Lord Highlander

Chapter 1474: 1461. The Eve of the Battle of the Valley 2

Surdak stood at a high place and looked at the valley halfway up the mountain. On the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling, he could see the ghost guards wandering around the edge of the valley.

This is the biggest battle since the West Route Army entered the Warsaw plane. Suldak will invest nearly 200,000 troops in this battle of the valley, while the Bena Army in the hands of Duke Newman is only 400,000. At present, the Bena Legion has captured Kornberg County. Duke Newman can say that this battle has almost recovered the investment of the past seven years in one fell swoop.

War is like this, the victor will not only enjoy flowers and applause, but also wine and food.

Although the cake hasn't been divided yet, Suldak knows that this cake will definitely have his own piece.

But now, what is accumulated in his mind, what has been lingering in his heart, every time he sees in his dream the cemetery where countless comrades-in-arms are buried, it is on the edge of the cliff in the valley in front of him.

Almost all the soldiers of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment were buried here, and Suldak knew that now he was finally qualified to go up and see them.

Handanal County seems to have no worries at present, so he has been quietly preparing for this battle for the past few months.

Almost all the black magic crystals and black-striped magic skins captured from the Warsaw plane battlefield, including the monster materials and magic herbs obtained from the aborigines, were almost all replaced by Suldak for military supplies, a large number of magic weapons The heavy armored infantry soldiers of the Western Route Army were almost armed to the teeth, and even the giant soldier ants were covered with a layer of hard armor.

Malakom purchased hundreds of boxes of arrowheads for the magic crossbow from the magic workshop in the imperial capital. This was also the last time when the demon army counterattacked the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling. Samira actually ordered the bed crossbow operator to shoot from head to tail. What went out were all dual-attribute magic crossbows.

Suldak walked back to the wall at the southern foot of the pass, climbed up to an arrow tower sitting high here, and stood beside a bed crossbow.

Looking at the wooden wall, the two hundred bed crossbows that were originally installed on the base of the wooden wall were being dismantled by a group of infantry soldiers, and they were hoisted down the city wall with an earthen crane made of three masts.

These bed crossbows will also be incorporated into the offensive sequence of the West Route Army. In addition, the forty-seven bed crossbows on the arrow towers of the barracks will be dismantled one after another.

At this moment, a whole hundred catapults are lined up on the south side of the wooden wall. A group of mechanics are giving these catapults a final inspection. Whether it is the axle or the thrower of the catapult, almost all places that need to be greased have been smeared. A layer of butter.

Samira leads a group of bed crossbow operators to communicate with the soldiers of the ant cavalry. When attacking the valley, these ant cavalry will pull the bed crossbow and quickly occupy the front entrance of the valley, and the catapult group will be pushed to the left of the valley. On the mountain on the side, as long as you occupy the highland on the left side of the valley and push the catapult onto it, the flint projected by the catapult will cover the entire valley.

This time, Suldak prepared 300 bed crossbows and 200 catapults to attack the Moyunling Valley. The catapults are now ready, and only 300 bed crossbows are left. It takes half a day to disassemble and debug.

The ant cavalry is also responsible for the transportation of these catapults and bed crossbow ammunition and crossbow bolts.

Suldak has accumulated nearly 2,500 ant cavalry so far, and he organized these ant cavalry into five ant cavalry regiments.

In addition, Naomi also prepared a death squad composed of sixty abominations for Suldak, which was almost Naomi's effort in the past three months.

Of course, Naomi was able to sew up so many abominations, which is also inseparable from Suldak's full support. At least in terms of materials such as corpses and sutures, Suldak did not let Naomi prepare by herself. It is only necessary to stitch the corpses of the ghost warriors together, and then give them the fire of the soul.

Nearly 70,000 ghost-striped soldier ants live in the dense forest next to the military camp. Recently, the food rations these ghost-striped soldier ants need almost overwhelmed the logistics department of Bena's military headquarters. These big guys are really delicious. But for rations, the logistics department needs to spend a lot of money every month.

That is to say, the Bena Legion occupied Kornberg County and quickly recovered blood for the army, so that the logistics department could continuously supply sufficient food to the various lord armies.

These ghost pattern soldier ants live in the burrows excavated in the dense forest. According to the current number of Druids in the West Route Army, Suldak organized these soldier ants into forty ghost pattern soldier ants groups, including Five are still giant soldier ants.

Naomi's hate death squad is hidden in this dense forest, and this is the only restricted area of ​​the West Route Army.

Because there are a large number of ghost-pattern soldier ants hidden, no one would dare to come here at ordinary times.

At present, there are nearly 100,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers stationed in Mucheng Village at the foot of Moyunling Mountain. These infantry have formed 65 heavy armored infantry regiments, and 31 of these 65 heavy armored infantry regiments currently belong to the Soviet Union. The direct line troops of Lord Erdak's army, and the rest are motley troops joined by other lords. However, after more than half a year of adjustment and training, these motley troops have also adapted to the battlefield here.

In addition, the aboriginal tribes in the northern mountains of Moyunling sent nearly 30,000 aboriginal fighters, and these aboriginal fighters were organized into 20 aboriginal corps by Suldak.

In addition, Suldak also has two Constructed Knights...

This is almost all the belongings of the West Route Army, and each regiment is gathered at the foot of Moyunling Mountain.

On the eve of the war, these armies consumed a lot of supplies every day. All the soldiers left a letter to their family members. This letter will only be sent to the West Route Army Logistics Department together with the compensation after the news of their death is confirmed. Jin sent all the belongings of the soldiers back home.

In the past few days, the atmosphere in the barracks has been relatively heavy. It feels that all the soldiers have less conversations, and there are even large-scale exchange achievements.

The rewards that the soldiers mainly exchanged for this time were almost all gold coins and magic crystals. Fortunately, Suldak had made preparations before that, so that the embarrassing scene of the logistics department not being able to exchange gold coins did not happen.

Probably seeing the frequent mobilization of troops by the West Route Army and feeling the tense atmosphere in the army, the surrounding adventure groups and mercenary groups also returned to the camp one after another, and no longer ran out easily.

The medical team of the West Route Army also began to reduce external treatment work, and extremely rare healing potions frequently appeared on the merit exchange list. Each soldier can only redeem these healing potions once.

Of course, it was impossible for Suldak to cobble together 100,000 bottles of healing potions in a short period of time. The healing potions he threw out one after another were only more than a thousand bottles, and almost all of them appeared on the merit exchange list, and were snatched away instantly.

Of course, those who can have such strength are almost all members of the Constructed Knights.

By the time the news reached the ears of the members of the adventure group outside, these healing potions would have been exchanged for a long time ago.

In the current magic market, healing potions are still extremely scarce commodities, so hearing the news that nearly a thousand bottles of healing potions suddenly appeared on the merit exchange list of the West Route Army, the members of this group of adventurers still lamented that they couldn't do it sooner. I got the news.

The magic pattern structures that appeared one after another on the merit exchange list have also been exchanged in the past few days. I did not expect that in the barracks, apart from the second-rank powerhouses like Andrew and Samira, there would be someone who had accumulated enough merit points. Ten thousand.

Seeing that one set of magic pattern structures were exchanged, some people even tried to exchange for the enhanced magic pattern behind the magic pattern structure.

Suldak did not write that these rewards were "life magic patterns", but directly explained the actual function of these magic patterns in the remarks column of the exchange list. In the eyes of the soldiers of the West Route Army, this is also a part of the magic pattern construction. It is just engraved on oneself.

Many first-rank fighters think that before breaking through the second rank, their bodies cannot condense the power of elements, so they cannot use this magic pattern structure, so no one has been exchanging it.

As the battle is approaching, a group of construction knights are wondering why no one cares about the most cost-effective life-enhanced magic pattern on the merit list...

Almost all of the two constructed knights of Suldak have enhanced magic patterns, so they no longer need to implant magic patterns before the second turn, but although the constructed knights do not need it themselves, they will The news was revealed to the ant cavalry, and it was suggested that before they obtain the magic pattern structure, if they have enough merit points, they might as well exchange it for strengthening the magic pattern.

So during this time, Suldak was busy almost day and night.

Hearing that the West Route Army was preparing for a big war, the adventure group all withdrew from Moyunling in the past few days, and Moyunling finally ushered in the tranquility on the eve of a big war.

In the dense forest, on the hills, and on the edge of the cliff, there are no more scenes of demon hunters fighting with evil spirits.

The evil spirits in the opposite valley seemed to be aware of it, and they continued to increase their patrol teams.


Klaus Lardner is a heavy armored infantry soldier of the 32nd Regiment of the West Route Army, and also a squad leader.

At this moment, he was sitting in front of the tent, counting the gold coins that had just been exchanged. He stacked ten gold coins that had been exchanged, and there were three stacks in front of him.

He was originally a member of the rebel army on the Ganbu plane. When Suldak entered the Ganbu plane to organize an army to resist Lord McDonnell, he joined Suldak's Lord Army. The First Infantry Regiment has been following Surdak to fight everywhere.

And every time he gets a merit, he will convert the merit into gold coins and mail it to his family members on the Ganbu plane.

He bought a house in Mucuso City, and brought his mother and three younger siblings to live in Mucuso City. They still don't have the ability to make money, and almost rely on Klaus Lardner for their usual living expenses.

Klaus Lardner sat on a wooden pier, put the gold coins into the purse, and said to Ebenezer, the best partner in the team: "My money is almost saved, wait for Warsaw. When the war here is over, I will go back to Mukuso, and maybe use the money to start a small business and get a wife."

Ebenezer responded with a smile: "Even if you marry three, there is no problem. You don't know how many women in Mukuso who lost their families because of the war. Those women are waiting for us to go back and marry them. "

"My sister wrote me a letter saying that there are almost business houses everywhere in Mucuso City. It is very easy to find a job in the city, as long as you are not lazy!" Klaus Lardner said with a smile.

"I really want to go back soon!"

"By the way, what are you going to do when you go back?"

"Marry a wife, have a child, and then continue to return to the infantry regiment until I can't run anymore. You know... I can do nothing but fight." Ebenezer waved his hand casually. .

"When I joined the rebel army, I hoped to have a piece of land of my own so that my family could live a good life. I didn't expect that it would be realized by joining the Lord's army. It's a bit ironic!" Klaus Lardner sighed.

"This time to attack the base of the Evil Ghost Legion, I heard that the Bena Legion tried once five years ago. That battle failed, and many people were buried on this Moyun Ridge!"

"I hope this time it will be smoother..."

"We are Lord Suldak's army, did we drive away the hell demons on the Ganbu plane?" Klaus Lardner asked aloud a little excitedly.

"It's us!" Everyone around answered loudly.

"Did we capture the Three Rivers Plain and the Dark Insect Valley?"

"It's us!" The answer was louder.

"Did we kill the ghost fighters in Yangchang Canyon?"

"Of course, it's us too!" Many soldiers shouted loudly.

The morale of this heavy armored infantry regiment skyrocketed instantly...

For a while, the unique singing of the Ganbu plane came from the barracks.


Many people are full of expectations for the Battle of the Valley.

However, probably only a few officers like Suldak knew how important the valley in the middle of Moyunling was to the evil ghost army.

During the recent period, after the magician investigation team continued to investigate in the cloud-shrouded Moyun Ridge, the terrain at the southern foot of Moyun Ridge was almost completely cleared up.

Speaking of which, although the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling is the only entrance to Moyunling in the southern area, it is not the most important for the evil ghost army.

And the valley halfway up the mountain is the place that must be guarded by the evil ghost army.

Because as long as they occupy the valley on the mountainside of Moyunling, they will completely open the door to enter the highland of Moyunling. If the West Route Army wants to enter the highland of Moyunling, the evil ghost army can hardly stop it.

Therefore, the valley less than two kilometers long in the middle of Moyunling is the southern gate of Moyunling.

After nightfall, the ant cavalry regiment would pull the bed crossbow and catapult into the woodland on the north slope, so the ant cavalry had their last dinner before the battle at four o'clock in the afternoon and began to prepare for the battle.

Andrew seemed a little excited, trying to persuade the chief officer of the ant cavalry regiment, Wolf Knight Tiger, to temporarily switch places with him.

Andrew is the head of the two Constructed Knights, but this time the Constructed Knights were not the first group to attack the valley.

According to the order of attacking from the front, Naomi's hate death squads are destined to rush up first, followed by giant soldier ant groups and heavy armored infantry groups. On both sides of the valley, prevent the ghost warriors from destroying the positions of bed crossbows and catapults.

However, Andrew's proposal was unsurprisingly rejected by Tiger. The wolf knight Tiger regarded the battlefield as a place of glory, and it was absolutely impossible for him to switch positions with Andrew in such a matter.

Andrew had no choice but to go to the arrow tower to discuss with Suldak.

From a distance, I saw Suldak standing alone on the arrow tower, with a serious expression, looking at the valley halfway up the Moyun Ridge...

And Samira, Selena, Nika, Carrie Decker and others were all waiting under the arrow tower, and no one went up at this time.

Andrew hesitated for a moment, then stopped in his tracks...

happy New Year

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