Lord Highlander

Chapter 1483: 1470.

Surdak just built a city wall at the north exit of the Dak Valley. Except for the infantry soldiers who must be stationed in the forest camp and the foot of the mountain, almost all the troops of the West Route Army are stationed in the valley.

Not only the arrow towers on the city wall are constantly monitoring the movement of the evil ghost army, but there are also many sentry posts on the cliffs on both sides of the valley.

If the evil ghost army wants to reach the cliffs on both sides of the valley from the highland of Moyunling, it must climb the steep peak in the south of Moyunling. This road will pass through two cliffs.

Suldak's ant cavalry stood guard beside the cliff, and those ghost warriors were far inferior to these ant cavalry with six legs and a pair of fangs in climbing the rock wall.

The Dak Valley was managed by the West Route Army as solid as gold, so the valley has almost become a shelter for adventure groups and business groups. There is not much land in the valley, and the places where buildings can be built are very limited. There are nearly ten people crowded here. Thousands of heavy armored infantry soldiers, the barracks of the West Route Army already occupied one-third of the valley.

The rest of the land became the object of scrambling for businessmen and adventure groups, and Surdak didn't expect that the problem that broke out in the Dak Valley was real estate appreciation.

The land here has increased from thirty silver coins per square meter to three gold coins per square meter in just three days.

The land transactions of the Green Empire belong to the permanent property rights.

But even so, in a fortress on the frontier of a plane where wars are frequent, it costs hundreds of gold coins to buy a homestead, which is a bit unacceptable for most adventure groups.

Only those merchants who buy black devil skins and sell war supplies will buy land and build warehouses.

It is said that the owner who first built the hotel doubled the value of his hotel by seven times in just three days because of the appreciation of the land.

But as long as you give up living in the valley and choose to build a tent on the south slope of the valley, you don't need to spend money.

Many adventure groups were forced to move their tents out of the valley and onto the hillside on the south side of the valley.

The Hayes Adventure Group was the first group to buy land. Now this adventure group has built a two-story wooden house with an attic in the valley. There are a total of twelve bedrooms, all of which are standard four-person rooms that can accommodate forty-eight people.

Now Captain Hayes is sitting on the platform outside the wooden house, discussing with a group of members of the adventure group about the upcoming demon hunting area.

Nowadays, ghost warriors are not as easy to hunt as two months ago. The ghosts are already familiar with the way of hunting demon hunters. Other monsters are not much different.

A group of members of the adventure group sat or stood on the platform, and they could see four-wheeled trucks full of supplies constantly coming in and out on the noisy street.

There are more than 100,000 people gathered in this valley. At present, all living supplies need to be transported from the city of Handanal, so a large amount of supplies arrive in the valley every day.

"The evil spirits that have appeared on the highlands recently are almost all hunters. They are more vicious and cunning than ordinary evil spirit warriors. At present, many adventure groups have disappeared on the highlands of Moyun Ridge." A person in charge of investigation in the adventure group The ranger said worriedly.

"Even if we gather our people together, the evil ghost squad will retreat quickly if they find us, and when they come back, there will be a squadron of over a hundred evil ghosts."

It was the shield fighter McCracken who said this, and he was also the captain of a small team in the Hayes Adventure Group.

Another swordsman named Bowen also echoed:

"In the past, we could use all kinds of trapping methods... but now those methods have been used rottenly, and those ghost fighters will not be easily fooled."

Facing the complaints from the squad leaders, Captain Hayes also frowned.

Now the hunting environment of all adventure groups on the Moyunling Highlands is almost the same, and it is not their adventure group that feels pressured.

This is because the ghost warriors have become smarter, which makes hunting more difficult.

Kofi sat beside Hayes and said to the other captains:

"Otherwise, let's go further to the north. I heard that few adventure groups enter the depths of the highlands, and the evil spirits over there are rather stupid."

Captain Hayes coughed, and then said to everyone:

"I heard that the West Route Army recently had a big operation. At present, the Constructed Knights and a large number of ant cavalry have returned to the station to stand by."

Hearing what Captain Hayes said, the members of the adventure group focused their attention on Captain Hayes.

Swordsman Bowen immediately said:

"Should we go with us? Anyway, all of us have horses, so we should be able to keep up..."

The shield warrior McCracken was reluctant to ride long distances, so he frowned and said: "The stronghold here has just been built, and exploring north with the cavalry of the West Route Army means that we have to abandon this newly built stronghold. house."

The armor on his body is too heavy, and the accompanying items, epee and tower shield need an extra horse to carry it.

However, his questioning did not dispel the idea of ​​others wanting to accompany him.

Kofi said: "It's like saving an asset here. Before the West Route Army is defeated, I don't think the housing prices here will fall. Maybe when we come back, we can sell this stronghold to give We bring in an extra income."

Miss Jenica, who was in charge of purchasing daily necessities, asked Captain Hayes timidly: "Commander, shall we prepare the daily necessities for the long journey?"

"Well, let's go shopping on the street later!" Hayes thought for a while, and then said: "Follow the West Route Army's Constructed Knights, and pick up some wounded ghost warriors from the edge of the battlefield, which is far better than us going around. Hunting is much easier."

Hearing the leader's decision, the other members of the adventure group did not question anything.

Hayes' recent decisions have made the adventure group a lot of money, and they have nearly doubled the original size of the adventure group, which only consisted of sixteen people.

Therefore, the decision made by Captain Hayes is still very important.

At this time, Kofi thought of what the little princess said to him when he saw Signa in the morning, so he said, "I heard that the treatment team of the West Route Army will also go out with the army..."

In the past few months, the medical team of the West Route Army has attracted a large number of adventure groups to the northern theater of Handanal County.

For a long time, the medical team has been hiding in the rear to carry out rescue work, and it is rare to go out with the Constructed Knights.

"It seems that Lord Suldak must have planned a big operation this time." Captain Hayes seemed to smell the blood before a big battle, and said in a deep voice.


Unbeknownst to Suldak, he was still holding a pre-war mobilization meeting in the command post, and the expedition plans of the Constructed Knights and Ant Cavalry had already reached the ears of some adventure groups.

In fact, those who can obtain this expedition plan are almost all brokers who are very close to the construction knights.

Their other identity is businessmen, and they usually rely on leading members of the adventure group to exchange merit list rewards with Constructed Knights in exchange for some commissions.

So their news is also the most well-informed. Many construction knights knew that they were about to go out in the next two days, so they revealed the news.

The adventure group in the entire Dak Valley has become active in the past few days, and the trading volume of dry food and outdoor necessities in the market has gradually increased.

According to the previous agreement with Elder Ambrobi, Suldak needed to send 100,000 sets of heavy armor and weapons to the mountains in the northern part of Moyunling. The guards of the ghost army at the northern mountain pass of Moyunling blocked the north gate of Moyunling.

So Suldak decided to lead the giant soldier ant army, the ant cavalry army and the Constructed Knights together. This time, he did not bring the heavy armored infantry regiment and the aboriginal militia regiment in the valley because these regiments ran too slowly. If you want to cross the entire Moyunling Highland, if you fail, you will be targeted by a large group of ghost warriors.

When the time comes, you can't shake it off, and you can't hit it, that's the worst thing.

In order to help the aboriginal fighters to the greatest extent during this expedition, Suldak decided to bring Selena and Nika's medical team with him this time.

In addition, Andrew, Tiger and Gullitum will also go out with the army.

Samira will stay in the valley, stationed on the city wall as the head of the bed crossbow group and the archer group.

Carrie Decker and Naomi will also stay. Carrie Decker will manage the remaining troops of the West Route Army, and Naomi simply doesn't want to travel far. For undead warlocks, it is definitely a very painful thing.

A large army composed of seven thousand giant soldier ants, two thousand ant cavalry and one thousand constructed knights set off from the Dak Valley just three weeks after Elder Ambrobbi left the Dak Valley, and walked along the outside of the valley. Head north on Hill Road 21.

According to the information obtained by the magician investigation team, this mountain road is the road least haunted by evil spirits.

This is the first time that Suldak has stepped out of the Dak Valley and entered the Moyunling Highland. In fact, this mountainous area is not considered the Moyunling Highland. Canyons of different lengths.

Only after passing through the hills can the army truly reach the Moyunling Highlands.

Along the way, Suldak's legion has been walking up these canyons with many branch roads. Although the slope is not too steep, it consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, Suldak's army is almost full of soldier ants. These guys don't seem to know what fatigue is.

As for the magic-pattern warhorses equipped by the Constructed Knights, they can share physical strength with the Constructed Knights, so there is no need to worry about physical energy consumption.

After walking out of the Dak Valley, Suerdak found that the vegetation on Moyun Ridge suddenly decreased a lot. The army was passing through a valley. There is hardly any vegetation on the rocks.

Perhaps after thousands of years of weathering, the mountain rocks are seriously peeled off. Countless gravel and gravel are piled up in the middle of the mountain. Only under the mountains will some moss and grass grow, not to mention trees, even bushes. Rarely seen.

When the Constructed Knights passed through the valley, just because of the vibration of the horseshoes, the gravel on the mountain continued to slide down, making a sound similar to rolling thunder.

There are some forks everywhere in these mountains. Of course, not every canyon can allow the army to go up. Some canyons will find life and death in front of them.

This kind of gravel-covered mountain is extremely difficult to climb, even for ant cavalry who can climb over the cliff, if they fail, they will be buried by gravel.

However, Suldak has a magician investigation team, so it can almost perfectly avoid all kinds of difficult areas in the choice of roads.

Suldak saw another fork in the road ahead, and the magician Basil was waiting by the side of the road, obviously there was a situation report.

He hurried over on horseback, and after the magician Basil saluted Suldak, he took the initiative to explain the reason:

"Commander, in the valley on the left side in front of us, we found the remnants of the valley's evil spirit army. There are about 6,000 evil spirits. There should be some evil spirit generals mixed in. The valley is a valley with a steep slope. There is a lot of rubble in the middle of the mountain... and if we go up the canyon on the right, we can avoid these evil spirits."

Almost without thinking, Suldak ordered to Andrew: "Let the Knights of Construct blockade the entrance of the valley. Only by cleaning up these evil spirits can we go out from here with peace of mind."


After Andrew took the order, he immediately went to summon the Construct Knights.


A convoy walked for three weeks along the edge of the woodland at the foot of the mountain to the east of Moyunling, and the front was already the fringe of the area where the aborigines moved south.

It won't be long to go forward, and it is estimated that you will be able to see the warriors in the tribe waiting here to meet them.

Elder Ambroby sat in the carriage and breathed a sigh of relief.

During this secret meeting with the West Route Army, according to the signed magic contract, Elder Ambroby decided to recruit 100,000 aboriginal fighters.

In fact, he originally wanted to recruit 200,000 soldiers. Lord Suldak would provide armaments, and these armaments could be left behind after the battle. Elder Ambrobi had no reason not to recruit more aboriginal fighters.

But Lord Suldak was only willing to raise 100,000 sets of armaments.

He knew that these armaments were not cheap in the Grimm Empire, but he didn't know whether Lord Suldak's harvest of magic crystals could cover the expensive expenses after the battle.

Regarding Lord Suldak's spare no effort to help the tribe get out of the predicament, Elder Ambrobbi couldn't figure out what his purpose was. He didn't believe Suldak's words, but now a magic contract is in In front of me, I finally have some confidence.

It seems that it is time to recover Moyun Ridge... Elder Ambroby thought.

When he saw the 60-meter-high city wall built in two months in the Dak Valley, he felt an indescribable envy in his heart.

That is a real city wall.

Lord Suldak promised to help him build another city wall on the north side of Moyunling Highland. With this city wall, they have nothing to worry about...

Thinking of this...

The haze that has accumulated in my heart over the years has been swept away, and even looking at the sky will feel extraordinarily clear.

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