Lord Highlander

Chapter 1460 1447. Evacuation

The tents on the high hills have almost been evacuated, and a large number of wounded knights were sent to the central city by the new army of Handanar City, where there is a more favorable environment for treatment and recuperation.

The grass was a mess.

There are hundreds of vultures swimming in the sky, and there are many boats in the Buruin River transporting supplies along the river. It seems that they should be transporting supplies to the Naroda Fortress.

Marquis Edmund Arnold only made a mistake in decision-making this time, allowing more than 40,000 ghost warriors to break into Handanal County. Regardless of how he did this time, but at least for now, The Naroda Fortress is still under the control of the West Route Army.

There is an army of more than 100,000 in that fortress, and there is no need for cavalry to transport supplies. They can go directly down the Buruin River by boat. It only takes five days for merchant ships to enter the nearest wharf to Naroda Fortress. .

Many Constructed Knights in the Eastern Route Army suffered heavy losses this time, and this time they also need to return to Handanal County to rest.

Whether it is buying war horses or repairing magic pattern structures, these high-end services may not be able to be done even in Handanar City.

You must know that although Suldak's war horses are magic-weave war horses strengthened by the ancient Bolai horse implanted with life magic lines, the war horses needed by the knights of other lords are almost all pure-blooded and precious scale horses. .

These military horses are strictly controlled in the Green Empire, and it is actually not easy to buy such high-level war horses.

Those mercenary regiments that followed the army had already disbanded. They had been inquiring about the news of the East Route Army Constructed Knights, and they probably wanted to hunt the lone ghost warriors in a large area of ​​the tributaries around the Buruin River.

On this high hill by the river, on one side is the blood-stained battlefield where countless bones are buried, and on the other side is the mess after the camp was pulled out.

Merchants from Handanar City have already come to contact these constructed knights, and the constructed knights from the Eastern Route Army will sell them the black devil skin they got.

And no soldier from the West Route Army was willing to sell the captured spoils, not even the black-striped magic skin.

They are more accustomed to handing over these trophies to the logistics department. The black magic crystals they seized are used to exchange for merit, while the black magic skins belong to their private property. The West Route Army logistics department will conduct a public auction in a unified manner.

In this way, the battle was so miserable that at the end of the battle, it was not even clear who belonged to the loot. The Black Magic Crystal only got a total amount.

But whoever peels off the black devil's skin belongs to him...

There is also the issue of pensions after the war. I am afraid that Suldak will have to spend a sum of money.

The flag of the lord of the West Route Army is fluttering in the wind, and 1,135 giant ghost-striped soldier ants are ready to go. Some giant ghost-striped worker ants with broken limbs have now grown pink and tender new limbs and legs from the broken wounds. It's still very small, curled up against the healed wound.

Those giant ghost-patterned soldier ants with healthy limbs had some thick wolf fur mattresses on their backs, because these soldier ants had very hard needle-like protrusions on their backs, and the knights who constructed them now had no horses. To return to Moyun Ridge, you have to take these giant soldier ants.

The ant cavalry are still sorting out the last batch of military tents in the camp. Those ordinary ghost-pattern soldier ants not only have to carry the luggage of the ant cavalry, but also a batch of luggage of the constructed knights. Many ghost-pattern soldier ants have It is full of large and small packages.

Suldak's command post has been demolished, leaving only a small table with a map in front of him.

The head of the Ant Cavalry came over and reported to Suldak:

"Report to the commander, the ant cavalry regiment is ready!"

Suldak turned around and glanced at the Buruin River, which had become clear, and said to the head of the ant cavalry regiment: "Notify Andrew, let's go!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Not long after the head of the ant cavalry regiment left, the giant army of ant soldiers of the West Route Army began to move.

The wolf knight Tiger was at the front of the team, and he rode the Frostwolf Bonita to lead the way. Neither Tiger nor Bonita suffered any serious injuries in this battle. As for minor injuries, they were naturally inevitable. How many evil spirits are staring at him.

Andrew and the two-headed ogre Gullitum were only slightly injured this time.

Probably because they killed a ghost general at the beginning, which made the ghost warriors around fear.

However, Suldak could tell that the three of them had gained something from this battle. Perhaps only this kind of bloody battle could stimulate the deepest potential power in the body.

He felt that Gullitum seemed to have become a little taller, leaving faint rock-like marks on his skin.

Andrew's biggest achievement this time was cutting his butcher's battle axe, and Suldak finally had to consider changing him to a decent epic weapon.

Wolf Knight Tiger's change is the biggest one.

It is said that only the orcs who have been baptized by blood will grow up, and this time Tago seems to have realized the way of fighting. When he was riding Bonita, the cold eyes in his eyes made Suldak feel shivering. cold.

After the second turn, it becomes extremely difficult for the strong to take every step forward.

Seeing the group of partners around me growing up desperately...

Suldak couldn't help knocking on the shield on the hook, thinking that he had to work harder.


There are still some wounded knights from the Eastern Route Army in the temporary camp.

They will also take a boat upstream later, the boat is ready, but the tracker in charge of pulling the boat will not arrive until noon.

Almost all of the wounded knights of the Eastern Route Army who stayed here waiting for the ship were slightly more seriously injured, and returning to Handanal City by boat would be less painful than going by land.

Suldak rode his horse past the remaining barracks of the Eastern Route Army, and saw many severely wounded knights lying on stretchers, basking in the sun on the grass outside the tent.

When they looked at Suldak, many people's eyes were filled with respect and gratitude, and of course there were also some other complex emotions...jealousy, reluctance, admiration, and hatred.

The respect for this commander of the West Route Army is because he can not only summon a real giant dragon, but also because he fought non-stop for nearly a week after the battle to treat illnesses and save lives.

Although for a paladin, shining the holy light to every corner of the world, healing diseases and saving lives is also their priesthood.

But as a commander of the West Route Army, it is very rare to be able to focus on treating diseases and saving lives after the war without sleep.

It was precisely because of Suldak's move that he would at least bring back nearly a thousand seriously injured constructed knights from the hand of death.

As for jealousy itself, I can’t say it clearly. The starting point is different, and the jealousy will be different. Some people are jealous that Suldak has a red dragon partner, some people are jealous of the mysterious alchemist with fairy wings, and some people are jealous that he has ghost patterns. The death-defying army of soldiers and ants...

And some knights hated him, of course they still hated him for starting a war here and letting himself end his glorious knight career...

Suldak jumped off his horse and stood on the soft grass, looking at the constructed knights who were lying on stretchers waiting to board the boat, and stepped forward.

"Everyone... I'm sorry!"

"The brutality of this battle is indeed beyond my judgment. Each of you is a great hero. I know that you will have a long period of recuperation. You can live in Handanal City for a while , Wait a minute, if you feel any discomfort in your body, you can come to me at any time, and my promise to you is that no matter when and where, I will do my best to treat you."

After Suldak said this to all the wounded soldiers, he mounted his horse again and followed the West Route Army troops all the way north.

Thanks for a 178. Daxie 22.7.3 reward (3/3)

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