Lord Highlander

Chapter 1487 1474. Conscience Merchant

A team of aborigines transporting food waded through the weeds in the forest and strode towards the walled city two hundred miles away.

Most of the natives who transported food were men in their prime, unable to directly join the legion to participate in the battle, so they were organized by the chiefs of the tribe to send the cassava flour and dried moss accumulated in the city to the south.

The aboriginal tribe lived in the mountains and hardly raised horses. The transport team only had one carriage.

The other men used their bodies to carry the food and sent it to the front line on foot.

This time, after they delivered the food to the designated location, they hurried towards the city wall. The road they took was not a big road. On the way back, the man can only go to some places where the grass is not so dense.

The captain of the team is an old hunter with very experience in jungle hunting. He is at the front of the team, exploring and avoiding those thorny thorn bushes.

Some people chatted quietly in the team, met some berry trees along the way, and stopped to step on some sour berries together. These berries are also a rare food for them. Cooking them with moss and ferns is a bit It is easier to swallow if it is sour.

Originally, the woodland in this mountain was so rich, there were mushrooms, wild fruits, small animals in the forest, and sometimes some bird eggs could be found from the bird nests in the crown of the trees.

Although there are often monsters, there will also be warriors in the tribe to hunt and kill those monsters...

Food has never been a problem for the aborigines of these Aegrod tribes. Hunting and gathering can completely fill their stomachs.

This is also the main reason why they moved down from Moyun Ridge and lived in the forest. The products are abundant.

It's just that the evil spirits came. They not only eat people, but also eat other wild animals in the mountains.

When you are hungry, you can even eat weeds, moss, and bark.

Not only has the mountains become extremely dangerous, but there are also fewer sources of food, and life in the tribe has become much more difficult than before.

The warriors in every city are fighting against this group of evil spirits, but the evil spirits are covered with a layer of black bone armor, and they can easily pull out a bone spur from their bodies to fight. It's hard to beat them.

With strong force and large numbers, the evil spirits have become the real hunters in this jungle.

If the tribal warriors want to win, they must offer sacrifices to the demon god on the altar to pray for the blessing of the god and demon.

But... In the past, almost all the sacrifices came from monsters in the mountains, and there were very few sacrifices in the tribe.

Now those monsters are almost slaughtered by the evil spirits. If they want to get sacrifices, they have to go to the wilderness further north, or kill more evil spirits.

The warriors in the tribe can only lurk in the woods, attacking those three-meter-tall evil spirits who run more recklessly than wild boars...

Many times, ordinary aborigines have to hide in the walled city, and usually rely on digging the roots of plants around the walled city to feed themselves. The best thing to dig is cassava, but this food is unpalatable. The lips were swollen and high, and the saliva continued to flow down the corners of the mouth.

Over the past year or so, it has become very difficult for the indigenous people to eat meat.

Now, the elders of the tribe finally stood up and united everyone to prepare to fight against the evil spirits on Moyunling. Everyone's fighting spirit was rekindled in their hearts.

The Agrod clan will never run away from war, and everyone is working hard, ready to fight those evil spirits.

The materials on the cart were already empty, but the carriage was very rough, and the old horse struggled a bit, and the wooden wheels ran over the grass, leaving two deep ruts.

The food stored in the walled city is not much, and for this expedition to Moyunling, everyone transported almost all edible things to the front.

Women and children now collect edible things around the Walled City every day.

Although life is very difficult, at least everyone is resisting...

And this kind of life has added something called 'hope' in everyone's heart.

The food transport team headed north, intending to spend two days returning to the city.

This distance is not too short, every day from morning to night, the sleeping time is compressed to only a few hours.

As these natives were walking forward, they saw two imperial men standing in front of a bush not far away. There were light red lantern fruits hanging on these bushes, but it seemed that they had no intention of picking them.

There are very few imperial people in this jungle, and the imperial people basically will not cross the Moyun Ridge, but the natives can tell at a glance that these two are imperial people, one of them is wearing a very delicate metal armor, It should be regarded as a young warrior, and the other is wearing a gorgeous robe, better than the clothes worn by the big witches in the tribe, and holding a wooden staff inlaid with gems in his hand.

There was no hostility in the eyes of these two imperial people. Although the group of natives maintained some vigilance, they had nothing to be afraid of. There were so many of them!

And they also know that almost all the imperial people wearing long robes don't know how to fight.

The natives originally didn't want to have any communication with these two people, but they were standing in a perfect position. They had never encountered a bush with so many ripe berries hanging on the road, and they really didn't want to give up this bush.

So the captain led everyone up...

The two imperial men looked exhausted, and the soldier could actually speak the native language, and said when he came up:

"We want to meet Elder Ambrobi. According to our agreement, I brought some weapons and food this time!"

The captain of the food transport team was a little dazed, and looked around again and again, wondering where they hid the transport team.

But they quickly accepted the two imperials, thinking that they would not lie about it...


That's how Suldak and Basil got into a food delivery team. The two of them originally wanted to fly a little further north.

But Basil's magic handle actually had a small problem. The magic circle on the levitation device needed to be repaired. Although he had the repaired magic materials with him, it needed to be ground into magic ink, which would take a little time. .

The two were discussing how to go north in front of a bush, when they saw the food transport team coming from the woods.

Suldak immediately went up to communicate. The captain was very friendly. Seeing that they were imperial people from Handanar County in the south, he invited them to ride in the only carriage of the grain transport team.

During the rest, the natives took out some food and distributed it to Suldak and Basil.

The climate here is relatively warm, but there is no harsh sunshine, and there is a cool wind blowing from the north.

Sitting in a place where the trees are not too dense to rest, looking at the green mountains and plains, will make people's hearts suddenly open.

Of course, Suldak was not a stingy person. After accepting the poor-looking food from the natives, he immediately took out a stack of baked wheat cakes from his magic pocket.

These were originally meant to be given to them, and at this time some were exchanged, and the natives readily accepted them.

The natives have never seen wheat cakes!

One bite, the rich aroma of wheat immediately made them chew with squinted eyes. This stuff is much more delicious than cassava dumplings.

The wheat cakes baked in the canteen of the West Route Army are almost completely made according to the marching standards. A wheat cake is about 14 inches, and a wheat cake is a day's ration.

According to the eating method of the heavy armored infantry of the West Route Army, a pot of thick soup is needed to eat with these wheat cakes.

These natives didn't use it at all. They just piled the lantern fruit they had just collected on the wheat cake, crushed it with their big hands, and then ate it with big mouthfuls.

Everyone ate a whole piece of toasted wheat cake, and they still seemed to be unsatisfied...

Finally, I did not forget to praise the deliciousness of these foods.

This stunned the magician Basil who sat frowning and ate the wheat cake. There was no butter, no meat pie and tomato cabbage. The wheat cake was simply unpalatable. He only cut half of his palm Such a big piece, nibbled at the side, and took a sip of the black tea in the kettle from time to time.

But seeing the satisfied expressions of this group of natives, Basil even wondered if they were eating the same kind of food as himself.

Suldak saw that the natives ate up all the wheat cakes in their hands, and took out another stack to share with everyone.

But what he didn't expect was that the group of natives didn't accept it happily. Although there was some longing in their eyes, no one took the initiative to take it. Even if Suldak handed over the wheat cake, they didn't accept it.

Surdak was a little strange, so he asked them:

"Why don't you take it? Don't you like to eat this?"

The captain of the food delivery team put his hands on his stomach and said shyly, "It's not that we don't like it. These are the most delicious things we've ever eaten. It's just that we really can't exchange anything with you."

"It's okay, I don't want your stuff, these wheat cakes are for you..."

No matter what Suldak said, the natives of the food transport team refused to accept it, especially when they heard that the food was to support the tribe against the frontline evil spirits, everyone shook their heads like rattles.

Gifts are not accepted, but exchanges are acceptable.

But they were so poor that they couldn't even wear fur clothes. Some of them were even wearing grass skirts and bare feet. They had almost nothing but a bundle of straw ropes on their backs.

However, Suldak later discovered that the indigenous men were covered in tattoos.

The tattoos in the indigenous tribes are almost always commemorative of something. For example, when they hunt for the first time in their lives, they will tattoo the appearance of their prey on their arms. A wife will also remember it.

That doesn't mean they have a bad memory, it's just custom...

These aborigines have some decorative necklaces on their necks and wrists. These necklaces are decorated with tough straw ropes and some animal teeth and polished bones. It’s just that they have been on them for too long. The original colors of the decorations are no longer visible.

Surdak saw that besides all kinds of strange teeth, there was actually a piece of turquoise the size of a thumbnail strung on the necklace of an aborigine.

That touch of bright green made Suldak stop his eyes. He pointed to the small stone and said to the native: "You can exchange this stone with me. This thing is not bad..."

The native didn't know whether he understood it or didn't understand it. Anyway, seeing Suldak pointing at his necklace, he immediately took the bone-tooth necklace off his neck and hung it on Suldak's arm. Going up, happily took another piece of wheat cake, then walked back shaking his head.

Instead of eating the wheat cake, he strung the wheat cake with a straw rope and hung it around his waist.

In fact, Suldak just wanted the turquoise gem. It seemed too much to exchange a gem for a stack of wheat cakes. Suldak even wanted to give him a skinning knife as compensation.

Suldak hurriedly called to the aborigine who seemed a little excited, and directly handed him a stack of wheat cakes in his hand, then pointed to the necklace and said, "This is more valuable and can be exchanged for more..."

In fact, he still wanted to put the skinning knife in the magic pocket, but the box where the skinning knife was stored was not so easy to find.

Seeing their companion standing there holding a stack of wheat cakes, the other natives knew that the necklace around their necks could be exchanged for wheat cakes, so they took off the necklaces around their necks and hung them on Suldak's arms.

These necklaces were filled with various strong body odors of the natives, which made Suldak almost vomit.

Suldak was a little dumbfounded, what would he use these things for?

Other necklaces don't have turquoise...

However, considering that they rejected them at this time, maybe they would not be willing to accept their gifts, they just gave out some worthless wheat cakes, so Suldak still solemnly moved out a wooden box and put these necklaces Put them in a box one by one.

He also asked the native in an aboriginal language: 'Where did you get the green rough stone on the necklace? '

The native faltered and mumbled his explanation for a long time. Suldak couldn't understand the name of the mountain he said. He only knew that at a place called Emnet, he saw the beautiful stone and picked it up.

Suldak didn't deliberately ask, a piece of turquoise can't actually represent anything...

However, as the number of necklaces in his hand increased, he found that this turquoise could also be seen on other indigenous necklaces.

Suldak asked casually, how many such stones are there in the mountains?

The answer is yes, there are many such stones by a small stream, because the color is a bit like the magic spar obtained from the black-horned elk. Some natives will pick up a few pieces, drill holes and wear them on necklaces .

Later, Suldak also saw some pierced magic crystals on the necklace, and even half of the devil's horn...

But what he was sure of was that there might be an emerald mine in this mountain.

Surdak felt that exchanging wheat cakes for gems was a bit too much.

So in the end, I found out the box containing the skinning knife in the magic pocket, and then gave each of these natives a skinning knife made of fine steel.

For a while, the atmosphere here became more harmonious...

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