Lord Highlander

Chapter 1476: 1463. The Battle of the Valley 2

At the same time, the tumbling fog instantly engulfed the remaining abomination and the two ghost generals. The ghost generals who had lost their senses suddenly lost their sense of direction in the fog. Fortunately, they knew that behind them was the way they came from.

The evil ghost general didn't dare to go deep into the fog, and hurriedly retreated.

At this moment, an arrow wrapped in wind element appeared silently behind General Evil Ghost on the left. The general jumped forward quickly, but the armor-piercing arrow had already penetrated deeply into the back of the evil ghost general, breaking through the armor on his back.

A breath of wind element poured into General Evil Ghost's body, General Evil Ghost didn't even dare to pull out the arrow with his backhand, he charged forward again and leaped forward, almost bursting out of the turbulent fog of war.

The ghost general on the right was lucky. When he jumped forward, the arrow shot from behind happened to pass between his legs.

The turbulent fog of war engulfed the mountain road in front of the valley, and the abominations strode forward in the fog of war.

The ghost warriors didn't dare to stop them any more, they just pushed them to the entrance of the valley one after another. These ghost warriors pulled out bone spears from their bodies and threw them at the area where the fog was surging.

Pieces of spears rained down and pierced the abomination's body, only to spew out more corpse liquid.

These abominations don't know what pain is, even though they are covered with bone spears, they are still striding forward.

On the contrary, the giant soldier ants at the back surrounded Selena and retreated under the order of the druid. Even though Selena was covered with a round black light shield, the druids did not dare to let the giant soldier ants carry her. Watching Selena rush into the rain of spears.

The heavy armored infantry soldier following the giant soldier ant hurriedly held up their shields and climbed onto the giant soldier ant where Selena was, trying to protect Selena.

It's just that Selena exudes an incomparably dark divine radiance, making it impossible for all the heavy armored infantry soldiers to approach at this moment.

The giant soldier ants in the front row were pierced by the falling bone spears, and let out an angry and anxious growl.

However, the important parts of these giant soldier ants are also covered with a layer of hard armor, so even the evil ghost bone spear cannot easily penetrate their important parts of the body. As the druid whistle sounded again, the giant soldier ants continued along the mountain road climb up.

General Evil Ghost retreated back to the entrance of the valley in a hurry, and saw a group of abominations staggering up the mountainside in the tumbling thick fog.

Every time the evil spirit pulls out a bone spear from the body, it will endure a burst of pain, and they will also make a 'tearing' sound.

The sound of "tearing" at the entrance of the valley was almost continuous, but the bone spear that fell into the fog of war seemed to sink into the sea without any response.


Beautiful arcs were drawn in the night sky, and fireballs lit up the night sky.

Two hundred catapults threw flints, and the trajectory across the night sky was extremely gorgeous, and each flint had a long tail.

The burning flame made a loud noise.

The ghost warriors were still throwing bone spears, and the two ghost generals looked at the night sky vigilantly before retreating back to the valley without hesitation.

Then he called the group of ghost warriors to retreat, but there were still nearly a thousand ghosts crowded in the valley, which made the entrance of the valley extremely crowded. The ghost warriors couldn't figure out what was going on, so they saw Lines of flint in beautiful parabolas were drawn in the night sky, and they actually fell towards the top of their heads.

The evil ghost warriors wailed in horror and wanted to run away, but thousands of evil ghosts were all crowded together at the entrance of the valley. It was only possible to run back into the valley unless they stepped on the heads of other evil spirits, otherwise they had to Can move in step by step.

A low roar sounded in the group of evil spirits, and the evil spirit camp was in chaos.

The flints thrown by two hundred catapults fell down and completely covered the mouth of the valley. The ghost warriors were smashed by the flints. Although the burning flints could not burst, this kind of stone balls were wrapped with hemp rope soaked in fire oil. Once it burns it won't go out at all.

Flint stones fell from the night sky with long tails.

It was obviously thrown from the high hill opposite, but there was a fog of war on the mountain road, and there was even a group of abominations rushing towards the mouth of the valley.

The evil spirits had no way to rush over and destroy the catapult, so they could only be beaten by the flint so that they couldn't lift their heads.

A large number of evil spirits withdrew from the mouth of the valley to the valley,

The abominations took advantage of the shower of meteors and fire formed by the flint to cover the mouth of the valley, and finally rushed up slowly.

Taniguchi was in chaos, those flints hit the abomination's body, and a large amount of light green corpse fluid exploded. As long as the body and legs are still there, and the fire of the soul on the body is not extinguished, the abomination will rush forward without any hesitation. Any pain, and no emotion, are like self-exploding bombs.

The ghost warriors didn't dare to let the abominations rush into the valley, so they could only desperately block the abominations at the mouth of the valley.

They vigorously waved the war blades in their hands, chopping and blasting the abominations full of corpse fluid one by one.

A large amount of corpse fluid was sprayed out from the bodies of the abominations, turning the mouth of the valley into a light green swamp. Countless evil spirits melted in the corpse fluid. First, their legs were dissolved in the corpse fluid, and then only half of the evil body remained. The ghost crawled in the corpse fluid, making a miserable low growl.

The two evil ghost generals guarding Taniguchi were burning with black flames, continuously turning the surrounding corpses into poisonous gas, and they split a dozen abominations in half with war blades in their hands.

The fallen abominations sprayed green corpse liquid all around without exception, and these corpse liquids slowly flowed into the valley along the slopes of the valley.

Abominations fell one after another, and the ground was covered with foul-smelling corpse fluid.

Suldak, who was following the giant soldier ants, couldn't even believe it. He thought it would take two or three thousand giant soldier ants to fill the valley entrance, but he just shot it out in the face of dozens of abominations and two hundred catapults. fell in the rain of fire.

None of the ghost warriors dared to be in the corpse fluid at the mouth of the valley, and they all retreated to the valley.

As the signal flare of the magician of the reconnaissance team lighted up again in the air, the catapult on Gaogang received an order to adjust the range further and blast the flint into the valley...

At this time, the giant soldier ants were still slowly moving towards the mouth of the valley.

Selena stood on top of a giant soldier ant, and a thick fog of war billowed within a range of 800 meters, covering all the giant soldier ants in it.


Andrew's right shoulder was left with a deep wound to the bone by the evil general, and the price the evil general paid was death.

Tago cut off the head of General Evil Ghost with the sword in his hand, and the two stepped on the corpse of General Evil Ghost at the same time, and rushed into the battlefield in the dense forest. Bonita threw one of the Evil Ghosts down and bit him The throat of the evil ghost, even if bone spurs appeared on the body of this evil ghost warrior, Bonita still did not escape, and it tore out the throat of the evil ghost warrior with its sharp teeth.

Behind Bonita, a constructed knight crawled out from under the fallen horse. Although the constructed knight's face was covered with blood, and even one leg was broken, at this time, with the last point With a fighting spirit, he used his shield to stop another evil spirit that was attacking Bonita from the side.

The ant cavalry rushed up from behind and pierced Paglio's spear into the chest of the ghost warrior.

The battle in the dense forest is intensifying, and countless ant cavalry and constructed knights are engaged in this bitter battle.

Andrew just drank a bottle of healing potion, and felt the wound on his shoulder stop bleeding. A constructed knight helped him wrap his shoulder with a hemostatic bandage, and he jumped out with an ax in his hand, killing an evil ghost warrior.

The fighting strength of the ghost warriors in the Moyunling valley is almost equal to that of the constructed knights. If they fight alone, the ant cavalry is no match for these ghost warriors.

It's just that the Evil Ghost General was killed by Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger. These two second-rank powerhouses entered the battlefield, and both of them would become violent when they saw blood.

Especially at night, Tai Ge can use the blood of the werewolf to turn into a beast. Tai Ge culled and killed several evil ghost fighters in a row, until he pierced through the evil ghost camp, and then turned back to kill again.

He and Andrew suffered countless wounds, and no less than dozens of ghost warriors died in their hands.

After the Construct Knights followed Andrew to kill the group of evil spirits, the Ant Cavalry Group finally occupied the cliff top on the east side of the Moyunling Valley.

There is a fierce battle at the southern end of the valley, and the evil spirits want to reinforce the battlefield here, so they can only climb up from the cliff.

The bed crossbow operators began to fix a bed crossbow on the cliff on the east side, and more than two thousand ant cavalry and one thousand constructed knights quickly rested on the cliff.

The four-wheeled truck full of crossbow arrows was also dragged to the cliff, and the heavy armored infantry regiment followed and began to lay out fortifications on this hillside.

Seeing a green magic flare rising into the sky on the east side of the valley, Suldak's heart suddenly dropped.

At this time, the catapult group had already extended the flint into the valley, but the range of these catapults was limited, and the flint could only reach the valley mouth and go a little deeper. Since the catapult was located on a high hill, there was a downward slope in front of it, even if Push forward a hundred and eighty meters, and the range cannot be extended.

Flint wanted to cover the valley, so he had to drag the catapult to the mouth of the valley.

As the giant soldier ants occupied the entrance of the valley, the catapults on the high hill behind stopped throwing flint, and the ant cavalry who followed the catapults began to drag the catapults to the valley entrance.


The mouth of the valley was covered with tumbling fog of war, and Selina stood in the center of the fog, surrounded by a magic vortex formed by black clouds.

The giant soldier ants were lined up neatly, one after another rushed into the valley.

Tens of thousands of ghost warriors gathered in the valley. Seeing a large amount of black mist surging at the entrance of the valley, groups of ghost warriors subconsciously wanted to retreat, but several ghost generals stood behind the army formation, and the ghost warriors only Can bite the bullet and arrange an army formation.

With the sound of the low-pitched horn, the dense crowd of ghost warriors braced themselves and rushed towards Taniguchi again.

The giant soldier ants hid in the mist, watching the ghost soldiers rushing out like a sea tide. The druids could no longer control the emotions of these soldier ants. A group of giant soldier ants poked their heads out of the fog and quickly fought They strangled together.

Seeing that the abomination that spewed corpse fluid no longer continued to spew out from the mist opposite, the ghost generals who were behind the formation immediately rushed into the battlefield.

The fog of war moved forward little by little, and countless ghost warriors rushed into the fog without making a sound...

Even so, a large group of evil spirits still poured into the mist one after another.

After entering the mist, all the perceptions of the evil ghost warriors are limited within one meter around the body, and the surroundings are filled with black fog, making it impossible to see or hear clearly. will react passively.

There were so many evil spirits flooding into the fog of war at once, and the evil spirits were almost crowded together, so they could also see their companions around them.

It's just that being in the fog, the perception is almost completely blocked, and the giant soldier ants, which are not weaker than the ghost warriors, have the upper hand, and the pair of sharp fangs cut off how many ghost warriors.

Almost all of Suldak, Gulitum, Samira, and Carrie Decker were mixed in the giant soldier ant colony.

At this time, the half-elf shooter Samira's battlefield harvesting ability was fully displayed. The sky strike bow in his hand burst out a bolt of lightning from time to time, and each bolt of lightning was almost saving the giant soldier ants.

But the evil spirits on the opposite side were not so lucky, the lightning that fell from the sky would directly electrify them until they were scorched black...

This time Suldak has put on a full set of epic equipment. Holding the sword of Kurwen in his hand feels nothing, but holding the messenger of Zakarum in the other hand, it feels too safe, the power of the earth Continuous injection from the feet into the whole body made Surdak full of strength.

He was protecting Selena...

The Two-Headed Ogre is actually a fighter.

At this time, he had already squeezed to the front of the battlefield. An evil ghost general rushed into the fog and ran around. He had already chopped down two giant soldier ants. Gulitum rushed forward to stop the evil general, With the help of the fog of war, Gulitum became elusive in the fog, and the big stick in his hand soon severely injured General Evil Ghost.

Just when the ghost general was about to withdraw from the fog of war, an arrow hit the center of his eyebrows, and the tip of the arrow pierced his skull.

The evil ghost general hugged his hair and howled in pain. He was hit on the top of his head by the big stick that Gulitum swung from the darkness, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Two giant soldier ants crawled out from behind, their huge fangs bit the Evil General's waist, and directly withdrew the Evil General's body in two...

As the fog of war moved forward, giant soldier ants also rushed into the valley to start a scuffle.

At this time, fireballs fell from the sky one after another, but before the fireballs landed on the battlefield, they exploded in midair, like gorgeous fireworks.

With the light generated by these fireballs, the bed crossbow operators on the cliff finally saw the distribution of the situation on the battlefield clearly.

They quickly adjusted the pitching frame of the bed crossbow, aiming a bed crossbow at the evil spirit camp in the valley, and shot out giant crossbow bolts neatly.

There was even a buzzing sound from the cliff, and countless giant crossbow arrows fell down, shooting right through the body of the ghost warrior...

These giant crossbow bolts continuously harvested the lives of the ghost warriors, making the valley even more chaotic.

The evil ghost fighters who still had some fighting will, under the triple blow of meteor fire rain, fog of war and magic crossbow, finally the last bit of fighting will was instantly crushed, and a large number of evil ghost fighters were routed towards the Moyunling Highland in the north of the valley ...

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