Lord Highlander

147 Chapter 146. Chase

It was the afternoon, and the hot masculinity caused the grass to steam with strong water vapor. The water vapor evaporated from the surface made people's vision extremely distorted.

From a distance, many things are curved, such as the poplar tree on the high hill, the yellow sheep standing on the top of the slope looking at the fleeing crowd, and the tall and burly bird slowly emerging from the horizon. of evil spirits.

It ran under the scorching sun, seemingly unaffected by the heat, with a large sawtooth ax on its back and a military thorn horizontally on its waist.

The evil spirit's legs are very long, and when running, it can take seven or eight meters in one step. In this wilderness with a wide view, only Gu Bolai's horse can run away from it far away.


When an evil spirit appeared on the horizon of the wilderness, the fugitive soldiers scattered all over the wilderness suddenly panicked. These people deliberately changed their escape routes, centered on the evil spirit, and quickly fled outwards.

The 'Suldak Knight' stopped, stood behind the flatbed truck and looked at the evil spirit.

The evil spirit chasing up from behind looked very strong, with blood stains on its body, and no other companions around. It seemed that it was killed from somewhere else, and it was not the pursuer brought by the escaped evil spirit. He quickly caught up with a soldier fleeing in the wilderness, and stretched out his hand to grab the soldier by the back of the neck.

When the soldier saw the evil spirit chasing him, he was already frightened to pee on the spot. When the evil spirit came behind him, he didn't want to sit still, so he just rolled forward and slashed the knight's long sword at the evil spirit's wrist. But he didn't guard against the kick from the evil spirit, which firmly stepped on his chest, and his whole body flew out like a sandbag.

The biggest gap between imperial warriors and evil spirits is still in terms of size and strength. As long as they can withstand the full blow of evil spirits, they will have the power to fight.

After the imperial soldiers met the evil spirits, the evil spirits often slashed down with an axe, and one arm of the imperial soldiers would be crippled. At this time, it would be unrealistic to think about how to kill the evil spirits.

The soldier who fell to the ground had pain, panic, and despair on his face and crawled forward a few meters, only to be trampled on his back by a foot full of bone spurs from an evil ghost chasing up from behind. It spreads far.

The screams spread like a plague, and the people who heard the sound ran faster, for fear of being infected by those sounds.

The evil ghost pierced the soldier's skull with the army in his hand, and the soldier's body twitched continuously under the evil ghost's feet, and then the evil ghost began to look for the next target. Among the fleeing crowd, the evil ghost suddenly found a stable On the flatbed truck driving in the wilderness, there were actually two wounded people lying on it, and an imperial soldier was standing behind the carriage and staring at him coldly.

The evil spirit straightened its body, pulled out the general's thorn, and chased after the imperial soldiers standing there.

The evil spirits several hundred meters away rushed straight to He Boqiang. He Boqiang erected a thick iris shield in front of his body, with the Roman sword in his hand clinging to the shield, skillfully posing in a defensive posture.

He Boqiang asked the craftsman John to drive the flatbed car and continue to go forward, and he would catch up after killing the evil spirits, but he didn't expect the flatbed car to go far, but Miss Hathaway stayed behind.

Hathaway stood behind Little Duck with her long sword in her hand, poked her head out to look at him, and said to him, "You seem to be looking forward to it?"


He Boqiang has black lines all over his head, and he doesn't want to talk to this noble lady.

"What do you want to do? Maybe I can help..."


He Boqiang glanced at her speechlessly, but just as He Boqiang's eyes left the evil ghost, the evil ghost suddenly accelerated, turned into a white light, and rushed up with an afterimage. He Boqiang didn't even have time to raise his shield, the evil spirit rushed up like a bull.

Under Hathaway's exclamation, the evil ghost rounded the ax roundly, and smashed it on He Boqiang's iris shield with all his strength, and saw a dull sound from the shield, and He Boqiang flew backwards with the shield for ten A few meters away, he fell to the ground.

He Boqiang didn't expect that the evil ghost who was sprinting with all his strength would have such great strength, but the moment he flew out, it was as if a pair of big hands were touching his back. Turning around, I found that the two-faced and four-armed Demon God Phantom appeared behind him, and the two arms of the Demon God Phantom were resting on his shoulders. No wonder a gentle force was inexplicably born behind him to support him.

I don't know what material the shield is made of. The blade of the sawtooth ax actually left a light white mark on the shield.

Shaking his numb arm, he turned over and stood up from the grass. After running a few steps, the evil spirit jumped up and stretched his arm, raised the sawtooth ax in his hand high, and poured all his strength into the axe. When the ax fell, it struck He Boqiang's forehead as if it was about to cut open the air.

Unable to lift the arm holding the shield, he could only roll over on the grass to avoid the fierce ghost's blow.

A sword was stabbed downwards, the evil ghost flipped the military thorn in his hand, and pushed the long sword away from Miss Hathaway's hand, the military thorn quickly lifted up, and stabbed Miss Hathaway's chest.

Unexpectedly, Miss Hathaway was quite brave, and she stepped forward in a critical moment, why Bo Qiang blocked her sword.

He Boqiang took the opportunity to get up from the grass, the military thorn touched Hathaway's long sword, and a flash of sparks burst out instantly. Miss Hathaway was shocked by the evil ghost's huge force and retreated. The sawtoothed ax also swept across, Miss Hathaway did not dare to meet the sharp ax of the evil spirit, but the evil spirit had long hands and feet, and this sweep could not be avoided at all.

Seeing that the sharp ax blade was about to cut a hole in Miss Hathaway's abdomen, He Boqiang held up the iris shield and hit the evil ghost's left rib. The evil ghost's steps were chaotic, and the ax in his hand rose slightly. She tried her best to take a step back, and the ax blade slashed against her tall chest, cutting a hole in the center of her chest, making Miss Hathaway's face turn pale with fright.

The leather armor split open, revealing the turbulent snow-white inside, and a bolt of lightning struck the 'Suldak Knight''s mind.

When the evil ghost was in a daze, he slammed his elbow on He Boqiang's shield, making him take half a step back. The sawtooth ax in his hand seized the opportunity again, and swung it round to strike at the 'Suldak Knight'. Come, a black fire ignited all over.

He Boqiang raised his shield to meet him, and struck the iris shield with his giant axe. In an instant, a piece of silver rune emerged from the iris shield and landed on the evil spirit.

The raging black flames on the evil ghost's body were dying immediately, and the silver runes were printed on the evil ghost's body, burning his skin with black streaks until bursts of black smoke were released.

The evil ghost screamed, but the attack in his hand did not stop, and the military stab stabbed He Boqiang's shoulder and neck from top to bottom.

He Boqiang raised the Roman sword to hold the evil spirit's army thorn. Although the evil spirit was half as tall as He Boqiang's body, he had no advantage in strength. The reformed Roman sword was much heavier than the army thorn. The heart of a ghost.

There are several diamond-shaped scales distributed on the evil ghost's heart. The first scales are faint blue, and the huge and violently beating heart is wrapped inside. You can even see the golden blood vessels protruding under the scales constantly shrinking. .

When the Roman sword touched the scales, it slid to one side, unable to penetrate at all.

The army thorn in the evil ghost's hand lost the block of the Roman sword, and he stabbed down, but was slammed away by the iris shield.

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