Lord Highlander

Chapter 1469

"That's not a problem."

Suldak said to Viscount Dunbar.

While the two were talking, Andrew heard Suldak's call and strode in from the outside.

Suldak glanced at Andrew, handed out the "Pupil of the Butcher" in his hand, and said to him, "Didn't you always want a real butcher's tomahawk?"

Andrew looked at the ice-blue tomahawk in Suldak's hand in astonishment, and was at a loss for a moment.

"Is this for me?"

Andrew's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Of course, do you think I will use this ax?" Surdak asked back.

Andrew readily took the Eye of the Butcher, and the magic pattern on the battle ax gradually lit up, and power poured into Andrew's body, and he praised in surprise: "It's really a good ax."

With a look of pride on his face, Viscount Dunbar said, "This is an epic Butcher's Eye, not an ordinary magic weapon."

Andrew didn't speak, and walked outside excitedly with an ax in hand.

Suldak glanced at 'Shaft Stamb'. Originally, this armor was also worn by Andrew, but at this time, Viscount Dunbar took a step forward and said to Suldak: "Suldak Commander, I think you should try on the Shaftstanbu battle armor, maybe you will have a different opinion about it..."

"You mean this epic armor is great?" Suldak asked.

I didn't expect Viscount Dunbar to have such a suggestion at this time.

Viscount Dunbar nodded, and continued: "Every piece of epic equipment is great..."

Suldak smiled.

Selena helped Suldak untie Ethanhard's suit, and then put on the Shaftstam armor. This is a scale armor woven from armor pieces, and it is long , it is very suitable to wear on Suldak's body. It belongs to the category of chain armor, which is only a little lighter than heavy armor.

Suldak picked up the golden shield in his right hand and the sword of Kuerwen in his left, and the aura he exuded from his body suddenly became different.

After Selena helped him take off his combat boots and put on the War Traveler, Suldak realized that the power of the magic pattern on these epic equipment was continuously feeding back to himself, which greatly increased his strength.

Originally, they were very heavy weapons and equipment, but after wearing them on the body, after all the magic lines lit up, they didn't feel so heavy.

"I can write a letter to the Dark Insect Valley on the Bailin plane. As long as I send the letter there, someone will naturally arrange for an army of soldier ants. At that time, I will also ask the logistics department of the military department to transport the army of army ants here. Come……"

Suldak was wearing this epic equipment, sitting on a chair in the hall, and said to Viscount Dunbar.

At this moment someone moved a chair for Viscount Dunbar.

Suldak wrote a short personal letter in the hall, only Suldak's personal letter, it is estimated that the Dark Worm Valley would not easily mobilize the army of soldiers and ants, so Suldak called out He took ten druids and asked them to return to the Bailin plane with their letterheads.

Thirty young druids came out of the Bailin plane with 50,000 ghost-patterned soldier ants, but now there are only less than 20,000 soldier ants left, and the thirty druids don't need to control them all here. Army of soldiers and ants.

Let ten druids return to Bailin this time, Suldak hoped that they could bring out another 50,000 soldier ants...

Only then did Viscount Dunbar discover that Commander Suldak not only had a powerful heavy armored infantry corps, but also had such a powerful monster corps in private.

Viscount Dunbar had heard of these soldier ants to some extent.

In the battle on the Bank of the Buruin River, the mighty army of soldiers and ants was very dazzling in the battle. The recruits in Handanar City described the West Route Army as a holy war army, and there are many stories about those soldiers. Ant description.

Before he promised to leave, he would take the ten young druids back to Handanar City. Only then did Viscount Dunbar get up and leave Suldak's command post. Various armaments.

Selina is the logistics manager of the West Route Army, so she naturally has to go with Viscount Dunbar to deal with those military supplies.

After Viscount Dunbar left, Aphrodite walked out from the Void Gate, and said to Suldak with a smile:

"I'll just say it! As a plane lord, how can the equipment on his body be so shabby, so... he looks like a plane lord!"

Suldak put the sword of Kurwin by his leg, he was a little bit reluctant to part with the set of Isenhard, and still hesitated in his heart.

"If you can't decide, you can have a contest with Andrew, and it will be clear at a glance which one is better..."

Aphrodite once again gave Suldak a suggestion.

Only then did Suldak say: "I naturally know that these pieces of epic equipment have greatly improved my strength, let's go, go to Hailansa City to take a look, didn't I agree to customize the cloak for the war horse these days A can reach Hailansa, and the Constructed Knights can't be without horses all the time."

Aphrodite asked: "Are you going to strengthen a batch of magic-weave warhorses this time?"

"What else can I do? I can't transport the blue-scaled horses from the Sai Ruoman plateau racecourse on the Ganbu plane..."

Suldak said with a sigh.

Earl Bradley sent 1,200 ancient horses, which meant that Suldak had to implant the "endurance and toughness" life magic pattern into these horses.

Fortunately, the recent battle at the southern foot of Moyunling is not so tense.


After Viscount Dunbar delivered the military supplies, he did not accept Suldak's arrangement and lived in the barracks of the West Route Army.

He directly led a group of late-stage quartermasters out of the barracks, found an open space by the free market outside the barracks, surrounded all the trucks together to form a temporary camp, and surrounded the space surrounded by carriages. Some tents were set up on the ground.

Then the quartermaster of the logistics department of the military department began to wander around the free market with a group of followers.

Of course, he wasn't hanging around either.

For a quartermaster of the logistics department, Viscount Dunbar is also very keen on the materials on the market. The free market here is very large, and there are almost everything on the market, as long as it can be seen in Handanal City Materials can almost be bought with money here.

Moreover, there are still unidentified black magic crystals and black-striped magic skins in the free market here. Although these are not everywhere in the market, there are still some channels to buy them.

No wonder there are some noble lords here, but they don't seem to live in the West Route Army camp in Suldak, which makes Viscount Dunbar a little confused.

The noble lords who came here naturally wanted to join the West Route Army and get a share of the battlefield.

As the commander of the West Route Army, Suldak certainly had no reason to reject these lords, because these noble lords joined with their troops, even if they were used as cannon fodder, it would also enhance the strength of the West Route Army.

But what Viscount Dunbar saw here was a group of idle noble lords wandering in the market, purchasing unidentified black magic crystals from some adventure groups...

While wandering around the market, Viscount Dunbar also inquired about a lot of information about the battle situation here.

Almost all of these news came from the mouths of some members of the adventure group, and Viscount Dunbar felt that the credibility of this information was still very high.

The West Route Army was stationed at the foot of Moyunling Mountain. For the first few months, they fought against the Evil Ghost Army in the valley in front of them almost every day. The army used gunpowder to kill and maim many evil ghost soldiers, so the evil ghost army retreated to the southern foot of Moyunling.

Suldak's West Route Army had no intention of attacking Moyun Ridge either, it was entirely to block the evil ghost army inside Moyun Ridge...

The evil ghost army gathered tens of thousands of troops at the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling, but the adventure group demon hunters here also gathered nearly ten thousand people.

The current situation is that it is a group of members of the adventure group and mercenary group who frequently fight the evil spirits in the dense forest, and there are also many second-rank experts in the adventure group who are willing to hunt and kill here. Evil spirits, there are several reasons:

There are good hunting grounds here.

There is a medical team in the barracks of the West Route Army. This medical team is currently fully open to the adventure group and the mercenary group. As long as the adventure group has the head of the evil spirit in their hands, sometimes they can be treated by Commander Suldak himself.

The market here has formed a benign material trading chain, and these adventure groups hardly need to leave this camp to complete all transactions.

That's why this place has become more prosperous than the forest camp in just half a year.

Now there are evil spirits being killed every day, but the garrison of the West Route Army is no longer the main force for hunting evil spirit fighters.

As the secret of the adventure group entering Moyunling to hunt was revealed, more and more adventure groups quietly entered Moyunling Mountain. Although a large number of evil ghost fighters were hunted down, many adventure groups became Moyunling The rations of the ghost fighters in Yunling Mountain...

The war is going on every day, and there are rare crystals like unidentified black magic crystals on the market.

It also attracted a group of noble lords to come to the market here to sweep goods...

Viscount Dunbar did not expect that the battle situation here would be so stable. Without any strongholds or strongholds, the West Route Army was inserted like a nail into the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling. Not a single evil spirit could pass Gandar Earl mountains.

It has to be said that the strategy formulated by Commander Suldak is very aimed at these evil spirits in Moyunling.


Before implanting life magic lines on these ancient Bolai horses, Suldak still met with Earl Bradley.

Suldak knew that Earl Bradley wanted to join the West Route Army, and he also had a powerful guard in his hands. The so-called combat power was just a comparison with other local lords. These noble lords And their lord army has hardly been on the battlefield, and has not been tempered by war.

Letting them directly face the Moyunling evil ghost army now is to send them to death as cannon fodder.

Suldak's West Route Army currently does not need cannon fodder because he has an army of soldiers and ants.

Even if these soldier ants die in battle, they will not let Suldak pay the pension, and will leave Suldak with a magic spar and a piece of hard armor, even if they die, they can create some more. Value, which is much better than those lord armies without any combat power.

So no matter how these local noble lords preached in front of Suldak, Suldak was unwilling to accept these troops.

However, among these noble lords, Earl Bradley is still somewhat different. First of all, he had two very pleasant transactions with the ranch and the West Route Army. Earl Radley's estate, Earl Bradley wants revenge.

It's just that based on these two points alone, it is impossible for Suldak to let him join the West Route Army.

"This way..." Suldak sat in the living room of the command post, and said to the frustrated Earl Bradley: "Earl Bradley, your guards can stay in the barracks of the West Route Army Accept a one-month training, and I will ask senior instructors in the army to help you train these soldiers."

"However... I can't let your guard army join the West Route Army. I suggest that you form a defense army to look for the remaining evil spirits on the big meadow. They are active in the big meadow, not only threatening the past caravans, and will hunt and kill livestock in the pasture..."

Suldak talked a lot with Earl Bradley, and not only agreed to help him train the army, but also suggested that he form a defense force for the Great Meadow.

Earl Bradley was a little reluctant at first, but after some persuasion from Suldak, he still reluctantly agreed to Suldak's suggestion...

He also needs to contact other local lords to jointly form this defense army, which is mainly responsible for dealing with the spread of evil ghost soldiers on the large meadow.

And the medical team on the side of the West Route Army will also be open to this defense army for free...

After receiving a series of support from Commander Suldak, Earl Bradley happily left the West Route Army camp.


The merit redemption list of the West Route Army has spread around the Moyunling garrison camp, and many adventure groups are also trying to redeem some rewards on the merit list.

Especially some high-quality magic weapons are highly sought after by the adventure group demon hunters. Almost all of them are buying the achievements of the soldiers in the barracks at a premium, or simply giving the ghost materials they hunted directly to the heavy armored infantry soldiers , Let them exchange for achievements, and then redeem magic weapons from the achievement list...

On the merit list, several sets of magic pattern structures still occupy the top ten positions on the list.

Everyone is fighting for this, not only the soldiers in the West Route Army, many adventure groups are also staring at these sets of magic pattern structures.

During this time, the temporary camp here has almost formed a lively town.

According to the news from Handanal City, the Bena Army has already occupied more than half of the land in Kornberg County, and the Bena Army has driven the evil spirits over there to the southwest corner of Kornberg County. , Next, the Bena Legion will face the Evil Ghost Legion in the mountains over there, and take down the three mine veins there.

The record of the Bena Legion is very dazzling. Many people say that Duke Newman made a right bet.

Next, as long as the Bena Legion takes Kornberg in one fell swoop, Duke Newman will make a lot of money in this battle. Not only will he gain a lot of territory, but mainly several rich minerals will make up for the mineral deposits of the Bena Province. serious shortage of resources.

Moreover, the entire territory of Kornberg County will be reshuffled, and this land will belong to Lord Benar...

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