suldak out by herself.

She first stood in front of the donut stand for a while, bought two donuts with red bean filling and put them in a paper pocket.

There are still a lot of people here, and Signa squatted in front of a small stall and bought herself a colorful hair band, and after thinking about it, she bought another one for Nika, which cost her fifteen copper coins. The groceries here are comparable to It was much more expensive in Dodan Town, and Signa pouted but did not negotiate the price. She took out fifteen copper coins from her wallet and handed them to the stall owner.

The owner of the grocery stall also kindly reminded: "Little girl, you are so young, why did you come here?"

"Then why do you come here to sell groceries?"

Signa asked back, and then stood up holding the hem of her skirt.

The soil on the grass slope is soft, covered with a thick layer of moss, stepping on it is like stepping on a carpet.

Even walking barefoot won't hurt your feet, but each step requires a little extra effort, and it's easy to get your boots dirty.

Signa looked here and there in the market, and even stood in front of a fortune-telling witch for a while, watching her fortune-telling, but the most important place was the tent behind the witch completed.

This place is obviously different from the town. The people who are willing to come to divination are almost all sloppy men, and the skirt worn by this witch is more like pajamas, not only clearly showing the outline of the chest, but also wearing a translucent skirt The long skirt, the face with heavy makeup also has a flirtatious smile.

Watching two consecutive men waiting in line for divination get into the dirty tent at the back, Signa realized that the divination witch was just a cover, but in fact this woman was a butcher.

After reacting, Signa quickly walked to the opposite side with her skirt in her hand, and the food stalls here were more normal.

All kinds of fried steaks and some grilled sausages are sold on the stalls. The grills are almost filled with delicious food. You only need to spend dozens of copper coins to buy a large plate, and it will be filled with mayonnaise. It looks like It was delicious.

There are also fried steaks in the barracks. Signa likes lamb chops very much recently, and is not very interested in the food outside.

However, there is actually an ice drink shop next to the food stall, and someone sells red bean smoothie here. There are not many customers who are willing to come here to eat ice, and even the long table behind the stall is not full. Signa bought it A smoothie with brown syrup, found an empty seat and sat down.

The guests next to her couldn't help but look at her frequently when they saw her as a little girl.

The stall owner gave her two slices of sour lemons and told her to squeeze the sour ones into a cup...

While eating ice, Signa noticed two eyes secretly watching her.

Signa was a little speechless, with the wretchedness and greed in her eyes.

If it was at night, Signa would not hesitate to give the two of them a nightmare and let them see the huge mouth of the abyss demon.

But now that the sun has not set, the power of the Evernight Goddess has been greatly reduced, and that Goddess prefers to come to Selena recently, and Signa can only do some simple black magic.

She glanced at the infantry soldiers on the street, and after thinking about it, she gave up the idea of ​​calling people. She didn't want to make things worse. After all, if she wants to come out again next time, nothing will happen this time, otherwise Selena won't Then let her run out and cause trouble.

She felt that she was wearing a long Lolita dress and specially wearing a magic dagger inlaid with gems. Isn't it vigilant enough?

The two middle-aged men had already sat across the long table and ordered two cups of chocolate-flavored smoothies. With wretched smiles on their faces, they seemed to be thinking about how to strike up a conversation.

Even when the stall owner brought the smoothie, he couldn't help turning his head and winking at Signa...

Signa was a little bit reluctant to end such a pleasant afternoon so soon. She looked down at her attire, thinking that it would be better to wear a leather armor next time she went out.

One of the middle-aged men stacked five silver coins together, and pushed the silver coins to Signa with a wretched face, wishing to write on his face that he was a goldfish fisherman.

Signa squeezed out an innocent smile, blinking her big eyes pretending to be puzzled.

Just when Signa was considering whether to grab a handful of gold coins from her wallet and throw them on the wretched man's face to wake him up, one hand slowly pushed the stack of silver coins back, Kofi and his friends They didn't expect that they would meet Signa again after eating a steak.

Seeing those two so-called guys huddled together desperately, Coffey felt the need to save them.

These two old men were obviously a little bloated because they made a little money, and they wanted to come up with some new tricks to find things that divination witches could solve with a silver coin.

He came with a plate full of steaks in his hand.

Kofi didn't say a word, just stared at the two middle-aged men, and several companions from the adventure group stood beside him, letting the two wretched men know that he was not easy to mess with...

Seeing that they didn't even take the chocolate-flavored smoothie on the table, they picked up the silver coin and ran away in desperation, Kofi nodded to Signa, pointed to the dinner plate in his hand, turned and left Go back to the barbecue stall next to it.

"Hey, thank you for helping me out..."

Signa said a word of thanks.

"Small, just don't think I'm too busy. Would you like to sit down and eat?"

Coffey responded politely, but without any illusions.

Since the other party conveyed goodwill twice, Signa felt that she could chat with these decent-looking young adventurers.

In fact, the most fundamental reason is that she has some strange questions in her heart, and she wants to find someone to answer them.

She ran to the medical team to learn about the situation on Moyun Ridge from some wounded.

Signa held the smoothie and sat down with Coffey. She glanced at Moyun Ridge opposite with her big shiny eyes, and pouted over there and asked, "Have you been there recently?"

Kofi and his companion looked at each other, nodded honestly and said, "Well, I just came back from there."

Coffey wants to order some food for Signa.

Signa shook her head and refused, pointing to the smoothie in the cup and said, "I'll just eat this, what's in that mountain?"

The companion sitting on the side laughed and said half-jokingly: "There are dense forests in the mountains, and there are many evil spirits."

I thought that when talking about evil spirits, the little girl would make a frightened expression, but I didn't expect Signa to turn her head and roll her eyes, and said with a smile:

"It's boring to chat with people like you. Of course I know that there are many evil spirits over there. I'm asking what it looks like inside that mountain. I heard that there is a large cemetery inside..."

Coffey pressed his companion's shoulder to stop his retort.

After all, there were three injured companions in the adventure group who were being treated by the medical team in the military camp. At this time, nothing could offend this little girl.

"Actually, we didn't dare to go inside, but we met a lot of evil spirits on the periphery." Kofi explained.

Signa felt that what Coffey said was quite reasonable.

"So... your harvest this time is not bad?"

"How do you know?" The companion said again without thinking.

Signa patted Bai Jing's forehead, feeling that chatting with these guys was the biggest mistake.

"The eyeballs of the evil spirits that your leader hangs on his waist are all strung together in a string, I really think I can't see them!" she said.

Since chatting was so boring, Signa planned to finish the ice in the glass, return the glass, and sit in the corner quietly waiting for Suldak to come and pick her up.

"You know he is my regiment leader?" Kofi's companion asked again.

"He was the one who took you to the military camp for treatment. I won't remember this wrong." After finishing speaking, Signa stood up, ready to leave.

"Oh, by the way, I should say thank you to the priests in your barracks." Kofi stood up quickly and said.

Signa knew that Nika had treated his injuries, and thought of his embarrassing look when his thighs were covered with blood when he was sent here.

She stood in front of Kofi, with a smug smile on her face, and said proudly to Kofi, "You said they were priests... Speaking of which, they really are a group of priests!"

When Signa said these words, she thought of the Goddess of Dawn in the Temple of Dawn who was always a bit secretive...

Speaking of which, Nika can be regarded as her divine envoy.

Then she remembered what Suldak had said a few nights ago when he hugged Selina, and corrected: "They are not called priests in the barracks, they have better names!"

Coffey couldn't help asking, "What name?"

"Angel in white." Signa said with a smile, her big eyes narrowed like two crescent moons...

"Are you an angel in white?" Coffey asked.

Signa quickly shook her head like a rattle.

"I'm not, I'm a black angel! Hehe..."


The West Route Army suffered the most damage from the 50,000 ghost pattern soldier ants from the Bailin plane.

After entering Moyun Ridge for more than three months, the number of ghost pattern soldier ants has dropped to less than half, which is what worries Suldak the most.

You must know that the current battle mode of the West Route Army on the battlefield is that the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants are in the front, and the heavy armored infantry is behind. Once the soldiers and ants are all dead, the heavy armored infantry will face the evil spirits on the battlefield.

Obviously, facing this group of evil spirits, there is a clear gap between the infantry fighters in terms of strength and speed.

At the beginning, under the huge pressure from the military headquarters, he brought the ghost pattern soldier ants from the Bailin plane to the Warsaw plane, and let these soldier ants serve as cannon fodder. Obviously, this move was very successful.

The only problem was that the soldier ants died too quickly. Although a group of soldier ants successfully advanced on the battlefield, the battle damage made Suldak somewhat unbearable.

With the victory of the two battles, a large number of adventure groups poured into Moyun Ridge, and the periphery of the battlefield was full of adventure groups hunting evil spirits. It was these adventure groups that greatly relieved the pressure faced by the West Route Army.

Because of this, Suldak began to think about how to create a better living environment for these adventure groups.

Not only is the medical team on the camp side open to the adventure group, but the magic weapons on the merit exchange list are outflowing, and Suldak is also turning a blind eye.

And he also completely gave up the plan of the ant cavalry of the West Route Army to go to the periphery to hunt evil spirits, and handed over these evil spirits to the adventure group to deal with. Sure enough, more adventure groups rushed over.

Now the tent area behind the free market has gathered at least nearly 10,000 members of the adventure group.

With so many members of the adventure group gathered here, Suldak was a little worried about the prices of various commodities in the free market. He hoped that at least the prices of the most basic materials would not rise sharply.

He spends the whole afternoon investigating various prices in the market.

When Suldak remembered that Signa was still in the corner of the market, he stopped the market research and hurried over...

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Signa sat obediently in front of the ice drink booth, showing a sweet smile, and waved her little hand to him from a distance.

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